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Martin speech- Harper seriously on the ropes !

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For all those like me who fear Stephen Harper and his "hidden agenda" (we'd be the biggest fools not to believe that there's tonnes of them), this morning's speech by the Prime Minister was what the doctor ordered.I had said before that all the prime minister needed to do was to remind Canadians the stark difference in view between the varying visions of Canada's future. That's all. Today, Paul Martin did just that. He brought the whole package and the part I liked best is the stephen harper quotes that he used that pretty much degraded Canadians to second class citizens when compared to the american (conservative american)counterparts. Brilliant ! I liked him using the term "right wing".

He went into the deep areas of discussion that the conservatives fear-women's right to choose, marriage rights to all etc. This is the conservatives nightmare. I would really like to see a liberal ad with Stephen Harper Addressing a bunch of George Bush's buddys. I think that will be the final nail in the coffin, but at this point not necessary.

Brilliant speech by an intelligent Prime Minister who is doing his very best to keep the country together, at the same time working just as hard to preserve and protect Canadian values.

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For all those like me who fear Stephen Harper and his "hidden agenda" (we'd be the biggest fools not to believe that there's tonnes of them), this morning's speech by the Prime Minister was what the doctor ordered.I had said before that all the prime minister needed to do was to remind Canadians the stark difference in view between the varying visions of Canada's future. That's all. Today, Paul Martin did just that. He brought the whole package and the part I liked best is the stephen harper quotes that he used that pretty much degraded Canadians to second class citizens when compared to the american (conservative american)counterparts. Brilliant ! I liked him using the term "right wing".

He went into the deep areas of discussion that the conservatives fear-women's right to choose, marriage rights to all etc. This is the conservatives nightmare. I would really like to see a liberal ad with Stephen Harper Addressing a bunch of George Bush's buddys. I think that will be the final nail in the coffin, but at this point not necessary.

Brilliant speech by an intelligent Prime Minister who is doing his very best to keep the country together, at the same time working just as hard to preserve and protect Canadian values.

Only two weeks to go, of course the hidden agenda will come out. Harper's pretty good at hiding this agenda don't you think? Only been doing it for 3 years.

So Belinda and Brison... what is it? How come we don't know what it is?

If you look at these quotes in context, of which the Liberals never offer, you find that they are far more moderate then you'd ever know. But people like you that fall into the hidden agenda trap obviously have no motivation for the truth, especially when you support a party that is the target of criminal investigations. Theft, fraud and misleading the public are not Canadian values.

You make a claim that Martin is keeping the country together... it is the sponsorship scandal that has divided Quebeckers. The Liberals, yet again, have created an environment favourable to separtists, just to have the ability to wrap themselves in the flag and come to the rescue. Go Captain Canada. Too bad most Canadians no longer believe these lies.

Saying that Harper is in support of these things is a complete lie. This is coming from the man (Martin) that would use the notwithstanding clause to defend rights, and himself voted against same-sex marriage. If Harper is some right-wing crazy, then Martin is a hypocritical right-wing crazy. I insist neither is true.

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For all those like me who fear Stephen Harper and his "hidden agenda" (we'd be the biggest fools not to believe that there's tonnes of them), this morning's speech by the Prime Minister was what the doctor ordered.I had said before that all the prime minister needed to do was to remind Canadians the stark difference in view between the varying visions of Canada's future. That's all. Today, Paul Martin did just that. He brought the whole package and the part I liked best is the stephen harper quotes that he used that pretty much degraded Canadians to second class citizens when compared to the american (conservative american)counterparts. Brilliant ! I liked him using the term "right wing".

He went into the deep areas of discussion that the conservatives fear-women's right to choose, marriage rights to all etc. This is the conservatives nightmare. I would really like to see a liberal ad with Stephen Harper Addressing a bunch of George Bush's buddys. I think that will be the final nail in the coffin, but at this point not necessary.

Brilliant speech by an intelligent Prime Minister who is doing his very best to keep the country together, at the same time working just as hard to preserve and protect Canadian values.

Only two weeks to go, of course the hidden agenda will come out. Harper's pretty good at hiding this agenda don't you think? Only been doing it for 3 years.

So Belinda and Brison... what is it? How come we don't know what it is?

If you look at these quotes in context, of which the Liberals never offer, you find that they are far more moderate then you'd ever know. But people like you that fall into the hidden agenda trap obviously have no motivation for the truth, especially when you support a party that is the target of criminal investigations. Theft, fraud and misleading the public are not Canadian values.

You make a claim that Martin is keeping the country together... it is the sponsorship scandal that has divided Quebeckers. The Liberals, yet again, have created an environment favourable to separtists, just to have the ability to wrap themselves in the flag and come to the rescue. Go Captain Canada. Too bad most Canadians no longer believe these lies.

Saying that Harper is in support of these things is a complete lie. This is coming from the man (Martin) that would use the notwithstanding clause to defend rights, and himself voted against same-sex marriage. If Harper is some right-wing crazy, then Martin is a hypocritical right-wing crazy. I insist neither is true.

The hidden agenda is supposedly "hidden" because Harper hasn't come out saying the things that would turn the voters off. and why would he ? he's flying the ship of the sponsorship scandal and he thinks that will take him to the promised land-except that Paul Martin never was obligated to exert pressure on him till now, this is election time.

I'll tell you what the hidden agenda is- and the biggest proof if it is harper's lack of denial ! Its to end a woman's right to choose, its to end homosexual marriages, its to take Canada into dubious wars and bring Canadians back in body bags, its to offer 1200.00 for child care which the prime minister showed comes down to 366.00/year after taxes (a buck a day), he has the ability to change canada's health care into an american style (have you ever had to subscribe to american health care like me ??? do you know the misery in that ??? ).

This is a dangerous man. There is no excuse for what some of the liberals have done, but to put in place this guy who has the ability to dangerously alter the course of canadian identity is outright shocker !

Quebecers are just as angry as all canadians on the sponsorship scandal. But I've got news for you my friend-they will split faster if Harper was in power. Separatism apart, Quebec is probably the french version of the NDP. If you are a quebecer, you have some motivation for staying in canada because at least your left leaning viewpoint coincides with the liberals. If however you bring in the conservatives, now you have a difference in not just linguistics but ideology. Quebecers are not fools. I expect them to vote Bloc, but they'll stay in canada as long as the conservatives are not in power.

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For all those like me who fear Stephen Harper and his "hidden agenda" (we'd be the biggest fools not to believe that there's tonnes of them), this morning's speech by the Prime Minister was what the doctor ordered.I had said before that all the prime minister needed to do was to remind Canadians the stark difference in view between the varying visions of Canada's future. That's all. Today, Paul Martin did just that. He brought the whole package and the part I liked best is the stephen harper quotes that he used that pretty much degraded Canadians to second class citizens when compared to the american (conservative american)counterparts. Brilliant ! I liked him using the term "right wing".

He went into the deep areas of discussion that the conservatives fear-women's right to choose, marriage rights to all etc. This is the conservatives nightmare. I would really like to see a liberal ad with Stephen Harper Addressing a bunch of George Bush's buddys. I think that will be the final nail in the coffin, but at this point not necessary.

Brilliant speech by an intelligent Prime Minister who is doing his very best to keep the country together, at the same time working just as hard to preserve and protect Canadian values.

Only two weeks to go, of course the hidden agenda will come out. Harper's pretty good at hiding this agenda don't you think? Only been doing it for 3 years.

So Belinda and Brison... what is it? How come we don't know what it is?

If you look at these quotes in context, of which the Liberals never offer, you find that they are far more moderate then you'd ever know. But people like you that fall into the hidden agenda trap obviously have no motivation for the truth, especially when you support a party that is the target of criminal investigations. Theft, fraud and misleading the public are not Canadian values.

You make a claim that Martin is keeping the country together... it is the sponsorship scandal that has divided Quebeckers. The Liberals, yet again, have created an environment favourable to separtists, just to have the ability to wrap themselves in the flag and come to the rescue. Go Captain Canada. Too bad most Canadians no longer believe these lies.

Saying that Harper is in support of these things is a complete lie. This is coming from the man (Martin) that would use the notwithstanding clause to defend rights, and himself voted against same-sex marriage. If Harper is some right-wing crazy, then Martin is a hypocritical right-wing crazy. I insist neither is true.

I may be speaking out of turn here but I believe one of the things Belinda said was there was a great deal of secrecy within the Leaders Circle and no other opinions were allowed and were not shared. It may have just been a bad dream I had though.... :P

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For all those like me who fear Stephen Harper and his "hidden agenda" (we'd be the biggest fools not to believe that there's tonnes of them), this morning's speech by the Prime Minister was what the doctor ordered.I had said before that all the prime minister needed to do was to remind Canadians the stark difference in view between the varying visions of Canada's future. That's all. Today, Paul Martin did just that. He brought the whole package and the part I liked best is the stephen harper quotes that he used that pretty much degraded Canadians to second class citizens when compared to the american (conservative american)counterparts. Brilliant ! I liked him using the term "right wing".

He went into the deep areas of discussion that the conservatives fear-women's right to choose, marriage rights to all etc. This is the conservatives nightmare. I would really like to see a liberal ad with Stephen Harper Addressing a bunch of George Bush's buddys. I think that will be the final nail in the coffin, but at this point not necessary.

Brilliant speech by an intelligent Prime Minister who is doing his very best to keep the country together, at the same time working just as hard to preserve and protect Canadian values.

Only two weeks to go, of course the hidden agenda will come out. Harper's pretty good at hiding this agenda don't you think? Only been doing it for 3 years.

So Belinda and Brison... what is it? How come we don't know what it is?

If you look at these quotes in context, of which the Liberals never offer, you find that they are far more moderate then you'd ever know. But people like you that fall into the hidden agenda trap obviously have no motivation for the truth, especially when you support a party that is the target of criminal investigations. Theft, fraud and misleading the public are not Canadian values.

You make a claim that Martin is keeping the country together... it is the sponsorship scandal that has divided Quebeckers. The Liberals, yet again, have created an environment favourable to separtists, just to have the ability to wrap themselves in the flag and come to the rescue. Go Captain Canada. Too bad most Canadians no longer believe these lies.

Saying that Harper is in support of these things is a complete lie. This is coming from the man (Martin) that would use the notwithstanding clause to defend rights, and himself voted against same-sex marriage. If Harper is some right-wing crazy, then Martin is a hypocritical right-wing crazy. I insist neither is true.

I may be speaking out of turn here but I believe one of the things Belinda said was there was a great deal of secrecy within the Leaders Circle and no other opinions were allowed and were not shared. It may have just been a bad dream I had though.... :P

In modern Democracies no man with a despotic streak will reveal his evil side beyond to his closest circle of closest evil friends. It's only AFTER he gets a majority mandate that he lets loose.

With a Conservative majority sewn up, all I can say is ....... God help us, everyone! :D

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I love it when people call canadian politicians EVIL as if this is some quantifiable fact.

I'll tell you what's evil, murdering people because they disagree with the government, raping women because you're in a position of power and the laws don't affect you, gassing thousands or millions of people who stand in your way, refusing to educate women or allow them to work, covering your women from head to toe so they can't be seen out in public, cutting off any outside media from your country, brainwashing citizens so they don't know of a better way of life, etc. etc. etc.

Saddam Hussein, The Taliban, Kim Jong Il, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Adolf Hitler, these are evil men.

Stephen Harper evil? Quit being so bloody melodramatic.

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To which leader was she referring? Martin or Harper? :lol:

I may be speaking out of turn here but I believe one of the things Belinda said was there was a great deal of secrecy within the Leaders Circle and no other opinions were allowed and were not shared. It may have just been a bad dream I had though.... :P
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This thread is ridiculous, you (liberals) don't want about the issues because no one believes you after 15 years of bull. So you talk about issues of the past such as abortion saying that the Conservatives will take away. well unfortunately recent polls in canada have shown that 60% of canada disapprove of abortion. Now you make ask yourself why is it not working this time because people fear so old man who stutters and is the biggest hypocrite in the world will become prime minister again and continue to embarrass this country. I like all other conservative wanted an issue orientated campaign but unfortunately the liberals have reduced themselves to petty and unfounded personal attacks so we now have to play defense well the real issues lose the spotlight.

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The following pretty much sums it up by Mr. Gamaro ....

Well, well. It turns out that Martin didn’t expect to keep this promise either, since his plan has been all along, to REMOVE the Not-Withstanding Clause from our constitution, thus relinquishing Parliamentary power to the non-elected judges, who shortly before, were mere ambulance chasers! So much for leadership!

Can you believe the arrogance of this man? Is there no limit to what he’s prepared to do, to impose on unsuspecting Canadians the LIEberal secret agenda? I mean, let’s not be naïve or should I say stupid? Is life in Canada better since the LIEberals took power in 1993?

* Are you paying lower taxes than before 1993?

* Do you have more disposable income than before 1993?

* Is there less crime in the streets of our cities, than before 1993?

* Are criminals given more just sentences now, than before 1993?

* Is your family life better than it was before 1993? Can you give your family better quality time than you did then, or are you forced to work harder than before to make ends meet?

* Has your income increased since 1993, at the same pace as the income of the Members of Parliament?

* In 1993, you could decide what your children would be taught to a great extent, as you should have the right to as a parent. Today, the state decides what your child will be taught, whether you like it or not, and the words Jesus Christ might not be pronounced in our public schools.

* Are you one of the 1.5 million people who don’t have a family doctor?

* Did you have to wait over one year to get a hip replacement, like I had to do, in 1993?

* Did we import as many criminals in 1993, at the expense of the security of Canadians as we do now? Remember, CSIS told us that there are 50 "dormant" cells of terrorists in Canada (no doubt, receiving assistance from our generous welfare programs).

* Did you pay as much for gasoline in 1993, as you do now?

* Do you have as much freedom of speech now, as you did in 1993? Remember Bishop Henry and countless others, who are, have been and will be frivolously persecuted by small interest groups, not only with the consent of the government, but even financed by it! Today, a "hate crime" law stops you from rejecting a lifestyle which may be contrary to your beliefs, under penalty of fines and jail term. Imagine! Just for expressing an opinion! Are we the Old Soviet Union or Canada?

If the LIEberals hadn’t been in power since 1993, the over $1 billion wouldn’t have disappeared from the HRDC. It would still be in the government’s coffers.

The gun control fiasco, wouldn’t have occurred, therefore we would have $2 billion more in the kitty.

The AdScam wouldn’t have taken place although we don’t know the exact figure, at least $350 million would still be in the kitty. People suspect this is only the tip of the iceberg, so who knows what the final figure could be.

This is only a small sample, but do you realize how much good $3.35 billion could have done for Canadians? How many MRI machines, new doctors, joint replacements, could have been paid for with that money?

In view of that, why would anyone in his/her right mind vote for the LIEberals?

Speaking of right minds, I’ve been saying this since the Bloc was formed. Why are a bunch of traitors to Canada allowed to sit in Parliament? Why are they permitted to hold the balance of power in Canada, when their only raison d’être, is to destroy our country?

To finalize this note, as I have said before, this election is not about your party or my party, nor about which platform suits you better. This election is about a party in power which has been blatantly caught with their fingers in the till and to this day, no one is in jail yet. Elect the LIEberals, and they will sweep it under their proverbial rug and keep on doing it.

Elect the NDP and they will ruin Canada twice as fast as the LIEberals have done it, vote for a one issue party or a marginal party and you’ll be hurting Canada, for it will be one less vote for the CPC.

On January 23rd, Stand up for Canada, vote Conservative!

Joseph Gamero is a freelance contributor to newspapers, magazines and websites.

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This thread is ridiculous, you (liberals) don't want about the issues because no one believes you after 15 years of bull. So you talk about issues of the past such as abortion saying that the Conservatives will take away. well unfortunately recent polls in canada have shown that 60% of canada disapprove of abortion. Now you make ask yourself why is it not working this time because people fear so old man who stutters and is the biggest hypocrite in the world will become prime minister again and continue to embarrass this country. I like all other conservative wanted an issue orientated campaign but unfortunately the liberals have reduced themselves to petty and unfounded personal attacks so we now have to play defense well the real issues lose the spotlight.

as much as i'd like a liberal win, there is a part of me that wants the conservatives to win for 1 term just to show canada what the other option is all about. it just might happen that way. things have been great for 13 years, life in canada is lots better than most places in the world. sometimes we can take things for granted, and that includes the few liberal mps who have betrayed our trust. but 1 term under conservative rule will be enough to show canadians the nastyness of "the other option".

a win for the conservatives now could end up being the long term blessing in disguise that the liberals and NDPs need.

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You have got to kidding me. With all of the issues in this campaign, suddenly liberals are picking abortion as the reason Harper is evil? I may be wrong, but wasn't Mulroney in when the Supreme Court ruled on the subject.

As for the health care mantra, which liberals manage to wrap themselves every election about this time, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the Supreme Court of all institutions has indicated there is no proof a private element in public health care will be the death of the program. Jesus, the Supreme Court!

Well what about the military then? What a pathetic advertisement released in the last few days to get this point cross. Why do liberals even bother to purport to have a military plan and just declare Canada to be a neutral country?

Then daycare, yes daycare, that must be what the Tories will take away. Uh, take what away? After 13 years of power there is no national daycare plan.

The hallmark of the liberal election strategy (past and present) is to make every promise imaginable and then not deliver. The beauty of this strategy is their ambitions were so ridiculous in the first place, nobody expects them to be achieved.

What's the next plank in the liberal platform, a perpetual motion machine?

Another thing. Martin has now indicated that he will dispatch with the notwithstanding clause (somehow). This he indicates can be done through a mere parliamentary declaration, yet constitutonal experts agree the provinces must be consulted in accordance with the changing mechanism found in the constitution. How does a party that doesn't even understand the constitution deserve your vote?

Someone once said that Elsie Wayne could have run for the Nazi dog-killing party in her hay-day and still got elected in her riding. Apparently the same can be said for the sheep who vote for Martin.

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The "Harper hidden agenda" seem sto be the left-wing version of "the gay agenda". No one knows what it its, but damn if it isn't scary.

Thing is, Harper's agenda isn't particularily hidden. It's pretty obvious he wants to move the country to the right, away from the Canada of the hated Liberals and closer to the neoconservativism of the U.S. of A. Fortunately, Canadians don't want that, which has caused Harper to water himself down to the point where the Cons can now advertise themselves as "Just like the Liberals, only 99 per cent scandal free". By gunning for the mushy middle (read:Ontario) Harper has had to set the neocon agenda aside. Once in power, he may pick it up again, but to do so would be to risk the wrath of an electorate taht is currently wiling to give him the benefit of the doubt.

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Harper has had to set the neocon agenda aside. Once in power, he may pick it up again, but to do so would be to risk the wrath of an electorate taht is currently wiling to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Indeed. I'm not as convinced as others that Harper was ever as "neocon" as his detractors conted, but aside from that, I agree with what you're saying.

A Conservative win would almost certainly be a minority government, which means that Harper would be unable to pass any particularly radical legislation in any case, and also that Harper would have to go back before the voters sooner rather than later anyway. Why do people assume he would want to commit political suicide by contradicting his election promises? Harper does not to condemn his party to another 13 years on the scrap-heap of history.

I missed Martin's big speech that supposedly has Harper on the ropes. I did catch some of Martin responses to questions afterwards, though. He looked like a frightened, desperate man. A reporter asked him whether his pledge to ditch tne NWS clause would render the government unable to act to protect public healthcare from a Supreme Court ruling, and Martin was like a deer caught in the headlights. He spent more time stammering, stuttering, and saying "uh" than actually answering the question, and once he did respond, he was throwing around the same catch-phrases ("cherry-pick rights", etc) and completely failed to address the actual question. It had to have added to the speculation that this idea was something that the Liberals, or Martin himself, thought up on the spur of the moment. Kinsella, on CTV this afternoon, said that the Liberals had to give out free tickets and call supporters over from Queen's Park to get a respectable turnout for Martin's speech.

I also saw Harper, on CPAC, responding to reporter questions in both languages in New Brunswick. In sharp contrast to Martin, Harper seemed relaxed and casual with the reporters. Even in responding to questions about the attack-ads and the old quotes being used against him, Harper seemed completely comfortable and at home, and the difference between Harper now versus the Harper that's had such a bristly relationship with the media was striking.

Watching Harper and Martin both interacting with the press within a few minutes of each other, the difference was night and day and it seems very clear which one of the men is the one on the ropes.


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The "Harper hidden agenda" seem sto be the left-wing version of "the gay agenda". No one knows what it its, but damn if it isn't scary.

Thing is, Harper's agenda isn't particularily hidden. It's pretty obvious he wants to move the country to the right, away from the Canada of the hated Liberals and closer to the neoconservativism of the U.S. of A. Fortunately, Canadians don't want that, which has caused Harper to water himself down to the point where the Cons can now advertise themselves as "Just like the Liberals, only 99 per cent scandal free". By gunning for the mushy middle (read:Ontario) Harper has had to set the neocon agenda aside. Once in power, he may pick it up again, but to do so would be to risk the wrath of an electorate taht is currently wiling to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Does Harper want to move Canada to the right? What does that mean exactly?

The two social issues that matter are abortion and gay marriage. Harper has said he won't open up the abortion issue (although we should because Canada has no law at all at present). As to SSM, Harper has said he'll leave it up to a free vote. If Harper forms a government (and there are still over 10 days in the campaign during which lots can happen), it will only be through the election of many sort-of socially-liberal members who no doubt have other priorities.

More importantly, Harper wants to reduce the size of the federal government and respect the sovereign jurisdictions of the provincial governments.

In the short run, Harper will be busy cutting the GST, setting up the child care payment and so on.

The Left uses these radical terms "neo-con", "extreme right wing" and "slash and burn" when the reality is more mundane.

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You foolish, foolish Conservative supporters, the Liberals are far more intelligent and sensitive than you, stop bothering to look up policy, or read quotes in context, ye of little faith must simply listen. Listen carefully, the Liberals will tell you what their opponents policies are (both those spoken and unsaid). Their spidey senses help them read between the lines and determine their opponents real feelings. You could never do this as you have no feelings you're insensitive.

Now as for faith, you've been fooled into beleiving that this could somehow be associated with religion, you guys are soooo backward, the messiah was named Pierre, you know he has his own mountian now and soon we'll be able to make pilgrimidges there.

Now go back to watching TV, but make sure its the CBC.

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The "Harper hidden agenda" seem sto be the left-wing version of "the gay agenda". No one knows what it its, but damn if it isn't scary.


Does Harper want to move Canada to the right? What does that mean exactly?

The two social issues that matter are abortion and gay marriage. Harper has said he won't open up the abortion issue (although we should because Canada has no law at all at present). As to SSM, Harper has said he'll leave it up to a free vote. If Harper forms a government (and there are still over 10 days in the campaign during which lots can happen), it will only be through the election of many sort-of socially-liberal members who no doubt have other priorities.

More importantly, Harper wants to reduce the size of the federal government and respect the sovereign jurisdictions of the provincial governments.

In the short run, Harper will be busy cutting the GST, setting up the child care payment and so on.

The Left uses these radical terms "neo-con", "extreme right wing" and "slash and burn" when the reality is more mundane.

Well said, there seems to be a lot of hypobole these days, the chicken little sky is falling rhetoric seems to be getting more desperate.

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For all those like me who fear Stephen Harper and his "hidden agenda" (we'd be the biggest fools

I believe the present tense would be more accurate here.

not to believe that there's tonnes of them), this morning's speech by the Prime Minister was what the doctor ordered.I had said before that all the prime minister needed to do was to remind Canadians the stark difference in view between the varying visions of Canada's future.

Paul Martin has no vision of Canada's future. I think we've seen that fairly clearly over the past few years.

He went into the deep areas of discussion that the conservatives fear-women's right to choose, marriage rights to all etc. This is the conservatives nightmare. I would really like to see a liberal ad with Stephen Harper Addressing a bunch of George Bush's buddys. I think that will be the final nail in the coffin, but at this point not necessary

You call dishonest fearmongering "deep areas of discussion"? I'm not sure what that says about you, but probably nothing good.

Brilliant speech by an intelligent Prime Minister who is doing his very best to keep the country together, at the same time working just as hard to preserve and protect Canadian values.

What values; lies, corruption and incompetence? Everything this two-faced wretched claims a deep emotional attachment to is so much phoney bluster. He's deeply attached to health care, but slashed it again and again during his time as Finance Minister. He is dedicated to education but didn't have any problem solving his budget problems on the backs of students. He says he wants to protect the constitution by removing the Notwithstanding clause (a clause he himself said he would use if he ever found the courts getting too far out of line) even though he knews we wouldn't have a constitution without it and even though he knows there is no way in hell he can do it. He is all for open government, but his government was the most secretive in history. He is all for giving MPs more power even though under him the PMO was so powerful even cabinet ministers were nobodies. He talks sternly about bringing in minimum sentences for violent crime even though he and his caucus were jeering at the selfsame Tory demands only weeks ago, and even though he has shortchange the RCMP for the last ten years.

The man is a venal, arrogant, self-serving weasel, and the sooner he is gone the better.

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Last election the NDP aired an advertisment in B.C that compared stephen harper to Gordon Campbell, and you know thats probabley the fairest attack add ever thrown at the guy. Stephen Harper and his policies will probabley resemble the philosophy of Gordon Campbells Liberals. It is not so much a hidden agenda as it is an agenda that some members of the NDP will not like because they are ideologicaly opposed to it and the liberals will be angry because they didn't think of it first. However in the end the hidden agenda is not hidden it only sounds scary and that is why it is used, I don't expect the conservatives to go around hugging trees, kissing bunnies, visting a Louis Riel shrine, all the while driving a Toyota Prius. However, if that is what you expect yes you will be in for a shock. I do not support everything the CPC does and I won't be voting for them this election but I sure as hell am not gonna be suprised If/when Stephen Harper anounces his first budget and if you are suprised by his budget than you probabley were not capable of making it to a polling booth all by yourself in the first place.

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That is ninsense, August. The social issues that matter are not just abortion ans SS. There everything that goes to make up a civil society.

Harper on that score is determined to widen the drifts in Canada. For example, Canada has one of the widest levels of income equality in the Western World. Every Harper policy is designed to further widen the gaps. From healthcare to childcare.

Harper's agenda is not hidden; never has been - as Black Dog implied. It is just that Conservative supporters cannot see them while they wear blindfolds.

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"Canada has one of the widest levels of income equality in the Western World."

Have you ever lived in or travelled in a Communist county ? While they have a great deal of income equality

(except for the corrupt leaders aka Libs) the problem is that most everyone one is destitute with no way to raise their standard of living. While I agree that the very rich in any western country make too much it's preferable to living in a country where everyone is destitute or worse starving.

You will find that in most African countries they have achieved your dream of income equality.

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For all those like me who fear Stephen Harper and his "hidden agenda" (we'd be the biggest fools not to believe that there's tonnes of them), this morning's speech by the Prime Minister was what the doctor ordered.I had said before that all the prime minister needed to do was to remind Canadians the stark difference in view between the varying visions of Canada's future. That's all. Today, Paul Martin did just that. He brought the whole package and the part I liked best is the stephen harper quotes that he used that pretty much degraded Canadians to second class citizens when compared to the american (conservative american)counterparts. Brilliant ! I liked him using the term "right wing".

He went into the deep areas of discussion that the conservatives fear-women's right to choose, marriage rights to all etc. This is the conservatives nightmare. I would really like to see a liberal ad with Stephen Harper Addressing a bunch of George Bush's buddys. I think that will be the final nail in the coffin, but at this point not necessary.

Brilliant speech by an intelligent Prime Minister who is doing his very best to keep the country together, at the same time working just as hard to preserve and protect Canadian values.

Are so naive not to see Martin hanged himself by that stupid pledge that would destroy our constitution and leave us slaves to whatever changes the courts want to make to our Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Now, I know that having been an American liberal you probably think the court is where law is made. In the USA, the court is where Liberals bring laws no house or senate would ever pass nor the people by ballot initiative. And when the people do get the chance to make law by ballot initiative -- and liberals don't like the law -- they run back to the courts and have it overturned by the first liberal activist judge they can find.

Now ... back to the matter at hand.

Not two weeks ago Martin himself pledged to use the Notwithstanding Clause to protect religions from having to marry homosexuals which goes against their doctrines, should the SPOC force them to by ruling as such. If he removed the Notwithstanding Clause from the constitution, how could he ever keep that promise? The answer? He can't. The courts could run roughshod over our rights at their convenience and we would be powerless to stop it.

Martin's so busy promising things trying to curry favor with the Canadian electorate that he's lost track of what's he's promised and whether some would make others impossible or not.

And people will still vote for this man. Laughable.

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I am truly disgusted that our political system has come down to this...don't vote for me because of what I will do, vote for me because the other guy is scary. Mr. Harper is not scary. What scares me is a Prime Minister that wants to hand over the power of 35,000,000 Canadians to 9 judges. That is truly scary! A Prime Minister that would okay an attack ad that uses the Canadian military as a pawn is scary. Canadians that would continue to prop up a government with the record of the Liberals is scary. The next stop on the path of a Liberal government is Quebec seperation and a growing seperatist movement in Alberta. Not good for Canada and very scary.

All Mr. Harper has done is lay out his agenda from day one of this election. Nothing hidden. I just feel that very few of you are thinking correctly and are buying into Liberal fearmongering. In essence you've been duped. Shame on you for your ignorance.


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I am truly disgusted that our political system has come down to this...don't vote for me because of what I will do, vote for me because the other guy is scary. Mr. Harper is not scary. What scares me is a Prime Minister that wants to hand over the power of 35,000,000 Canadians to 9 judges. That is truly scary! A Prime Minister that would okay an attack ad that uses the Canadian military as a pawn is scary. Canadians that would continue to prop up a government with the record of the Liberals is scary. The next stop on the path of a Liberal government is Quebec seperation and a growing seperatist movement in Alberta. Not good for Canada and very scary.

All Mr. Harper has done is lay out his agenda from day one of this election. Nothing hidden. I just feel that very few of you are thinking correctly and are buying into Liberal fearmongering. In essence you've been duped. Shame on you for your ignorance.


Only one proper response to that Kula .... AMEN!

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