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We played our hand with how we handled the Covid Virus. Now our enemies know.

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4 hours ago, Goddess said:

I cant believe the amount of disinformation in this thread.

I'm pretty sure that you are exaggerating. You probably would have fallen off your chair if there wasn't a buttload of disinformation here.

I don't think that we're dealing with concerned Canadian/American citizens in this forum. I think that the vaxtards/Demmies are actually foreign influencers with bad intentions. 

No one's dumb enough to look at a 30% increase in deaths, with almost 90% coming from the 'vaxed', and still argue that it works. These aren't people who are interested in debating the topics at all, they are enemies of Canada/America/the west in general whose only goal is to push false narratives. 

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22 hours ago, robosmith said:

You're wrong. There were many OTHER measures (like testing, tracking and quarantine) which were IGNORED by Trump because he was trying to HIDE the pandemic.

As illustrated by his comments ON TAPE to Woodward, in which he admitted it was much more serious than he was saying PUBLICLY. AKA, LYING.

Not a super Trump fan here, but he was more right on covid than others were:


He just didn't want to build or ride a Panic Train.


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7 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I'm pretty sure that you are exaggerating. You probably would have fallen off your chair if there wasn't a buttload of disinformation here.

I don't think that we're dealing with concerned Canadian/American citizens in this forum. I think that the vaxtards/Demmies are actually foreign influencers with bad intentions. 

No one's dumb enough to look at a 30% increase in deaths, with almost 90% coming from the 'vaxed', and still argue that it works. These aren't people who are interested in debating the topics at all, they are enemies of Canada/America/the west in general whose only goal is to push false narratives. 

Probably true. Look at the "Bring back masks" rally held in Vancouver.

They physically attacked counter protesters.

Coronamaniacs are not sane. 

Edited by Goddess
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9 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I dunno.

Well that explains it then.

9 minutes ago, Goddess said:

How do you not know how to use a search bar?

The Internet is huge. Much easier for YOU to learn how to post a link since YOU CLAIM to KNOW about it.

But since you have no link, maybe you DON'T.

6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

He knows. He just types "shiniest new leftard disinformation" into it and clicks enter.

Your juvenile mockery only proves you're NOT SERIOUS HERE.


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17 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I'm pretty sure that you are exaggerating. You probably would have fallen off your chair if there wasn't a buttload of disinformation here.

I don't think that we're dealing with concerned Canadian/American citizens in this forum. I think that the vaxtards/Demmies are actually foreign influencers with bad intentions. 

No one's dumb enough to look at a 30% increase in deaths, with almost 90% coming from the 'vaxed', and still argue that it works. These aren't people who are interested in debating the topics at all, they are enemies of Canada/America/the west in general whose only goal is to push false narratives. 

You're dumb enough to look at a graph showing 2-10 times greater death rates among the US unvaccinated and STILL repeat LIES about vaccines not working.

Not to mention pharma TRIALS of 10s of thousands which ALSO shows it working.

Maybe in Canada, those trials are not done. But I doubt that. LMAO.

7 minutes ago, Goddess said:

This forum is not.

Search bar.

Prove it. Post a link of your search results.

Here's mine: https://repolitics.com/forums/search/?q=trickle&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=9

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13 minutes ago, robosmith said:

You're dumb enough to look at a graph showing 2-10 times greater death rates among the US unvaccinated and STILL repeat LIES about vaccines not working.

Not to mention pharma TRIALS of 10s of thousands which ALSO shows it working.

Maybe in Canada, those trials are not done. But I doubt that. LMAO.

Prove it. Post a link of your search results.

Here's mine: https://repolitics.com/forums/search/?q=trickle&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=9


It's the third topic down when I use the search bar.

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3 hours ago, robosmith said:

You need to prove the differences pre, during and post pandemic.

1.2 MILLION+ excess US deaths during the pandemic.


Those are just numbers. No context.

This doesn't show how many had underlying issues. How many were frail, and highly vulnerable. The true nature of the danger can only be quantified with context.

Otherwise, I could go to the hospital with a shattered leg, catch covid and be statistically represented as someone with covid who has been hospitalized. Its not a lie, but is highly deceptive. Like paying more taxes in Canada, will somehow stop climate change that is being contributed to, globally. 

Numbers devoid of context, don't mean much if trying to depict risk to people. 

Should we be cautious, or do we risk death in simply going outside?

This is precisely how propaganda works. Control ones mind you can control their body.

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8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It's not a 'bonkers proposition' that China released that virus intentionally:

1) It came out right after Trump started crowing about "winning a trade war against China"

2) It targets people who are elderly with co-morbidities, obesity being one of the main ones. It basically seeks out Americans. (What % of Americans are obese? What % of Chinese?)

3) The Chinese gov't was quite willing to 'deal with' excess babies, do you think that they'd worry about a vax that kills off people who are past the age of being able to contribute to society? Those people also require a great deal of full-time help from the younger generations just to stay alive, which takes them out of the work force...

It would be bonkers to say that there's a 100% chance that's what happened, but it would be equally bonkers to dismiss the possibility entirely. 

IMO you are giving Chinese mastery of genetic manipulation way too much credit by suggesting they have the capability to "target" a virus through genetic manipulation.

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5 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

Those are just numbers. No context.

This doesn't show how many had underlying issues. How many were frail, and highly vulnerable. The true nature of the danger can only be quantified with context.

Otherwise, I could go to the hospital with a shattered leg, catch covid and be statistically represented as someone with covid who has been hospitalized. Its not a lie, but is highly deceptive. Like paying more taxes in Canada, will somehow stop climate change that is being contributed to, globally. 

Numbers devoid of context, don't mean much if trying to depict risk to people. 

Should we be cautious, or do we risk death in simply going outside?

This is precisely how propaganda works. Control ones mind you can control their body.

The context does not matter beyond the FACT that THE MAJOR DIFFERENCE from past years was the pandemic.

Whether the deaths were PRIMARILY caused by COVID or a secondary result, does not matter.

Excess deaths were primarily caused by the pandemic.

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13 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Excess deaths were primarily caused by the pandemic.

Too many pieces in motion. 

Many of the deaths could have been caused by other means.

A homeless drug addict overdosing because of the pandemics policies, catches covid and you're right--he died because of the pandemic.

But doesn't prove anything other than  the pandemic doing more harm than covid due to horrible policies which conflated safety, with playing politics.

It also ignores age ranges. Why is that? 

The vast majority of those who died, were within a set age range, but the media were hell bent on creating fear in all.

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56 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Too many pieces in motion. 

Many of the deaths could have been caused by other means.

A homeless drug addict overdosing because of the pandemics policies, catches covid and you're right--he died because of the pandemic.

But doesn't prove anything other than  the pandemic doing more harm than covid due to horrible policies which conflated safety, with playing politics.

It also ignores age ranges. Why is that? 

The vast majority of those who died, were within a set age range, but the media were hell bent on creating fear in all.

Contagious diseases affect ALL. Young infected people SPREAD the disease to the more vulnerable population, esp before the vaccine was available.

Sure you might be able to pick out smallish groups who were NOT directly afflicted with COVID, but they are a small percentage of the vast increase of 1.2 MILLION.

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5 hours ago, robosmith said:

Contagious diseases affect ALL.

No doubt, but routine lockdowns do just as much damage if not more, if over done. 

Bad policies, as well.

Homelessness in places like California, saw increases upwards of 70%. Many other states saw similar increases. The full 2022 tally is still unavailable, but again. It doesn't need to be.

Common sense plays a role here. Many are not accounted for. They are stateless.

Looking at any downtown core in any major US or Canadian city, is a bit more telling. 

My city, along with many others that I consider my home away from home, including outside of my country, have seen an immense explosion in homelessness. Its insanely visible. 

Vancouver had increases over 600% during the outbreak, and was overwhelmed, as were many other cities.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist. 

Lockdowns save lives, but must be balanced with the considering the mental health of the masses. It otherwise destroys them, but hey, at least they suffer while breathing, right?

You will otherwise see trends pointing to a major underlying issue that was created (or rather immensely worsened) by the pandemic.

IE substance abuse, women shelters that are overwhelmed, crisis phone lines that are well above capacity, homeless shelters that cannot handle the immense influx of people, etc etc etc.

Or if you seek measurable. The livability standard pre and post pandemic.

Average salary, average house cost and how realitistic buying one would be. How realistic renting would be. How hard buying something like a box of eggs could be.

How hard up your middle class is. Considering this is the measuring stick for how well an economy is doing, as this is your spending class.

Am considered middle class, and the immensely increased cost of living has forced me to start budgeting in a way I never had to before.

Me and the wife traveled annually, on a whim. 

What was a 1, 500$ round trip flight each, is now 2, 600$. Each head.

I know so many people who bought homes in the 300 to 400k range. Those homes literally nearly doubled in value, making them unsellable.

I know plenty in this predicament. One of which being a sibling who's home is work almost a million.

Sell, and where would they go? Apartment? Large apartments would cost them more than their mortgage.

They literally cannot afford a house, let alone townhouse of equivalent size.

Am talking Canada, but Biden has put forth poor policies which affect Americans just as badly, or even worse.

Pointing to 1.5 million deaths devoid of context, is propaganda.

Context does matter.

Avoiding it, avoids looking at the unintended consequences of poor policies, and only blaming Trumps administration for the heavy initial death toll, but ignores the fall out since Biden took over, which also carried a high death toll, along with many issues Americans are still grappling with.

But hey, pointing fingers is easy. Challenge, is weighing pros and cons. 

Simplifying it to "at least we reduced deaths", ignores the consequences of taking draconian measures to do so.

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7 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

No doubt, but routine lockdowns do just as much damage if not more, if over done. 

Bad policies, as well.

Homelessness in places like California, saw increases upwards of 70%. Many other states saw similar increases. The full 2022 tally is still unavailable, but again. It doesn't need to be.

Common sense plays a role here. Many are not accounted for. They are stateless.

Looking at any downtown core in any major US or Canadian city, is a bit more telling. 

My city, along with many others that I consider my home away from home, including outside of my country, have seen an immense explosion in homelessness. Its insanely visible. 

Vancouver had increases over 600% during the outbreak, and was overwhelmed, as were many other cities.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist. 

Lockdowns save lives, but must be balanced with the considering the mental health of the masses. It otherwise destroys them, but hey, at least they suffer while breathing, right?

You will otherwise see trends pointing to a major underlying issue that was created (or rather immensely worsened) by the pandemic.

IE substance abuse, women shelters that are overwhelmed, crisis phone lines that are well above capacity, homeless shelters that cannot handle the immense influx of people, etc etc etc.

Or if you seek measurable. The livability standard pre and post pandemic.

Average salary, average house cost and how realitistic buying one would be. How realistic renting would be. How hard buying something like a box of eggs could be.

How hard up your middle class is. Considering this is the measuring stick for how well an economy is doing, as this is your spending class.

Am considered middle class, and the immensely increased cost of living has forced me to start budgeting in a way I never had to before.

Me and the wife traveled annually, on a whim. 

What was a 1, 500$ round trip flight each, is now 2, 600$. Each head.

I know so many people who bought homes in the 300 to 400k range. Those homes literally nearly doubled in value, making them unsellable.

I know plenty in this predicament. One of which being a sibling who's home is work almost a million.

Sell, and where would they go? Apartment? Large apartments would cost them more than their mortgage.

They literally cannot afford a house, let alone townhouse of equivalent size.

Am talking Canada, but Biden has put forth poor policies which affect Americans just as badly, or even worse.

Pointing to 1.5 million deaths devoid of context, is propaganda.

Context does matter.

Avoiding it, avoids looking at the unintended consequences of poor policies, and only blaming Trumps administration for the heavy initial death toll, but ignores the fall out since Biden took over, which also carried a high death toll, along with many issues Americans are still grappling with.

But hey, pointing fingers is easy. Challenge, is weighing pros and cons. 

Simplifying it to "at least we reduced deaths", ignores the consequences of taking draconian measures to do so.

All of ^this is temporary. Except the DEATHS, which are of course, PERMANENT.

BTW, you need to go back and fix the mistakes in what you wrote. What does "who's home is work almost a million." mean?

"many issues Americans are still grappling with" like inflation which has subsided to 3%?

We're really sorry that you can no longer travel "on a whim."

It took a lot of planning, but in May and June I went around the world stopping in 5 cities and it only cost me ~$3000 cash, cause I know how to get flights and hotels for next to nothing (including First Class from Athens to Kathmandu).

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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

It took a lot of planning, but in May and June I went around the world stopping in 5 cities and it only cost me ~$3000 cash, cause I know how to get flights and hotels for next to nothing (including First Class from Athens to Kathmandu).

Which city was you in when you took this picture?



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On 9/1/2023 at 1:08 PM, robosmith said:

Except the DEATHS, which are of course, PERMANENT.

A responsible government must weigh out the unintended consequences of protections vs the toll that will be placed onto the mental health of its citizens. The financial toll. 

One extreme is no better than the other.

To dismiss the other stating at least it isn't death, dismisses the women who were trapped in abusive relationships due to lockdowns making it impossible to get out.

Strains on finances worsening the abuse. Shelters being overwhelmed, compounding the problem.

Those who had jobs and struggling, who fell through deeper social cracks, now addicted to drugs and substances. Homeless.

That, or living out of their vehicles. Plenty of people with good jobs, no longer able to provide themselves with shelter, as food takes the precedent.

Those who had apartments, forced to move out. 

Death is permanent, but to many, would be better than homelessness. Losing everything you worked for.

You clearly have never experienced rock bottom in life, if you feel that avoiding death trumps any other consequences from bad policies.

I know people who had jobs, homes and bumped into them, finding out they have been homeless after losing their livelihood. Perfectly functional people, relegated to drug and substance abuse.

Okay fine, a couple years isn't permanent like death. 

The amount of issues these ongoing lockdowns created, will only be known in a few years.

From unscreened cancers, to liver and kidney failure from the excessive drinking just about everyone did, due to the constant fear mongering that went on.

On 9/1/2023 at 1:08 PM, robosmith said:

What does "who's home is work almost a million." mean?

Home is worth. Simple typo. 

If you're focusing on spelling mistakes, you really have nothing to bring to the discussion. 

I don't obsess about my spelling errors. I like to be in the moment in life, because tomorrow isn't promised. I give setbacks little energy as a result, focusing solely on what I control.

One of the laws of happiness. 

On 9/1/2023 at 1:08 PM, robosmith said:

only cost me ~$3000 cash, cause I know how to get 

I see something like this, and am curious as to where you went.

How many oceans did you fly over? Hotels did you stay in, hostels or Air bnbs. Length of the trip?

Easy to boast of a low price tag, if you took a train across Europe and stayed in hostels.

A lot harder to stay in that budget traveling say from New York, to Tokyo Japan for a month trip.

I have traveled the globe. Roughed it out. Took holiday maker visas to earn money to avoid spending money, booked flights on the cheapest week days out of season, savvy to liquidations hotels tend to put out, etc.

None of this will help you in a cross ocean flight of 15+ hours.

Also, am married. I won't rough it out with the wife, nor would I with kids. My focus is them being comfortable. 

Now, if you flew across many oceans, stayed at nothing less than 5 star hotels for a month, eating out, daily, then I will be impressed, but also knowing you're lying.

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50 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

A responsible government must weigh out the unintended consequences of protections vs the toll that will be placed onto the mental health of its citizens. The financial toll. 

One extreme is no better than the other.

To dismiss the other stating at least it isn't death, dismisses the women who were trapped in abusive relationships due to lockdowns making it impossible to get out.

Strains on finances worsening the abuse. Shelters being overwhelmed, compounding the problem.

Those who had jobs and struggling, who fell through deeper social cracks, now addicted to drugs and substances. Homeless.

That, or living out of their vehicles. Plenty of people with good jobs, no longer able to provide themselves with shelter, as food takes the precedent.

Those who had apartments, forced to move out. 

Death is permanent, but to many, would be better than homelessness. Losing everything you worked for.

You clearly have never experienced rock bottom in life, if you feel that avoiding death trumps any other consequences from bad policies.

I know people who had jobs, homes and bumped into them, finding out they have been homeless after losing their livelihood. Perfectly functional people, relegated to drug and substance abuse.

Okay fine, a couple years isn't permanent like death. 

The amount of issues these ongoing lockdowns created, will only be known in a few years.

From unscreened cancers, to liver and kidney failure from the excessive drinking just about everyone did, due to the constant fear mongering that went on.

Home is worth. Simple typo. 

If you're focusing on spelling mistakes, you really have nothing to bring to the discussion. 

I don't obsess about my spelling errors. I like to be in the moment in life, because tomorrow isn't promised. I give setbacks little energy as a result, focusing solely on what I control.

One of the laws of happiness. 

I see something like this, and am curious as to where you went.

How many oceans did you fly over? Hotels did you stay in, hostels or Air bnbs. Length of the trip?

Easy to boast of a low price tag, if you took a train across Europe and stayed in hostels.

A lot harder to stay in that budget traveling say from New York, to Tokyo Japan for a month trip.

I have traveled the globe. Roughed it out. Took holiday maker visas to earn money to avoid spending money, booked flights on the cheapest week days out of season, savvy to liquidations hotels tend to put out, etc.

None of this will help you in a cross ocean flight of 15+ hours.

Also, am married. I won't rough it out with the wife, nor would I with kids. My focus is them being comfortable. 

Now, if you flew across many oceans, stayed at nothing less than 5 star hotels for a month, eating out, daily, then I will be impressed, but also knowing you're lying.

You don't know crap. My return trip from Cairns Australia to San Diego cost 40,000 United miles.

In 3.5 weeks I stayed at 5 star hotels, Airbnb, and a mid rated Hotel in downtown Athens. Nice on the inside.

Here's a clue for you: collect miles and points from credit card sign up bonuses. ?

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

You don't know crap.

You traveled alone. 

1 hour ago, robosmith said:

Here's a clue for you: collect miles and points from credit card sign up bonuses. ?

My business TD Visa card has racked millions of points, and have used it to fly before for free.

For personal, I just don't spend enough to justify, plus won't open a bank account just for points. I prefer doing so for investment.

Here's a clue for you.

I have saved tens of thousands, simply sacrificing on the expenses to save for the trip as has the wife.

Coupled with booking trips during off seasons, taking advantage of liquidation sales and understanding their timing for where we stay, ensuring we can cook and taking advantage of markets and so on.

 We have stayed at luxurious hotels, including cities as expensive as Tokyo, Hong Kong and places like Singapore for a fraction of the rates typically advertised.

If you're going to try to "son" someone, at least make sure they haven't traveled the globe.

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2 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

You traveled alone. 

Nope. My gf went to London and Paris with me; we stayed free at Hyatt and IHG hotels. I went on around the world, but she had to get back.

2 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

My business TD Visa card has racked millions of points, and have used it to fly before for free.

For personal, I just don't spend enough to justify, plus won't open a bank account just for points. I prefer doing so for investment.

Here's a clue for you.

I have saved tens of thousands, simply sacrificing on the expenses to save for the trip as has the wife.

Coupled with booking trips during off seasons, taking advantage of liquidation sales and understanding their timing for where we stay, ensuring we can cook and taking advantage of markets and so on.

 We have stayed at luxurious hotels, including cities as expensive as Tokyo, Hong Kong and places like Singapore for a fraction of the rates typically advertised.

If you're going to try to "son" someone, at least make sure they haven't traveled the globe.

Doesn't sound like "whim" travel to me. Opening new CC accounts does not prevent me from doing ANY investments.

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