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The Dylan Mulvaney Effect

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2 minutes ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

Listen to yourself. The ONLY way you can feel like a man is to threaten someone on the internet? Sorry buttercup, that is just pathetic. I am even willing to bet you are so insecure in your manhood you won't let this go until you get the last word in. Tell you what, I wouldn't want you to lose sleep tonight thinking you got spanked, so I PROMISE not to rebut your next comment so you can feel manly. Deal?

You said to me...


Once again, what are YOU going to do? Talk loud? Beat your chest? Or do something REAL, like bring a baseball bat to so you can smash a teacher's head in? You are ALL talk. A blowhard. A wimp. A basement dweller afraid of the world. So when "decent" folk have had enough, tell me oh brave one, what will YOU actually do? Besides moan on a computer?

I asked you if you would say that to my face. You stuck your tail between your legs.

Have a warm and fuzzy day there...coward.

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8 hours ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

There is MORE nudity on a beach

Not sure what type of beaches you go to o_O

8 hours ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

you going to stop taking your kids to the beach?

With a bunch of naked men dancing to disco while we try to play volley ball? Is this even a question?

8 hours ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

Do you not think THIS is grooming?

Yes. Both are, thanks for bringing it up.

8 hours ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

While your lot is constantly angry, frustrated, fearful and wasting your life away in intolerance. 

You literally have described the far right and left at the same time. 

9 hours ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

I just wasted my life away hating and being freaked out

I don't spend any of my life outside of my posts here, doing anything about the LGBTQ community.

I don't attend any protests, nothing. I worry about my family and my work.

What you've misconstrued is my personal opinion vs how I live my life. This thread asked for an opinion, so one was provided.

9 hours ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

I will embrace a queer, not run and hide from them. 

I just won't treat anyone differently. Seems to have worked for me so far.

9 hours ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

Guess what happened?

Their fathers showed up naked, and danced to disco music?

9 hours ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

Dozens of students came out to confront the protesters

Ah, well am a horrible guesser, to my defense. 

9 hours ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

Care to guess?

The kids who are studying and not allowing any outside distractions to make them lose focus. The ones avoiding the drama.

These will be the kids who will contribute more to society, without feeling it owes them anything. 

That was a trick question. 

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22 hours ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

Betsy Betsy, the sheer ignorance of your comment is staggering. I suspect you have your nose in Fox News all day, have had only a substandard education, and are surrounded by religious bigots. There is NO grooming. There is NO agenda. Gawd, the sheer stupidity of your comment makes me wonder what neck of the woods you grew up in.



   The sheer ignorance and ARROGANCE of your comment is staggering.  Comparisons between blacks and the aggressive way LGBTQ are trying to indoctrinate children - bypassing and dismissing parental authority, isn't sound.

Sorry - but your opinion isn't good enough. You have your own agenda - based on your posts from another forum - it seems you're an advocate (activist) for LGBTQ. 



The rest of your post is irrelevant.

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On 6/30/2023 at 2:12 PM, Perspektiv said:

Am sure most of you know this controversial trans figure.

She is behind the multi billion dollar fiasco with Anheuser Busch.

Her crime? Accepting to promote a beer, when the culture wars currently ongoing were a tinderbox looking for a scapegoat to feel its wrath.

Worth the backlash that she got? Thats debatable, as is the backlash received by Bud Light beer.

But this seems to be the Dylan Mullaney effect.

The trans movement is a powder keg, where vitriol can be found deeply rooted at both ends of the culture war.

Should business separate themselves from politics?

Should they stand by their alignment backlash or not?

It just seems we have just learned a whole lot of what not to do.



Transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney says Bud Light didn't support her during backlash



And, that's just beer!   What more when it comes to children!


Am I supposed to feel sorry for her............or him........or, it? 


I'm glad people are standing up against this onslaught of utter lunacy!

F***! From women's sports to everything - see what happens when society gives an inch!

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1 hour ago, betsy said:


   The sheer ignorance and ARROGANCE of your comment is staggering.  Comparisons between blacks and the aggressive way LGBTQ are trying to indoctrinate children - bypassing and dismissing parental authority, isn't sound.

Sorry - but your opinion isn't good enough. You have your own agenda - based on your posts from another forum - it seems you're an advocate (activist) for LGBTQ. 



The rest of your post is irrelevant.

Sounds like you don't have a clue. 

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45 minutes ago, betsy said:



Transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney says Bud Light didn't support her during backlash



And, that's just beer!   What more when it comes to children!


Am I supposed to feel sorry for her............or him........or, it? 


I'm glad people are standing up against this onslaught of utter lunacy!

F***! From women's sports to everything - see what happens when society gives an inch!

I live my life and don't sweat the small things like who is represented on a beer can. I even enjoy Ted Nugent music despite his support of Trump and far-right ideology. I don't pick my beer or music based on politics. If LGBTQ people freak you out THIS much, that speaks to a very shallow isolated and insecure life. Grow up. 

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1 hour ago, betsy said:

Transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney says Bud Light didn't support her

Welcome to the real world. The fact she is shocked, is baffling.

Businesses will side with what is in their best interests. Usually, money. Same reason Nike is all over LGBTQ in the west (for the month of June), and their logo remains unchanged in the middle east.

In realizing their largest base (conservatives) were outraged, they weren't about to further alieanate them.

Now they were angering two bases, and too chicken to pick a side emphatically. They picked the patience side, hoping it would blow over, but it has yet to.

Know your base, if you're going to go political. Best not to, from the onset.


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30 minutes ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

I live my life and don't sweat the small things like who is represented on a beer can.

Agreed. However, her doing so and being upset they threw her under the bus to avoid losing sales, is baffling. Its a business.

31 minutes ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

despite his support of Trump and far-right ideology. 

I thought you didn't sweat the small stuff? Who cares who supports Trump.

32 minutes ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

If LGBTQ people freak you out

I am all for these folks. Just keep the trans out of female competitive sports and ideology out of grade school, and carry on.

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11 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

I thought you didn't sweat the small stuff? Who cares who supports Trump.

Take my ENTIRE quote in context, not just part of it. I said I listen to Ted Nugent despite his Trump support

12 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Just keep the trans out of female competitive sports and ideology out of grade school

I agree that trans in female sports is a serious issue but the ideology out of grade school is a canard. I have posted this MANY times and it has gone over everyone's head. I live in Canada, I know teachers, and have schools near me. NO massive parent protests over which books are being read or not read. A nearby Catholic school flew Pride flags. NO KIDS here are turning queer unless they were that way already. If you insist on what Rightwing media is feeding you instead of actually volunteering at a school, or talking to teachers, or studying what is actually happening vs what is not happening, then you have no choice but to add your name to the list of dummies on here who simply believe whatever Rightwing media feeds them.

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1 minute ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

I said I listen to Ted Nugent despite his Trump support

There should be no relevance of his support. That shouldn't even be a factor, that somehow makes you open minded. You mentioned it, almost as if this makes you open minded.

Its like me saying I still enjoy Subway, even though their prior spokesperson was a pedophile.

"You know, I love watching Cosby show reruns, despite the star being a rapist". The subs and show have zero to do with this abuse.

Would you listen to a full Trump speech? Could you list three qualities that he has as a leader?

Could you befriend or date a conservative and respect the difference in opinions?

Now, you're walking the talk, of being open minded and not sweating the small stuff. 

Otherwise, you're only not sweating the small stuff, as long as it fits within your ideology.

6 minutes ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

NO massive parent protests over which books are being read or not read. 

Living in Canada, you would also know we are an incredibly polite bunch.

If you bumped into me, a fellow Canadian--you would never know my political alignment, because I would never tell you. It would be irrelevant if we did business, so there would be no point in telling you. I keep my political stance neutral, as a result.

Heck, I worked with a woke co-worker who would shame you for things like celebrating Canada day (because it's not my country).

I only gave her subtle jabs, like when she told me my lack of protest about microaggressions on race, was me accepting racism. One must loudly denounce it, for it to go away:

"Have you ever experienced racism?" (She was a white woman)

Uh, no. I have not.

"Ok, fair enough" *smiles* 

Going over her head, was me telling her subtly since we were in a professional setting, was that you lecturing me about something you had never experienced is the epitome of today's woke culture. 

This liberal inclination to speak and be highly offended on the behalf of others. Thats the epitome of privilege.

15 minutes ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

NO KIDS here are turning queer

Being queer should be celebrated. That isn't the issue. The issue, which you are already seeing in the UK, are millions of kids, being seduced by the notion you can change genders if you feel you're in the wrong body.

It ignores the vast majority of gender nonconforming kids, sort themselves out by adulthood.

Its no surprise, there are already thousands of pending lawsuits there, from those who felt pressured to carry on with transitioning, feeling unsupported when they started to regret things.

This will happen in the US and Canada as well, and already is in the US. 

Just maybe, someone presenting as trans may have other underlying issues that should be addressed first. IE depression, etc.

We are seduced by normalizing mental illness. 

This is a hard line most people I know have on this movement, including myself. 

The pronoun game am supposed to have. If I see a woman, and her name tag says "he/him", am supposed to play along, to make her feel better.

I am called the whitest black person most people know. 

Who gives a f*** about how you feel in the real world? 

Travel outside your country, and most will either call you ma'am, or laugh behind your back if you scold them about it. 

This isn't letting people be. This is overhauling language, to make people feel comfortable. 

"birthing people", "chest feeding", "menstruating people", to make people feel better. 

Making things inclusive, ironically excludes biological women.

Same logic that would have some feel excluding white people to apply for a job in favor of black people, is progress, and not simply prejudice under guise of equality.

26 minutes ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

Rightwing media

I watch left and right media. I like balance. 

28 minutes ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

talking to teachers

Why talk to teachers when I can talk to principals? 

Why volunteer, when I can talk to the heads of school boards? Observe what they are implementing.

There is a dramatic shift in many school boards. 

I have heard a lot of good, and heard a lot of bad. 

I don't buy what you're selling me, unless I hear the good the bad and the ugly about it. 

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2 hours ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

I live my life and don't sweat the small things like who is represented on a beer can. I even enjoy Ted Nugent music despite his support of Trump and far-right ideology. I don't pick my beer or music based on politics. If LGBTQ people freak you out THIS much, that speaks to a very shallow isolated and insecure life. Grow up. 



LGBTQ doesn't freak me out.

It's what they're trying to do, that does. 

You're the one who needs some serious growing up.

  You guys are inviting backlash. Plain and simple.  



As anti-LGBTQ2 hate grows in Canada, advocates say it’s ‘never been as scary’

Canadian LGBTQ2 community members and advocates say the past year has been difficult and scary amid a notable rise in hate crimes, threats and protests against drag queens and transgender people in particular.



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1 hour ago, Perspektiv said:


Now, you're walking the talk, of being open minded and not sweating the small stuff. 


This statement, from someone who says that he wouldn't do anything to help the environment if it compromised his own comfort.

This is why you should be ignored.  You preach to others and don't accept accountability.

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11 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

This statement, from someone who says that he wouldn't do anything to help the environment if it compromised his own comfort.

This is why you should be ignored.  You preach to others and don't accept accountability.


He was honest enough to be open and UPFRONT about that.   I don't see that as a minus.  It's quite refreshing in fact when the world is full of climate-change-preachers fanatics!

How many environmentalists are truly and actually walking the talk? 



Your post is off-topic but I just thought it had to be responded to.


back to topic.

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11 minutes ago, betsy said:


He was honest enough to be open and UPFRONT about that.   I don't see that as a minus.

How many environmentalists are truly and actually walking the talk?

You made a point however I have never heard of anyone who calls on others to compromise while openly stating that they will not do so on another topic. Both child rearing and education, as well as environmental concerns are our community issues.

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2 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

You made a point however I have never heard of anyone who calls on others to compromise while openly stating that they will not do so on another topic. Both child rearing and education, as well as environmental concerns our community issues.


I assume those are two different issues?   If you want to pursue this discussion - I think we should create a thread for it.



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5 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Both child rearing and education, as well as environmental concerns our community issues.


It depends on the issue, and how you truly feel about it.  His environmental concerns may not be as deep as to how he feels about child rearing and education.


But I think we've touched on an interesting topic for discussion.

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13 minutes ago, betsy said:

I assume those are two different issues?   If you want to pursue this discussion - I think we should create a thread for it.

I guess so.  I acknowledge your point HOWEVER the issues are related in that they involve someone advocating for the group to sacrifice rights for the benefit of the whole.  To my mind you can't come to the table demanding others compromise if you openly state that you would never do so on another community topic.

Thanks for the discussion, it's been awhile :)

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1 hour ago, betsy said:

He was honest enough to be open and UPFRONT about that. 

He's using incredibly lazy strawman arguments.

Its pathetic that I have to explain myself, but he isn't debating in good faith, so just twists your words into oblivion. Sorry, but its like debating with my narssissistic ex wife, so I don't have time for it. 

Everything was a fight. I had to apologize for everything. I just grew sick of it, so don't have sympathy for those using similar tactics. It's like that painful Jordan Peterson interview where the woman interviewing him deliberately twists his words well out of context, desperately trying to back him into a series of corners where she can get him speaking out of context, and picking this apart for an "aha" moment for cheap click bait moment. "So what you're saying is..."

I was quite clear. Nobody in their right mind, will pay a high price for an EV and be okay with being uncomfortable inside this car. 

Its in this context, that I eluded it being ridiculous to expect me to shell the amount of money one does for an EV and be expected to be uncomfortable, because you're doing it for the planet.

Cue in: "so what you're saying is.. "

Seeing he was strawmaning and twisting, I just stopped the debate.

Heck am sure I even mentioned people like this make me want to idle my car for hours, or along those lines. Fuel costs as much as the diamonds I put on the wife's hand or so it seems, so taking this literally is on the poster. Not me. If I have to spell everything out, sorry but I have to work and spend quality time with the wife, family and friends. I don't have time for it.

What he doesn't know, is I bike to work in the summer and like putting the car aside as much as possible. 

My current mode of transportation has even a lower carbon footprint than your EV, if we're in the virtue signaling Olympics. I didn't even know I was a forced participant now.

I drive in the months too cold to bike. My wife and I love power walks. Nature power walks, the most. Its how we keep ourselves mellow, without drugs or alcohol.

I recycle, bike, I am incredibly conservative with water (to name a few), as me and the wife have a deep understanding of water scarcity from our time in the Philippines,  and other developing countries. We have both experienced and seen extreme poverty. Waste is just not something that we do for no reason.

Same reason we don't plug things, for no reason. I charge my cellphone and unplug it the moment its full.

Having to boil rain water and ration it for dishes, etc because your city provided water has run out, is something we are far too familiar with. This is in a luxury town house in the Philippines, no less.

You can see why I divorced the ex, as its manipulative and uses lazy tactics where you can silence someone's voice vs dialogue in good faith and keeping debate respectful, even in disagreement. 

It automatically allows for the dismissal of anything I say. 

Kind of like in woke culture.

Segue done. 

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6 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

1. He's using incredibly lazy strawman arguments.

2. Its pathetic that I have to explain myself, but he isn't debating in good faith.

3. my narssissistic ex wife 

4.  Nobody in their right mind, will pay a high price for an EV and be okay with being uncomfortable inside this car.  Its in this context, that I eluded it being ridiculous to expect me to shell the amount of money one does for an EV and be expected to be uncomfortable, because you're doing it for the planet.


1. Consistency isn't a strawman argument.
2. Versus you openly engaging in bad faith discussion.
3. "You argue like my ex-wife" is a weird position, and you constantly take it.  Nobody gives a toss about her, fyi.
4. This is the most elaborately constructed backpedal I have ever seen.   You didn't "elude [sic]" a thing, you posted a straight up statement of your position. 

Your ex- got you so sick of apologizing that you now refuse to do it even when you are wrong.  I regularly apologize when I'm wrong because my ego is subordinate to doing what's right according to principles.  When you finally grow some principles, you might be considered a conservative.  

Have a day... nice or not...

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Consistency isn't a strawman argument.

I already explained my points in prior threads, yet you still bring it up, albeit consistently. So, I guess touche. 

1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

is a weird position

She was highly narssisstic. You argue like a narssisist if you want it spelled out. 

1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

got you so sick of apologizing

To narssissitic and manipulative people. In good faith, will be quick to clarify and apologize.

In bad faith, you're better off asking a nun to sin. No pun intended.

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

you posted a straight up statement of your position. 

Let it go. Move on. 

You're the guy who counts every favor you did for someone, and then list them off, dates and all, demanding appreciation.

You strike me as the type who would have them listed in an Excel spreadsheet, with statistics on the percentage of time each favor was completed in, and average time.

You argue like a vindictive woman. I don't even remember the last post you made to me. Am part flattered.

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5 hours ago, betsy said:

You guys

Who is we guys? What form of "lashback" should we expect? What if we tell you to go f*ck yourself and leave people who are different than you alone and go live your own life without the prejudice and hatred? Would you go home, get your AR15, and show me exactly how upset you are?

If you want to live a shallow, meaningless, purposeless life, fine by me. I will NOT plunge my nose into Rightwing media just so I can get triggered. I will love everyone as they are. I will be the best I can and set an example. I raised my kids to be tolerant and accepting, not suspicious and close-minded. 

So you might as well grab your firearms, because guess what? The world around you is changing. The younger generation has NO use for your bigotry. Just like my generation had no use for my parent's generation's bigotry. 

Your world is shrinking, getting smaller, and the smaller it gets, the angrier you will get. The ONLY one hurting from your attitude is yourself. Deal with it. 

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1 hour ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

without the prejudice

That's impossible. We are all naturally predisposed to prejudice as humans. Some much or less than others. 

Its literally a survival mechanism.

You see a drug addict that looks aggressive running towards your car, you rolling up the windows and locking the car doors, isn't discrimination. You thin slicing the guy if knowledgeable told you based on their movements  that they on PCP or molly. You weren't trying to figure out which one. 

I see what looks like a woman, and assume it's a woman. Its automatic. 

Your skin is black, and I see a black person. All rational judgments. 

I see a woman with pink and green hair, obese, unshaved armpits and not wearing a bra, and assume she will be easily offended so am quick to adjust what I say.

Hating someone based on it, is where we are in agreement. It shouldn't happen.

1 hour ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

not suspicious and close-minded. 

You're assuming conservatives are all close minded. 

1 hour ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

Your world is shrinking

Its just grown quieter. 

I know thousands of people like me, who value merit and don't like this victimhood being sold in the news.

Am business minded, so we have zero sympathy for excuses and pity parties. 

Politicians ignoring we exist in high numbers, risk another Donald Trump being elected by constituents being sick and tired of keeping quiet.

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16 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Politicians ignoring we exist in high numbers, risk another Donald Trump being elected by constituents being sick and tired of keeping quiet.

No problem. That won't happen in Canada. That won't happen in most civilized nations. Only an entitled populace would vote for someone who promises something he can't - or isn't interested in - delivering. He, or his ilk, would toss you under the bus as soon as look at you. All they care about is money and power. BUT if you believe someone like Trump is what you need to soothe your fragile egos because you can't accept the world is changing, then you will vote for someone like that. I guarantee, you wouldn't be happy with "another" Trump, because - as the saying goes - be careful what you wish for. 

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16 minutes ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

That won't happen in Canada.

Thats because Canadians are polite. We would just elect more competent conservative politicians, instead.

21 minutes ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

All they care about is money and power. 

Insert just about every business and politician across the board.

If you think any politicians care about anything other than power, you're delusional. 

Sure, some may care, but when you have donors, and the machine pulling at your strings, you realize your party staying in power is your ultimate goal.

1 hour ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

you can't accept the world is changing

I welcome change. But change for the sake of it, won't matter as much as change in the right direction.

Allowing kids to pick their gender as toddlers, is a step too far for most.

1 hour ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

guarantee, you wouldn't be happy with "another" Trump

As a voter, I vote selfishly.

Who will tax me least? Who will put less bureaucratic red tape between  me and thriving with the business?

Who believes in people and in merit as much as I do?


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