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good news for liberals....

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3 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

You turning every thread into a religious one? :)  

Everything in the world has a religious connection, i.e. God.  Nothing exists without God having created it.  That includes man:

"26  And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28  And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. "  Genesis 1:26-28 KJV

Aren't you glad God created you so you can live, breath, and talk on here?

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4 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Death and taxes for certain, but God also for certain.  Just look around at the creation and you have to admit it could never happen without God.

I bet I don't...

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16 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

In summary all you’ve shown with your link is that the cumulative debt was lower nearly 100 years ago when everyone was sick poor and ugly and living the way people do today in the third world.   But you still haven’t shown any example of any country consistently running balanced budgets EVER much less in the modern era. 

Not even sure what your main point is here, are you saying that every country does not strive to run balanced budgets, according to you there is no point in it, just print more money problem solved...what you have failed in telling us is where is the end game , is their a limit to spending what you don't have...Cyprus seemed to find it, had to be bailed out by the EU...and told to stop spending...but all that advise or should i say direction becasue they were told.....goes against your theory...they should have just kept on spending...

And if we can spend like drunken sailors why is everything so broken in Canada, why are the streets not paved in gold, i know thats a lot of whys? 


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30 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

sure. Tell your imaginary friend i said thanks :)

"7  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction." Proverbs 1:7 KJV

"6  A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth."  Proverbs 14:6 KJV

I notice you comment on everything, but have no knowledge about the most basic and essential thing in the universe, God.

How does that work when you profess to have the answer to everything?

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40 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I bet I don't...

Beware of those who oppose or speak against the reality of God but claim to have the answers to everything.  " 5  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."  2 Timothy 3:5 KJV

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" 1 Peter 5:8 KJV

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9 minutes ago, blackbird said:

"7  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction." Proverbs 1:7 KJV

"6  A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth."  Proverbs 14:6 KJV

I notice you comment on everything, but have no knowledge about the most basic and essential thing in the universe, God.

How does that work when you profess to have the answer to everything?

Cool story.

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Just now, blackbird said:

Beware of those who oppose or speak against the reality of God but claim to have the answers to everything.  " 5  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."  2 Timothy 3:5 KJV

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" 1 Peter 5:8 KJV


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19 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Right, and if every politician out there is lying to you (and they all are, I assure you) then how do you distinguish between them?

Black and white isn't a good thing.  ?‍♂️

I don't think I could have made it any clearer than I did.  I held my nose and voted for him because I'm absolutely 100% against the ignorance pandering and clueless outrage politics of the conservative base - Trumpism in one word if we need it.  For all of the effort spent complaining about wokeness and trannies etc, it's mind blowing to me that you don't recognize how much time and energy you spend being outraged about those subjects yourselves.  

I don't believe that refraining from voting accomplishes anything.  It's certainly your choice, but choosing the "less bad" option is an improvement over the worse option.  It wasn't even O'Toole that I had a real problem with.  My "shift", whatever that means, was based on a firm rejection of normalizing aggressive stupidity and ignorance.  I am not falling in line with the wingnuts and the conspiracy clowns.  You can if you like, but I watch everything that's happened in the USA and the UK and if another term of vapid nothing-speak and clueless incompetence from Trudeau is what it takes to reject those slow-rolling train wrecks, I'll pay it.

The verdict is in for Trudeau already.  We know the careless buffoonery he's going to deliver.  Pierre Poilievre still has a choice of which way he goes.  He can stay his current course (in which case I still think he'll manage to lose), or he can be an adult and start talking realistically, in which case I think moderates could fall in line with him.  Trudeau's record is a shit-smear that should be impossible to lose against, but if there's any way to do it, it's going to be trying to convince moderate Canadians to come aboard with shitbrained conspiracy theories about the WEF, central banking, vaccines and the trucker convoy etc.  

Your painting all politicians with the same brush they all lie and all are sacks of shi$, thats not what i'm saying Justin has been lying about everything he touch's, CSIS say he was briefed 5 times, he has been saying for a long time he was never briefed, even his chief of staff says he was briefed... it never stops, gun control, Chinese interference, our inter national defense agreements, the list goes on forever... now if you say every politician is as just as bad i call bullshit...

black and white is a good thing for me,it has worked for decades.  when it is important, when my wife asks me does my ass look big in these pants of coursed i tell her she looks fine, but if we are talking about our national security then i think every Canadians wants to know the truth not some BS. 

And i certainly don't agree voting Liberal after 8 years of knowing their record accomplished anything at all...Did the liberals take notice and become friendly...did the conservatives send you hate mail...I personal think both our actions accomplished nothing in the big picture...but i was not going to give my support to a flip flopper, and i was certainty not voting liberal after what they had already done...which was really very little...It all comes down to personal choice and i own mine...

If PP gets elected and he screws it up Royally then i think he will receive the same Justin treatment, but that would have to be a massive train wreck just to even get to the same level as Justin.  

There are rumors that a centrist party is being thought of, and perhaps one day soon become a reality, your prays will be answered and we all get another chioce...


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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Beware of those who oppose or speak against the reality of God but claim to have the answers to everything.  " 5  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."  2 Timothy 3:5 KJV

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" 1 Peter 5:8 KJV

I often wonder about that Devil. 

I mean, you guys have burned witches, tortured people during the Inquisition, murdered gay people, blasphemers and apostates, and generally tried to exert total control over people who just wanted to get on with their lives, and you think you're the good guys!

What has the Devil ever done that makes him worse than you lot?

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3 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I often wonder about that Devil. 

I mean, you guys have burned witches, tortured people during the Inquisition, murdered gay people, blasphemers and apostates, and generally tried to exert total control over people who just wanted to get on with their lives, and you think you're the good guys!

What has the Devil ever done that makes him worse than you lot?

Crusades, casting out women who got preggers out of wedlock, covered up for priests who molested children....  just sayin'.

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19 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I often wonder about that Devil. 

I mean, you guys have burned witches, tortured people during the Inquisition, murdered gay people, blasphemers and apostates, and generally tried to exert total control over people who just wanted to get on with their lives, and you think you're the good guys!

What has the Devil ever done that makes him worse than you lot?

I don't support any of those things that happened in history.  It is all completely contrary to the Bible.  People doing those kind of things were not Bible believers.  That should be clear.  Jesus never taught anyone to do those kind of things.

As I have pointed out before, the Holy Roman Empire ruled the world for 1,500 years with an iron fist.  Many of the followers of that system did rule the world brutally.  One example is the Holy Roman Inquisition that lasted at least 400 years through the middle ages.  Many other things happened like burning of witches.  These things had nothing to do with what Jesus taught.  I believe the Bible, not what those kind of people believed during the Holy Roman Empire.  Lots of bad things happened in history in all kinds of places.  We can't change history. 

I don't know of anyone in any church, including Romanist churches, today who would agree with any of those things you mentioned.  That is just not the way it is in modern times.  You really need to think and study a little.  Digging up dirt from centuries ago and trying to link it to people today is ludicrous, especially since the Bible opposes all that.

If one is truly following the Bible, they will not think anything like what you described is acceptable.  It would be condemned.  You may know I am very opposed to Romanism because it is contrary to the Bible to begin with.  It is a man-made religion.

So when you paint everyone with the same brush, you are not acting justly and should consider your thinking.  


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1 minute ago, blackbird said:

I don't support any of those things that happened in history.  It is all completely contrary to the Bible.  People doing those kind of things were not Bible believers.  That should be clear.  Jesus never taught anyone to do those kind of things.

As I have pointed out before, the Holy Roman Empire ruled the world for 1,500 years with an iron fist.  Many of the followers of that system did rule the world brutally.  One example is the Holy Roman Inquisition that lasted at least 400 years through the middle ages.  Many other things happened like burning of witches.  These things had nothing to do with what Jesus taught.  I believe the Bible, not what those kind of people believed during the Holy Roman Empire.  Lots of bad things happened in history in all kinds of places.  We can't change history. 

If one is truly following the Bible, they will not think anything like what you described is acceptable.  It would be condemned.  You may know I am very opposed to Romanism because it is contrary to the Bible to begin with.  It is a man-made religion.

So when you paint everyone with the same brush, you are not acting justly and should consider your thinking.  


Maybe the Devil made me do it!  He has to be guilty of something, after all.

I wasn't talking about you, specifically.  I'm sure you have nothing but love for gay people, blasphemers and apostates.  I was talking about the Abrahamic religions in general.  They have been the embodiment of evil since the first scroll was written.

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It should also be mentioned that before the Reformation, ordinary people did not have a Bible.  Bibles simply were only in the hands of church clergy and were written in Latin until after the 16th or 17th century.  Rome even forbade its people from owning or reading Bibles until recent times.  The Reformation in the 16th century and the invention of printing presses changed that for some people in Britain the northern Europe and parts of Germany, but that was a slow process over centuries.  Not everyone escape the control of Rome either.  Lots of bad things happened in the 16 to 19th centuries in parts of Europe;  wars and brutality.  People were just not as civilized and did not recognize human rights until relatively recently in the west.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Crusades, casting out women who got preggers out of wedlock, covered up for priests who molested children....  just sayin'.

Right, and I think the Devil was responsible for me shoplifting that packet of Stimorol when I was ten.

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Just now, bcsapper said:

Maybe the Devil made me do it!  He has to be guilty of something, after all.

I wasn't talking about you, specifically.  I'm sure you have nothing but love for gay people, blasphemers and apostates.  I was talking about the Abrahamic religions in general.  They have been the embodiment of evil since the first scroll was written.

History is not that simple.  You can't just generalize about large segments of the population like that.  Many things happened throughout history.  I am sure there were a lot of people that did good things down through the ages.  But there were a lot of bad things that happened even in the 20th century.  Like the Third Riech, Nazis, Communist revolutions,  and many genocides in parts of the world too.  Man has after all a fallen, corrupt heart.  The Bible tells us that when Adam and Eve rebelled against God, they and all their descendants received a fallen corrupt nature, including us.

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6 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I was talking about the Abrahamic religions in general.  They have been the embodiment of evil since the first scroll was written.

Most of the people in the western world nominally belonged to one of those three religions, either Jews, nominal Christians (Romanism) or Muslims.   We are talking about hundreds of millions of people in the world.  

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2 minutes ago, blackbird said:

History is not that simple.  You can't just generalize about large segments of the population like that.  Many things happened throughout history.  I am sure there were a lot of people that did good things down through the ages.  But there were a lot of bad things that happened even in the 20th century.  Like the Third Riech, Nazis, Communist revolutions,  and many genocides in parts of the world too.  Man has after all a fallen, corrupt heart.  The Bible tells us that when Adam and Eve rebelled against God, they and all their descendants received a fallen corrupt nature, including us.

Other than the Stimorol, I think I was exempt.  I've pretty much been a Boy Scout apart from that.

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Just now, blackbird said:

Most of the people in the western world nominally belonged to one of those three religions, either Jews, nominal Christians (Romanism) or Muslims.   We are talking about hundreds of millions of people in the world.  

Billions, I think.  I'm sure some of them were nice.

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1 minute ago, bcsapper said:

Billions, I think.  I'm sure some of them were nice.

Yes, I am sure many of them were not doing major evil things.  But the Bible tells us everyone is a fallen sinner and needs to be born again.  That's a central message of the Bible.  Be born again and avoid going to hell.  Even anyone who has not done vile serious sins or crimes, is still a sinner on the way to hell unless he is born again and receives forgiveness.

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