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Davos speaker calls for one billion people to stop eating meat, for the environment

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6 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Carbon dioxide emissions don't matter much. Carbon emissions are actual pollution.

But even if you're talking Carbon dioxide they might not matter as potential harm but they matter to the debate because if you want to change the world by thinking you can control the climate through lowering CO2 emissions you'd need to start with China. It's the number one emitter. Then India.

Carbon emissions feed all the PLANTS on the planet, which then gives us oxygen. Are you suggesting the food of OXYGEN PRODUCERS is somehow a pollutant?

Humans exhale CO2. As far as I know, the ONLY  entities who tried to control the human pollution and release of CO2 was Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Planned Parenthood. BILLIONS of CO2 emitters were very efficiently taken off the grid by those early climate scientists.

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4 hours ago, Contrarian said:

One time at the office, we had this big all day meetings, so all they had is vegetarian sandwiches, something happened with the order, probably an activist did not want to order meat (that was a joke) ?

I was so hungry so ate several of them. The next day, because I am a meat eater daily, I felt like in a major hungover, it was a terrible feeling. 

Don't know how you do it, really. 

In the late Seventies, (and this was after I read Sugar Blues, by William Dufty, and completely swore off all white sugar) I did the vegetarian thing for about a month. And in those days that wasn't such an easy task. Supermarkets back then weren't as open to alternative dietary lifestyles and all I had to go by was books from health food stores.

During that month, I was PURE vegetarian. About the only thing I noticed that was different was the lack of gas. Then I noticed certain stirrings after passing a Burger King and the deal was off.

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23 minutes ago, reason10 said:

And being a chairman gives him the right to issue wrong statements, based on ZERO science?

Mike Lindell, (Owner of the highly successful My Pillow company) said the election was stolen and you Nazis tried to throw him into a concentration camp. So are you allowed to pick and choose which CEO you agree with and who should be sent to the gas chambers?

There’s no comparison between the pillow clown and the chairman of $17 billion industrial conglomerate AND a $34 billion shipping company.  He’s trying to protect his businesses as much as anything else.  

Exxon’s scientist proved climate change long ago; they know about this too.  

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27 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Why should SCIENCE somehow be ignored just because these hacks have an opinion? They aren't scientists. They're just left wingers. Why should THEIR opinion be more important than the qualified SCIENTISTS who say the opposite?

What defines someone as being a “qualified scientist”?

I’d venture to say that it’s someone with a doctorate in the field they are researching, who is employed for the purpose of conducting scientific research, and who has performed scientific research in their field and published the data and results in scientific journals. That, I believe, makes someone a “qualified scientist.”  

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49 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Yeah...I know. I remember that one. You caught the date on it, right? It's over 40 years old. My impression is the general knowledge there has changed.

Scientists (or rather the NY Times interpreting scientists) have stopped saying that. Or maybe they didn't. Do you have anything more recent? I'd be interested.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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On Netflix there's a show called Explained and there's an episode "The Future of Meat" that's quite good.

I was 100% vegetarian for 5 years and honestly, that's when I felt the best.  You have to pay attention to nutrition, though. I was never militant about it, if someone invited us over for a BBQ, I ate whatever they served.

Then I was with a T-Rex for a number of years, so that kind of went out the window..... now I rarely eat meat.

I do think people eat too much of it.

Watch the Netflix show, it's interesting.

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3 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Yeah...I know. I remember that one. You caught the date on it, right? It's over 40 years old. My impression is the general knowledge there has changed.

Scientists stopped saying that. Or maybe they didn't. Do you have anything more recent? I'd be interested.

It doesn’t matter how much CO2 is emitted by termites and volcanoes, because that is all part of the balance of nature which our planet and our species has adapted to.  

Let’s be clear about what climate change means: Life on Earth will definitely go on, it just might go on with a lot less humans. You forget that we are dependent upon food which grows in the ground in massive fields across the mid US and Canada. If climate change makes 30% of that land unproductive, it can have catastrophic effects. And then there’s the weather and the loss of coastal cities.  

Ignoring all that, we will all be much better off if we develop energy production methods which don’t rely on the whims of unstable Arab dictators.  Those people are not our friends. 

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15 minutes ago, Rebound said:

. If climate change makes 30% of that land unproductive, it can have catastrophic effects.

Yeah, and "if wishes were horses beggars would ride."

Don't try to scare me with an "if." Show me that happening if you think you can. But don't bother. It's not.

Pardon me, it is in certain locales. Would you like to know what is cutting crop yields by at least 30%? It isn't because of climate change. Not per se anyway.

Global Resetter types have been pushing weak-minded politicians to ban chemical fertilizers. I think they are using what they call "climate change" as an excuse.

Sri Lanka Collapses and Dutch Farmers Revolt. Blame ‘Green’ Policies.

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15 hours ago, reason10 said:


 Termites produce more C02 in the atmosphere than all human activity combined.

Oh, @reason10, you gullible hack.... Termites are not burning fossil fuels. The carbon they produce comes from decomposing wood. This carbon came from the atmosphere, and as the wood rots this carbon will wind up back in the atmosphere whether termites eat it or not. Over the lifespan of a tree this is a carbon neutral process, and is accordingly treated as a net zero in global CO2 accounting. So from a global climate point of view the statement is flat wrong.


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26 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

Oh, @reason10, you gullible hack.... Termites are not burning fossil fuels. The carbon they produce comes from decomposing wood. This carbon came from the atmosphere, and as the wood rots this carbon will wind up back in the atmosphere whether termites eat it or not. Over the lifespan of a tree this is a carbon neutral process, and is accordingly treated as a net zero in global CO2 accounting. So from a global climate point of view the statement is flat wrong.


You are an uneducated troll. Your screen name is a troll. You don't belong. You belong in whatever kindergarten class you dropped out of a while back.

I provided a scientific LINK.

Just shut the fck up.

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It doesn’t matter how much CO2 is emitted by termites and volcanoes, because that is all part of the balance of nature which our planet and our species has adapted to.  

It matters to you NAZIS because you are the goose steppers blaming human activity for this, even after I have provided REAMS of evidence to the contrary.

Let’s be clear about what climate change means: Life on Earth will definitely go on, it just might go on with a lot less humans. You forget that we are dependent upon food which grows in the ground in massive fields across the mid US and Canada. If climate change makes 30% of that land unproductive, it can have catastrophic effects. And then there’s the weather and the loss of coastal cities.  

And human beings have NOTHING to say about that. NOTHING we do will change things. I've proven that in one SCIENTIFIC LINK AFTER ANOTHER. All we'll do is ass screw our economy while China continues to move forward.

Ignoring all that, we will all be much better off if we develop energy production methods which don’t rely on the whims of unstable Arab dictators.  Those people are not our friends. 

Gee. We had that before you NAZIS illegally installed a racist PEDOPHILE who shut down domestic energy production and went to OPEC begging for oil. LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP had made America ENERGY INDEPENDENT, (with America using the CLEANEST energy producing technology on the planet) and a LYING Nazi ex Vice president turn all that around and  put our fate in the hands of Iran,  Saudi Arabia and Russia.

As far as needing new source of energy any time soon, The United States is sitting on 200 years' worth of oil today.


The US Is Sitting On A 200-Year Supply Of Oil

That's just this country.

Our great grandchildren will be dead long before a new energy supply is needed.

Find something else to worry about.


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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

On Netflix there's a show called Explained and there's an episode "The Future of Meat" that's quite good.

I was 100% vegetarian for 5 years and honestly, that's when I felt the best.  You have to pay attention to nutrition, though. I was never militant about it, if someone invited us over for a BBQ, I ate whatever they served.

Then I was with a T-Rex for a number of years, so that kind of went out the window..... now I rarely eat meat.

I do think people eat too much of it.

Watch the Netflix show, it's interesting.

The ONLY thing that should determine how much meat a human being should eat is that individual human being who is doing the eating. Everyone else needs to shut the pluck up and mind their own business.

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

There’s no comparison between the pillow clown and the chairman of $17 billion industrial conglomerate AND a $34 billion shipping company.  He’s trying to protect his businesses as much as anything else.  

Exxon’s scientist proved climate change long ago; they know about this too.  

The SAME Harvard that allegedly gave a law license to Obama, but somehow couldn't produce ANY transcripts that that son of a beech ever attended a single class.

When you come up with a reliable source, try again. Bottom line, YOU NAZIS persecuted Mike Lindell, for NO FCKING GOOD REASON, except that he said things your NAZI MINISTRY OF PROPAGANDA DECIDED WAS VERBOTEN.


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1 hour ago, Infidel Dog said:

Yeah...I know. I remember that one. You caught the date on it, right? It's over 40 years old. My impression is the general knowledge there has changed.

Scientists (or rather the NY Times interpreting scientists) have stopped saying that. Or maybe they didn't. Do you have anything more recent? I'd be interested.

Science doesn't change based on fashion or public opinion. Science remains FACT, and facts don't care about your feelings.

In the 19th Century,  Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Neptune were discovered. Are you now going to say those planets do not exist based on the information being old?


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22 minutes ago, reason10 said:

You are an uneducated troll. Your screen name is a troll. You don't belong. You belong in whatever kindergarten class you dropped out of a while back.

I provided a scientific LINK.

Just shut the fck up.

You are a profoundly stupid and gullible person.



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6 hours ago, Contrarian said:

One time at the office, we had this big all day meetings, so all they had is vegetarian sandwiches, something happened with the order, probably an activist did not want to order meat (that was a joke) ?

I was so hungry so ate several of them. The next day, because I am a meat eater daily, I felt like in a major hungover, it was a terrible feeling. 

Don't know how you do it, really. 

I cook.  I find cooking both fun and relaxing. 

That being said, I do eat seafood occasionally, so I guess I'm a pescatarian, not a vegetarian.

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2 hours ago, reason10 said:

And that is YOUR choice. It should be the choice of EVERY carnivore on the planet, (and not all carnivores are human.)

And we should ALSO be allowed to LAUGH OUR ASSES OFF at the ignorant bozos who somehow think that AMERICANS eating meat will change the climate. (Nobody is suggesting the high polluting CHINESE do anything to change their behavior.)

Damn right!  We're both pro-choice, aren't we?

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31 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Science doesn't change based on fashion or public opinion. Science remains FACT, and facts don't care about your feelings.

In the 19th Century,  Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Neptune were discovered. Are you now going to say those planets do not exist based on the information being old?


Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are all very visible with the naked eye and brighter than nearly all stars in the sky. They have been well-known since antiquity, which is why they’re named after Greek/Roman Gods.  Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn in the early 1600’s, which was when Kepler figured out that the retrograde orbit of Mars is caused by its elliptical orbit, which described the orbits of all planets and moons. 

I sure as hell hope you aren’t ever a substitute astronomy teacher. 

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

On Netflix there's a show called Explained and there's an episode "The Future of Meat" that's quite good.

I was 100% vegetarian for 5 years and honestly, that's when I felt the best.  You have to pay attention to nutrition, though. I was never militant about it, if someone invited us over for a BBQ, I ate whatever they served.

Then I was with a T-Rex for a number of years, so that kind of went out the window..... now I rarely eat meat.

I do think people eat too much of it.

Watch the Netflix show, it's interesting.

I was a vegetarian for years.  In college, I used to lift weights 2 or 3 hours a day and I packed on muscle on an all-vegetarian diet. It’s much healthier than a meat-based diet. 

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9 hours ago, Hodad said:

My goodness. Someone should alert all of the world's climate scientists to this elementary-level trivia. They probably haven't seen it all laid out this thoughtfully. And all the governments and businesses going to extraordinary lengths to adapt and prepare for climate change. They'll be so relieved. I assume there's a Nobel prize in it for you. I only ask that you try to make your acceptance speech brief and humble. As humble as one can be, anyway, after ridding humanity of this existential threat.


Arrogant substitute teacher a-holes don't know the meaning of "humble."

Imagine being a substitute public school teacher and actually believing you know science better than a  Chairman of a major scientific and engineering conglomerate who employs 10s of thousands of top scientific experts. LMAO

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9 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Carbon dioxide emissions don't matter much. Carbon emissions are actual pollution.

CO2 contains Carbon. One and the same. Are you referring to PARTICULATES which have a completely different effect on the climate?

9 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

But even if you're talking Carbon dioxide they might not matter as potential harm but they matter to the debate because if you want to change the world by thinking you can control the climate through lowering CO2 emissions you'd need to start with China. It's the number one emitter. Then India.

China and US are 1 and 2. Of course per capita, US is number 1 cause China has 4x the population.

# Country Share of world
1 China 29.18%
2 United States 14.02%
3 India 7.09%
4 Russia 4.65%


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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are all very visible with the naked eye and brighter than nearly all stars in the sky. They have been well-known since antiquity, which is why they’re named after Greek/Roman Gods.  Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn in the early 1600’s, which was when Kepler figured out that the retrograde orbit of Mars is caused by its elliptical orbit, which described the orbits of all planets and moons. 

I sure as hell hope you aren’t ever a substitute astronomy teacher. 

You REALLY are stupid.

I was answering a REALLY stupid remark about a scientific FACT being being 40 years old and therefore maybe not true. I gave a 200 YEAR OLD scientific fact and you try to spin it?

The third grade classes I sub for are smarter than you. Downs Syndrome kids are smarter. 

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37 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Arrogant substitute teacher a-holes don't know the meaning of "humble."

Imagine being a substitute public school teacher and actually believing you know science better than a  Chairman of a major scientific and engineering conglomerate who employs 10s of thousands of top scientific experts. LMAO

A chairman of WHAT? Does his company specialize in climate technology? I may know science better than some rich bitcch who is probably just trying to impress the liberal chick who is currently blowing him.

Imagine living in a blue state with inferior public schools and graduating a total IGNORAMUS who doesn't know anything?

Wait a minute? YOU ARE.

As a successful Florida substitute teacher, it is not my job to foist my opinions of any lesson plan. I merely present the plan, keep order in the class, grade papers and take attendance.

Oh, by the way BAT GUANO FOR BRAINS what in the name of ZEUS'S BUTTHOLE does my profession have to do with the subject of this thread? Are you just so FCKING STUPID that you can't think of anything else other than to go after my job?  Are you REALLY THAT FCKING IGNORANT?

(I suppose I could attack your profession, but it might seem a little silly attacking your parents for allowing you to live in their basement while cashing your welfare checks and filling their pantry with stuff bought by your food stamp, BEETCH.)

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2 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Yeah, and "if wishes were horses beggars would ride."

Don't try to scare me with an "if." Show me that happening if you think you can. But don't bother. It's not.

Pardon me, it is in certain locales. Would you like to know what is cutting crop yields by at least 30%? It isn't because of climate change. Not per se anyway.

Global Resetter types have been pushing weak-minded politicians to ban chemical fertilizers. I think they are using what they call "climate change" as an excuse.

Sri Lanka Collapses and Dutch Farmers Revolt. Blame ‘Green’ Policies.

Are you blind?

Puerto Rico destroyed by hurricane

Bahamas destroyed by hurricane

New Orleans destroyed by hurricane

California city destroyed by largest-ever wildfire

Oregon skies turned orange throughout state from largest-ever wildfires

Highest temperatures ever recorded 

Ice caps and glaciers that are 30,000 years old have been melting. 

Ignoring all that evidence makes you an ldiot

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