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Are the social conservatives the real defenders of Canadian democracy?

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This article seems to show that social conservatives are the real defenders of Canadian democracy while centre conservatives, liberals, and the left in conspiracy with mainstream media have failed Canadian democracy.  The Cultural Action Party (CAP) is one of the voices of social conservatives.


Also read the articles on the right side of the CAP webpage called Recent Posts.

Also read this article:

Trudeau Re-Designing Canada Into 3rd World Dominant Dictatorship (capforcanada.com)

"For Cultural Action Party of Canada, it’s nothing less than a social revolution on a scale of historical transition of nations from democracy to dictatorship.

For mainstream media in our country, it is as natural as winter snow in Yellowknife. We speak of what is so obviously the current state of Canadian society."


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We acknowledge a fundamental fact. Away from the media spotlight, PM Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government  processed a record-number of immigration applications in 2022.

The number stands at 4.8 million applications. In 2021, 2.5 million were processed. Although mentioned in a recent CAP article, it is worth additional emphasis:

The total amount equates with a whopping 19.2% of the current Canadian population. Seeing as media refuse to expose this, they are also off-the-hook for reporting the source nations of these migrants:

India, China, Philippines, Iran, Nigeria, South Korea, Pakistan, USA, France.

In terms of Refugee intake, the leading source nations in 2021 are

Iran, Turkey, India, Haiti, Pakistan, China, Nigeria, Iraq, Eritrea.

The long-term impact of such a structure is well worth speculating upon. This, of course, is the main reason why CBC, CTV, Global News, Toronto Star, Globe & Mail and National Post never do so.

CAP can see why. If the ruling Liberals approved dissemination of this data to Canadian-born, multi-generational citizens,  they would begin to comprehend their long-term fate.

CBC won’t do it, but CAP will:

This socio-political structure is going to transition white Canadians to a vilified minority community. While tangible statistics exist regarding the “minority” component, the “demonized” element remains nebulous.

On purpose, that is. As obfuscated by media, Justin Trudeau is making choices which may well result in an ominous fate for Anglophone communities.   unquote


Read the article to see how immigration is facilitating this transition from democracy to a third world dictatorship.

________________  Bingo– Canada transitions to a non-democratic, 3rd World dominant nation. Outnumbered and ostracized, Anglo-European Canadians transition to a powerless minority community.

This is the plan for the future of our country. Justin Trudeau knows it, and for everyday that he remains prime minister, he will facilitate this agenda."

Trudeau Re-Designing Canada Into 3rd World Dominant Dictatorship (capforcanada.com)

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27 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

So your logic is in order to save democracy, we need to listen to social conservatives? The social conservatives in Canada or America? The ones in Ontario or Western Canada? Who has the answer for the perfect society? ?

No, you need to read the article and learn what is happening to Canada.  But I know you won't because your only interest is in being "Contrarian".

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8 minutes ago, blackbird said:

This, of course, is the main reason why CBC, CTV, Global News, Toronto Star, Globe & Mail and National Post never do so.

CAP can see why. If the ruling Liberals approved dissemination of this data to Canadian-born, multi-generational citizens,  they would begin to comprehend their long-term fate.

So how did CAP manage to see anything, with a ouija board, chicken bones, God sent them a fax or something...what exactly?  

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

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What a poorly written article

They don't seem to have any sense of reality.  They say "If the ruling Liberals approved dissemination of this data to Canadian-born, multi-generational citizens,  they would begin to comprehend their long-term fate." referring to immigration statistics.

This CAP is a band of clowns.  Blackbird, if you want to be taken seriously stay away from them.

But the very statistics they quoted are available on statscan web pages.

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18 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

What a poorly written article

They don't seem to have any sense of reality.  They say "If the ruling Liberals approved dissemination of this data to Canadian-born, multi-generational citizens,  they would begin to comprehend their long-term fate." referring to immigration statistics.

This CAP is a band of clowns.  Blackbird, if you want to be taken seriously stay away from them.

But the very statistics they quoted are available on statscan web pages.

Your comment is predictable because we all know you are a sworn liberal worshiper and simply don't care what they do to Canada.

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39 minutes ago, eyeball said:

So how did CAP manage to see anything, with a ouija board, chicken bones, God sent them a fax or something...what exactly?  

No they didn't use a ouija board or chicken bones.  The used their brains and simply see what is happening to Canada and how the immigrations system works.  Simple things that anyone with any kind of knowledge and enquiring mind could find out from statistics and reports on what Trudeau has been doing.  Something as simple as looking at the makeup of his cabinet, and key appointments in government right up to the top should tell you something.  Some are barely Canadians.   But you can go back to sleep.  It doesn't concern anyone like you obviously.

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And some liberal/left supporters on here wonder why I mention the Bible or historic Judeo-Christian cultural ideas on the politics forum at all and some try to silence me.  The answer is very simple.  Canada's democracy, Judeo-Christian culture, values and higher principles are being destroyed by the liberal, left mob.  That's why.

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On top of everything else, most Canadians must be tired of a PM who accused Canadians of genocide.  We know this is especially directed against the white descendants of the European founding people who were the settlers who founded Canada over the several centuries.  Many are tired of being accused of genocide and being a part of systemic racism, neither of which existed.

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5 hours ago, blackbird said:

No they didn't use a ouija board or chicken bones.  The used their brains and simply see what is happening to Canada and how the immigrations system works.  Simple things that anyone with any kind of knowledge and enquiring mind could find out from statistics and reports on what Trudeau has been doing.  Something as simple as looking at the makeup of his cabinet, and key appointments in government right up to the top should tell you something.

But you said the Liberals don't allow the dissemination of this type of information, were you lying?

Is this what we can expect from CAP, more liars?

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

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Canada is only a partial democracy with weak constitutional rights.  There are no property rights in Canada and the government gets away with seizing the assets of private individuals and generally trouncing on basic rights in the name of “public safety.”   I don’t trust our federal government.  It’s better than China or Iran is about all that can be said to justify the overreach.

The so called “Liberals” don’t even know what they stand for other than self-preservation, power, and control.  They’re morally vapid and reckless with public finances.   NDP are just as bad.  Conservatives are so afraid of vilification by state-funded media fear campaigns that they usually take the Liberal position, which just reaffirms the same option.  It’s de facto one party government in Canada.  Social conservatism?   Lol.  It doesn’t exist in Canada as a political option.  Such individuals are set aside for ridicule by government and media immediately.

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12 hours ago, blackbird said:

Your comment is predictable because we all know you are a sworn liberal worshiper and simply don't care what they do to Canada.

Yeah, I'm not.


I don't support Trudeau and the best I say about him occasionally is that he's a less worse option.


You couldn't come up with anything to say about my critique of the ridiculous post by CAP so you come after me personally.


When are you going to start being a serious poster on here?

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Yeah, I'm not.


I don't support Trudeau and the best I say about him occasionally is that he's a less worse option.


You couldn't come up with anything to say about my critique of the ridiculous post by CAP so you come after me personally.


When are you going to start being a serious poster on here?

You made a general statement dismissing the article(s) by the Cultural Action Party (CAP) but gave no evidence or proof  that they are wrong.  We get you don't like what they are saying, but how is something specific they said incorrect?

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

You made a general statement dismissing the article(s) by the Cultural Action Party (CAP) but gave no evidence or proof  that they are wrong.  We get you don't like what they are saying, but how is something specific they said incorrect?

Read my post again. Their claim that the information about immigration is not available is incorrect. Did you miss that? Really?

My criticism is pretty specific actually. Part of being a serious poster is being careful about what you post, and reading things that you are challenging. Probably should read it a few times to be sure.

That's free advice I'm giving you. Because I have hope.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Read my post again. Their claim that the information about immigration is not available is incorrect. Did you miss that? Really?

My criticism is pretty specific actually. Part of being a serious poster is being careful about what you post, and reading things that you are challenging. Probably should read it a few times to be sure.

That's free advice I'm giving you. Because I have hope.

This is the centre of what I posted in my second or subsequent post from CAP.

"We acknowledge a fundamental fact. Away from the media spotlight, PM Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government  processed a record-number of immigration applications in 2022.

The number stands at 4.8 million applications. In 2021, 2.5 million were processed. Although mentioned in a recent CAP article, it is worth additional emphasis:

The total amount equates with a whopping 19.2% of the current Canadian population. Seeing as media refuse to expose this, they are also off-the-hook for reporting the source nations of these migrants:

India, China, Philippines, Iran, Nigeria, South Korea, Pakistan, USA, France.

In terms of Refugee intake, the leading source nations in 2021 are

Iran, Turkey, India, Haiti, Pakistan, China, Nigeria, Iraq, Eritrea."

Why would that not be factual?

Secondly, the impact that has on white European founding people is a fact nobody would dispute.

There are even universities in Canada reportedly only hire visible minorities.   How often have we heard the term white privilege? 

We know most of the third world immigrants will vote liberal (or NDP).  The system is rigged so the liberals control is very entrenched.  Immigration is a key part of the strategy.  Many conservatives even think the same way as liberals.  Take Erin O'Toole for example or the French ex-premier who ran for the Conservative leadership.  He leans heavily toward being a liberal.


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57 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Why, what did I do? I'm not a Christian and I'm certainly not a Liberal.  Can't you think of me as a cup half redeemed?

Very difficult to have a rational conversation with you.  You need to be saved first otherwise we are beating our heads against a wall.  You don't understand the difference between good and evil or accept there is a God to whom everyone is accountable. So how is it possible to communicate on moral issues? 

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39 minutes ago, blackbird said:


1. Why would that not be factual?

2. Secondly, the impact that has on white European founding people is a fact nobody would dispute.

3. There are even universities in Canada reportedly only hire visible minorities.    

I'm going to spend less time on this one since you're not being careful enough.

1. The part you quoted isn't the problem, I think I said what the problem was above. Read it again.

2. I probably would dispute it, but what is the fact that is so obvious? I don't remember you stating it

3. I don't think there's a university in Canada that refuses to hire White people. Provide a cite and prove me wrong.

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9 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I'm going to spend less time on this one since you're not being careful enough.

1. The part you quoted isn't the problem, I think I said what the problem was above. Read it again.

2. I probably would dispute it, but what is the fact that is so obvious? I don't remember you stating it

3. I don't think there's a university in Canada that refuses to hire White people. Provide a cite and prove me wrong.

 I looked at your first comment and it is just a general statement rejecting the information from CAP.  That is not being constructive in debate.  Simple rejection has no support or evidence.

I scanned through the CAP article again and can't see anything there that one could really dispute.  You say some statistic is available on some website.  That only supports the CAP claim doesn't it.  Perhaps they didn't see that particular website.

CAP states Trudeau appoints people who are relatively new immigrants to key positions in government is obvious.  He appointed someone from south America to be a heritage minister who wants to bring in laws that would seriously harm freedom of speech on the internet.   He made many other appointments of visible minorities, some of whom, are barely Canadian, that do seriously have an impact of white Caucasians as CAP says.  It all makes sense.   It is affecting the Canadian Forces, which can't even find enough applicants to join the forces.  The policies are being forced onto the public service and wherever the liberals can force them.  I am talking about the woke policies and affirmative action policies.  Trudeau sees himself as the great champion of the third world immigrants. 



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25 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

 I don't think there's a university in Canada that refuses to hire White people. Provide a cite and prove me wrong.

“The University of Calgary posted a job opening for a professor at its Haskayne School of Business. However, the position is only open to “qualified Black scholars.” 

Canada’s centres of “higher learning” refer to this as “racial equity.” Cultural Action Party refer to it as racism against Caucasian Canadians.

Degree of expected fall-out? Absolutely nothing. Don’t you know? Contemporary Canada is systemically prejudiced against Anglophone citizens. All of it perfectly acceptable— the targets are Caucasians."

White Canadians Excluded From Being Hired At Canadian Universities (capforcanada.com)

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3 hours ago, blackbird said:

Very difficult to have a rational conversation with you.  You need to be saved first otherwise we are beating our heads against a wall.  You don't understand the difference between good and evil or accept there is a God to whom everyone is accountable. So how is it possible to communicate on moral issues? 

Excuse me but I've understood the difference between right and wrong since I was in Kindergarten. Your choice to be  uncommunicative is a spiteful vanity that's quite peculiar to you and your beliefs.

All you're accomplishing around here is to reinforce my sense that Christians are the very last people who should be looking down their noses at people because it's certainly not what Jesus would do.  Shame on you.

Now it's entirely possible your vanity is more of a trait of hard-boiled conservatism in which case you have to wonder why Christians put up with conservatism.  They're just as hard up for support is my guess.

Edited by eyeball
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A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

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52 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Excuse me but I've understood the difference between right and wrong since I was in Kindergarten. Your choice to be  uncommunicative is a spiteful vanity that's quite peculiar to you and your beliefs.

All you're accomplishing around here is to reinforce my sense that Christians are the very last people who should be looking down their noses at people because it's certainly not what Jesus would do.  Shame on you.

Now it's entirely possible your vanity is more of a trait of hard-boiled conservatism in which case you have to wonder why Christians put up with conservatism.  They're just as hard up for support is my guess.

Instead of talking about me personally all the time, try to deal with the information in the subject.  I don't want to get into a back and forth banter with you on a personal level.  It accomplishes nothing. 

You could comment on Trudeau changing Canada into a third world dictatorship with his immigration policies and appointments.

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