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85.7% of Covid Deaths in Canada Were Among the Multi-Vaxed from Aug to Sept of 2022. Jabbing 85% of the Population Didn't Reduce Deaths

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

I don't think he's able to assimilate new information.

He's still spewing long debunked propaganda from the beginning of covid.

Either he's being deliberately deceptive or is truly so mentally deficient that he cannot comprehend anything new.

They're mentally stuck in the Dec 2020 promise of the jab, they haven't seen any actual stats yet.

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31 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Why the huge difference if the virus and the vaccine both contain the SPIKE PROTEIN?

Exactly. The better conclusion is that the things you're attributing to vaccine have nothing at all to do with protein spikes. You might as well be blaming fluoride, chemtrails or whatever you had for breakfast that day.

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Just now, eyeball said:

I would think simply comparing our experience with that of Americas is all the evidence anyone needs to conclude that 'letting er rip' the way some people around here would have done resulted in them dying at well over twice the rate we did.

That's according to John Hopkins too.

American deaths per 100000 = 341...Canadian deaths per 100000 = 135



Also worth noting is that the Americans (in general) did not just "let her rip".  Their health experts were saying much the same as ours - the difference was the rate at which people and governments listened.   The one good thing I can say about Trudeau is that he handled the pandemic better than Orange Man.  

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3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Exactly. The better conclusion is that the things you're attributing to vaccine have nothing at all to do with protein spikes. You might as well be blaming fluoride, chemtrails or whatever you had for breakfast that day.

Weird how so many health conditions and excess deaths have sky-rocketed since the vax rollout, though.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.......

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2 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

The one good thing I can say about Trudeau is that he handled the pandemic better than Orange Man.

That's only because you're a lefty who supports Trudeau.

Why I bet you even have a nose ring, blue hair and you insist on being referred to as they.  

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6 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Exactly. The better conclusion is that the things you're attributing to vaccine have nothing at all to do with protein spikes. You might as well be blaming fluoride, chemtrails or whatever you had for breakfast that day.


2 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Weird how so many health conditions and excess deaths have sky-rocketed since the vax rollout, though.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.......

This is some UK data recently posted:

Excess NEW Neuropathy claims in UK are up 680% as of October 2023, started to rise in 2021. A Z-score of 19.


Is a 680% rise in claims with a z-score of 19, a lot?

In case you are interested, Total NEW excess disability claims for all body systems in the UK were up:

  • 2.4% in 2019
  • 2.9% in 2020
  • 20.5% in 2021
  • 76.7% in 2022 
  • 69.1% in 2023


Did I mention Z-scores?  Yes, I did.

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Just now, Goddess said:

Weird how so many health conditions and excess deaths have sky-rocketed since the vax rollout, though.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.......

I'm sure its just horseshit...

In the meantime, according to epidemiologists, here's what excess mortality due to COVID looks like.


The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain caused significant excess mortality (expected rate in black, with confidence intervals in gray). Reporting lags lead to undercounting in the latest (rightmost) data.


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9 minutes ago, eyeball said:

In the meantime, according to epidemiologists, here's what excess mortality due to COVID looks like.

Are you sure that spike isn't from...the spike protein and microchip poisoning?  

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So, according to the eyeball, there is a 0% chance that the UK's 680% with a z-score of 19 spike in neurodegenerative diseases, is caused by millions of people being forced to inject an experimental vax with no long-term studies and that the more likely culprit is a change in people's breakfast food choices.  No need to investigate.

Well, I'm reassured.

Are you?

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15 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I'm sure its just horseshit...

In the meantime, according to epidemiologists, here's what excess mortality due to COVID looks like.


The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain caused significant excess mortality (expected rate in black, with confidence intervals in gray). Reporting lags lead to undercounting in the latest (rightmost) data.


I think we've covered the sketchy way "covid deaths" were counted, quite a few times.

Remember the 14 year old boy in AB with terminal brain cancer who was "tested" for covid while in a coma, hours before his death and thus....counted and announced as a covid death?

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41 minutes ago, Moonbox said:


Also worth noting is that the Americans (in general) did not just "let her rip".  Their health experts were saying much the same as ours - the difference was the rate at which people and governments listened.   The one good thing I can say about Trudeau is that he handled the pandemic better than Orange Man.  

The Hopkins study dinglenuts posted talks about the effect of people's behaviour on the effectiveness of lock downs and different outcomes in different countries

Third, even if lockdowns are successful in initially reducing the spread of COVID-19, the
behavioral response may counteract the effect completely, as people respond to the lower risk by changing behavior.

Trudeau had the benefit of a more rational better composed and appropriately deferential population.  Trudeau's greatest contribution was to mostly keep his mouth just and leave it up to experts to guide us. Meanwhile politicians talking to crowds of Americans referred to their masks as face diapers.

I pointed out early in March 2020 that America didn't stand a chance because of the sheer number of yahoos they count as citizens - devout patriots no doubt.

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11 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I think we've covered the sketchy way "covid deaths" were counted, quite a few times.

Remember the 14 year old boy in AB with terminal brain cancer who was "tested" for covid while in a coma, hours before his death and thus....counted and announced as a covid death?

Thank's to the self-correcting nature of science and a review of the initial report it was confirmed that cancer not COVID or vaccine was the cause.  

Just about all the reviews I've seen on the sketchy things you're counting as being due to vaccine deaths do the same thing.

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10 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I'm sure.

It's true.

The Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines can cause myocarditis but evidence suggests they don’t cause infertility, Guillain-Barré syndrome or Bell’s palsy, according to a new report.

https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2024-04-16/were-covid-19-vaccines-to-blame-for-infertility-heart-attacks-a-new-report-weighs-in#:~:text=The report comes shortly after,among previously healthy young people.

As for myocarditis...

Conclusions Compared with myocarditis associated with covid-19 disease and conventional myocarditis, myocarditis after vaccination with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines was associated with better clinical outcomes within 90 days of admission to hospital.


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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

That's right. If you recall it was a world wide pandemic so millions is not an exaggeration at all. Just letting it rip and shrugging it off as a flu that was only killing old farts would have been the worst case scenario.


ROFLMAO - vaccine mandates were already not in place in MOST countries :) and where they did happen they were far more limited and short lived :)

And his comment was very specifically about Canada :)  Not to mention your 'evidence' that we discussed was specifically from canada

ROFLMAO - you are SUCH a dumbass :)   You totally effed up and shot your mouth off like a tard and then when you got busted you're trying to double down on the stupid :)

There would not be "millions more deaths" in Canada - and there would not be millions more around the world because most places didn't go as hard as we did with it. :)

And while i posted lots of proof you yourself provided the best hunk - 2500 as an absolute max worst case probably can't actually happen number. Not millions

LOL - well that was  a pretty epic fail. You'd think by now before you call me out like that you'd at least do a LITTLE thinking and reading first to save yourself the embarrassment :)

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26 minutes ago, Goddess said:

First, I know you have problems with sources and citations in general, but an MS word doc from some random unpublished source is about as bad as they come.  

Opening  MS Word docs on random websites is like digital Darwinism.  


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7 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

And his comment was very specifically about Canada :)  Not to mention your 'evidence' that we discussed was specifically from canada

I knew you'd resort to this, especially after you countered it with a study that was done in the US and Europe.  You knew that but you're such a shameless hypocritical troll you simply don't care.

Edited by eyeball
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Did you know that the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) used to make Moderna’s and Pfizer’s shots were re-purposed to serve as vaccine platforms? They were originally intended to be a delivery mechanism for drugs and/or gene therapies.

The reason LNPs were rejected as a platform, is that the LNPs were toxic if administered multiple times. And treatment of cancers and other diseases with LNPs required multi-dosing protocols.

For this reason, several companies abandoned the use of LNPs.

But Moderna decided to change course and use LNPs as a vaccine delivery system. Why? Because they understood that an ideal vaccine is one that requires a single dose. 

Here is Health Canada’s official definition of an ideal vaccine here: 


“An ideal vaccine is: safe with minimal adverse effects; effective in providing lifelong protection against disease after a single dose that can be administered at birth; inexpensive; stable during shipment and storage; and easy to administer.“


So, problem solved. A good LNP-based vaccine would require only a single dose. No multi-dosing = none of the toxicities known to be associated with multiple administrations of LNPs.

Compare to Stéphane Bancel's comments, CEO of Moderna, which was published on September 13, 2016.

Note his serious concerns about the LNPs that his company is using: 




“In nature, mRNA molecules function like recipe books, directing cellular machinery to make specific proteins. Moderna believes it can play that system to its advantage by using synthetic mRNA to compel cells to produce whichever proteins it chooses. In effect, the mRNA would turn cells into tiny drug factories. It’s highly risky. Big pharma companies had tried similar work and abandoned it because it’s exceedingly hard to get RNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects.”

“Delivery – actually getting RNA into cells – has long bedeviled the whole field. On their own, RNA molecules have a hard time reaching their targets. They work better if they’re wrapped up in a delivery mechanism, such as nanoparticles made of lipids. But those nanoparticles can lead to dangerous side effects, especially if a patient has to take repeated doses over months or years. 

Novartis abandoned the related realm of RNA interference over concerns about toxicity, as did Merck and Roche.”


It's not just the spike protein (which there is no mechanism in the jabs to stop your body from producing) that is toxic.

The LNPs are, as well.


(But I'm sure it's just the breakfast food thing that eyeball thinks.)

9 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

First, I know you have problems with sources and citations in general, but an MS word doc from some random unpublished source is about as bad as they come.  

Opening  MS Word docs on random websites is like digital Darwinism.  


You can go see it on their website.

It's the JCCF - the lawyers who won the Emergency Act case against Trudeau.

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2 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Eyeball doesn't have to post the study. 


followed by


ROFL -  man you could hypcrisy for the olympics ;) 

And no it didn't reference all it's conclusions - and even the ones about covid it got wrong. Which you'd know if you could read the study.  :) 

LOL - some days you make a sack of hammers look smart :) 

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4 hours ago, eyeball said:

So you read a 260 page report overnight and found a bunch of errors did you? LMAO!

Ummm... how long does it take you to read 260 pages like that?  Are you saying it takes you MORE than a night?

Wow :)    Sometimes i forget how elementary school you are :)  The fact you'd be impressed by that is hilarious :)  

However in honesty i read the parts that addressed covid mostly.  Did not take long at  all.

I appreciate  you letting us know about your reading disability tho, it explains a lot :) 

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1 hour ago, Moonbox said:



Wrong.  It turns out it has more to do with population density (as well as maybe don't send the sick people BACK to the nursing homes)



There's plenty of other research.

The higher the population density of a region, the higher the mortality.  The us has much more high density areas than Canada.

And that's clear from this map


The higher density states had higher death rates for the most part.  There are other factors but there you go.

If it was STRICTLY about vacination differences -  why did washington state have a lower death rate than canada's average?  or maine?

Further there's issues involving health coverage and other factors.

Man - you just can't get anything right can you? :)  

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29 minutes ago, eyeball said:

As for myocarditis...

Conclusions Compared with myocarditis associated with covid-19 disease and conventional myocarditis, myocarditis after vaccination with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines was associated with better clinical outcomes within 90 days of admission to hospital.


I glanced at this and don't see a date on this article, but I see the research ends sometime in 2022.

I posted much more recent studies on myocarditis after covid vax in the Trickle thread.

This article is extremely out-dated.

Sort of what happens when you just do a quick google, instead of actual research. 🙄

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Just now, eyeball said:

In honesty? Well, that clinches it for sure.

Ahhh - so you have no rebuttal :)  


lol - well i  guess someone like you would find the idea of honesty a little surprising and confusing :)

So - you were wrong.  There wouldn't have been millions of deaths or even 10's of thousands or even likely hundreds in Canada.

But the damage done by those measures is HUGE. So we hurt a LOT of people just so you could virtue signal.  And instead of saying "well looking back with the knoweldge we have today i wish we'd have done  it different and hurt a lot less people", you double down and lie your ass off trying to pretend you made a good choice back then.

That would make you a pretty bad person.  Might want to rethink that,

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