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Strong evidence that everything was created by an intelligent designer: God.


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23 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The God who inspired men to write the King James Bible (1611).  There is only one God.

There are over 2000 gods. All of them created with mankind's active imagination. 

What objective proof do you have that your God is the one true god?

Youve cited scripture as "proof". But, by itself, scripture is just words on paper. It's certainly not tangible evidence of any God.

You could cite creation,  but creation is only evidence that we exist. It's not tangible evidence that we were created by your God.

All religions are called "faith based" for a good reason. Because there is no objective evidence of any god.


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19 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

What objective proof do you have that your God is the one true god?

There are probably as you said many false gods invented by men.

The reason I believe there is one true God is in the Bible.  You dismiss the Bible without having studied it to find out why people believe in one true God and Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

You say it is pieces of paper.  Nobody said it wasn't written on pieces of paper, but what matters in the words and facts that are revealed in it.  How can you be so certain it is not proof if you don't know what it is?  That is like saying you don't believe in sunshine because you are blind.  Of course a blind person could say he doesn't believe in a lot of things because he has not seen them.  But how does that prove the truth of things?  It doesn't.

You have to know something about what's in the Bible before you can form an opinion one way or the other.


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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

You dismiss the Bible without having studied it to find out why people believe in one true God and Jesus Christ, the Son of God.


What a random assumption on your part.

I was raised Catholic.  Baptized. I used to believe the nonsense you still cling so fervently to.

Do you really think a guy died on a cross, then came back to life with super human strength? You believe it, because it was "written....... in a book".

Do you think it's ok to buy slaves from neighboring countries? Apparently your God did, because he sought to instruct the faithful on regulating the slave trade. 

Do you believe we need to kill our neighbors if they shave their faces? Your God sure did.

Were you aware that if your testicles get crushed, you are no longer welcome in heaven? Such a just, stable God you worship.

Did you know that you must cut off your wife's hand if she touches the testicles of the man attacking you? Your God thought it justified.

Do you really believe gay people are abominations? Your bigoted God, (Their "creator") sure did.

I could go on and on and on with this moronic nonsense. 

The Bible reads like a book of mythology because it is a book of mythology.

After all these thousands of years, do we yet have any empirical evidence any Gods exist?

We don't.
ive come to the conclusion that the only reason religion survives in a World with science is because it offers comfort to the delusional, and terrifies the weak minded with threats of eternal damnation.


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8 hours ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

What a random assumption on your part.

I was raised Catholic.  Baptized. I used to believe the nonsense you still cling so fervently to.

Do you really think a guy died on a cross, then came back to life with super human strength? You believe it, because it was "written....... in a book".

Do you think it's ok to buy slaves from neighboring countries? Apparently your God did, because he sought to instruct the faithful on regulating the slave trade. 

Do you believe we need to kill our neighbors if they shave their faces? Your God sure did.

Were you aware that if your testicles get crushed, you are no longer welcome in heaven? Such a just, stable God you worship.

Did you know that you must cut off your wife's hand if she touches the testicles of the man attacking you? Your God thought it justified.

Do you really believe gay people are abominations? Your bigoted God, (Their "creator") sure did.

I could go on and on and on with this moronic nonsense. 

The Bible reads like a book of mythology because it is a book of mythology.

After all these thousands of years, do we yet have any empirical evidence any Gods exist?

We don't.
ive come to the conclusion that the only reason religion survives in a World with science is because it offers comfort to the delusional, and terrifies the weak minded with threats of eternal damnation.


All the points you raised are not what Christianity or Bible believers believe.  

I know a fair amount about Roman Catholicism to know it is a unbiblical, false religion.  You were raised in it.  So you have a false idea of Biblical Christianity.

All the points you raised about bad things are not a part of Christianity.  The Bible is not one book but made up of 66 books.  The Old Testament things you mentioned only applied in a certain period in history among certain people and have absolutely nothing to do with Christianity.  God does not deal with people today the same way they were dealt with 3,000 years ago under a different dispensation.   

Christianity has absolutely nothing to do with what you are thinking.  Sadly you have imbibed a completely false notion of it.

The God of the Bible is a merciful God who is of infinite power, knowledge, and is eternal.  He is a spirit and not a part of the material world.  You need to learn right from scratch what this is all about.  The Old Testament is a history of Israel as God's chosen people and is not a model for Christianity and never was.  Christianity started just 2,000 years ago.  

Slavery was common in those days and the New Testament simply teaches its followers to treat slaves fairly and with kindness and love.  That is far from the picture of slavery we have seen in history where they were not treated kindly and were beaten often.

There are many people in the world today who live lives probably worse than slaves.  They live in absolute poverty and many people starve.  Biblical Christianity is not some kind of Communist revolution where it is trying to built a system where everyone is equal in treatment or income, etc.  God is not trying to change the world systems and build a utopia here now.  You need to learn what it is all about. 

Man rebelled against God and brought evil into the world and the world is a fallen , decaying, corrupt place. You need to learn what the Bible is all about and what God's plan is.  It is partly to deliver fallen sinners and redeem them from this sinful, fallen world and save them out of the world for a future of happiness and glory with Jesus Christ in heaven.  Then when Jesus Christ returns, they will rule a different world with him.  If you choose to reject God's plan for redemption, there is nothing else for you.  That is choosing the worse possible future.  That is not God's choice.  Do not make the mistake that billions of people are making and choosing a lost eternity. 

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12 hours ago, blackbird said:

The God who inspired men to write the King James Bible (1611).  There is only one God.

Who does Yahweh mean when he mentions other Gods, like in the first commandment.

Is he lying about their existence?

Who are these other Gods that we might put above your genocidal homophobic one?

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2 hours ago, CrakHoBarbie said:


Most Christians are openly highly prejudice against transfolk.

That is an undeniable fact.

Prejudice is not the right word.  God tells us in the Bible that he created man and woman and there is no such thing as changing sex or gender.  Everyone should be respected as people, but that does not mean everyone has to agree with ever belief or ideology out there.

"Although sex-change operations are not specifically mentioned in Scripture, human sexuality is spelled out clearly, starting in Genesis: "So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them. God blessed them and told them, multiply and fill the earth and subdue it" (Genesis 1:27-28a). Genesis 1:31 tells us that His creation was excellent in every way. To say that gender does not matter is to disagree with God’s design for creation and His proclamation that it was very good."

What does the Bible say about getting a sex change? | GotQuestions.org


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18 hours ago, blackbird said:

 God tells us in the Bible that he created man and woman and there is no such thing as changing sex or gender. 

So it's your contention that he didn't create trans folk? Or that he did, but he didn't mean to?

Newsflash... trans folk exist. They've existed as long as man has existed.

The tenets of your imaginary deity  demonize people he allegedly created.

It appears your "all powerfull " god, has no power except in the minds of his faithful.

You should probably threaten me with eternal damnation again.

After all, it's all you've got with which to force compliance. 




18 hours ago, blackbird said:

 That is not part of God's plan for anyone.


Did God create everything?

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2 hours ago, Black Dog said:

This such a funny response.

"Everything has a cause or a maker"

"What about god?"

"Uh...god doesn't count!"

It's like a toddler making up rules for a game on the fly.

You don't make any sense.  It is nonsensical to try to debate whether God exists or not.  The evidence is in the creation all around you.  I'm not into word games.  

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1 minute ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

So it's your contention that he didn't create trans folk? Or that he did, but he didn't mean to?

Newsflash... trans folk exist. They've existed as long as man has existed.

The tenets of your imaginary deity  demonize people he allegedly created.

It appears your "all powerfull " god, has no power except in the minds of his faithful.

You should probably threaten me with eternal damnation again.

After, it's all you've got with which to force compliance. 




Did God create everything?

 I tried to explain Biblical Christianity and God a bit to you but you reject it out of hand.   I can't waste any more time on that conversation. 

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

 I tried to explain Biblical Christianity and God a bit to you but you reject it out of hand.. 

How odd that you expect folks to comply with your theory of an invisible entity, without the slightest shred of objective evidence supporting it.

I've already informed you that scripture is not objective evidence of the existence of any God.  Yet, you take those words as gospel (pun Intended). 

There is no physical evidence of your gods existence.  Thus, those who embrace this fairy tale are catagorically delusional.

Magic and your God. There is no physical evidence of either.



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18 hours ago, blackbird said:

If you are judging Biblical Christianity on whether it condones or accepts trans and LGBT beliefs and practices, you are making a deadly error.  That is not part of God's plan for anyone.


Leviticus 18:22

You shall not lay with a male as with a woman. It's an abomination. 

I'm gunna be painfully candid with you for a minute. 

If, as you say, your God created everything,  then he created these so called "abominations " as well. And what's more, he's supposedly all powerfull, so he could just change them to heterosexual, if that was, as his book claims,as he desired.

How is it possible that you fell for such an obvious line of bullshit?

Just how gullible and delusional does one have to be to fall for this scam?

Makes me wonder what other things, of which there's no physical evidence of,  do you believe in?






Any of the above?

You know.... id just like to get a sense of exactly how delusional you are.


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4 hours ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

So it's your contention that he didn't create trans folk? Or that he did, but he didn't mean to?

No, that is a personal choice.  God didn't create them

The Bible says, as I already said, God created man and woman and said go forth and multiply.

All people sin and are sinners because Adam and Eve rebelled against God in the garden of Eden.  They ate the forbidden fruit against God's command.  That resulted in every descendent being born with a sinful, fallen nature.  That is why humans sin and are sinful.  I might have already explained this but this is why God sent his only begotten Son Jesus Christ to redeem sinful man by dying on the cross.  You say what the Bible says means nothing. 

Criminal court cases are decided by witnesses and evidence.  The Bible has lots of evidence that Jesus is who he said he was, the Son of God and plenty of eye witnesses saw him after he was raised from the dead.  The evidence is there just like the evidence of a complex creation that required a Creator-designer.


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1 hour ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

If, as you say, your God created everything,  then he created these so called "abominations " as well.

No, there is no evidence that God created them.  The Bible mentions nothing about that.  It is all part of a fallen corrupt world we live in.  The Bible does say all are sinners.  There are sinners of all types and degrees.   

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14 minutes ago, blackbird said:

No, there is no evidence that God created them.  The Bible mentions nothing about that.  It is all part of a fallen corrupt world we live in.  The Bible does say all are sinners.  There are sinners of all types and degrees.   

There is no physical evidence of any god. The Bible is a book of mythology.

There's no physical evidence that the so called "miracles " from the Bible happened.

Religions are "faith based" because there's no physical evidence. But you are so delusional, you believe the myth is real.

This is common stuff.

I recommend you seek help.




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9 hours ago, blackbird said:

You don't make any sense.  It is nonsensical to try to debate whether God exists or not.  The evidence is in the creation all around you.  I'm not into word games.  

My guy the shit you're into you couldn't sell at Burning Man.

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