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Plugging My Nose and Watching Canadian News Today

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

It was not put on basic cable because the communists at the CRTC did not want the conservative Sun News Network on the air and basic cable and wanted them instead to fail. I am pretty sure that they would have done very well and may be still around if Sun News were allowed to go on basic cable. 

By all appearances you are living in a communist country right now and you better wake up fast to that fact. This covid hoax so called crisis has been a great gift and blessing to the new world order great reset globalists and covid is being used by the communist globalists with the help of our lackey gutless politicians and their corporate owned Canadian media to push communism in Canada today. 

The communist government in Ottawa is against we the people. Sadly, the many stupid sheeple out there keep supporting the communists in Ottawa and keep aiding them along to their eventual demise as a free people. By putting Castro Trudeau back in his comrade PM chair again they may have just sealed all Canadians fate. A fate that they are not going to enjoy and be happy with. Prove me wrong if you can? I doubt that anyone here can. Just saying.  

Are you being hyperbolic, or do you actually believe that the Canadian government is communist?

I ask, because I’m just wondering what reason I should use for not taking you seriously….  Does he exaggerate a lot, or is he just really, really stupid?  That’s the question I’m trying to answer…

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5 hours ago, dialamah said:

I grew up in a small, rural and still pretty conservative area - as in they primarily vote conservative and in the last election, voted in another conservative.  

Yet, on social issues they are mostly left-leaning and we agree more than we disagree; it's really only on fiscal management that I would call them conservative and even then we're not that far apart.  Right-leaning people on this forum sound like the people in my hometown, on steroids.  The hatred expressed here for 'lefties' isn't found among the conservatives in my family or their community at large; their attitude seems to be that we have different political ideas and while mine are pretty stupid, I'm not an evil person who deserves to be drawn and quartered.  

My partner often listens to right-wing radio stations and rants about how the world as we know it is being destroyed by things like immigration, Canada's debt, children being forced to change gender and other right-wing complaints though he hasn't gotten to "woke" people yet.  Yet, he consistently votes NDP because at heart he believes that people deserve respect and equality, and that government shouldn't be swayed by Big Business lobbyists; he doesn't see either Conservatives or Liberals actually supporting what he believes is important, so he votes NDP because they do promise those things, are untried and might be better than our current choices.

The point being that your relatives are not much different than the rest of Canadians - it's you that sees them as being part of the 'enemy'.  Partisans on both sides demonize the other.  Demonizing means that lies must be told about the other side in order to make them seem more unreasonable than they really are, and insist that the other ideology will destroy our culture and society.

Both are equally wrong, imo. (I've also made that mistake, and must remind myself that we're not that different, and that it's wrong to paint all conservatives as unreasonable based on what I see on this forum.)

See that's the problem.  We assume bad faith or dishonest from the other side, so we are left not knowing what is true, as we judge what we are told, by the media, social networking act, is a big fat lie, out forward by the other side.  Actually the family I mention is my Dad's side and they generally very intolerant of other viewpoints.  I grew up in a conservative town, but my parents were and are always far left.  The fact they saw the BC Liberals, who are very socially liberal, as fascists, tells me they have a very skewed viewpoint.

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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

Are you being hyperbolic, or do you actually believe that the Canadian government is communist?

I ask, because I’m just wondering what reason I should use for not taking you seriously….  Does he exaggerate a lot, or is he just really, really stupid?  That’s the question I’m trying to answer…

Communist in regards to the liberals might be a small bit of hyperbole.  There are definitely far left though.  

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11 minutes ago, Faramir said:

See that's the problem.  We assume bad faith or dishonest from the other side, so we are left not knowing what is true, as we judge what we are told, by the media, social networking act, is a big fat lie, out forward by the other side.  Actually the family I mention is my Dad's side and they generally very intolerant of other viewpoints.  I grew up in a conservative town, but my parents were and are always far left.  The fact they saw the BC Liberals, who are very socially liberal, as fascists, tells me they have a very skewed viewpoint.

Do you think you could have inherited your parents’ penchant for labeling political parties you don’t agree with as something more extreme than they actually are in reality?

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Just now, Faramir said:

slightly left of center.  Liberals far left.  NDP Green and Bloc kooky extreme left.

So your parents say the BC Libs are fascists.

And you say the Conservatives are on the left, and it goes further left from there into kooky and extreme.

I think we have determined that the apple indeed doesn’t fall far from the tree.

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29 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Do you think you could have inherited your parents’ penchant for labeling political parties you don’t agree with as something more extreme than they actually are in reality?

Nope because whatever the label is it is not subjective but objectively true.  We can spend hours at this and I really am not interested in doing so.  For example the Liberals are far left because of their affinity to large expensive government and hatred of free speech and opinion.  Their gun grabbing.  Ect.   The CPC of course is not perfect has run large deficits which is why they are left of center.

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Just now, Faramir said:

Nope because whatever the label is it is not subjective but objectively true.  We can spend hours at this and I really am not interested in doing so.  For example the Liberals are far left because of their affinity to large expensive government and hatred of free speech and opinion.  Their gun grabbing.  Ect.   The CPC of course is not perfect has run large deficits which is why they are left of center.

If most people thing Cons are right, and you think they’re left, how is that an objective measure?  I think it is clearly quite subjective depending on whom you ask.

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6 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

If most people thing Cons are right, and you think they’re left, how is that an objective measure?  I think it is clearly quite subjective depending on whom you ask.

My golden rule is that most people think they are more conservative than they really are.  George Bush fancies himself one, but he is at best what Von Mises would call an interventionist.  He pushed big government policies, spent like a drunken sailor, and sent sons to war over ridiculous democracy building.

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15 minutes ago, Faramir said:

My golden rule is that most people think they are more conservative than they really are.  George Bush fancies himself one, but he is at best what Von Mises would call an interventionist.  He pushed big government policies, spent like a drunken sailor, and sent sons to war over ridiculous democracy building.

So, if you give me one answer based on your criteria, and I ask your parents about GWB and they say he was far right, do you still think that this is an objective opinion?

It sounds to me that these are the very definition of subjective terms.  Would you agree?

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9 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

So, if you give me one answer based on your criteria, and I ask your parents about GWB and they say he was far right, do you still think that this is an objective opinion?

It sounds to me that these are the very definition of subjective terms.  Would you agree?

Ah no.  Being conservative means something.  It means an affinity for small government and unobtrusive government.  For my parents to think GWB is on the right is in error.  They are just ignorant of reality and watch too much CNN.

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8 minutes ago, Faramir said:

Ah no.  Being conservative means something.  It means an affinity for small government and unobtrusive government.  For my parents to think GWB is on the right is in error.  They are just ignorant of reality and watch too much CNN.

They’re using different criteria then you.

I will use your criteria then and agree with you that the Libs are far left and the Cons are left of centre.  The labels don’t really matter to me…  I tend to focus on the ideas much more than the labels.

This probably means, if we can judge by the latest election, that 95% of Canada would be considered left of centre and further.  Agreed?

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1 minute ago, TreeBeard said:

They’re using different criteria then you.

I will use your criteria then and agree with you that the Libs are far left and the Cons are left of centre.  The labels don’t really matter to me…  I tend to focus on the ideas much more than the labels.

This probably means, if we can judge by the latest election, that 95% of Canada would be considered left of centre and further.  Agreed?


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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

If most people thing Cons are right, and you think they’re left, how is that an objective measure?  I think it is clearly quite subjective depending on whom you ask.

Ask any conservative , where on the spectrum was the conservatives platform, any of them... and the will tell you the sale answer left of center...

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21 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

Are you being hyperbolic, or do you actually believe that the Canadian government is communist?

I ask, because I’m just wondering what reason I should use for not taking you seriously….  Does he exaggerate a lot, or is he just really, really stupid?  That’s the question I’m trying to answer…

Castro Trudeau has said that he admires communist China. Castro Trudeau is all in favor of the new world order great reset which is a globalist communist program and agenda to take away we the people's rights and freedoms and to be monitored on everything we do like a social credit score like they have in China. I once saw a picture of Castro Trudeau sitting down next to G. Soros one of the biggest communist globalists around. 

If you think that what I said above is all just hyperbolic well that is your problem and not mine. But try and prove to me that what I wrote above is all just conspiracy talk? Go ahead, make your day, punk. I await your reply. 

The facts appear to be there that Castro Trudeau and his liberal government are communist sympathizers and supporters. This covid hoax and lie has shown us that already as to just how far all of our three levels governments will go to try and take away all of our rights and freedoms. The stunned obedient, docile, helpless and gullible people are the ones that continue to go along with this fraud called covid 1984. I have no doubts about it that you may be one of those stunned ones. Well, am I right? ?

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On 9/25/2021 at 10:58 AM, taxme said:

But try and prove to me that what I wrote above is all just conspiracy talk?

When someone says “prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist”, do you take them seriously and go about trying to disprove Bigfoot?  Or do you tell them…. “Heyyy…. Wait just a minute….  You have to prove Bigfoot, not the other way around”?  

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On 9/24/2021 at 10:12 PM, TreeBeard said:

Again…. Labels.  I think it’s better to debate the ideas, rather than labels.  Don’t you?

Not sure where you are going here, before the 2015 election the Conservatives had policies leaning to the right... this election Conservatives had a policy leaning to the center left in order to catch a few more votes it was an election strategy which got very little results... It is the ideas that determine left and right, and this election had more left sided ideas than right ones...

This is what i have found nobody is interested in discussing ideas, they are on opposite sides of most issues in Canada they are right and the other side is wrong end of story, They don't want debate, because there is to much space between ideas....  very little people are interested in what the other side has to offer... Our nation is so divide now it is almost imposable to get things done...look at voter turn out as an example it has to say something...

Justin has inspired these divisions by using out right lies in his campaign, conservatives where going to table anti abortion laws, reverse liberal gun control, get rid of child care, no climate plan...... all lies , The conservatives did change their direction on many issues, but these lies were being spread on election day, when they were not true......Justin has constantly lied to Canadians from day one... It must be OK to bullshit on an industrial scale and think it is normal atleast thats what i think the left think, why else would they support Justin...one answer i keep getting is because he is less harmful...Now there is an award winning choice on how to pick our nations leader....You want to discuss ideas then climb done form your horse and i will do the same , if not, your just back ground noise to me as i am to you.... 

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On 9/26/2021 at 12:44 PM, TreeBeard said:

When someone says “prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist”, do you take them seriously and go about trying to disprove Bigfoot?  Or do you tell them…. “Heyyy…. Wait just a minute….  You have to prove Bigfoot, not the other way around”?  

Bigfoot and UFO sightings are all just plain bull chit stories just like Canadian news stories are also. Canadian news is like watching a TV series of some kind where they go on and on and at the end of their series you find out that they were lying to us all along even though they tried to make it appear as though they were always telling the truth all the time. 

Canadian news has become one big joke and full of lies and not worth the time of day to listen to anymore. If they ever told the real truth about something that would be one bloody miracle indeed. I get most of my news fro Rebel News. ?


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10 minutes ago, taxme said:

Bigfoot and UFO sightings are all just plain bull chit stories just like Canadian news stories are also. Canadian news is like watching a TV series of some kind where they go on and on and at the end of their series you find out that they were lying to us all along even though they tried to make it appear as though they were always telling the truth all the time. 

Canadian news has become one big joke and full of lies and not worth the time of day to listen to anymore. If they ever told the real truth about something that would be one bloody miracle indeed. I get most of my news fro Rebel News. ?


You’re going to have to prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist if you want me to believe you. 

Isn't that what you’re saying when you say:


But try and prove to me that what I wrote above is all just conspiracy talk?


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On 9/28/2021 at 11:57 AM, TreeBeard said:

You’re going to have to prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist if you want me to believe you. 

Isn't that what you’re saying when you say:


How am I going to be able to prove that Bigfoot exists when I could care less as to whether big foot exists or not? If you believe in Bigfoot well go ahead prove to me that Bigfoot exists? Bigfoot is probably just part of a conspiracy anyways to try and get fairy tale peter Pan believers like you to believe that Bigfoot does really exist. 

If you want to believe in ghosts go right ahead. But when the day comes when they finally catch a Bigfoot, then that is the day when I will believe that Bigfoot does exist. But until then, no way, oh bearded one. 

I get it that you like to try and play that good old game called I gotcha, right? Well, i am quite happy to say to you that you did not gotcha me on nuttin. I only ask people like you to prove to me that what I am saying here at times is all just conspiracy nonsense? I pretty much gotcha you because you cannot prove to me that some of the things that I am writing  here are not part of a conspiracy. But if you can, then go ahead punk, make your day. Let's debate.  ?

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