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Anti-covid David beats pro covid Goliath.


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Patriot Patrick King of Red Deer, Alberta just won his court case against Alberta over a $1200.00 fine that he was issued over his protesting against the covid hoax. Patrick took the fine to court and won his case in court proven that covid 19 was all just a hoax. Patrick slew the covid beast and won. A victory for we the people. 

What Patrick had done was subpoena the provincial health minister to court to show proof that the so-called covid virus did exist, and the health minister said they could not. The virus has never been isolated, nor shown to be for real, and thus the Alberta government had no legal grounds to impose any of the punishing restrictions they have inflicted on society. And since this shocking confession came to light, the Alberta government had to rescind all of their covid restrictions on the people of Alberta.

The people of Alberta have now gained back their old normal freedoms and rights and lives and the government had to go hide their ugly covid virus hoax face in shame. This can be a prime example for all as to of how these pro globalist communist premiers can be defeated in Canada, and the people can once again take back their lost freedoms and rights. We all owe Patrick a huge favor for what he has done. He has opened the door to freedom. Now will anyone do the same thing and take on their own provincial governments if they are fined for protesting against covid? Patrick(David)took on big government Goliath and won. 

The covid hoax virus that most people believed was all for real as was to told to them by their lying politicians and the lying media now know that this covid virus hoax was all just that. One big gigantic fraud of a joke. Now all that is left is to arrest and charge and jail most of our politicians and those so-called health ministers. They lied to us. I would love to see the day when our own so called health official Bonnie the comrade Henry here in BC gets to try out the size of her new orange suit that she hopefully will be wearing one day. ?

Source: Internet. It's all on the internet for anyone that wishes to see and read the story for themselves. Just punch in patrick king trial as I did. Go for it. It will not bite you. Bye-bye. ? 



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On 9/8/2021 at 5:31 PM, taxme said:

Patriot Patrick King of Red Deer, Alberta just won his court case against Alberta over a $1200.00 fine that he was issued over his protesting against the covid hoax. Patrick took the fine to court and won his case in court proven that covid 19 was all just a hoax. Patrick slew the covid beast and won. A victory for we the people. 

What Patrick had done was subpoena the provincial health minister to court to show proof that the so-called covid virus did exist, and the health minister said they could not. The virus has never been isolated, nor shown to be for real, and thus the Alberta government had no legal grounds to impose any of the punishing restrictions they have inflicted on society. And since this shocking confession came to light, the Alberta government had to rescind all of their covid restrictions on the people of Alberta.

The people of Alberta have now gained back their old normal freedoms and rights and lives and the government had to go hide their ugly covid virus hoax face in shame. This can be a prime example for all as to of how these pro globalist communist premiers can be defeated in Canada, and the people can once again take back their lost freedoms and rights. We all owe Patrick a huge favor for what he has done. He has opened the door to freedom. Now will anyone do the same thing and take on their own provincial governments if they are fined for protesting against covid? Patrick(David)took on big government Goliath and won. 

The covid hoax virus that most people believed was all for real as was to told to them by their lying politicians and the lying media now know that this covid virus hoax was all just that. One big gigantic fraud of a joke. Now all that is left is to arrest and charge and jail most of our politicians and those so-called health ministers. They lied to us. I would love to see the day when our own so called health official Bonnie the comrade Henry here in BC gets to try out the size of her new orange suit that she hopefully will be wearing one day. ?

Source: Internet. It's all on the internet for anyone that wishes to see and read the story for themselves. Just punch in patrick king trial as I did. Go for it. It will not bite you. Bye-bye. ? 



Judging by the replies, there must a hell of a lot of unhappy pro vaxers here who are probably overly upset that Patrick King defeated the covid vaccine Goliath. Too bad, so sad. LOL. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/10/2021 at 1:12 PM, taxme said:

Judging by the replies, there must a hell of a lot of unhappy pro vaxers here who are probably overly upset that Patrick King defeated the covid vaccine Goliath. Too bad, so sad. LOL. 



"Fact Check-Alberta court case not linked to lifting of COVID-19 restrictions"  https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-alberta-case-idUSL1N2PE0EX

Edited by Pete_Coach
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6 hours ago, Pete_Coach said:



"Fact Check-Alberta court case not linked to lifting of COVID-19 restrictions"  https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-alberta-case-idUSL1N2PE0EX

It does not matter anymore. Pretty much all of Alberta's covid restrictions are back once again. Albertan's have lost their short gained freedoms that they had for awhile for more medical tyranny madness compliments of their traitorous pro globalist communist politicians. Try and enjoy what little freedoms you have left. ? 

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23 hours ago, taxme said:

It does not matter anymore. Pretty much all of Alberta's covid restrictions are back once again. Albertan's have lost their short gained freedoms that they had for awhile for more medical tyranny madness compliments of their traitorous pro globalist communist politicians. Try and enjoy what little freedoms you have left. ? 

It does matter. regardless of circumstance, false information is still false information.

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2 minutes ago, Pete_Coach said:

It does matter. regardless of circumstance, false information is still false information.

I still do not believe that it was all false information. And like I already told you, dunce, it does not matter anymore. The people of Alberta have once again lost their freedoms and rights. That is all that you should be concerned about. ?

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On 10/1/2021 at 3:19 PM, taxme said:

I still do not believe that it was all false information. And like I already told you, dunce, it does not matter anymore. The people of Alberta have once again lost their freedoms and rights. That is all that you should be concerned about?

You are very wrong, I should be and am concerned about the spread of COVID to my kids.

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On 10/4/2021 at 9:36 AM, Pete_Coach said:

You are very wrong, I should be and am concerned about the spread of COVID to my kids.

No, you are not worried about your kids at all because if you give them the covid vaccine jabs they may pay a heavy price for your ignorance and foolishness for years to come. I heard that many young adults who have been jabbed with a covid vaccine have ended up with heart problems, and many may become sterilized. You may never have any grandchildren if what I have been reading is true about these covid vaccines. It's your kids and your call, kid coach. ? 


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I know people who will not vaccinate themselves.  Don't understand why but that's their prerogative.  I am doubly vaccinated but only because BC made life too difficult without it.  What I find grating is the self righteousness of the pro-vaccine crowd.  Carrots work better than sticks.  By insulting those on the fence by calling them anti-vaxxers does nothing for making your case.

So my wife and I are doubled down, but we are letting our 14 and 16 year old make their own choice based on what they understand.  Told them they won't be able to go to the movies without one

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On 9/10/2021 at 10:12 AM, taxme said:

Judging by the replies, there must a hell of a lot of unhappy pro vaxers here who are probably overly upset that Patrick King defeated the covid vaccine Goliath. Too bad, so sad. LOL. 

FWIW, the hoax isn't whether COVID exists.  It does.  The hoax was that it was necessary to send various economies into a recession over let's be frank, in Canada, killed less than 1/10th of 1 percent of the entire population.  

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20 hours ago, Faramir said:

FWIW, the hoax isn't whether COVID exists.  It does.  The hoax was that it was necessary to send various economies into a recession over let's be frank, in Canada, killed less than 1/10th of 1 percent of the entire population.  

Well, if one listens to the lying politicians, and the lying media, and those lying so called health ministers and experts, why are they all still pushing mask mandates and for vaccine passports then? If, like you posted above, that there has been less than 1/10th of 1% of Canadians that have died from covid then why is this pandemic not over yet here in Canada? Why or who is keeping this covid virus going? 

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20 hours ago, Faramir said:

I know people who will not vaccinate themselves.  Don't understand why but that's their prerogative.  I am doubly vaccinated but only because BC made life too difficult without it.  What I find grating is the self righteousness of the pro-vaccine crowd.  Carrots work better than sticks.  By insulting those on the fence by calling them anti-vaxxers does nothing for making your case.

So my wife and I are doubled down, but we are letting our 14 and 16 year old make their own choice based on what they understand.  Told them they won't be able to go to the movies without one

You and your wife got yourselves fully vaccinated because you were conned by Bonnie the lying commie Henry into believing the buffoon that if you did not get fully vaccinated you would not be able to travel or would not be allowed to go into a restaurant and have a sit down meal with family or friends. Thanks to Bonnie the commie Henry she has taken those  rights and freedoms away.

I am now being discriminated and segregated against just like the black slaves were a couple of centuries ago in America. The non vaccinated ones can now be seen as the new black slaves in Canada. I always thought and was told to believe that in Canada discrimination and segregation was an abhorrent thing of the past and would never be tolerated here. All our politicians needs to do now is get out the chains and tie us non vaccinated new black slaves to the oars. 

I will never understand the logic or common sense as to why a non vaccinated person can shop at Costco or buy booze w/o being vaccinated but yet I need to be fully vaccinated in order to be able to eat inside a restaurant with my family or friends or go to a casino or sports event. Can anyone here see that there is something seriously wrong with this covid virus picture yet? 

Sadly, my son and his wife have been fully vaccinated and they now have their three boys fully vaccinated. I fear for all of them their health and life now. I just have to hope now that all that I have been reading about the dangers of taking these covid viruses that nothing will happen to them. I have read that the covid vaccines may render young adults sterilized. It's good to see that you are allowing your 14 and 16 year olds to make their own choices. But you have pretty much told them that if they do not take the covid vaccines they will not be able to go to the movies. I guess that will be there call now. Their not being allowed to go to the movies if not jabbed may force them now to go take the jabs. ?

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26 minutes ago, taxme said:

Well, if one listens to the lying politicians, and the lying media, and those lying so called health ministers and experts, why are they all still pushing mask mandates and for vaccine passports then? If, like you posted above, that there has been less than 1/10th of 1% of Canadians that have died from covid then why is this pandemic not over yet here in Canada? Why or who is keeping this covid virus going? 

The pandemic is basically over.  Look at worldmeter.  The deaths of the fourth wave are at absolute lows.  The media gets off on fear porn.  A good example is way back in 2000 when the US media were frothing over a doubling of shark deaths in the USA.  World shark deaths were in the low teens!!!! 

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Yeah, its a complicated situation.  Much like our addiction to consumerism promoted by Central Banking.  The entire Fabian pushed central banking religion is now a permanent part of Western living.  I wouldn't call the people promoting it dishonest.  They are just teaching what they falsely learned.

I sympathize where you are going here for sure.  If this was something really dangerous it might be different.  The Spanish Flu killed anywhere between 50 to 100 million worldwide when the world population was 1/3rd it is now.

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9 minutes ago, Faramir said:

The pandemic is basically over.  Look at worldmeter.  The deaths of the fourth wave are at absolute lows.  The media gets off on fear porn.  A good example is way back in 2000 when the US media were frothing over a doubling of shark deaths in the USA.  World shark deaths were in the low teens!!!! 

Indeed, the pandemic is over but try and tell that to the pro vax bimbos out there who still believe that the covid virus is still alive and well. And they will be told that if they do not keep up with their booster jabs that will soon be coming along anytime soon they will die.

Indeed, it is the media that is keeping this plandemic/scamdemic alive and well because it gives the lying media  something to lie about once again and get all those pro vax bimbos all into a state of fear and panic. And of course our dear Marxist political leaders just love the power and control that they have that has been given to them on a silver platter, all thanks to this covid lie and hoax. 

When the sheeple finally get it thru their pea brain skulls of theirs that it is their lying politicians and the lying fake media that are always trying to make their lives miserable as hell and try to scare them half to death all the time. The last thing anyone should be doing today is to be listening to the MSM liars that try to always keep those sheeple into a constant state of fear and panic and paranoia over nothing. They relish in it. All the Canadian media does every day is talk covid-covid-covid. Pathetic indeed. ?

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18 minutes ago, Faramir said:

Yeah, its a complicated situation.  Much like our addiction to consumerism promoted by Central Banking.  The entire Fabian pushed central banking religion is now a permanent part of Western living.  I wouldn't call the people promoting it dishonest.  They are just teaching what they falsely learned.

I sympathize where you are going here for sure.  If this was something really dangerous it might be different.  The Spanish Flu killed anywhere between 50 to 100 million worldwide when the world population was 1/3rd it is now.

Apparently, the countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Singapore have now got rid of all of their covid restrictions and have finally given into the fact that the covid virus will never go away and will now be treated as just one of those regular flu like viruses that come around every year, and now the government of Norway have allowed their citizen's to once again get back to the good old normal days like they were before this covid bs came along. They have their freedoms back. 

The people in Norway were so so bloody happy to see all of the covid restrictions gone for good and that covid is done and over with in their country that they pretty much all went into the streets and celebrated their getting back their freedoms. It was free booze for freedom. 

And then again we come to Canada. Canada is going just the opposite to the way Norway has gone now. Forced mask wearing is still in effect and now vaccine passports will soon become the norm. It has become very sad to me that the majority of Canadians have become nothing more than a bunch of bimbos, wimps, and gullible buffoons. 

As it stands now, Canada is well on it's way to becoming a communist country. Believe it or not. ?

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On 10/8/2021 at 11:49 AM, taxme said:

Indeed, the pandemic is over but try and tell that to the pro vax bimbos out there who still believe that the covid virus is still alive and well. And they will be told that if they do not keep up with their booster jabs that will soon be coming along anytime soon they will die.

Indeed, it is the media that is keeping this plandemic/scamdemic alive and well because it gives the lying media  something to lie about once again and get all those pro vax bimbos all into a state of fear and panic. And of course our dear Marxist political leaders just love the power and control that they have that has been given to them on a silver platter, all thanks to this covid lie and hoax. 

When the sheeple finally get it thru their pea brain skulls of theirs that it is their lying politicians and the lying fake media that are always trying to make their lives miserable as hell and try to scare them half to death all the time. The last thing anyone should be doing today is to be listening to the MSM liars that try to always keep those sheeple into a constant state of fear and panic and paranoia over nothing. They relish in it. All the Canadian media does every day is talk covid-covid-covid. Pathetic indeed. ?

The only thing that gives me a little pause is 2 people around my age, late 40s, in good health who were intensive care last week.  One died, and the other is struggling.  I have a respatory illness as they did.

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On 10/8/2021 at 12:05 PM, taxme said:

Apparently, the countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Singapore have now got rid of all of their covid restrictions and have finally given into the fact that the covid virus will never go away and will now be treated as just one of those regular flu like viruses that come around every year, and now the government of Norway have allowed their citizen's to once again get back to the good old normal days like they were before this covid bs came along. They have their freedoms back. 

The people in Norway were so so bloody happy to see all of the covid restrictions gone for good and that covid is done and over with in their country that they pretty much all went into the streets and celebrated their getting back their freedoms. It was free booze for freedom. 

And then again we come to Canada. Canada is going just the opposite to the way Norway has gone now. Forced mask wearing is still in effect and now vaccine passports will soon become the norm. It has become very sad to me that the majority of Canadians have become nothing more than a bunch of bimbos, wimps, and gullible buffoons. 

As it stands now, Canada is well on it's way to becoming a communist country. Believe it or not. ?

Have you heard about Australia.  They have insanely low COVID numbers but are arresting people in the streets.

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21 hours ago, Faramir said:

The only thing that gives me a little pause is 2 people around my age, late 40s, in good health who were intensive care last week.  One died, and the other is struggling.  I have a respatory illness as they did.

Those people may have had pneumonia instead and not covid. But in today's covid world nobody gets pneumonia anymore. Even the common flu bug seems to not exist anymore. Everybody is only getting sick or is dying from covid. Why is that? ?

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21 hours ago, Faramir said:

Have you heard about Australia.  They have insanely low COVID numbers but are arresting people in the streets.

Yes indeed, I have heard as to what is going on in Australia. What is going on in Australia is that there are crimes being committed against the Australian people and crimes against humanity. The Australian people are being treated like a herd of sheep. Get back in your sheeple pen you bag of sheeple wool. Disgusting indeed. 

I saw on The Rebel the other day where there was a big demonstration going on by the Australian people against all of those lock downs, the 4th lockdown, and they showed a video of an old woman being knocked down to the ground by a pos cop and that pos cop sprayed her with some kind of chemical in her face. This is something one would only think that we would see happening in China or North Korea. It was hard to believe that this happened in Australia. 

Rumor has it that Australia is now the guinea pig here and is being uses to see how far the globalists will be allowed to go with their medical communist globalist tyranny. This is the new world communist order/great reset in action. 

Covid died off months ago. It is our communist political Canadian leaders who are trying to keep this covid plandemic alive and well. They are now using this Delta virus, with more new covid variants to come, as another excuse to keep this covid lie and hoax going on here in Canada, and to get we the sheeple all vaccinated with booster shots soon to come after that. Don't take your booster jab, there will be no travel for you until you do. Believe it or not. i certainly do. ?  

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Yes indeed, I have heard as to what is going on in Australia. What is going on in Australia is that there are crimes being committed against the Australian people and crimes against humanity. The Australian people are being treated like a herd of sheep. Get back in your sheeple pen you bag of sheeple wool. Disgusting indeed. 

I saw on The Rebel the other day where there was a big demonstration going on by the Australian people against all of those lock downs, the 4th lockdown, and they showed a video of an old woman being knocked down to the ground by a pos cop and that pos cop sprayed her with some kind of chemical in her face. This is something one would only think that we would see happening in China or North Korea. It was hard to believe that this happened in Australia. 

Rumor has it that Australia is now the guinea pig here and is being uses to see how far the globalists will be allowed to go with their medical communist globalist tyranny. This is the new world communist order/great reset in action. 

Covid died off months ago. It is our communist political Canadian leaders who are trying to keep this covid plandemic alive and well. They are now using this Delta virus, with more new covid variants to come, as another excuse to keep this covid lie and hoax going on here in Canada, and to get we the sheeple all vaccinated with booster shots soon to come after that. Don't take your booster jab, there will be no travel for you until you do. Believe it or not. i certainly do. ?  

Is the conservative party no longer in control of Australia or is this being done by the conservatives?

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On 10/13/2021 at 3:14 PM, Faramir said:

Is the conservative party no longer in control of Australia or is this being done by the conservatives?

This I believe is being done by the conservative Australian political party who appear to be in cahoots with the globalist cabal to try and turn Australia into a communist controlled great reset globalist country. So far, it is working well for the cabal. The Australian people have pretty much lost all of their rights and freedoms. 

If you go to the Rebel News website you will find out this information as to what is really going on in Australia today that the Canadian media will not talk about and ignore. Why?

The Australians have had more lock downs than one can shake a stick at. And this where covid cases are hardly any danger anymore. A few cases here and there. It has now become all about power and control and loss of freedoms for the people of Australia. Canada could be next. Hey, you never know, eh? ?

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On 10/7/2021 at 2:47 PM, Faramir said:

I know people who will not vaccinate themselves.  Don't understand why but that's their prerogative.  I am doubly vaccinated but only because BC made life too difficult without it.  What I find grating is the self righteousness of the pro-vaccine crowd.  Carrots work better than sticks.  By insulting those on the fence by calling them anti-vaxxers does nothing for making your case.

So my wife and I are doubled down, but we are letting our 14 and 16 year old make their own choice based on what they understand.  Told them they won't be able to go to the movies without one

Carrots were tried for months. Sticks work, it got you vaccinated.

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Here's another angle on the story: we frown on news or events being incorrectly reported by an individual, but what about governments and public offices using misleading and dishonest reporting methods, like 40% of certain cases with "vaccination status unknown"?

What I want to know is, is there a difference or should it be the same (l-) word?

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