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Should we all be required to swear an oath to the Queen of Canada before voting?

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Just now, Moonlight Graham said:

Why?  Because I exposed your beliefs as fraudulent?  Don't shoot the messenger...

Gutless cowards throw tantrums and fight with their fists instead of their mouths.

 you tell me where you want to meet

I'll come look you in the eyes

if you don't want to say publicly, tell me in the PM's then

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3 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

 you tell me where you want to meet

I'll come look you in the eyes

if you don't want to say publicly, tell me in the PM's then

You should come to thank me for ridding your brain of falsehoods.  I've got them in my brain too, that's why i'm on here, for people to expose them.

I mean you no harm, chill dude.


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2 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

don't worry, if you don't want a scrap, I won't jump you, we can just talk, sort it out face to face

I don't really believe that.  Anyways we have nothing to sort out.  I don't live anywhere near you.  I'd love to chat with you, I like you, we have a lot more common thinking-wise than you think, but I don't trust you right now either lol.

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Just now, Moonlight Graham said:

I don't really believe that.  Anyways we have nothing to sort out.  I don't live anywhere near you.  I'd love to chat with you, I like you, we have a lot more common thinking-wise than you think, but I don't trust you right now either lol.

okay, fair enough, I'm not trying to scare you, but don't say I didn't offer

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1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

bro, I was Canadian infantry

that's fight club for real

gladiator school,  my buddy Chappie called it, the Ludus

Well the movie/book is about a lot more than just fighting.  It's a coming of age story for men in their 30's-40's.  About the crisis of masculinity that's destroying America, and Canada.

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Just now, Moonlight Graham said:

Well the movie/book is about a lot more than just fighting.  It's a coming of age story for men in their 30's-40's.  About the crisis of masculinity that's destroying America, and Canada.

my buddy Chappie, Chris Chapman, he was in Milhaven Maximum Security Penitentiary for armed robbery

then he got out, and he got a pardon to join the army

he was my mentor when I was just a buck Private

he took me to gladiator school, showed me the ropes

he died of cancer a couple years ago, the smoking finally caught up with him

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11 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

there's nothing you can do about it anyways

this is bigger than Canada

the whole Anglophere is falling to this postmodernist Woke revoltuion

Canada was overrun by it in a fortnight, it's already too late to save Canada

the fight is in America now, the only way to stop the Woke is to go after them at the source

Western civilization started dying in the 60's.  The woke postmodernists, women trading having children to be corporate stooges, then letting strangers raise our kids and take care of our elderly, when before it was the elderly who helped raise their grandkids to give them meaning in their old age.

Civil rights were great, but people the 60's and since have gone way too far, and didn't think of the longterm consequences for society.  The sex revolution created a crisis of single-motherhood, as did exploding divorce rates, and a crisis for their children.  And all the depressed and angry kids growing up in this hell sang about it throughout the 90's, and the rest listened to these songs drugged out of their minds to drown the pain.

Now the woke raise their kids in bubble-wrap and give them everything, afraid to discipline them, make them alien to  the concept of personal responsibility, and as adults live with their parents into their 30's, remaining child dependents still sucking on mom's nipple.  And when they finally move out and become somewhat self-sufficient they cry to mommy government and suck on the state's tit to survive.  A civilization of adult children never growing up, offended by everything, blaming everyone else for their problems, and filled with resentment, anger, envy, vanity etc.

And these people are going to defeat the Chinese Communist Party?  LOL.

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6 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

anyways, I apologize if I was out of line

it's my father's birthday

he's been dead for thirteen years, but I get little drink on his birthday, I still miss him

No worries man, appreciate the apology.  Sorry to hear about your dad.

edit: i'm sure ive been a bitch too lol.

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12 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Western civilization started dying in the 60's.  The woke postmodernists, women trading having children to be corporate stooges, then letting strangers raise our kids and take care of our elderly, when before it was the elderly who helped raise their grandkids to give them meaning in their old age.

Civil rights were great, but people the 60's and since have gone way too far, and didn't think of the longterm consequences for society.  The sex revolution created a crisis of single-motherhood, as did exploding divorce rates, and a crisis for their children.  And all the depressed and angry kids growing up in this hell sang about it throughout the 90's, and the rest listened to these songs drugged out of their minds to drown the pain.

Now the woke raise their kids in bubble-wrap and give them everything, afraid to discipline them, make them alien to  the concept of personal responsibility, and as adults live with their parents into their 30's, remaining child dependents still sucking on mom's nipple.  And when they finally move out and become somewhat self-sufficient they cry to mommy government and suck on the state's tit to survive.  A civilization of adult children never growing up, offended by everything, blaming everyone else for their problems, and filled with resentment, anger, envy, vanity etc.

And these people are going to defeat the Chinese Communist Party?  LOL.

 I can't really comment on the kids thing

me & my wife don't have any kids, so I don't really know much about parenting

I try to stick to what I know

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11 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Why?  Because I exposed your beliefs as fraudulent? 

I don't think there is such a thing as a fraudulent belief, that's an oxymoron

but the narrative that the Jihadists are a monolith and the Taliban attacked America, is fraudulent

an Arab terrorist cell attacked America from Yemen

the Afghan Taliban had nothing to do with it

the assertion that Afghanistan is a brutal savage land is neither here nor there

it's not a cassus belli for a twenty year war costing trillions of dollars

the Arabs attack you, you invade Afghanistan and try to civilize by force of arm

then the local Afghans fight you, they have no idea why you are invading them

this doesn't make the Taliban my enemy,

they're not my friends neither, but I can respect that they fight hard, and they won

NATO bumbled into Afghanistan based on a false narrative and it was a disaster

these false narratives about monolithic evil opponents, that's basically the Domino Theory from Vietnam

I don't blame the Taliban for my friends dying in Afghanistan

I blame Canada, it was Canada and its proclivity for self righteous yet blind moral crusading

on top of which, Canada sent them in so poorly prepared, Canada put them in the kills zones

never mind that Canada's allies were the Northern Alliance

which is another Jihadist group just as brutal and savage as the Taliban

you replace Mullah Omar with General Dostrum

that's not humanitarian, that's like we overthrew Stalin and replaced him with Hitler

I will give Stephen Harper credit for finally putting an end to it

he drank the kool-aid at first, but he wised up sooner rather than later

but I look at Canada now, and whatever they were fighting for in Afghanistan, they were defeated utterly

because supposedly they were fighting for Canadian freedom or whatever

Canada is then overrun by this bizarre American Woke revolution, and Canada doesn't even fight it

look at the military now, it's a 4th wave Woke feminist lunatic asylum

this makes the death of my friends meaningless

the valour they displayed was all for nought, because Canada itself is tearing Canada down from within

I can't blame the Taliban,

once again, they had no quarrel with Canada, they'd probably never heard of it

the Taliban are not an international jihadist group, their fight is entirely local

for Canada to charge in there on some moral crusade was literally insane

I'm not going to hold a grudge against the Taliban for something Canada did to itself

particularly when it is used to justify Canada's proclivity for blind moral crusades

like the blind moral crusade for the Woke which is literally razing Canada to the ground

the same impulse which incited the war,   is now inciting Canada to gouge its own eyes out

Canada's impulse for smug moral superiority has literally become a suicide pact

pathologically self righteous Canada is now disappearing up its own ass

Canadians themselves are now starting behave like the Taliban

Canadians are going around trying to silence people and impose crazy draconian laws

this Canadian culture has become poison, and it's not the Taliban's fault

just like AQ, the Wokeban did not come from Afghanistan

you asked earlier, what can you do to save Canada ?

first thing, stop being moral crusaders on high horses pointing at foreign dragons to slay

don't follow America down this path, if you're going to be Anti-American, this is thing to be against

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again, when I look back to 2002 and the snipers Furlong & Ragsdale, and how Canada stabbed them in the back

that was proto Woke

that was the leftist government of Canada hating on its own soldiers, calling them criminals for doing their duty

it's a direct line from there, to saying Canada is genocidal, tearing down Sir John A, and cancelling Canada Day

it's like the Taliban's ideology has infected Canada, it's a pandemic of lunatic zealots

next thing you know, it's going to be illegal to fly a kite in Canada, kites will be "racist"

I'm supposed to be holding a grudge against the Pashtun Taliban in Afghanistan ?

no, they never attacked us in the first place, it was we who attacked them, and for no good reason

and Canada has its own Taliban ideology now anyways, Canada has embraced Talibanism now

here are the statues the "Woke" Taliban tore down in Afghanistan

supposedly my friends died to stop this, but now it is Canada's "Taliban" doing it here


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at the same time, like I say, I don't subscribe to the idea of "fraudulent belief"

so if Army Guy or Graham hate the Taliban, that's what you feel in your hearts, fair enough

but I just don't feel it, and as to who rules Afghanistan how & why, I really don't care

it's Canada's corruption, incompetence and bad faith towards its own military that got my friends killed for no good reason

the Taliban were merely incidental, they were simply the petard that Canada chose to hoist itself upon

and now just a few years later, Canada totally doesn't give a shit about any of it

Canada pays no attention to supposedly critical Afghnaistan

Canada does not care about meeting its NATO obligations

so it was all bullshit from the very beginning, don't blame the Taliban, they were just the patsies

Canada is all bullshit all the time, Canada doesn't even deal with reality

one year you are told you must believe this, the next year you are told you must beleive the opposite

Canada stands for nothing, there's no there there

so I can't & won't swear fealty to a Canada which is devoid of any meaning or even reasoned thought

I can't & wont swear fealty to a Canada which says the Taliban are the ultimate evil one minute

then the next minute Canada is adopting the Taliban's methods here at home

I don't trust Canada, I don't love Canada, I don't even like Canada anymore

if I swear fealty, I'm prepared to kill & die for that oath, that's a blood oath

can't do it for Canada, Canada is simply too much of an Orwellian basket case now

Canada has become like Oceania with a Ministry of Truth, straight out of the book

the "foreign enemies" invoked by Canada are all just variations of Emmanuel Goldstein

like watch out for those evil Afghan Taliban, kids, lest they come to tear down your nation ?

Cancelling Canada Day, that is so Taliban, right out of their draconian fun policing playbook




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so you see, on the one hand you call the Taliban evil lunatics

then in the next breath you are calling me a "crazy treasonous rat" for not swearing fealty to "Canada"

when this Canada of yours has adopted the ideology of the Taliban you just called evil

you're forcing me back against the wall

damned if I do, damned if I don't,  I might as well go down swinging then

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7 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

I don't think there is such a thing as a fraudulent belief, that's an oxymoron

but the narrative that the Jihadists are a monolith and the Taliban attacked America, is fraudulent

an Arab terrorist cell attacked America from Yemen

the Afghan Taliban had nothing to do with it

I'm not an expert on the Taliban but as far as I'm aware the reason they were attacked by NATO is that NATO has said Bin Laden made the country his base of operations, and the Taliban gave them refuge and refused to help the US/NATO get rid of them from the country after 9/11.  That would make the Taliban an enemy of the US, and invokes NATO (and Canada) because of 9/11 and other al-Qaeda attacks on the US.

Makes more sense that Bin Laden was in Afghanistan in 2001 rather than Yemen given that he was eventually found in Pakistan and allegedly killed by the US years later.

The Afghan nation-building fools errand was the brainchild of the naive neocons in the US government at the time of 9-11  who wanted to liberalize/democratize the world through military force and other means.

I'm not anti-American btw, they're an ally.  Doesn't mean some American citizens and politicians aren't morons or crooks, same as in Canada.

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1 minute ago, Moonlight Graham said:

I'm not an expert on the Taliban but as far as I'm aware the reason they were attacked by NATO is that NATO has said Bin Laden made the country his base of operations, and the Taliban gave them refuge and refused to help the US/NATO get rid of them from the country after 9/11.  That would make the Taliban an enemy of the US, and invokes NATO (and Canada) because of 9/11 and other al-Qaeda attacks on the US.

Makes more sense that Bin Laden was in Afghanistan in 2001 rather than Yemen given that he was eventually found in Pakistan and allegedly killed by the US years later.

The Afghan nation-building fools errand was the brainchild of the naive neocons in the US government at the time of 9-11  who wanted to liberalize/democratize the world through military force and other means.

I'm not anti-American btw, they're an ally.  Doesn't mean some American citizens and politicians aren't morons or crooks, same as in Canada.

NATO didn't have any say in the manner

NATO foreign policy is American foreign policy

Canada attacked the Taliban in the name of NATO Article V

but what most people don't know about Article V, it doesn't actually stipulate what you have to contribute

so NATO Article V did not in any way require Canada to go into Kandahar, where Canada was way in over its head 

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bear in mind, the story the cronies to power Canadian media never tells is the one about incompetent leadership

namely Paul Martin & Rick Hillier sending a force into Kanadhar which was woefully inadequate for the job

that's not just bad luck, that wasn't victims of circumstance,  it was criminal negligence

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this is not acute, this is chronic, endemic, systemic

everything Canada does with its military is criminally negligent

because Canada does not operate as a real country, so Canada never takes responsibility

it's been my whole life now, fifty plus years of this

I will be dead soon, and Canada will have been criminally negligent for my entire existence on this planet

so I am not giving Canada anymore chances to prove itself

it's too late for that, Canada has proven itself to be an inherently dishonourable endeavour

and since I aspire to be a man of honour, a simply cannot and will not swear fealty to that anymore

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