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The liberal media's blackout

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Like the CBC refusing to report that 11 Cuban choir singers defected in Canada (it makes their beloved Castro look bad; the guy who claims that Cubans have the best healthcare and highest rate of literacy in the Western Hemisphere - Castro says so, ergo it must be true :rolleyes: ); like the MSM media has virtually ignored the beheadings of Thai Buddhists at the hands of "insurgents/militants/guerillas/activists/freedom fighters/minute men", this is the 6th day of rioting by Muslims in Paris, France:

Paris Intifada continues

Religion of Peace, my ass. Come on Dubya. Quite being Mr Nice Guy. Lay it on the line. It is not a religion of peace; it is a religion of communists.

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Religion of Peace, my ass. Come on Dubya. Quite being Mr Nice Guy. Lay it on the line. It is not a religion of peace; it is a religion of communists

Okay, I'm gonna break my Troll Blackout for this one, because it's just too funny. One of the bedrock traits of communism is secularism. Miost Communist states were officaly atheists. There are no states that are both Islamic and Communist. So the above formulation is, predictably, complete (thouigh comical) nonsense.

Oh and it took me all of 5 seconds to find the following headline: "Paris riots continue for 6th night" on the CBC web site.

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If you read some of the kook-left websites, it's not muslims that are rioting in Paris, it's the CIA.  How delusional is the left?  I don't think there's words to describe it.

Democratic Underground

To be fair, that article does not directly say the CIA is rioting in Paris, it says the CIA has financed riots in the past. I do not think the CIA would give money to Muslims to riot in Paris because they don't like the French.

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The "liberal" media will eventually pick up on this story and once they do, we will constantly hear that:

1) these young people want respect

2) they want jobs

3) Sarkozy has provoked them

4) France suffers from class divisions

5) they feel alienated

IOW, the "liberal" media will want to explain the "root causes" of this violence using whatever flavour-of-the-month, politically correct social theories are currently in vogue.

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The "liberal" media will eventually pick up on this story and once they do, we will constantly hear that:

1) these young people want respect

2) they want jobs

3) Sarkozy has provoked them

4) France suffers from class divisions

5) they feel alienated

IOW, the "liberal" media will want to explain the "root causes" of this violence using whatever flavour-of-the-month, politically correct social theories are currently in vogue.

There was a poll on aol.ca earlier today. Apparently 49% of Canadians do not think we could have riots, like the ones in France, in this country.

Aside from the fact that these people probably live in the middle of nowhere it is extremely frightening to think that we could not be ready for this.

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IOW, the "liberal" media will want to explain the "root causes" of this violence using whatever flavour-of-the-month, politically correct social theories are currently in vogue.

Why do you have such a problem with providing explanations that have held up in sociological studies for quite some time?

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I'm sure the French thought that too.


Is this statement unfair? Probably, at least somewhat. But is it any more unfair when sanctimonious Europeans point to America after riots or screw-ups in disaster relief as examples of what Anglo-American capitalism has wrought?

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If you read some of the kook-left websites, it's not muslims that are rioting in Paris, it's the CIA.  How delusional is the left?  I don't think there's words to describe it.

Democratic Underground

So you read a "kook-left" website, and then extrapolate to the left as a whole? Do you not understand why that might be problematic?

Damn, I fed the trolls again. :/

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The "liberal" media will eventually pick up on this story and once they do, we will constantly hear that:

1) these young people want respect

2) they want jobs

3) Sarkozy has provoked them

4) France suffers from class divisions

5) they feel alienated

IOW, the "liberal" media will want to explain the "root causes" of this violence using whatever flavour-of-the-month, politically correct social theories are currently in vogue.

Yes, I've already seen all of this. The irony of this is that the French gleefully and lovingly showed every second of every minute of the LA riots, not to mention emphasising the racial element of the New Orleans floods. They are always acting superior, as though such things could never happen in France.

Another irony. The US is much better at integrating people into its society. You don't see these kinds of huge Muslim areas in the US, though they are present in much of Europe. The Europeans have followed similar paths to congratulating immigrants on their cultures and funding their efforts at NOT integrating. This is what they get for their trouble.

Canada, of course, has followed the same path as the Europeans.

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The "liberal" media will eventually pick up on this story and once they do, we will constantly hear that:

1) these young people want respect

2) they want jobs

3) Sarkozy has provoked them

4) France suffers from class divisions

5) they feel alienated

IOW, the "liberal" media will want to explain the "root causes" of this violence using whatever flavour-of-the-month, politically correct social theories are currently in vogue.

Yes, I've already seen all of this. The irony of this is that the French gleefully and lovingly showed every second of every minute of the LA riots, not to mention emphasising the racial element of the New Orleans floods. They are always acting superior, as though such things could never happen in France.

Another irony. The US is much better at integrating people into its society. You don't see these kinds of huge Muslim areas in the US, though they are present in much of Europe. The Europeans have followed similar paths to congratulating immigrants on their cultures and funding their efforts at NOT integrating. This is what they get for their trouble.

Canada, of course, has followed the same path as the Europeans.

This is coming down to the classic social science debate of multiculturism (Canada, Europe) vs. melting pot (U.S.)

The melting pot model is more conservative, essentially, "you come here you become one of us, and leave the other stuff at home." The idea is you move to the states and you learn English and you bake apple pies and you say the Pledge of Allegiance. That is being challenged by American liberal who argue for a multicultural society, i.e. affirmative action (one is a Canadian American, a Lebanese America, a Chinese American, etc.) where people essentially become "ghettoized," as we see in France.

What do I prefer? Well, I think as a Quebecer we have the most conservative society in Canada in terms of immigration. When you come here, and to immigrate here, you must learn French as a principle prerequisite for fulling participating in this society. You need not be fluent, but when you leave the island of Montreal you'd better know more than just "bonjour." I think this works better and facilitates integration into the community.

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What do I prefer?  Well, I think as a Quebecer we have the most conservative society in Canada in terms of immigration.  When you come here, and to immigrate here, you must learn French as a principle prerequisite for fulling participating in this society.  You need not be fluent, but when you leave the island of Montreal you'd better know more than just "bonjour."  I think this works better and facilitates integration into the community.

I agree completely. Given the backlog at immigration, someone going through the process will require at least a couple of years before they step off the plane onto Canada. During that time they should be learning the language. IMO no one should be accepted as an immigrant who can't speak reasonably good English (or French, as the case may be).

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Black Dog:

Okay, I'm gonna break my Troll Blackout  for this one, because it's just too funny. One of the bedrock traits of communism is secularism. Miost Communist states were officaly atheists. There are no states that are both Islamic and Communist. So the above formulation is, predictably, complete (thouigh comical) nonsense.

Nonsense. I know a few people from Russia and the Ukraine; they are quite religious. Communism, Nazism, both murderous leftwing ideologies. Once again BD gets whacked with the Clue Bat.

Oh and it took me all of 5 seconds to find the following headline: "Paris riots continue for 6th night" on the CBC web site.

After 6 days, they have started to finally report the "youths" rioting in France. Bout time.

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Like the CBC refusing to report that 11 Cuban choir singers defected in Canada (it makes their beloved Castro look bad;
CBC had several stories about this starting with the dayit happened. You are not really qualified to comment about what CBC covers and does not cover because you don't listen to or watch it.

I did watch the CBC the day that CTV reported the Cuban defection from the Communist Utopia of Cuba. I saw nothing on the CBC News. It took them days to report it.

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If you read some of the kook-left websites, it's not muslims that are rioting in Paris, it's the CIA.  How delusional is the left?  I don't think there's words to describe it.

Democratic Underground

You're a brave person for having the courage to go in the fever swamp of the far left. I was there once. I got banned from the DU for saying 1 word. What was the word that got me banned? The word was "why".

What was I replying to?

A thread about how America should have socialist healthcare.

One word and bang, I was booted out of the ever-tolerant DU. :lol:

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Dear August1991,

IOW, the "liberal" media will want to explain the "root causes" of this violence using whatever flavour-of-the-month, politically correct social theories are currently in vogue.
from CNN today, http://edition.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/1...s.ap/index.html
"There's so much of this in this community," Imloul said. "Death of love has destroyed a whole generation."
and also
Families break down in the pressure-cooker of crime, poverty and unemployment. Many single mothers are left to fend alone, said Imloul, a single mother herself whose Algerian parents divorced before her father's death.

"Fathers do not play any role in their children's lives. The father doesn't exist at all. French justice gives full rights to mothers," Imloul said.

Coming to France has given some Muslim North African women new freedoms.

"They want to lead a similar life as their French counterparts," Imloul said. "But it is very difficult to leave a patriarchal culture all of a sudden. Women take on the responsibility of both mother and father while they are not at all suited for it. In the end, it is their children who suffer."

She estimated 40 percent of families in the suburbs where she works are dysfunctional, causing a high rate of school dropouts, drug use, petty crimes and aggressive behavior.

Seems that they are blaming 'the degredation of society' for the degredation of society. There is also a link to what the 'angry youths' are claiming to be their reasons, but don't take their word for it. Feel free to make up your own.
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Like the CBC refusing to report that 11 Cuban choir singers defected in Canada (it makes their beloved Castro look bad;
CBC had several stories about this starting with the dayit happened. You are not really qualified to comment about what CBC covers and does not cover because you don't listen to or watch it.

I did watch the CBC the day that CTV reported the Cuban defection from the Communist Utopia of Cuba. I saw nothing on the CBC News. It took them days to report it.

The CBC is most definitely liberal. Whether or not you are of the left or not you must admit this.

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The "liberal" media will eventually pick up on this story and once they do, we will constantly hear that:

1) these young people want respect

2) they want jobs

3) Sarkozy has provoked them

4) France suffers from class divisions

5) they feel alienated

IOW, the "liberal" media will want to explain the "root causes" of this violence using whatever flavour-of-the-month, politically correct social theories are currently in vogue.

Regarding #3:It's Sarkozy's fault!

Days of arson attacks also put the authorities on fire. The French Communist Party on Friday urged Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy to step down, saying his policy is "a total failure."

"The interior minister's policy, recycling ideas of the far-right is more than a total failure: it stirs all the tensions and generates the results strictly contrary to what it pretends to obtain," the party said.

Only in France would they call this the "ideas of the far-right". :lol:

Regarding #1 and #2:

While determined to restore order and justice, Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin (who is actually a man--MB) has acknowledged that people living in high-immigrant areas need security, recognition, hope, respect and future, promising further help with the youths in those areas in seeking jobs.

Really? This must be something new that just popped up. It's not like they have been warned for years about massive multi-culturalism, little or no attempt to assimilate these immigrants, a high unemployment rate, and a generous welfare system that basically insures they will stay unemployed.

Opposition Socialists said the disturbances were proof Sarkozy's tough policies were failing.

"We need to act at the same time on prevention, repression, education, housing, jobs ... and not play the cowboy," [said] former prime minister Laurent Fabius

The guy trying to stop the riots is a "cowboy" and the people who are rioting are appeased with the same old cliches that got them in this situation in the first place.

And Sarkozy has committed the unforgiveable sin of not being politically correct by calling the rioters just what they are: "scum" and "riffraff".

Such "warlike" words won't bring calm, Equal Opportunities Minister Azouz Begag said in an interview published in the daily Liberation newspaper.

He told the paper that he "contests this method of becoming submerged by imprecise, warlike semantics."


Sarkozy's shoot-from-the-lip style has outraged the opposition and irritated some cabinet ministers. Equal opportunities minister Azouz Begag has implicitly criticised Sarkozy's recent reference to suburban youths as "riff-raff".

The sociologist acknowledged in Tuesday's Le Parisien he had not been forceful enough when dealing with fellow ministers, but said he would work with Sarkozy to improve matters.

He's not been forceful enough "when dealing with other ministers?!"

Good grief! :o

Have the French lost all touch with reality?!

I think it’s time for the UN to take the lead here. They should step in and act decisively, by voting to condemn Israel for these riots! :ph34r:

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