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Joe Biden's Quid Pro Quo Exposed in Leaked Emails

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I'm interested in these Biden Crime Family documents that disappeared. The ones that were sent to Tucker via UPS so I'll be watching the show to see if any copies turn up.

Oh...hang on a sec. Gotta read this one:

UPS found Tucker Carlson's documents relating to Biden that vanished in system

Edited by Infidel Dog
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Ok, I read it and hmmm...

Sounds like there are still mysteries so I'll still be watching the show to see if they're revealed:


“After an extensive search, we have found the contents of the package and are arranging for its return,” a UPS spokesman said. "UPS will always focus first on our customers, and will never stop working to solve issues and make things right."

The spokesman previously said that UPS was "conducting an urgent investigation into this matter and regrets that the package was damaged."

On Wednesday, Carlson said a producer in New York attempted to ship the documents overnight to Los Angeles, but the parcel never arrived. On Tuesday, he said he was notified the envelope had been opened and its contents “disappeared.”

The Fox News host said the shipping company was able to track the package from the time the producer shipped it until 3:44 a.m. Tuesday, when “an employee at a sorting facility in another state noticed that our package was opened and empty.”

“As of tonight, the company has no idea or no working theory, even, about what happened to this trove of material,” Carlson said, noting that the company had interviewed all the individuals who had touched the package and was unable to figure out how they went missing.


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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Several Trump associates were convicted for crimes directly related to the collusion and no they aren’t crimes that usually go unpunished   The only reason Trump escaped is because he blatantly obstructed the investigation while repeatedly firing attorneys general until he found a lackey willing to say that in his personal opinion the president cant be charged with obstruction while in office.


If you think that Trump colluded with Russians, then write the name of a person down, and write the name of a criminal conviction beside his name that has to do with C.O.L.L.U.S.I.O.N.N.N.N.N.N.N. Not tax fraud or a NDA to a hooker. Collusionnnnnnnnn.

Until you do that you have UTTERLY FAILED. You are still at the exact point of UTTER FAILURE. 

Don't make a generic claim that "some people were criminally charged and I'm pretty sure it's because they colluded, but they're technically in jail for something else". 


Just today another associate of both Giuliani and the Kremlin-backed Ukrainian Lev Parnas plead guilty to Fraud  and  is pending trial for campaign finance crimes along with another goon. So many ACTUAL crimes involving Russians and Trumpsters. NOTHING TO SEE HERE!

Do you have a chart at home with a bunch of string and some newspaper cutouts that you can paste here, to show the world how what you just described is somehow proof that Trump enlisted the help of Russian agents to win the election? Because FYI, as it stands, it's not.

Furthermore, the FBI, and Robert Mueller specifically said that "They never uncovered ANY evidence that Trump colluded with Russia." How do you think it's possible that on a planet where there is zero evidence that Trump colluded with Russia, that somehow Americans are in jail for colluding with Russia? It's not. That's why you are failing so utterly.


“Evidence” of the Biden fake news scandal is not all over the place and the fact that it’s not getting coverage outside your right wing fake news bubble pretty much proves it’s garbage  

Just because you refuse to acknowledge it, doesn't mean that it's not evidence.

The complete lack of integrity at CNN, WashPo et al was never in question. The fact that they're ignoring a story isn't newsworthy.

Here's the entirety of CNN's video coverage of the fact that an FBI lawyer was caught tampering with evidence to get a FISA warrant renewal. https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2020/08/14/fbi-russia-probe-clinesmith-mueller-trump-sot-vpx-nr.cnn

Look at how much attention the FBI's firing of Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok got on CNN. 

Isn't it a big deal when 3 members of the FBI had to be fired for their misconduct in an investigation int the President? How is that not a story? The fact that CNN turns a blind eye to something doesn't mean that it's not newsworthy.


Considering your defence of Trump is based entirely on the fact that he wasn’t convicted, 

That's a lie. My defence of Trump is based on a lot of things, including 1) the fact that the only person who was known to have colluded with Russians to affect the outcome of the 2016 election was Hillary Clinton - she bought her dossier from Russians - that's actual collusion and 2) the only person who has been found guilty of committing a crime related to the Russian collusion investigation was Kevin Clinesmith, and FBI lawyer.

If you had proof that Trump paid some Russians for a dossier on Hillary Clinton then you would have actual proof that Trump colluded with Russia, wouldn't you? That would be the exact essence of "proof". 


I wonder why you’re so quick to claim allegations against Biden are true considering he also hasn’t been convicted. Sounds mighty hypocritical.  

There is a star witness with intimate knowledge of Hunter & Joe's seedy business dealings in the Ukraine and China who is making the claims that Hunter Biden was selling access to his father. There is a treasure trove of evidence that's verified by members of the Senate Intel Committee that indicates that Biden is guilty. Hunter is on video admitting that he only got on the board of Burisma and other companies because of who his dad is. There is video of Biden stating emphatically, several times on several different occasions, that he never had any knowledge whatsoever of Hunter's business dealings, and there is also video of Joe Biden admitting that he lied about that for some reason. Why did Joe pretend he didn't know? Why did Joe only admit to it when he was shown the photo of Hunter with other Burisma board members golfing? Why did Joe meet with Vadym Pozharskyi? Why did Joe do the infamous quid pro quo? 


Edited by WestCanMan
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1 hour ago, Infidel Dog said:

I'm interested in these Biden Crime Family documents that disappeared. The ones that were sent to Tucker via UPS so I'll be watching the show to see if any copies turn up.

Oh...hang on a sec. Gotta read this one:

UPS found Tucker Carlson's documents relating to Biden that vanished in system

In fairness, or in a fit of brilliance, Tucker was careful not to mention the name of the company that was shipping the documents during his show last night.

UPS had very good reason to do everything within their power to get that information back. 

If they lost such a high-profile item, their reputation would be lower than CNN's. People's documents are worth the world to them. A company that loses docs, loses everything.

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1 hour ago, ironstone said:

I do  have an interest in this Biden family pay to play operation. I know I won't see anything about on MSNBC,CNN etc so I'll just tune in to Tucker now to learn more.

Tucker Carlson's show has set the record for the highest viewership ever in a single month on cable news. 

He's always been good himself, but he used to be really bad at managing his guest speakers. He'd let people yell for 3 minutes and never get a single answer out of them. 

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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

The man lies every time he speaks And it’s well documented  but like everything else you simply decide that if they say something you don’t like they’re not credible. 

Well here is Fox News successfully arguing in court that Tucker is full of shit and his audience knows it or ought to know it, therefore he can’t be guilty of defamation   The Trump-appointed judge agreed 

That's not what that is at all.


Mr Carlson's statements were not statements of fact

IE, you can say "allegedly" and still be correct, even if you end up being wrong.  

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52 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

If you think that Trump colluded with Russians, then write the name of a person down, and write the name of a criminal conviction beside his name that has to do with C.O.L.L.U.S.I.O.N.N.N.N.N.N.N. Not tax fraud or a NDA to a hooker. Collusionnnnnnnnn.

Until you do that you have UTTERLY FAILED. You are still at the exact point of UTTER FAILURE. 

Don't make a generic claim that "some people were criminally charged and I'm pretty sure it's because they colluded, but they're technically in jail for something else". 

Do you have a chart at home with a bunch of string and some newspaper cutouts that you can paste here, to show the world how what you just described is somehow proof that Trump enlisted the help of Russian agents to win the election? Because FYI, as it stands, it's not.

Furthermore, the FBI, and Robert Mueller specifically said that "They never uncovered ANY evidence that Trump colluded with Russia." How do you think it's possible that on a planet where there is zero evidence that Trump colluded with Russia, that somehow Americans are in jail for colluding with Russia? It's not. That's why you are failing so utterly.

Just because you refuse to acknowledge it, doesn't mean that it's not evidence.

The complete lack of integrity at CNN, WashPo et al was never in question. The fact that they're ignoring a story isn't newsworthy.

Here's the entirety of CNN's video coverage of the fact that an FBI lawyer was caught tampering with evidence to get a FISA warrant renewal. https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2020/08/14/fbi-russia-probe-clinesmith-mueller-trump-sot-vpx-nr.cnn

Look at how much attention the FBI's firing of Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok got on CNN. 

Isn't it a big deal when 3 members of the FBI had to be fired for their misconduct in an investigation int the President? How is that not a story? The fact that CNN turns a blind eye to something doesn't mean that it's not newsworthy.

That's a lie. My defence of Trump is based on a lot of things, including 1) the fact that the only person who was known to have colluded with Russians to affect the outcome of the 2016 election was Hillary Clinton - she bought her dossier from Russians - that's actual collusion and 2) the only person who has been found guilty of committing a crime related to the Russian collusion investigation was Kevin Clinesmith, and FBI lawyer.

If you had proof that Trump paid some Russians for a dossier on Hillary Clinton then you would have actual proof that Trump colluded with Russia, wouldn't you? That would be the exact essence of "proof". 

There is a star witness with intimate knowledge of Hunter & Joe's seedy business dealings in the Ukraine and China who is making the claims that Hunter Biden was selling access to his father. There is a treasure trove of evidence that's verified by members of the Senate Intel Committee that indicates that Biden is guilty. Hunter is on video admitting that he only got on the board of Burisma and other companies because of who his dad is. There is video of Biden stating emphatically, several times on several different occasions, that he never had any knowledge whatsoever of Hunter's business dealings, and there is also video of Joe Biden admitting that he lied about that for some reason. Why did Joe pretend he didn't know? Why did Joe only admit to it when he was shown the photo of Hunter with other Burisma board members golfing? Why did Joe meet with Vadym Pozharskyi? Why did Joe do the infamous quid pro quo? 


Haha another atomic meltdown!  You’re on a roll!

1) As I’ve said several times now if you’re going to use the “he hasn’t been convicted “ defence for Trump than why don’t you STFU about all your bogus accusations about Hillary, Biden etc because THEY haven’t been convicted of anything either. If you’re not going to play by your own rules why should I? 

2) You’re admitting that Trumps criminal buddies are actually criminals, which you think is perfectly acceptable for the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES as long as they weren’t arrested specifically for “Collusion”.    And the crimes the were convoluted of were directly related to the investigation. So your claim that Clinesmith was the only conviction is BS.  Hillarious.  Keep playing that broken record if you want, but nobody’s dancing

3) Mueller ACTUALLY said Trump refused to hand over necessary evidence and obstructed the investigation. He said: “If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” 

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Haha another atomic meltdown!  You’re on a roll!

1) As I’ve said several times now if you’re going to use the “he hasn’t been convicted “ defence for Trump than why don’t you STFU about all your bogus accusations about Hillary, Biden etc because THEY haven’t been convicted of anything either. If you’re not going to play by your own rules why should I? 


1) As I've told you before, my position has never been "Trump hasn't been convicted so it's no big deal". YOU ARE LYING.

My position is that the bar that has yet to have been crossed is still so low that earthworms can't get under it. This is an issue of "No one on earth has been convicted of collusion or anything related to collusion, aside from an FBI agent who falsified evidence to get warrants to spy on Trump's associates".

You put up a post claiming that Americans have been convicted of collusion, or issues relayed to collusion. That was YOU LYING again. 


FYI that's not a meltdown, that's me calling you out for being a liar, and not having the facts to back up your earlier misleading post.

When you cite an example of an American who has already arrested for colluding with Russia or something even remotely similar then you can shed the LIAR label. 


2) You’re admitting that Trumps criminal buddies are actually criminals, which you think is perfectly acceptable for the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES as long as they weren’t arrested specifically for “Collusion”.    And the crimes the were convoluted of were directly related to the investigation. So your claim that Clinesmith was the only conviction is BS.  Hillarious.  Keep playing that broken record if you want, but nobody’s dancing

2) You clearly don't know what convoluted means, and FYI when someone is arrested for tax fraud from 1995 that's not considered "directly related to collusion" lol. That's just an incredibly stupid claim, and I don't even know how to sugarcoat my description of it. 


3) Mueller ACTUALLY said Trump refused to hand over necessary evidence and obstructed the investigation. He said: “If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,”

Mueller did not find actual evidence of collusion, period, and that's what he was charged with doing. They carried out a smear campaign disguised as an investigation.

Trump's team were subjected to 100s of interrogations, submitted millions of pages of documents, and there were thousands of subpoenas. By any stretch of the imagination Trump and his associates were more than accommodating enough with the proven criminals at the FBI. They had an actual job to do, they weren't just chasing windmills.


Biden is actually guilty of a crime, based on all that we know to be true.

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

In fairness, or in a fit of brilliance, Tucker was careful not to mention the name of the company that was shipping the documents during his show last night.

UPS had very good reason to do everything within their power to get that information back. 

If they lost such a high-profile item, their reputation would be lower than CNN's. People's documents are worth the world to them. A company that loses docs, loses everything.



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2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

What documents? Nobody made a copy? Scan them into pdf's and send by email?
Who the hell prints on paper anymore.

If you watched the video.... it was a flash drive, and it was backed up before they sent it.

There were probably things on the flash drive that Tucker wanted to talk to Bobolinski about so that he could verify them, expand on what they meant or flesh out the stories around them, etc.

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

If you watched the video.... it was a flash drive, and it was backed up before they sent it.

There were probably things on the flash drive that Tucker wanted to talk to Bobolinski about so that he could verify them, expand on what they meant or flesh out the stories around them, etc.

Gotcha. I don't tend to watch things too often, for my own protection.


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Tucker's enemies were busy denigrating him over this...only to have UPS suddenly find the missing flash drive...sans packaging as mentioned.

A wee bit o' egg on the face...or have they been hanging with Hunter Biden? Could be some other substance.

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20 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

Tucker's enemies were busy denigrating him over this...only to have UPS suddenly find the missing flash drive...sans packaging as mentioned.

A wee bit o' egg on the face...or have they been hanging with Hunter Biden? Could be some other substance.

History will remember Tucker to be a media titan or a hideous lying white supremacist, and if it's the latter that doesn't bode well for future of democracy because everything that Tucker has been saying is accurate. 

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  • 2 months later...
4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

As evidenced by the last 4 years of investigations into Trump, the Dems are really serious about integrity in the WH.

No doubt they're going to take a serious look at the damning & credible allegations against Biden. 

Will they impeach him? 

Are they credible?  Last I heard Republicans weren’t letting anyone examine their “evidence” and were demanding the whole world just take them at their word.

Since you’re responding 2 and a half months after Tucker’s “documents I mean flash drive no no I mean documents”  were found by UPS, what’s the latest update?

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Meanwhile back in reality 


U.S. sanctions Ukrainians involved in Russia-linked campaign promoted by Giuliani to smear Biden

David L. Stern
Jan. 11, 2021 at 6:44 p.m. EST

The U.S. Treasury Department on Monday sanctioned a group of Russia-linked Ukrainians for trying to influence the 2020 election by attempting to smear President Trump’s Democratic rival, Joe Biden.

Several of the people were involved with a campaign by Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani to damage Biden, U.S. officials have said, by peddling unfounded allegations of corruption linked to Russia’s disinformation efforts.

The campaign served not only to discredit Biden but also to advance Russia’s interests by driving a wedge between the United States and Ukraine.

The Treasury Department stated that all seven individuals and four organizations sanctioned have ties to Andriy Derkach, a member of Ukraine’s parliament whom the U.S. government has declared an “active Russian agent.” Derkach was sanctioned by the department in September. He has denied he is a Russian agent.

“Russian disinformation campaigns targeting American citizens are a threat to our democracy,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement. “The United States will continue to aggressively defend the integrity of our election systems and processes.”




U.S. Imposes Sanctions Over Efforts to Discredit Bidens 

Treasury Department says agents of Russia worked to interfere in U.S. election by seeking to undermine president-elect



Heck even the Daily Caller reported it



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26 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Are they credible?  Last I heard Republicans weren’t letting anyone examine their “evidence” and were demanding the whole world just take them at their word.

Since you’re responding 2 and a half months after Tucker’s “documents I mean flash drive no no I mean documents”  were found by UPS, what’s the latest update?


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29 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Meanwhile back in reality 


U.S. sanctions Ukrainians involved in Russia-linked campaign promoted by Giuliani to smear Biden





BIDEN is the one whose son took a $30,000.00/month job at the most corrupt company in Ukraine where he had never been before, where he doesn't speak the language, in a field which he had no prior experience in, and where his father was heavily involved politically as the VPOTUS.

Biden is the one who quite rudely told interviewers MULTIPLE TIMES on TV that he didn't have a clue that his son worked at Burisma. Hunter Biden said the exact same thing. All of America was just told "STFU. We are the Bidens. What we say goes. I'm saying that my son never told me about his $30K job in a foreign country and you have to believe it, no matter how ridiculous it is. The media will not question me, period."

Biden is the one who admitted that he had outright lied to reporters every single time that he made that claim, and he only fessed up because a photo of him golfing with his son and Devon Archer was leaked.

Hunter Biden is the one who admitted in a recorded interview that he only got the board positions that he sat on "because of who his father is". 

Joe Biden is the one who bragged about his quid pro quo on live TV. He admitted to withholding $1B in aid (loan guarantees) from the Ukrainian government unless they fired their top prosecutor, and then he said "I put a new guy in his place that was solid". Guess what? Burisma isn't being investigated anymore.

Bobulinski isn't "Ukraine", and he's the one who dropped all the bombs on Biden. 

This is the Biden administration using the weight of the Presidential Seal to quell dissent. Ukraine didn't do anything to that worthless, senile piece of crap.

The DNC owns the mainstream media and what you are seeing now is the beginning of a very undemocratic stage in American history.

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49 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Biden is the one who quite rudely told interviewers MULTIPLE TIMES on TV that he didn't have a clue that his son worked at Burisma. Hunter Biden said the exact same thing. All of America was just told "STFU. We are the Bidens. What we say goes. I'm saying that my son never told me about his $30K job in a foreign country and you have to believe it, no matter how ridiculous it is. The media will not question me, period."

Biden is the one who admitted that he had outright lied to reporters every single time that he made that claim, and he only fessed up because a photo of him golfing with his son and Devon Archer was leaked.

Got a link for that?


49 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Joe Biden is the one who bragged about his quid pro quo on live TV. He admitted to withholding $1B in aid (loan guarantees) from the Ukrainian government unless they fired their top prosecutor, and then he said "I put a new guy in his place that was solid". Guess what? Burisma isn't being investigated anymore.

You’re mixing up facts and timing. The Burisma investigation was already inactive when Hunter Biden joined Burisma and he wasn’t with Burisma when the alleged corruption occurred. Also the pro-Russian prosecutor was not removed for investigating Burisma, USA and the European Union had long lobbied to be removed from office due to his pro-Russia ties and his personal corruption.

If you haven’t noticed the West and Russia have been fighting for influence over Ukraine for over 20 years now with each side ousting the regime supported by the other and installing their people in positions of influence 


49 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Bobulinski isn't "Ukraine", and he's the one who dropped all the bombs on Biden. 

As yet unverified. Are Republicans still refusing to allow anyone to inspect  the device and verify the emails?


49 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

This is the Biden administration using the weight of the Presidential Seal to quell dissent. Ukraine didn't do anything to that worthless, senile piece of crap.

OMG you’re clueless and you don’t read. The Biden administration is not in office yet you genius.  Didn’t you know that?   It clearly says the measures were announced by Steve Mnuchin, a secretary of the Trump administration. 


52 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The DNC owns the mainstream media and what you are seeing now is the beginning of a very undemocratic stage in American history.


The DNC owns the Daily Caller now?  Like I said you don’t read. 

How does a political party “own the mainstream media” anyway?  Especially all these Privately owned, publicly traded companies around the world?  The right has never explained how that works.  

Political parties lie. If there’s a discrepancy between what one political party is saying and what every other source of information is saying It’s much more believable that the political party is  lying than a claim that there’s a VASY WORLDWIDE CONSPIRACY of pretty much  everybody and only Republicans tell the truth. 

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