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4 hours ago, West said:

"Trump's doj" lol.. they were holdover from the Obama administration. 

Say what you want about Fox, their legal experts said all along this was nonsense and they turned out to be correct. 

You're hilarious. Trump appointed his own TOP DoJ officials. Even fired Comey.

His problem was that he appointed people with ETHICS instead of stooges like Jeffrey Clark.

Not even Barr would back his stolen election claims.


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10 hours ago, Hodad said:

Why do you even bother lying about things that you know you'll be easily called out?

Sessions= Trump nomination

Rosenstein= Trump nomination

Wray= Trump appointee 


And of course Fox said that. They are the PR wing of the Republican party, not a news organization. They just spent several years lying to your face about election fraud and had to pay $800 million for it. Their entire business model is telling their foolish followers what they want to hear. 

Fortunately the congressional record exists and the history will be written. Read the report or don't. I can't force you to learn.

Sessions had nothing to do with the scam. He was falsely accused of working with Russia as well for meeting with the Russian Ambassador.

The facts are Jim Comey had already fired up an ILLEGAL investigation into non crimes before Trumps inauguration. His top FBI agents called it an "insurance policy" to get who they wanted in power and to usurp the will of the voters

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10 hours ago, robosmith said:

Lying to the FBI is a crime no matter how much YOU want to make excuses for it. Duh

Calm down - you're getting emotional and drooling again.  Yeahs - get a bib.

In any case - it's easy for the fbi to trick someone into lying - but it's NOT got anything to do with 'russan collusion' or conspiracy or any wrong doing.  Sooooo - all that investigation and no arrests for actual crimes that they were looking for? Hmmmmm.  :)

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9 hours ago, robosmith said:

But in fairness, you are too stupid to understand how much smarter anyone is than you.

ROFLMAO -  well THAT was an intelligent response :)    That guy may be dumb - but you've got him beat in that respect :)  

Honestly - with me as an example for so long i would have thought that by NOW you could at LEAST say some thing original rather than just repeat what i've said.  :)   Sigh - i've met parrots smarter than you.  

We all rely on you for a good laugh every day and while i'll admit you always deliver, i think you could step it up a bit more. You know - work your way up to village !diot or the like :) 

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1 hour ago, West said:

Sessions had nothing to do with the scam. He was falsely accused of working with Russia as well for meeting with the Russian Ambassador.


Sessions recused himself because an investigation would be required and he couldn't, in good conscience, investigate himself. Which allowed Rosenstein to make the call on special prosecutor. That's right, neither of those Trump appointees thought it was a meritless investigation which should be shut down. They both agreed that it must continue. And Rosenstein appointed Mueller as special counsel to continue it.


The facts are Jim Comey had already fired up an ILLEGAL investigation into non crimes before Trumps inauguration. His top FBI agents called it an "insurance policy" to get who they wanted in power and to usurp the will of the voters

That's nonsense. Comey (a Republican) did oversee an early investigation, but there was nothing illegal about it. It was entirely necessary. Again, the even the Durham report agreed that investigation was appropriate. The head of the FBI can't watch a Presidential candidate's campaign deeply enmeshed with hostile foreign intelligence and not investigate. That would be absurd. It's literally part of the job. 

And you should just take "non crimes" out of your vocabulary. Sounds more absurd every time you use it. 

Do you understand that the party nominees, like Trump, receive top secret intelligence briefings? And then when his campaign staff--his campaign manager!--have ongoing secret meetings with Russian intelligence operatives underlayers of tradecraft, there's nothing to see here? No reason to investigate that? GTFO!

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2 hours ago, Hodad said:

Sessions recused himself because an investigation would be required and he couldn't, in good conscience, investigate himself. Which allowed Rosenstein to make the call on special prosecutor. That's right, neither of those Trump appointees thought it was a meritless investigation which should be shut down. They both agreed that it must continue. And Rosenstein appointed Mueller as special counsel to continue it.

That's nonsense. Comey (a Republican) did oversee an early investigation, but there was nothing illegal about it. It was entirely necessary. Again, the even the Durham report agreed that investigation was appropriate. The head of the FBI can't watch a Presidential candidate's campaign deeply enmeshed with hostile foreign intelligence and not investigate. That would be absurd. It's literally part of the job. 

And you should just take "non crimes" out of your vocabulary. Sounds more absurd every time you use it. 

Do you understand that the party nominees, like Trump, receive top secret intelligence briefings? And then when his campaign staff--his campaign manager!--have ongoing secret meetings with Russian intelligence operatives underlayers of tradecraft, there's nothing to see here? No reason to investigate that? GTFO!

1. Sessions recused himself because folks like you thought it was criminal for a Senator to do Senator stuff and meet with foreign ambassadors to the United States. If you think that it's okay to make fake allegations then choose every normal political interaction as evidence of some DELUSION that you had, you are a lost cause. 

2. It's not nonsense. We have the TEXT MESSAGES that shows the top FBI agents had an "insurance policy" in the event that Trump won and FISA applications were full of fiction. 

They also didn't disclose key details such as the information they were relying on for the HOAX was coming from a political campaign . 

Whether or not Comey is a RINO is IRRELEVANT to the timeline. That is Comey cooked up the delusions alongside Hillary DURING AND SHORTLY AFTER THE ELECTION WHILE BARRY WAS IN OFFICE and fed them to the American public to then launch a criminal investigation which by your own admission NO CRIMES WERE EVEN PRESENT BECAUSE EVEN IF TRUE COLLUSION ISNT A CRIME. 

The investigation was already WELL UNDERWAY before Trump was inaugurated. Trump fired Comey for being a DIRTY COP which is when everyone cried for a special council. Then in came Mueller TO CLEAN UP COMEYS MESS.

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6 minutes ago, West said:

1. Sessions recused himself because folks like you thought it was criminal for a Senator to do Senator stuff and meet with foreign ambassadors to the United States. If you think that it's okay to make fake allegations then choose every normal political interaction as evidence of some DELUSION that you had, you are a lost cause. 

2. It's not nonsense. We have the TEXT MESSAGES that shows the top FBI agents had an "insurance policy" in the event that Trump won and FISA applications were full of fiction. 

They also didn't disclose key details such as the information they were relying on for the HOAX was coming from a political campaign . 

Whether or not Comey is a RINO is IRRELEVANT to the timeline. That is Comey cooked up the delusions alongside Hillary DURING AND SHORTLY AFTER THE ELECTION WHILE BARRY WAS IN OFFICE and fed them to the American public to then launch a criminal investigation which by your own admission NO CRIMES WERE EVEN PRESENT BECAUSE EVEN IF TRUE COLLUSION ISNT A CRIME. 

Getting campaign contributions from foreigners IS A CRIME. That's why Trump GUTTED the FEC after he took office. 

Do you even know that FEC is responsible for investigating and prosecuting Federal election law violations?

6 minutes ago, West said:

The investigation was already WELL UNDERWAY before Trump was inaugurated. Trump fired Comey for being a DIRTY COP which is when everyone cried for a special council. Then in came Mueller TO CLEAN UP COMEYS MESS.

Trump firing Comey was just PART of his OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE as detailed by Mueller.

Do you even know about Trump demanding PERSONAL LOYALTY from Comey?

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11 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Getting campaign contributions from foreigners IS A CRIME. That's why Trump GUTTED the FEC after he took office. 

Do you even know that FEC is responsible for investigating and prosecuting Federal election law violations?

Trump firing Comey was just PART of his OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE as detailed by Mueller.

Do you even know about Trump demanding PERSONAL LOYALTY from Comey?


2. Comey deserved to be fired because he targeted a political campaign and ran surveillance using fraudulent FISA applications. 


This isn't fing China pal

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13 minutes ago, West said:


Tons of evidence that Russia helped Trump's campaign. Indictments listed in the Mueller Report.

Putin STATED on National TV that he wanted Trump to win.

13 minutes ago, West said:

2. Comey deserved to be fired because he targeted a political campaign and ran surveillance using fraudulent FISA applications. 

Nope. It was solely because he would not swear personal allegiance to Trump as DEMANDED.

13 minutes ago, West said:


This isn't fing China pal

When they're colluding with FOREIGN AGENTS (like Kilimnik and Deripaska), that is prima facie justification.

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

Tons of evidence that Russia helped Trump's campaign. Indictments listed in the Mueller Report.

Putin STATED on National TV that he wanted Trump to win.

Nope. It was solely because he would not swear personal allegiance to Trump as DEMANDED.

When they're colluding with FOREIGN AGENTS (like Kilimnik and Deripaska), that is prima facie justification.

1. Still doesn't mean that Trump COLLUDED with anybody... only delusional buffoons think otherwise

2. Comey was a dirty cop and the text messages PROVE there was "no there there" ACCORDING TO HIS OWN FBI AGENTS yet they held the entire country hostage anyway

3. Lol.. more fing nonsense. Kilmniak was a BUSINESS PERSON not a government official you IMBECILE. The Democrats tried to KEEP THE DELUSION GOING with their senate report but it was a piece of ?

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1 hour ago, West said:

1. Still doesn't mean that Trump COLLUDED with anybody... only delusional buffoons think otherwise

2. Comey was a dirty cop and the text messages PROVE there was "no there there" ACCORDING TO HIS OWN FBI AGENTS yet they held the entire country hostage anyway

3. Lol.. more fing nonsense. Kilmniak was a BUSINESS PERSON not a government official you IMBECILE. The Democrats tried to KEEP THE DELUSION GOING with their senate report but it was a piece of ?

Nobody was investigated for "collusion."

However, the Trump campaign absolutely did collude with Russian intelligence. That Mueller couldn't connect the final dots to prove it was a criminal conspiracy doesn't mean that it wasn't. It VERY likely was. But in either case it absolutely, with total certainly, merited investigation. There was no hoax. And you're simply delusional if you think it in any way appropriate for a campaign chair to be arranging secret meetings to pass sensitive political intelligence to foreign operatives. Not to mention what Stone was up to with the hack and leak.

And Kilimnik is a known Russian intelligence operative who delivered what he got from Manafort directly to the Kremlin. <-- Again, not a theory, but on record at this point.

And the Senate Intelligence committee report was REPUBLICAN-led. The Democrats didn't do it. They were in the minority at the time. You are either invitation or lying about this, and it's anybody's guess.

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39 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Nobody was investigated for "collusion."

However, the Trump campaign absolutely did collude with Russian intelligence. That Mueller couldn't connect the final dots to prove it was a criminal conspiracy doesn't mean that it wasn't. It VERY likely was. But in either case it absolutely, with total certainly, merited investigation. There was no hoax. And you're simply delusional if you think it in any way appropriate for a campaign chair to be arranging secret meetings to pass sensitive political intelligence to foreign operatives. Not to mention what Stone was up to with the hack and leak.

And Kilimnik is a known Russian intelligence operative who delivered what he got from Manafort directly to the Kremlin. <-- Again, not a theory, but on record at this point.

And the Senate Intelligence committee report was REPUBLICAN-led. The Democrats didn't do it. They were in the minority at the time. You are either invitation or lying about this, and it's anybody's guess.

You are trying to alter history.

There's no evidence Kilminik was Russian intelligence other than DEMOCRATS making up delusions. The polling data that was given he could've gotten with a Google search. He was a business guy

Lol.. this is honestly so pathetic. You were duped. 

Now you claim that you were actually right but Mueller just couldn't connect the dots despite four years and an unlimited budget. A normal person would say "hey maybe there's no dots to connect and I'm just not right on this one'" but not you.. you go full boar on the conspiracy theory ?.. 

Couldn't connect but Trump is actually guilty.. hilarious 

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54 minutes ago, West said:

There's no evidence Kilminik was Russian intelligence other than DEMOCRATS making up delusions. The polling data that was given he could've gotten with a Google search. He was a business guy

This has got to be one of the weirdest and hokey-est claims the dems make, and as you know it was up against some pretty serious competition for that spot.

"he gave them polling data".  How is that secret? It's internal polls - the russians at any time could hire the same polling company to do their own polls and have the data.  There were tonnes of legit polls and info out there.  there is absolutely NO WAY to 'misuse' polling data or to have 'super secret' polling data  that couldn't be obtained by virtually anyone.

The only purpose to give that to someone is to brag about how well you're doing or convince them you're going to win, there's nothing 'strategic' about it.

Yet the dems try to pass it off like this was giving away state secrets.

It's just delusional.

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4 hours ago, robosmith said:


Putin STATED on National TV that he wanted Trump to win.

Of course he did. He's a man. You remember men, don't you. Strong willed, male hormone dominated, perhaps a little opinionated.

I mean really...


Only a complete weenie could like this old bag. Hell Billy-Boy had enough of her decades ago.

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5 hours ago, CdnFox said:

 OH you mean like hillary with the fake info in the steel dossier


My me my  - we are selective in our memory aren't we :)  

No one has proven any element of the dossier false, despite YOUR desperation to claim that.

21 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Of course he did. He's a man. You remember men, don't you. Strong willed, male hormone dominated, perhaps a little opinionated.

I mean really...


Only a complete weenie could like this old bag. Hell Billy-Boy had enough of her decades ago.

Only a superficial jackass would post a fake picture as though it means something other than you being a jack ass.

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2 hours ago, West said:

You are trying to alter history.

There's no evidence Kilminik was Russian intelligence other than DEMOCRATS making up delusions. The polling data that was given he could've gotten with a Google search. He was a business guy

Lol.. this is honestly so pathetic. You were duped. 

Now you claim that you were actually right but Mueller just couldn't connect the dots despite four years and an unlimited budget. A normal person would say "hey maybe there's no dots to connect and I'm just not right on this one'" but not you.. you go full boar on the conspiracy theory ?.. 

Couldn't connect but Trump is actually guilty.. hilarious 

U.S. says Manafort associate passed sensitive polling data to Russian intelligence


The U.S. government has sanctioned Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian-Ukrainian political consultant indicted in the Mueller investigation in 2018, for carrying out election influence operations on behalf of Russian intelligence services.

The big picture: The Senate Intelligence Committee's report on 2016 Russian election interference assessed that Kilimnik, who worked with former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort as a lobbyist for the pro-Russia president of Ukraine, is a Russian intelligence officer.

  • The investigation found that on numerous occasions, Manafort sought to pass sensitive internal polling data and campaign strategy to Kilimnik. The committee was unable to determine why or what Kilimnik did with that information, in part due to the pair's use of encrypted messaging apps.
  • The committee did obtain "some information" suggesting Kilimnik "may have been connected" to Russia's hacking and leaking of Democratic emails. The section detailing these findings is largely redacted, however.

The intrigue: The U.S. government stated for the first time Thursday that Kilimnik provided Russian intelligence "with sensitive information on polling and campaign strategy" during the 2016 election — filling a key link that had been left unanswered by both special counsel Robert Mueller and the Senate Intelligence Committee.

  • The Treasury Department also noted that Kilimnik, who is wanted by the FBI on charges of obstruction of justice, sought to promote the false narrative that Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the 2016 election.
  • He also sought to orchestrate a plan to return former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to power, according to Treasury. Yanukovych fled to Russia in 2014 after being ousted in the Ukrainian Revolution.


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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

This has got to be one of the weirdest and hokey-est claims the dems make, and as you know it was up against some pretty serious competition for that spot.

"he gave them polling data".  How is that secret? It's internal polls - the russians at any time could hire the same polling company to do their own polls and have the data.  There were tonnes of legit polls and info out there.  there is absolutely NO WAY to 'misuse' polling data or to have 'super secret' polling data  that couldn't be obtained by virtually anyone.

The only purpose to give that to someone is to brag about how well you're doing or convince them you're going to win, there's nothing 'strategic' about it.

Yet the dems try to pass it off like this was giving away state secrets.

It's just delusional.

Could've been manafort trying to brag about how he was leading a POLITICAL NOVICE to an election win with a fraction of the budget over a woman with quite possibly the most well funded, well connected campaign in American history? Maybe looking for work after the campaign? 

I mean Crooked had the entire establishment media behind her. The intelligence community. All of Washington. The business community yet STILL lost. Because "Russia" spent a few thousand dollars in facebook ads? Amazing..and embarrassing that this is the story. But I could see why she's still trying to blame "Russia" for the greatest election defeat in American history. 

Why did she lose? Quite simple... she said out loud that she was going to put people in swing states out of work.. but RUSSIA. ?

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48 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Of course he did. He's a man. You remember men, don't you. Strong willed, male hormone dominated, perhaps a little opinionated.

I mean really...


Only a complete weenie could like this old bag. Hell Billy-Boy had enough of her decades ago.

That's one ugly "lady" lol

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8 minutes ago, West said:

You are trying to alter history.

There's no evidence Kilminik was Russian intelligence other than DEMOCRATS making up delusions. The polling data that was given he could've gotten with a Google search. He was a business guy

Lol.. this is honestly so pathetic. You were duped

Are you really this farking oblivious? Literally everyone who had investigated this--including the Republican Senate--have started this conclusively. He's been indicted but, of course, Russia will never let us prosecute one if their spies.

Seriously, read the goddamn report and stop spouting FOX news nonsense.

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13 hours ago, West said:

Could've been manafort trying to brag about how he was leading a POLITICAL NOVICE to an election win with a fraction of the budget over a woman with quite possibly the most well funded, well connected campaign in American history? Maybe looking for work after the campaign? 

I mean Crooked had the entire establishment media behind her. The intelligence community. All of Washington. The business community yet STILL lost. Because "Russia" spent a few thousand dollars in facebook ads? Amazing..and embarrassing that this is the story. But I could see why she's still trying to blame "Russia" for the greatest election defeat in American history. 

Why did she lose? Quite simple... she said out loud that she was going to put people in swing states out of work.. but RUSSIA. ?

Yeah, sure Manafort was keeping up this ongoing series of super secret meetings and hidden and encrypted email and text communication to talk with his Russian intelligence buddy about casual things that weren't at all secret.?

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8 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Yeah, sure Manafort was seeing up this ongoing series of super secret meetings and hidden and encrypted email and text communication to talk with his Russian intelligence buddy about casual things that weren't at all secret.

Manafort ran a lobbying firm with his buddy Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary Clinton's campaign manager in Europe. Welcome to Washington where you sell your lobbying services to whomever

Everything is nefarious when you are sold on conspiracy theories ie a Senator meeting with a Russian Ambassador. 

But a Democrat Senator boinking a Chinese spy? Nothing to see there ?

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3 minutes ago, West said:

Manafort ran a lobbying firm with his buddy Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary Clinton's campaign manager in Europe. Welcome to Washington where you sell your lobbying services to whomever

Everything is nefarious when you are sold on conspiracy theories ie a Senator meeting with a Russian Ambassador. 

But a Democrat Senator boinking a Chinese spy? Nothing to see there ?

You can dip, dodge and deflect all you want, still won't change that Manafort was passing sensitive political intelligence to a spy, who passed it to the Kremlin, which was targeting US citizens for election interference.

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