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BLM Racism Completely Ignored by MSM - Nick Canon's Bigoted Rant

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Nick Canon was fired within a few hours of this video, but it's bizarre that he would even think that this type of racist stereotyping would be "accurate" or ok.

This guy is indoctrinated by the Nation of Islam and he feels like what he is saying is the real deal. 

It's not like Nick Canon was a complete nobody. He was on the "Got Talent" shows for a long time. His shame should be more public but it's detrimental to the image of BLM and American islam. 

This is covered on WashPo's FB page but honestly, he gets more support from that crowd than criticism. The majority of their followers are trash.

The leader of the BLM in Canada still holds her position after her second blatantly racist tweet: https://thepostmillennial.com/blm-toronto-leader-believes-white-people-are-sub-human-calls-them-genetic-defects


Honestly, when is the MSM going to stop pushing the BLM's 'holier-than-thou' fallacy on us? They're just a bunch of hard-core losers who want to shrug off accountability by playing the blame game. 

Meet their founder in the US: https://nypost.com/2020/06/25/blm-co-founder-describes-herself-as-trained-marxist/ There's video of this if you care to look for it.


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I read about this on CNN. How did you find out about it?

CBS fired him but Fox kept him on, because why would they start firing their bigots now?


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14 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

CBS fired him but Fox kept him on,

He should be fired. It's a complete joke that he wasn't fired. 

FYI Fox doesn't have actual bigots like Don Lemon in their lineup. Can you name one, aside from Nick Cannon?

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Antisemitism and racism are FINE as long as it's an 'oppressed minority'. Witness Desean Jackson last week. The NFL and his team both said righteous things but no one is talking about punishing him for approvingly quoting Hitler (he thought) about Jews trying to take over the world. And the same sports media which went bananas on a white NBA player saying he wouldn't take a knee have been almost entirely silent about him.


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6 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

So with all these links, I'm wondering how a person centered in reality would think the MSM ignored it.

Ask 100 people on the street if they've heard on it. You might get one who has. Getting covered on a web page does not mean it's being given much publicity. It's no on the national news the way it would be if some nobody in a Schenectady diner said a bad thing about black people. We got front page coverage of a 12 year old sending a mean message to a black soccer player in the UK on the front page of the Post! But this? A little apologetic story and then it's done. No outraged media pundits demanding action, no marches or demonstrations, no denunciations from politicians.


Edited by Argus
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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Nick Canon was fired within a few hours of this video, but it's bizarre that he would even think that this type of racist stereotyping would be "accurate" or ok.

This guy is indoctrinated by the Nation of Islam and he feels like what he is saying is the real deal. 

It's not like Nick Canon was a complete nobody. He was on the "Got Talent" shows for a long time. His shame should be more public but it's detrimental to the image of BLM and American islam. 

This is covered on WashPo's FB page but honestly, he gets more support from that crowd than criticism. The majority of their followers are trash.

The leader of the BLM in Canada still holds her position after her second blatantly racist tweet: https://thepostmillennial.com/blm-toronto-leader-believes-white-people-are-sub-human-calls-them-genetic-defects


Honestly, when is the MSM going to stop pushing the BLM's 'holier-than-thou' fallacy on us? They're just a bunch of hard-core losers who want to shrug off accountability by playing the blame game. 

Meet their founder in the US: https://nypost.com/2020/06/25/blm-co-founder-describes-herself-as-trained-marxist/ There's video of this if you care to look for it.


They do a lot of talking but they never talk about all the black on black crimes and murders going on in cities like Chicago and Baltimore. Where or what are the BLM crowd doing about all those killings? 18 people shot and killed in Chicago this past weekend. Every weekend a dozen or so blacks are murdered in Chicago alone. Where are Al Sharpton or Reverend Jackson? The BLM movement is not about black lives but more to do with trying to destroy white America, and nothing more. Just saying. 

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1 hour ago, BubberMiley said:

I read about this on CNN. How did you find out about it?

CBS fired him but Fox kept him on, because why would they start firing their bigots now?


The bigots are in the leftist liberal American MSM. FOX NEWS points this out every night on FOX NEWS. At least with FOX NEWS we can get the other side of the story that the leftist liberal democrats and the MSM do not want to point out or report on. CNN is the worst of them all. They lie like a thief. Tucker Carlson is the best person to get and report the other side of the story. 

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The explanation of Fox - the entertainment network, not Fox News - went like this:


In a statement, Fox said it believes this moment calls for dialogue, and will help him advance what it called an important conversation.

"When we were made aware of Nick Cannon's interview with Richard Griffin on YouTube, we immediately began a dialogue with Nick," Fox said.

"He is clear and remorseful that his words were wrong and lacked both understanding and context, and inadvertently promoted hate. This was important for us to observe. Nick has sincerely apologized, and quickly taken steps to educate himself and make amends."

It is unfortunate that Fox News didn't share the willingness to be so open-minded and such a champion of free speech when the offender was less - as Nick Cannon puts it - melaninated.

For one thing, when you look into it, Tucker Carlson's head writer's offense was much less offensive if you check out the context and details - something the MSM won't help you with.


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2 hours ago, taxme said:

They do a lot of talking but they never talk about all the black on black crimes and murders going on in cities like Chicago and Baltimore. Where or what are the BLM crowd doing about all those killings? 18 people shot and killed in Chicago this past weekend. Every weekend a dozen or so blacks are murdered in Chicago alone. Where are Al Sharpton or Reverend Jackson? The BLM movement is not about black lives but more to do with trying to destroy white America, and nothing more. Just saying. 

They don't even talk about the kids that were murdered (the 14-yr old might have survived) by the CHAZIs, the fact that the evidence was cleared from the scene, and that no one was arrested or investigated.

Can any of the BLMers that you talk to name the kids that were shot by the CHOP Gestapo? 


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1 hour ago, BubberMiley said:

Tucker Carlson's head writer was let go for talking like you often do on the Internet. What a cuck Tucker is for firing him for exercising his free speech, wouldn't you say?

Tucker Carlson holds his writers accountable. Accountability is commendable.

There's a good reason why Tucker sometimes has the highest-rated cable news show while CNN regularly languishes in the also-ran spots.

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It looks as though the black community has a serious underlying problem with anti-semetism and racism, that they’ve been able to hide by distracting people with other concerns like police violence.  I’ve been surprised at how many prominent black people have come out to defend and support the likes of DeSean Jackson, Stephen Jackson, Ice Cube, Nick Cannon, former NFL running back Larry Johnson, etc.  It’s really amazing.  How deep is this problem I wonder?

Forgot about Dwayne Wade too.

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I stumbled across this in another forum today and think it's quite relevant to this.

Louis Farrakhan is a bigoted, homophobic, anti vax, anti intellectual racist and as a Jew and as a proponent of equality, it is my right to be extremely offended and angry at his apparent popularity within the black community. Especially public figures such as artists and athletes in America.

As many Americans and people all around the world have done for a few decades now, I grew up on black American culture. I listen to hip hop and rap music regularly. Some of the most influential people in my life and in the way I see the world have been black artists and athletes. That’s just how it is for many american males and I have no issue with it.

Recently, in the past few days, I have been exposed to a person by the name of Louis Farrakhan who I can honestly say I had never heard of before this week. I had heard his name a few times and always in the context of this man being an incredibly racist person. I thought he was just some sorta Alex Jones type guy. Never really paid any attention to it. Didn’t even google him.

Well as we’ve all seen this week, it seems he has a pretty big following among influential African Americans. Literally name any influential African American person from the past 30 years and then google

“[name of person] Louis Farrakhan”

There will be a photo of them meeting and smiling and shaking hands. Try it. I dare you. Anyone. Even Obama.

Now this man, he’s nothing short of despicable. The list of antisemitic quotes attributed to him is pages and pages long. He preaches antisemitism, anti white racism, anti Asian racism, homophobia, anti science, anti vaccination messages. Literally everything that’s wrong with the world. And yet for some reason, Kendrick Lamar for example, can be seen absolutely elated when meeting this person. The same Kendrick Lamar who is a huge part of black culture and who is seen as an overall positive voice in the black community and in the music community and just in general.

This is not okay. Actually, it’s absolutely disgusting. There have been polls floating around r/nfl and r/nba in the past week that have shown that Mr Farrakhan has a “favorable opinion” among approximately 50% of African Americans polled. Others have raised questions about said polls. Regardless, it is clear that this man has influence among the people with influence. How can I, a proud Jewish American and Israeli, who has loved watching basketball, football and listening to black artists for all my life, continue to do these things which used to bring me joy while knowing that these people actively condone and promote a man who calls me satan?

I cannot. Simple as that.

The black community needs to come out together and condemn this man and his hatred and bigotry and they need to apologize, or they risk undermining their own cause.

“Silence is violence”, is it not? At least that’s what everyone’s been telling me about police brutality and systemic anti-black racism in America. Well, the black community has been silent about Farrakhan for DECADES.

A long list of Louis Farrakhan quotes regarding Jews:

[kendrick Lamar and Louis Farrakhan](https://i.imgur.com/CZJmxoF.png)

[President Barrack Obama and Louis Farrakhan](https://i.imgur.com/R1QDOzR.jpg)

[Snoop Dogg and Louis Farrakhan](https://i.imgur.com/w93sL6o.jpg)

[Kanye West and Louis Farrakhan](https://i.imgur.com/KrVSHYJ.jpg)

[Jay Z and Louis Farrakhan](https://i.imgur.com/YOlZQ6n.jpg)

[Nas and PDiddy and Louis Farrakhan](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c9/c0/46/c9c046ad9470aaf103978cd7a779a4a1.jpg)

[Eminem and Louis Farrakhan](https://i.imgur.com/sMNAc11.png)

[Migos and Louis Farrakhan](https://i.imgur.com/W47onsh.jpg)

[Rick Ross and Louis Farrakhan](https://i.imgur.com/jGhtQHQ.jpg)

[Will Smith and Louis Farrakhan](https://i.imgur.com/rYAQTCm.jpg)

[Ice Cube Louis Farrakhan](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b9/d2/99/b9d2998a9f1fe5382547d0034a11c453.jpg)





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  BLM is not only anti Semitic but Marxist, causing anarchy and loss of order.  It’s not about anti racism anymore, it’s about overthrowing law, order and government to replace it with their brand of ‘government’.  

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1 hour ago, scribblet said:

  BLM is not only anti Semitic but Marxist, causing anarchy and loss of order.  It’s not about anti racism anymore, it’s about overthrowing law, order and government to replace it with their brand of ‘government’.  

And with the willing aid of the media they are discrediting police and policing. Between them they have convinced a sizeable portion of people in both the US and Canada that the police are racist and violent towards all minorities, but especially blacks.  Police are being attacked, being mocked, insulted and hounded wherever they go, and so many are pulling back, and leaving the streets to the crime gangs. There are still violent protests every day. Especially in the most liberal of cities, and the governments and local district attorneys of these areas are refusing to lay charges, even against violent protesters. The police arrest them and then they're released back onto the streets again.

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Yes, but on top of this there are numerous incidents of white people being attacked and assaulted for no reason.  If they don't put a stop to this soon people will fight back which could leave to a civil war.  Sounds like a stretch but it's looking that way, at least in the U.S. 

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4 hours ago, Argus said:

, the black community has been silent about Farrakhan for DECADES.

A long list of Louis Farrakhan quotes regarding Jews:

He was even at Aretha Franklin’s funeral on the stage with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. It’s also worth noting that photo with Brock Obama didn’t come out until after he was done being president.


It’s hard to believe that a person who’s that much of an outspoken racist can be a high profile public figure and not face any repercussions.


After the attack in the synagogue in Pennsylvania it was just bizarre to see how hard the left-wing media tried to paint Trump as Americas foremost anti-Semite, despite all the Jews in his family and all he has done for Israel, and none of those pieces of crap mentioned Farrakhan’s virulent anti-Semitism at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another example of the Left's hypocrisy about identity politics emerging in the UK. Twitter, that most woke of platforms, will ban you for life for saying something like "You can't be a woman if you have a penis" but it's another story if you're Black. Different rules, apparently. So a British rapper named Wiley launched an antisemitic tirade over Twitter last week, and Twitter shrugged, deleted a few of them, left others up, and gave him a one week ban. The media have largely ignored the story. As they ignore all such stories which don't feature white people. And despite the intensive crackdown on online 'hate' by British police, who will show up at your door if you merely 'like' a posting which says something offensive, no action has yet been taken there, either.

"Jewish people don't care what black went through they just use us to make money to feed their kids ... for generations as well," one tweet said. "Hold some corn Jewish community you deserve it...," another tweet read.

British NGO Campaign Against Antisemitism referred that tweet to police saying it was an act of incitement to racial hatred as, it said, "hold corn" was slang for "take bullets."



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2 hours ago, Argus said:

Another example of the Left's hypocrisy about identity politics emerging in the UK. Twitter, that most woke of platforms, will ban you for life for saying something like "You can't be a woman if you have a penis" but it's another story if you're Black. Different rules, apparently. So a British rapper named Wiley launched an antisemitic tirade over Twitter last week, and Twitter shrugged, deleted a few of them, left others up, and gave him a one week ban. The media have largely ignored the story. As they ignore all such stories which don't feature white people. And despite the intensive crackdown on online 'hate' by British police, who will show up at your door if you merely 'like' a posting which says something offensive, no action has yet been taken there, either.

"Jewish people don't care what black went through they just use us to make money to feed their kids ... for generations as well," one tweet said. "Hold some corn Jewish community you deserve it...," another tweet read.

British NGO Campaign Against Antisemitism referred that tweet to police saying it was an act of incitement to racial hatred as, it said, "hold corn" was slang for "take bullets."


Even our own holier-than-thou PM, who likes nothing more than pontificating about bigotry and jumping on every bandwagon that rolls along, outright refuses to condemn public hate rallies against Jews. 

What's even worse is that the bigotry stats against Jews are conveniently assumed to come from right-wing and/or white-Canadians, and anyone who's seen a quds-day hate rally knows where the actual bigotry against Jews comes from in this country. 

We also have an outspoken bigot (yusra khogali) LEADING our BLM cult in Canada, is she banned from Twitter? She has also posted vile, bigoted comments on FB and I doubt that she's banned there either.

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