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Do You Believe the Coronavirus Might Be an Orchestrated Globalist Takeover?

Guest ProudConservative

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1 minute ago, New World Disorder said:

China's Belt and Road initiative is becoming a real problem for the nations (Like Italy) that signed up with China.  This seems to be no better compared to how the west raped Africa. It's still rape! And now the debt owed to China from these nations is very high.

Did Italy, or the other nations, at any time, say "No?" I would go so far as to say they gave explicit consent. Therefore, it is not rape. 

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The dislike of China expressed on social media reminds me of anti-Americanism. Many people disliked the Yankee traders because they were so good at business. (The term "Yankee" derives from my favourite pirate, Janke Whillims, a dutch member of the Bretheren Of The Coast.) The Chinese are very good at establishing a network of alliances by "be-friending" countries no one else wants to touch with a 3 metre pole. They lend money to anyone who wants it and then the people who borrow it, complain. Always blame the money lender for our own indebtedness.

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6 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

1. Did I say iPhones or did I say items necessary for our security?
2. Are you insecure without a phone.
3. Please, read my words, or be damned. I need not repeat myself, except to a moron.
4. And just because I don't also add a nice safe closer for you like... "oh and the US is looking after their interests..." etc., means nothing of the sort that you "seem to see". Dont assume what I don't see by exclusion, simply because I didn't put you in a safe space at the end.
5. Such presuppositions are yet another stupid liberal trait.
6. Why should I bother to clarify that little nonsense for you.
7. So what if they are in their own interest? Who isnt? And what can little Canada do about that- not a thing so it has no relevance, and is not an excuse for another belligerent superpower that is clearly is no comparison to the US or any western country. China's not like the EU either.
8. So please, keep your apologist rhetoric for another Trudeau speech. This high-handed garbage simply don't float no more.


1. "We should not do trade with a country"... that acts in bad faith. "Abruptly working towards stopping, yes. "  So yes you said all trade.
2. Kind of, but the economy is much worse without them.  
3. I do read them.  They raise questions - big questions and so I ask deeper questions.  You say you want to work towards stopping trade, and I would say a moron would just say "ok" to something like that.  I didn't mean to offend you by asking you, basically "what do you mean by this"
4. No - I want to make sure YOU feel safe and don't feel insulted by me when I ask you, like "How do you plan to stop trade with China ?".  Don't be offended, please.  I am just wondering why aa pandemic turns conservatives into socialists, bent on bring social justice to China.  I mean, it begs the question about other countries don't you agree ?
5. What - you mean moral consistency ?  If you say so.  I think that it's just something you have to try to do regardless.  But you're mad at China, so who am I to tell you to not punch your pillow right ?
6. Because that seems to be the basis for your burgeoning anger: China is doing things to its advantage.  And now you suggest Canadian virtue signalling, but not the fake Trudeau kind, a more expensive real kind.
7. Let me get this straight: China is bad because they are acting in their own interest.  We should therefore stop trade with them.  Also the US is acting in their own interest but that's ok.   Now I *know* this isn't what you are saying but you haven't done enough deep thinking to resolve the deep and complex interplay between morality and economics.  I would be happy if you did that thinking, instead of crowing to me that I'm a liberal.  But again, this seems to be about you feeling better about things so I don't want to offend you...
8. High handed, you mean like saying "300,000 deaths and counting" ?  Please.  You should be wearing leotards and standing on an empty stage under a spotlight for that kind of dramatics.

My advice: stop the histrionics and focus on what we can achieve.  I don't apologize for Liberals, nor do I cheer the current situation.  But we all have to live in the real world, not whatever comic book you're writing for us...


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14 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The dislike of China expressed on social media reminds me of anti-Americanism. Many people disliked the Yankee traders because they were so good at business. (The term "Yankee" derives from my favourite pirate, Janke Whillims, a dutch member of the Bretheren Of The Coast.) The Chinese are very good at establishing a network of alliances by "be-friending" countries no one else wants to touch with a 3 metre pole. They lend money to anyone who wants it and then the people who borrow it, complain. Always blame the money lender for our own indebtedness.

The Chinese government is like that gypsy that gives gypsies a bad name. 

China's whole shtick of intellectual property theft, running an entirely protectionist economy, crushing freedom and trampling elections, serious human rights abuses on a massive scale like you'd expect to see during the dark ages, religious suppression, they're making phones & 5G networks & cheap drones to spy on the owners, they're kicking out western journalists, bullying everyone out of the south China sea so they can take all the fish, now we find out that they let people fly out of Wuhan to go to other countries but they couldn't go to the rest of China, and you're surprised that people don't like China?

You should be afraid of China. They made 83 warships in just 2017, 2018 and 2019. They're stockpiling weapons & missiles and researching biological warfare like it's go-time. 

Chinese people are just normal people like everyone else, but the Chinese government is your enemy. You just don't know it yet. 

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44 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Did Italy, or the other nations, at any time, say "No?" I would go so far as to say they gave explicit consent. Therefore, it is not rape. 


The advantage was for China, not Italy. And looks like they did much of the same other nations did. Export manufacturing to China. Dumb.

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35 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The dislike of China expressed on social media reminds me of anti-Americanism. Many people disliked the Yankee traders because they were so good at business. (The term "Yankee" derives from my favourite pirate, Janke Whillims, a dutch member of the Bretheren Of The Coast.) The Chinese are very good at establishing a network of alliances by "be-friending" countries no one else wants to touch with a 3 metre pole. They lend money to anyone who wants it and then the people who borrow it, complain. Always blame the money lender for our own indebtedness.

The CCP and China gets all the attention they deserve for releasing a virus on the whole world.

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5 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Chinese people are just normal people like everyone else, but the Chinese government is your enemy. You just don't know it yet.

Oh, yes, I know it very well. I should have specified when I said the Chinese, I meant the government. My point was, if you do business with the Chinese Government, be aware, and if you get taken, it is not like you weren't warned. It is just like the Yankee traders of old. They believe in China First. Xi isn't there to protect the interests of Angola, the US or Canada. Xi also has a strong sense of self preservation. His huge Navy will not be used to precipitate a World war that will leave China an unpopulated, radioactive, glass plate. He wants influence, respect and power, just like the US, Russia, France and the UK.

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1 minute ago, Queenmandy85 said:


You don't know that. Nobody has determined where it originated. The first KNOWN case was in France.

No the first cases did not come from France.  China has tried a few times to pin the blame on other nations. First the USA, then Italy, then France, then the USA again.  We know 100% where the virus came from. It all traces back to China.

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1 minute ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Oh, yes, I know it very well. I should have specified when I said the Chinese, I meant the government. My point was, if you do business with the Chinese Government, be aware, and if you get taken, it is not like you weren't warned. It is just like the Yankee traders of old.


OK...but hating America is tolerated and even encouraged in Canada, but China is still given a pass because of racism and previous history.   China will finally know it has arrived when Canada and other nations openly "hate" it just as much.

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8 minutes ago, New World Disorder said:

No the first cases did not come from France.  China has tried a few times to pin the blame on other nations. First the USA, then Italy, then France, then the USA again.  We know 100% where the virus came from. It all traces back to China.

They know that getting caught lying has become meaningless now because almost everyone does it, all the time. There's literally no lack of credibility associated with it. 

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Canadian celeb instas his feelings about China....later apologizes:




The original post on Monday blamed the global COVID-19 pandemic on "some f--king bat eating, wet market animal selling, virus making greedy bastards."

"My message to them other than 'thanks a f--king lot' is go vegan," the caption read.



Edited by bush_cheney2004
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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Did Italy, or the other nations, at any time, say "No?" I would go so far as to say they gave explicit consent. Therefore, it is not rape. 

Governments in these countries provided consent not the people. They based that consent on an imbalanced relationship and weakness. China is as much a colonialist exploiter of the world as anyone else and worse in the sense they do not invest in the countries they engage in exchanges with-they create huge trade deficits and debts in their favour.

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2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Last week there was a report that the first case of Covid-19 known so far was in France. Remember that the "Spanish" flu actually started in Kansas. So far, there is no evidence of where or how Covid-19 moved into the human population. Corona viruses are generally found in bats but they can sometimes be passed to another animal such as poultry or swine before moving into the human population.

This is my long winded way to make the point we don't know where it originated and speculation and blame is counter- productive. 

As for globalism, if you don't like it, buy Canadian, but don't expect you have the right to make the rest of us live like Albanians.

Covid 19 orignated in Wuhan. Chinese citizens were murdered for getting this out to the world. Covid 19 like Sars, Swine flu, Avian flu, Henta virus all  has been traced back and originates from wet markets in China. It comes from China refusing to regulate and implement health control regulations on its wet markets. It won't because there are too many people for it to monitor and it would be politically unpopular.

There is a reason China did not apologize for the virus spread and its origins. It can not acknowledge anything imperfect about itself. Its part of the myth its monopoly communist party must enforce to keep control of its masses.

To suggest we do not know where the virus comes from is aburd. It comes from bats. Swine flu came from pigs. Avian flu came from chickens. Henta virus comes from eating rodents. All proven and acknowledged by scientists world wide including Chinese ones.

If you want to defend the filth of the wet markets and China and pretend its not the reason for the Covid 19 virus go ahead....but is that because you have a bias? Really?  The viruses coming out of China they were what created by sneezing Italians or CIA agents? 

Can you get real, even the Chinese controlled WHO knows where the virus came from:


Its kind of silly to try at this time with all the evidence that exists from China to try deny it:




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5 minutes ago, Rue said:

China is as much a colonialist exploiter of the world as anyone else

Everyone is an exploiter of weaker nations. The French colonized and exploited England. The English colonized and exploited France. The Danes did the same to Ireland, England and France. The Blackfeet did it to the Kootenai, the Shushwap exploited the Sinixt. Conquest and colonization are part of the universal human experience.  The English were better at it than most and the Blackfeet were nastier.

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7 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Everyone is an exploiter of weaker nations. The French colonized and exploited England. The English colonized and exploited France. The Danes did the same to Ireland, England and France. The Blackfeet did it to the Kootenai, the Shushwap exploited the Sinixt. Conquest and colonization are part of the universal human experience.  The English were better at it than most and the Blackfeet were nastier.

And so..what is your point...that makes it acceptable for China to exploit because others have or do?  Is that how you define morality-if others kill its ok to kill?  You seem to have a clear agenda to defend China's government why?  Do you look the other way with other countries as you do China or is it particular to China?

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6 minutes ago, Rue said:

f you want to defend the filth of the wet markets and China and pretend its not the reason for the Covid 19 virus go ahead....but is that because you have a bias? Really?  The viruses coming out of China they were what created by sneezing Italians or CIA agents? 

I am not defending the wet markets. I am saying that a person died in France with covid-19 before the virus was detected in China. The remains were tested in France a week or two ago. I am not saying they did not get it from Wuhan, just that there is no evidence to determine where they got it. The wet markets are suspected of being the source of the virus but so far there is no scientific link to say precisely where or how it originated other than it was a natural source. While speculation is futile, I would speculate the Chinese government did not do this on purpose. They may be evil psychopaths, but they are clearly not stupid.

As for henta virus, you don't get it from eating rodents, you get it from their droppings.

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9 minutes ago, Rue said:

And so..what is your point...that makes it acceptable for China to exploit because others have or do?  Is that how you define morality-if others kill its ok to kill?  You seem to have a clear agenda to defend China's government why?  Do you look the other way with other countries as you do China or is it particular to China?

No, China is behaving just like everyone else. This behaviour is hard wired into our brains. Human being, like most animals love a heirarchy, as long as we are the ones on top. Xi is looking out for Xi. Putin is looking out for Putin, and so on. These individuals recognize that it is to their advantage to appear strong and to make China / Russia great again. The voters in the United States did not elect President Trump to make Uraguay great again. Recognizing facts is not defending them. When conducting an investigation, it is a bad idea to jump to any conclusion until all of the evidence is in. 

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31 minutes ago, Rue said:

Covid 19 orignated in Wuhan

It was discovered in Wuhan. Before that, a person died in France and was recently discovered to have been positive for Covid-19. The French have asked other nations such as Germany to test sample from people who died with pnumonia-like symptom to determine if they were Covid-19 positive. It is unknown if there was any link to Wuhan. It is possible the French sample was contaminated. Nobody knows, and as in any investigation, you don't make any conclusions until all of the evidence is in. As much as people would love for it to have originated in China, if wishes were horses, I would have a horse.

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3 hours ago, New World Disorder said:

China's Belt and Road initiative is becoming a real problem for the nations (Like Italy) that signed up with China.  This seems to be no better compared to how the west raped Africa. It's still rape! And now the debt owed to China from these nations is very high.

I haven't heard of that one - post a link please and I'll read up.  Seems like an interesting development.  Also this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bering_Strait_crossing#Likely_route_and_expenses

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48 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I haven't heard of that one - post a link please and I'll read up.  Seems like an interesting development.  Also this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bering_Strait_crossing#Likely_route_and_expenses



Calling it the new Silk Road.

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2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I am not defending the wet markets. I am saying that a person died in France with covid-19 before the virus was detected in China.

Complete fairness says...  you should want to, first, make sure it did not come from Wuhan before you open this pandora's box. And I have not read where the Trump Admin says the virus came from the wet markets. They've even admitted to the fact that the USA, Canada, etc were funding the very Wuhan Virilogy Institute lab where irresponsible Wuhan lab workers let the virus spread from.

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3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Everyone is an exploiter of weaker nations. The French colonized and exploited England. The English colonized and exploited France. The Danes did the same to Ireland, England and France. The Blackfeet did it to the Kootenai, the Shushwap exploited the Sinixt. Conquest and colonization are part of the universal human experience.  The English were better at it than most and the Blackfeet were nastier.

China got to this stage by preying on strong nations to move their manufacturing there.

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Guest ProudConservative
32 minutes ago, Tdot said:

Complete fairness says...  you should want to, first, make sure it did not come from Wuhan before you open this pandora's box. And I have not read where the Trump Admin says the virus came from the wet markets. They've even admitted to the fact that the USA, Canada, etc were funding the very Wuhan Virilogy Institute lab where irresponsible Wuhan lab workers let the virus spread from.

So I've been reading a lot of your post lately, and I have to say... I'm impressed... You're a strong contributor with principals... Keep up the good work.

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