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Veterans and the coming election.

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The PPC have released its platform on veterans and it makes for a good read for those of you thats interested, it puts a lot of the right checks in the right boxes. 

The liberals promised in 2015 to bring back all the pre 2006 benefits, and failed big time yes they did bring in some benefits, but fell short, by some 2/3 of the cost of the pre 2006 program....He also promised to stop all the law suits where vets have had to sue the government for the benefits just to survive...dozens upon dozens  of law suits are still before the courts another broken promise ….

Dept of VAC still requires vets with missing limbs to prove every year that they have not grown back, before they are given vets benefit checks....Justin told us he would fix all that...another broken promise...

Justin also promised to boost DND budget, bringing it to 1.5 % of GDP.....another broken promise,  He also promised to fix our procurement system .....another broken promise....

Maybe the Cons can do something about all of this, but their record is no better than Justins, I'm hoping Scheer's record proves to be better but i'm not betting the farm....



Edited by Charles Anthony
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While I am coming around to the Parti Populaire, it has nothing to do with their position vis a vis the soldier of the Crown.

To simply call the leftists out as totalitarian mob is sufficient.

I do not believe any government will be able to address the needs of the vulnerable, whether they be wounded soldier's, or the bourgeoisie.

Confederation itself is a failed state, governance in Canada is broken beyond repair.

The time for half measures is long past, now is the time for radical measures.

Even in the extremely unlikely event that  Bernier were to be elected, he would be waylaid by the deep state the same as all the rest.

The Canadian military is beyond saving, it's a fool's errand at this point, and perhaps it always was.

Don't bet the farm on anything, don't be a degenerate gambler, divest yourself of the state and look out for your own interests.

Don't look to the government, they can't even save themselves never mind you.

I just do my own thing, one man one kit, no easy day, stand up hook up shuffle to the door.

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Sorry dougie I have not gotten to that state yet, I still believe their is hope for our country, and ya even our military, which is on life support right now, and most of Canada believe it is doing great...., we as a nation lack any serious leadership, not only in government but DND, civil service, right down the line of every dept....one day some one will step up....hopefully soon...

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Also bear in mind that I never held the Queen's Commission, so I am not actually responsible for any troops other than those placed at my Opcon by an OC

I'm also a right wing nutjob who vehemently opposes public sector labour action against the taxpayer, so I decline to associate myself with any such collectives lobbying the government, freedom of association includes the freedom to just do your own thing.

My only connection to the military is through the Queen, the Corps and the Regiment, always got time for a brother in need, but I got no time for interacting with DND whatsoever anymore, nor can I stand the stink of being in proximity to a Canadian politician.

Even as an individual, I do not bother to appeal to a government I find to be fundamentally criminal, not to mention fallen under the undue influence of the Communist Chinese.

Speech banning, gun grabbing, freedom hating Government of Canada delenda est, by peaceful democratic self determination under the Clarity Act, is all I'm seeking now.


Edited by Dougie93
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  • 5 weeks later...

Veterans look at election promises being made and do not see much coming from any of the parties with the exception of the Conservatives trying to set things right and PPC. They are also very leery of the cons promises as they have burned the Military and Vets in the past.... I know for most Canadians don't have no connection to our military, so they seem to think these matters don't concern you much, and for some there is this unfounded hatred for our nations soldiers, I can not explain it, ...But you should stop and think if our government can do this to this select group of people , how safe is your group...and when it does happen how much support will you receive from the rest of Canadians....Well I hope you receive more than our nations soldiers did..


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9 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Veterans look at election promises being made and do not see much coming from any of the parties with the exception of the Conservatives trying to set things right and PPC. They are also very leery of the cons promises as they have burned the Military and Vets in the past.... I know for most Canadians don't have no connection to our military, so they seem to think these matters don't concern you much, and for some there is this unfounded hatred for our nations soldiers, I can not explain it, ...But you should stop and think if our government can do this to this select group of people , how safe is your group...and when it does happen how much support will you receive from the rest of Canadians....Well I hope you receive more than our nations soldiers did..


I would help any wounded warrior If I can, if he needs a place to stay, a hot meal, some money to tide him over, even just a bartender to listen to his story, I'm here for him.

But I cannot help him through the Government of Canada.   There is no rule of law, Canada is ruled by a mob.  I can't vote them out.

The military institutions in Canada are failed just like the rest of the state is.   It's a lost cause, I just have to move on, get on with my life, can't wait for Canada forever.

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I live in a small military town, everyone knows everyone sort of thing....I see them everyday... I've attended more funerals here than Ramp ceremonies in Afghanistan due to suicides...Men who were great Warriors, fearless , and would help anyone with anything, proud men, with families and wife's with healthy relationships...., ....I watch them shrink into drunks, drug addicts ,divorced, having no contact with family, even friends shun them, in and out of jail , treated like scumbags ... my problem is I see them how they used to be, A type personalities, mentally and physically strong,  some of the best people I knew …..and to see them reduced to who they are today is really hard to take...even seeing  this takes it's toll on those of us who have some how survived putting those ghost behind us.....when everything is said and done, the only people vets  can depend on is other soldiers, brothers in arms...who's number dwindle each year... There are days that I doubt all the sacrifices we made in the service.... for such an ungrateful country was worth the cost...And if I had to do it over again, I'm not sure I would...don't get me wrong I meet some of the finest people this country has to offer....I seen them do the impossible, with little to no support from our country....it was impressive to say the least..and I was proud to serve next to them.... but we paid a huge cost, a cost that nobody else gives a shit about.... 



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On ‎8‎/‎29‎/‎2019 at 5:59 PM, Army Guy said:

The PPC have released its platform on veterans and it makes for a good read for those of you thats interested, it puts a lot of the right checks in the right boxes. 

The liberals promised in 2015 to bring back all the pre 2006 benefits, and failed big time yes they did bring in some benefits, but fell short, by some 2/3 of the cost of the pre 2006 program....He also promised to stop all the law suits where vets have had to sue the government for the benefits just to survive...dozens upon dozens  of law suits are still before the courts another broken promise ….

Dept of VAC still requires vets with missing limbs to prove every year that they have not grown back, before they are given vets benefit checks....Justin told us he would fix all that...another broken promise...

Justin also promised to boost DND budget, bringing it to 1.5 % of GDP.....another broken promise,  He also promised to fix our procurement system .....another broken promise....

Maybe the Cons can do something about all of this, but their record is no better than Justins, I'm hoping Scheer's record proves to be better but i'm not betting the farm....



If people took the time to look into this issue you discuss they should on principle understand that what the current government did was to LIE about what they intended to do once elected and did the exact opposite and have made things worse not better than the regime prior to their own. They also compounded this by finding 10 million to pay a terrorist but in the next breath say there was no money for vets. The sad thing is I am not sure most people at this time are giving thought to this issue, the 5 ethics violations, the Lavalin issue, the Kadr payout, the breakdown in Immigration Law, deficit financing, the failure to implement an energy pipeline and energy corridor, the allowing of the Air Force and all armed forces to go without badly needed upgrades, and a big stinking conflict of interest with Bill Morneau using his insider info to trade his family company's stocks. No one is discussing these issues and the press is soft. They allow Trudeau to avoid questions and only engage in one way canned script sound bites which come down to promising things like candy to a child or heroin to an addict. Not one policy Trudeau has proposed has any substance to it. Its all short term quick fix immediate bribes with no other thought.

The environmental position is just an out and out lie. Trudeau failed to meet any emission limits and comes up with absolutely phony new limits he has no intention of honouring any more than he did the previous ones. The carbon tax is just a tax and people are idiotic enough to think if you increase their taxes but do not earmark that increase towards environmental programs, magically people will stop driving cars? Its a tax. A friggin tax to try keep up with the huge deficit and run away interest rates and calling it a carbon tax but not using one penny on environmental programs is the height of dishonesty and yet people buy it.

Trudeau ran from a debate on foreign policy. Of course. How could he defend the implications of defending Lavalin's illegal activities across the world. How could he defend engaging in interfering with Lavalin on the one hand, then in the next breath tell China over Hua Wei he can't interfere in the legal process. How could he defend his Foreign Minister bringing in a young woman from Saudi Arabia  on the grounds of stating publically "she reminds me of my daughter"? The grounds for allowing her refugee status means, any Muslim woman, and for that matter, any woman who does not approve of the religion of their family overseas in their country of origin, can now apply as a refugee on the grounds of persecution. This means hundreds of millions of Muslim women in Muslim countries are entitled to refugee status as one example.

Trudeau has run from two debates. He is a coward. His answer to being caught acting like a privileged jack ass is to say its because he's privileged, and then in the very next sentence using his privilege to lecture others not to be privileged without himself acknowledging his privilege is not an excuse for what he did.

This country is on the verge of re-electing him on a minority basis. The NDP and Greens would love that. The only thing we now must ask, will NDP and Green votes take away Liberal votes to allow Conservatives to slip in. There was a worry Bernier would divide Conservative votes but his strength is in Quebec and the Bloc Quebecois seems to be back threatening to take back certain Liberal seats,  NDP seats and Conservative seats, so much so all national leaders are gutless and will not discuss the out and out bigoted Bill 21 in Quebec.



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God, Queen, Country.  

House of Windsor. 

All that matters; is the Regiment, the Corps and the Commander-in-Chief.

Legio Patria Nostra.

Victoria Regina Imperatrix.

Mother Canada.

The Government of Canada is no longer in my chain of command,  but Liz Windsor is still the Boss.

United Kingdom - United States Security Agreement.

Mission over men.

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4 hours ago, Rue said:

If people took the time to look into this issue you discuss they should on principle understand

Personally, I undertook the oath and signed the contract with eyes wide open.

I grew up in the shadow of Vietnam, my Canadian uncle fought in Vietnam.

I knew what the score was.

There was never a hunky dory time when veterans didn't get shafted.

World War Two veterans got shafted. World War One veterans got shafted, Civil War veterans got shafted. Napoleonic War veterans got shafted.

If you get f@cked up in country, the government ain't gonna put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

I simply factored that in as part of the sacrifice.  

That's what agreed to; contract of unlimited liability, if get f@cked up, that's on me, nobody drafted me, and I wasn't naive.

Also, when I served in the military, I despised Canadian "society" already, it's not like I didn't know Canada was a gutless effeminate peacenik country back in the 1980's

I joined to defend the Free World from the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact, because I hated communists, and I still do.

No regrets, and I ask nothing from Canada nor the Canadian people, I disavow them, without reservation.

It wasn't a job, it was an adventure, I didn't do it for you, Canada, so you don''t owe me anything.

I wipe my ass with your communist sympathizing  Liberal Party of Canada flag, I never sing your silly Liberal Party of Canada song.

Bury my bones in America, land of the free, home of the brave.


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6 hours ago, Army Guy said:

 for such an ungrateful country was worth the cost.

I knew Canada was ungrateful, I knew Canada simply sees soldiers as victims

I knew Canada was pathetic and Canadians want soldiers to be pathetic victims just so Canadians can pat themselves on their own backs priggishly for saying so.

I'm not a victim tho.   I knew the risks, I knew what I was getting myself into, I knew I was rolling the dice to take the Queen's Schilling.

I don't want Canadians sympathy, because really it's just pity.

F@ck that, and f@ck Canadians who do that, I shit on all that.

Don't be a victim, don't adopt that mentality, don't accept Canadians pity, disavow them and their pathetic need to make everything into a sob story, it's a sad farce.

It's not about me, it's not about you, that's all about them, that's their neediness, not mine.

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I'm not a victim, and I'm not looking for a pat on the head or someone telling me good job, I had the honor to be part of one of the best fighting forces this country could muster, I don't want pity, or sympathy...What I want is what every other Canadian is entitled to when injured on the job...no more and no less... and to have some shit pump tell us your asking for more than we can give right now....that sir is unacceptable.....imagine if some corporal told you "ahh Sgt I not felling this attack this morning , your asking for more than I can give right now"... you would have done what any Senior NCO would have , reached down grabbed him by the nuts, and squeezed until he screamed, just checking to see if you left you balls in your rucksack, grab you shit your on point...ruck up , man up, STF up....

with Justin racking up an average deficit of 18 bil over the last 4 years, and he is estimating in the high 20 bil for the next 4...and he can't squeeze a few more bil in there for citizens that have served this nation, thats f***ed up. 

....I'm getting tired burying my comrades in arms because they can't handle the mental stress of the continuous fight with our own government and our citizens who will not stand up for us...

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Just now, Army Guy said:

I'm not a victim, and I'm not looking for a pat on the head or someone telling me good job, I had the honor to be part of one of the best fighting forces this country could muster, I don't want pity, or sympathy...What I want is what every other Canadian is entitled to when injured on the job...no more and no less... and to have some shit pump tell us your asking for more than we can give right now....that sir is unacceptable.....imagine if some corporal told you "ahh Sgt I not felling this attack this morning , your asking for more than I can give right now"... you would have done what any Senior NCO would have , reached down grabbed him by the nuts, and squeezed until he screamed, just checking to see if you left you balls in your rucksack, grab you shit your on point...ruck up , man up, STF up....

with Justin racking up an average deficit of 18 bil over the last 4 years, and he is estimating in the high 20 bil for the next 4...and he can't squeeze a few more bil in there for citizens that have served this nation, thats f***ed up. 

....I'm getting tired burying my comrades in arms because they can't handle the mental stress of the continuous fight with our own government and our citizens who will not stand up for us...

I get all that, but Canadians don't care, they are defended by Americans, the Canadian Forces are just a boondoggle, Canadians do not view it as being an imperative.

Everything military wise is optional in Canada, to include taking care of the veterans, the priority in Canada is handouts for unionized entrenched interests.

The CF and the RCMP are the non-unionized parts of the government, so that is not priority in Canada.

In terms of buck up, ruck up, shut the f@ck up and just do it, that's how I live my life. 

The government of Canada is a burden to me not a boon, I live my life despite them not because of them.

In terms of troops being broken down, that's actually incited by the Canadian mantra of everything being a sob story.

The troops are not honored for being warriors, they are pitied for being victims, and that is what is depressing them. 

They went to Afghanistan, Canadians don't care, they fought for something which Canadians couldn't care less about, so when they come home, they realize that, and it depresses them.

The government can't put Humpty Dumpty back together again, the government is a public sector Self Licking Ice Cream Cone

they are never coming to save the troops, the troops have to buck up, ruck up, and save themselves.

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