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Is China actually a Fascist regime?


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4 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

I never said that corruption doesn't exist in capitalist nations though, I just pointed out that runs far more rampant in Communist nations. You're the ignorant one, tunnel visioning only on the corruption issues in capitalist nations so you can pretend the west is just as corrupt as the commies. Pointing out problems in capitalist nations is no proof of corruption being just as bad in capitalist nations as they are in communist nations, and that is the entire basis of your half baked argument where you only looked at one side of the equation so you can create a false equivalency.

All the problems you mentioned are worse under communism than capitalism, yet you want to pretend it's all the same level of corruption. Organized crime, pork barreling, and the government bailing out failing sectors of the economy, are hardly unique to capitalist nations. If you think corruption is bad in capitalist nations, try taking a look at communist nations, the only reason you can convince yourself capitalism is just as corrupt is because you only look at their problems and ignore the far bigger issues in communist nations.

You are right, I can not claim it to be any worse under Communism that Capitalism, just that I should point out to you that I didn't say it was, just the this is an incredibly corrupt p[lace.  If you want to talk numbers, though, the whole 2008/9 SHOULD have been collapse that turned into an extremely dishonest bailout of "too big to fail" pretty much tops anything any Commie country could gain access to pull off.  We're not talking Nigerian or Venezuelan billions here, but TRILLION$$ of greenbacks.

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Careful what you wish for, how much physical gold are you holding ?  Are you in the black or the red ?  How much civil disorder are you prepared to withstand ?

Canada has never had a bank failure, not even in the Depression, are you sure you'd like to find out what that would be like ?

Bear in mind that it was the American congress which bailed the Canadian banks out in 2008, Canada doesn't actually have the means to cover.

A trillion US dollars ?  Canada doesn't have it, that's like two thirds of the Canadian GDP.

Gold to backstop ?  Canada doesn't have any,  If America didn't bail Canada out, the shit would hit the fan.

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1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

Many accuse the Woke of being Fascist, but this is not the case, the Woke are totalitarian leftists, they do not glorify what the Fascists embrace, quite the opposite.

The Fascists glorify the masculine, the strong, the warriors, the dominance of the Master Race.

The Fascists are all about purification, by force of arms, the purifying of the race by war of annihilation.

Both Communists and Fascists seek a totalitarian Post Scarcity Utopia, but the nature of those Utopias are vastly different in both ideology and intent.

The Fascists seek to wipe the untermensch out, the Communist seek to indoctrinate them, to convert them to the cause.

The Woke are Maoist Communists, going around with their little Red Books, decrying those who do not submit to the indoctrination.



I recognize this.

And I agree...

Communism and Egalitarianism of all stripes, are extreme forms of maternal instinct... manifest in a state.

Protection from harm, protect the underdog and suffocate you with "love". Protect you from yourself.

As a state it tends to be a manifestation of the snooping, busybody mother... into everyone's business.

This can be extremely dangerous at it's extremes... because maternal instincts are not really comfortable with violence....

Ever see an overprotective mother lose her shit.... it's not pretty.


Fascism is the state manifestation of the paternal instinct....

Might makes right, strength, loyalty, competition and struggle...

But Fascism isn't REALLY into competition on it's own side... on "our team" it's all about teamwork.... no individualism... you follow the STRONG leader.

He is your father. He will protect you.


Liberalism is about completion and struggle among individuals within the state. Individual liberties and individual rights.

Fascism doesn't buy that.


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13 minutes ago, DrYouth said:


I recognize this.

And I agree...

"There is truth on both sides" said the Jelly Fish

You agree with what ?   You don't agree with me, I'm an extremist, remember ?

There is no middle ground, you're either wit us or agin us, the totalitarians offer no quarter nor parley.

You're either with the light of civilization against them, or you're not, which is it ?

This is a war, the Information War prophesized by Marshall McLuhan, you can't have a foot in both camps, you have to pick a side.

You can't agree with me unless you agree that Canada is dead and the fight is for what comes in its wake, otherwise we don't agree.

Confederation is a failed state, the Post National State we see now is a zombie run amok, there's no there there to even agree with anymore.

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15 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

"There is truth on both sides" said the Jelly Fish

You agree with what ?   You don't agree with me, I'm an extremist, remember ?

There is no middle ground, you're either wit us or agin us, the totalitarians offer no quarter nor parley.

You're either with the light of civilization against them, or you're not, which is it ?

This is a war, the Information War prophesized by Marshall McLuhan, you can't have a foot in both camps, you have to pick a side.

You can't agree with me unless you agree that Canada is dead and the fight is for what comes in its wake, otherwise we don't agree.

Confederation is a failed state, the Post National State we see now is a zombie run amok, there's no there there to even agree with anymore.

I agree that you are an extremist.

I agree with you that I'm either with you or against you... according to you.

You and I have never been on the same side. I have always been a traitor behind enemy lines according to you.

I know where I stand with you.

I'm comfortable with that.... I'm not going to pretend I'm on your side.

See you in hell.

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Well when the shit hits the fan...

We aren't likely gonna be on the same side.

And that's too bad.

You would be a bad enemy to have...

But seeing as you have declared me the enemy... not much I can do about that.

Here's hoping the shit does not hit that fan.

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1 minute ago, DrYouth said:

Well when the shit hits the fan...

We aren't likely gonna be on the same side.

And that's too bad.

You would be a bad enemy to have...

But seeing as you have declared me the enemy... not much I can do about that.

Here's hoping the shit does not hit that fan.

You have nothing to fear from me, you enjoy the protection of Her Majesty the Queen and so my protection as well.

Canada is simply Confederation, I am bound to no fealty to it whatsoever, no different than a Pequiste.

God, Queen, Country.   That Country being the House of Windsor, same as it ever was.

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41 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

You have nothing to fear from me, you enjoy the protection of Her Majesty the Queen and so my protection as well.

Canada is simply Confederation, I am bound to no fealty to it whatsoever, no different than a Pequiste.

God, Queen, Country.   That Country being the House of Windsor, same as it ever was.

You see Dougie and I just have to go through this ritual once and a while to realign...

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5 minutes ago, DrYouth said:

So you tell me...

Am I siding with a fake country?

Hard to tell with a Jelly FIsh, if you see the truth on the side of the totalitarian leftists selling their own people down the river, I simply can't follow you there.

The Chinese Communists are upon you, make no mistake, this fake country Post National State has no allies, no troops, there is nothing standing in the way of Beijing.

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Even as Americans, there is only so much we can do to protect Canadians from themselves.

Canadians are choosing to make America the enemy and wander in to no man's land.

We can't help you there, you are at the mercy of your own loonie leftists and their Internationalist Communist overlords.

At some point, Fortress America will simply have to freeze Canada out at the border, in fact that is already in progress.

Doesn't matter who is in power in Washington, neither Red Team nor Blue Team trusts nor likes Canada now.

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45 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Hard to tell with a Jelly FIsh, if you see the truth on the side of the totalitarian leftists selling their own people down the river, I simply can't follow you there.

The Chinese Communists are upon you, make no mistake, this fake country Post National State has no allies, no troops, there is nothing standing in the way of Beijing.

You know I am from the left...

I have been "red pilled" though... so I see the indoctrination and the woke Kool-Aid... and it disgusts me.

I'm probably even angrier about it, because it discredits the things that the left does well...

My latest way of thinking about progressive and liberal values is this.

Capitalism needs to wear the pants in the relationship. We need struggle and healthy competition.... and military strength (not part of capitalism... but capitalism can't exist without it). Healthy paternal role.

But the left has a role to play in looking out for the losers in the industrial economy, the unemployed, the sick, the addicts. Healthy maternal role.

The left can't run the show though... they aren't tough enough... they don't have the "cohones"...

The right and the left need each other... domestic bliss is a possibility.

That's where you and I seem to differ.

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1 hour ago, DrYouth said:

You know I am from the left...

That's where you and I seem to differ.

I'm a classical liberal, it's not me who is going far right, the left is going far left, I simply can't follow where they are going, because it is totalitarianism.

When faced with totalitarians, classical liberals are prepared to go to war to defend civilization, same as it ever was.

I simply hold to my oaths and principles, unto death as necessary, God, Queen, Country, Regiment, Corps, Commander-in-Chief.

I didn't leave Canada, Canada left me.

I'm not angry as you are, of course I despise freedom hating totalitarians, but I'm not hot about it, I'm a Cold Warrior.

United Kingdom - United States Security Agreement : I keep the faith, I stand on that trace still.

Leaders of the free world.  Canadians wander into no man's land at their own peril.

If they won't turn back, then scorched earth it will have to be, good luck to them.

America is not going to tolerate a far leftist totalitarian fifth column for Beijing inside the perimeter.

It's all connected, the far leftist totalitarian takeover of Canada; it's academia and the media, which in Canada means it is the government.

Canada is being run by a cabal of far leftist extremist kooks, and nobody can vote them out.

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1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

It's all connected, the far leftist totalitarian takeover of Canada; it's academia and the media, which in Canada means it is the government.

Canada is being run by a cabal of far leftist extremist kooks, and nobody can vote them out.

I have no truck with the totalitarians...

I don't defend the twitter mobs, the indoctrination and the "correct speak",

I think you and I can get along just fine.

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3 minutes ago, DrYouth said:

I have no truck with the totalitarians...

I don't defend the twitter mobs, the indoctrination and the "correct speak",

I think you and I can get along just fine.

You need to understand that this goes far beyond Twitter.

Policy in Canada flows from Academia to the Media to the PMO.   That's how policy is made.

The totalitarians have a direct line to control of the government, there is no real opposition,  and no way to vote them out.

Canada is run by a cabal which is an Elite Consensus, this has captured by far left totalitarian kooks, and Canada has such a crony culture, nobody will stand up to them.

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6 hours ago, DrYouth said:

You know I am from the left...

I have been "red pilled" though... so I see the indoctrination and the woke Kool-Aid... and it disgusts me.

We used to be on the left too, we are just further along in the red pilling process than you are, and trying to show you the light, so you can get to where we are faster than you otherwise would have. I remember being a jellyfish too, but I outgrew that shit, you can too.

In fact being such a jellyfish can actually be your path to salvation. Seeing as you see the truth on all sides, you obviously see the truth that left has admirable goals in wanting to protect the downtrodden and lift them up. But you have to ask yourself, which policies and ideology actually help out the downtrodden most and allow the downtrodden to help themselves the most?

When you do that, and look into the facts behind whether left wing or right wing systems lead to the better outcomes for the downtrodden, you'll realize it's not the left that has the best solutions, they in fact have counter-productive solutions that undermine their stated cause and hold the downtrodden back. The right gets castigated as not caring about the downtrodden, yet they actually have the policies that help them a lot more than the left does, despite the lack of virtue signalling about caring about the downtrodden that is characteristic of the left.

Once I came to that realization, the house of cards came tumbling down, and I never looked back. One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results, and back in the day, I was just as guilty of that as you were, if not more so. Take the emphasis off of the intentions, and start putting the emphasis on results, and you won't be a lefty for long, in my experience. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, once you start to realize that all the good intentions in the world doesn't make the left any better at helping the downtrodden, and the lack of virtue signaling about helping the downtrodden doesn't make the right any less good at helping the downtrodden, you'll finally will be free of the lefty indoctrination.

The left likes to front like they are the only one's who care about helping the least successful become successful, but if we are judging by results, they clearly care a lot less about actually helping those people than those they castigate as heartless for not supporting their counter-productive policy proposals.

The truth about the left is they are good at pointing out issues and pretending they are the only one's who care about said issues, but they actually suck at solving the issues they care about most, and their political enemies are vastly better at solving the issues they care about most, though they will never give them any credit for it.

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I don't think I was ever on the left, I was indoctrinated to be on the left by my leftist parents, but I never really took to it, because I wanted to be a soldier from a young age.

They kept arguing the peacenik position, I kept saying that peaceniks were naive.  

Then my father introduced me to Margaret Thatcher, he railed against her, but I liked her.

I did like Pierre Trudeau, but more as a larger than life personality, he was the first politician I paid attention to, but I didn't have a policy analysis at the time.

But after that,  it was Thatcher, and I've been a Thatherite ever since.

Much to my parents chagrin, although my father did back her when it came to retaking the Falklands.

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4 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I don't think I was ever on the left, I was indoctrinated to be on the left by my leftist parents, but I never really took to it, because I wanted to be a soldier from a young age.

They kept arguing the peacenik position, I kept saying that peaceniks were naive.  

Then my father introduced me to Margaret Thatcher, he railed against her, but I liked her.

I did like Pierre Eliot Trudeau, but more as a larger than life personality, he was the first politician I paid attention to, but after that,  it was Thatcher, and I've been a Thatherite ever since.

Much to my parents chagrin, although my father did back her when it came to retaking the Falklands.

My conversion was more dramatic than yours, for sure, but you are further to the right now than you were when I first showed up on the DCF, that's for damn sure. I'd like to think I helped play a part in that.

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9 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

My conversion was more dramatic than yours, for sure, but you are further to the right now than you were when I first showed up on the DCF, that's for damn sure. I'd like to think I helped play a part in that.

I was always a classical liberal, your influence was more to the libertarian side of things, I am far more libertarian than I was before.

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