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Bernier Steps Up on Immigration

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9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


You have two choices:

Vote for Scheer or vote for Trudeau/Bernier. One or the other. 

I will be voting for Bernier. If Trump could do it, then why not Bernier? I have to vote because it is my duty to do so. But I cannot vote for anyone who does not stand up Canada. All the rest of the political party's appear to be out to destroy Canada and change Canada and are all trying to make Canada look like a non Western looking country. This I cannot and will not accept. A vote for Scheer or comrade Trudeau or the NDP or the Greens is a vote for more non-Western immigration and multiculturalism and more political correctness(censorship) and the end of a once great British/European country. Canada will be handed over to a bunch of foreigners who will in time make it appear like the country that they came from. It will happen, guaranteed. 

Canadians only have one choice and that is Bernier. Again, if Trump could do it when the media said he could not then Bernier could do it also even if you think that he cannot. But hey. 

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

I will be voting for Bernier. If Trump could do it, then why not Bernier? I have to vote because it is my duty to do so. But I cannot vote for anyone who does not stand up Canada. All the rest of the political party's appear to be out to destroy Canada and change Canada and are all trying to make Canada look like a non Western looking country. This I cannot and will not accept. A vote for Scheer or comrade Trudeau or the NDP or the Greens is a vote for more non-Western immigration and multiculturalism and more political correctness(censorship) and the end of a once great British/European country. Canada will be handed over to a bunch of foreigners who will in time make it appear like the country that they came from. It will happen, guaranteed. 

Canadians only have one choice and that is Bernier. Again, if Trump could do it when the media said he could not then Bernier could do it also even if you think that he cannot. But hey. 

Canada and the US are totally different. 

The US has a conservative voice in the MSM. Canada has nothing but liberal news on tv, and Trudeau just spent $1.3B on the CBC and various news outlets to wrap them up tighter than ever.

Scheer isn’t an idiot. He knows that he’ll get eviscerated in the MSM the first time he says anything remotely controversial. 

Bernier is a tool. He doesn’t know how important this election really is. He’s doing his best to hand it to Trudeau. 

You're like the guy who needs the perfect pitch and the perfect swing to hit a home run but you refuse to hit a single or get a walk. It’s HR or nothing. You’re gonna get a bunch of knuckle-balls. No hope. 

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31 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

You forgot these options , vote for greens or NDP is a vote for Trudeau, looks like we only have two choices this election, liberals or liberals lites...

Scheer isn't "Trudeau lite". I doubt that even the NDP would be as bad as Trudeau even though they are theoretically further left than the Libs. The NDP couldn't possible cater to terrorists as much as Trudeau does.

Bernier can call Scheer Trudeau lite and try to bait him into a fight for the conservative vote. The CBC, CTV and the Libs would love for that battle to get going so that they have an uncontested shot at the swing voters.

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22 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Canada and the US are totally different. 

The US has a conservative voice in the MSM. Canada has nothing but liberal news on tv, and Trudeau just spent $1.3B on the CBC and various news outlets to wrap them up tighter than ever.

Scheer isn’t an idiot. He knows that he’ll get eviscerated in the MSM the first time he says anything remotely controversial. 

Bernier is a tool. He doesn’t know how important this election really is. He’s doing his best to hand it to Trudeau. 

You're like the guy who needs the perfect pitch and the perfect swing to hit a home run but you refuse to hit a single or get a walk. It’s HR or nothing. You’re gonna get a bunch of knuckle-balls. No hope. 

We are not totally different. We are the same. Both Canada and America have a deep state bunch of liberal/socialists/communists swampsters that pretty much are running and ruling over both Canadians and Americans. Trump is their enemy and he must be impeached somehow.  So far, it is not working. Trump appears to now have them by the marbles and have them all running for their pos lives. Will Scheer become their enemy? I do not see Scheer as being a Mr. Tough Guy on Trudeau. I only see him as a wimp and too cowardly to go after comrade Trudeau with a big bang. But as I said previously. We will see how tough he will be on Trudeau in the election debates. Scheer better talk about what many Canadians want to hear like Bernier is doing or else comrade Trudeau could get back in power. Scheer now has the Ethics Commissioners report to go with and the bought off media to go after Trudeau on. Scheer must speak out and go after Trudeau. Scheer must attack him and not let him off on any of his crimes against Canadians and he has done plenty. 

That MSM in America is FOX News. There is no FOX News like TV station in Canada and there will never be one allowed one Canada. Liberalism rules and runs Canada now. Our Canadian MSM has been bought off. There is no more free press in Canada. All MSM in Canada can now fall under the title of Pravda. 

The MSM in Canada knows how to make Scheer look like an idiot and Scheer let's them get away with it. Trump said it like it is and the MSM were unable to stop Trump from getting elected President. Trump spoke to the people and told them what they needed to hear. A good leader does not run away and is scared of the media. Bernier does not run away and is not scared from the Pravda media in Canada. Face it, man, it does not matter what Scheer ever says. Even if he kisses their liberal medias butt they will still attack him because he calls himself a conservative. The leftist liberal media in Canada is very anti-conservative. Scheer must tell what many Canadians want to hear, like Bernier does, or else. 

Bernier knows how important this election really is. If comrade Trudeau gets back his PM job Canada is finished. Western separatism will be reborn and this time I think that it will happen, starting in Alberta. Albertans have had enough of french Quebec controlled Ottawa and of comrade Trudeau. There is probably no doubt that many liberal/socialists supporters could go over to the NDP which could mean a loss of votes for Trudeau and a win for Scheer or Bernier. 

You are like the guy who thinks that kissing butt will work for you. Scheer must believe that kissing the butts of the MSM bought off Canadian media will be good for him and they will always be nice to him. All the media will ever throw at Scheer are knuckle-balls, and they know he will go for those sucker balls. What I want to see is Scheer stop talking like a wimp because he sounds like one and start banging his fists on the table and go give comrade Trudeau as much shit as he can. Make the comrade as miserable as he can. My opinion. 

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22 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Scheer isn't "Trudeau lite". I doubt that even the NDP would be as bad as Trudeau even though they are theoretically further left than the Libs. The NDP couldn't possible cater to terrorists as much as Trudeau does.

Bernier can call Scheer Trudeau lite and try to bait him into a fight for the conservative vote. The CBC, CTV and the Libs would love for that battle to get going so that they have an uncontested shot at the swing voters.

I already know where Bernier stands on certain leftist liberal programs and agendas that I do not like or agree with and wants to get rid of. I gave many mentioned above as to what Bernier will do if he become the PM of Canada. What can you give me to try and convince me that Scheer is the man for Canada? Bernier wants to get rid of big government, high taxes, and give us more freedom. Where has Scheer said any of those that I have just mentioned? Scheer appears to run away rather than say anything on those things I mentioned above. Well? 

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19 minutes ago, taxme said:

We are not totally different. We are the same. Both Canada and America have a deep state bunch of liberal/socialists/communists swampsters that pretty much are running and ruling over both Canadians and Americans.

Similar to the line you took in my reply to you. Could you bend yourself a little more for the Americans? I bet you would be bathed in delight if the Americans annexed us as a colony. 

The American Government is not our friend and has not been for quite some time. 

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1 hour ago, Domitian said:

Similar to the line you took in my reply to you. Could you bend yourself a little more for the Americans? I bet you would be bathed in delight if the Americans annexed us as a colony. 

The American Government is not our friend and has not been for quite some time. 

Unlike you, I have no problem with America or for supporting Trump. Trump is not an enemy of Canada. Both comrade Trudeau and China are. Trump is the enemy to the leftist liberals in America and Canada, and they no doubt despise Bernier now who has been attacking all of their liberal/communist programs and agendas that most Canadians never asked for but were forced on them. We are being flooded with people from the third world every year by the hundreds of thousands and many Canadians want to see an end to this legal and illegal refugee invasion. At least Bernier wants to do something about immigration. 

If Trudeau does get his job back after the next election, yes indeed, I will want America to annex Canada. I believe in freedom(Trump)and not tyranny(Trudeau). I also would like to be able to have and use the American dollar as my currency and replace our Canadian peso. There is something wrong as to why our dollar is so bad as it is compared to the American dollar. I guess what I keep hearing on FOX News all the time is that the American economy must be in great shape and that Canada's economy has gone for a chit all thanks to liberalism. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

As the Sun points out, it isn't Bernier who is out of step with Canadians on immigration, it's Trudeau. Only about 6% of Canadians want more immigration while more than half want it cut back.

Bernier’s proposal, like the supposedly controversial billboards, is modest. He says, “we propose less immigration, better integration of immigrants in our society, and a sharper focus on Canada’s economic needs.”

This is a policy statement that the overwhelming majority of Canadians agree with.

Last summer, pollsters from Angus Reid found that Canadians by and large wanted lower immigration levels. One poll found that only 6% of Canadians wanted increased immigration numbers, while more than half wanted lower numbers. Another poll found that two-thirds of Canadians believe that we accept too many asylum seekers.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest PPC2019

In the begging I was bashing Bernier on Social Media, because I didn't want to split the vote, but now I can't stand Andew Scheer. 

I feel like I have no choice but to vote for PPC

Andrew Scheer says he will try and balance the budget in 5 years.

Maxime says he will do it in 2 years.


I feel really guilty for manipulating minds in the begging... I'll be voting for the PPC, but I caused a lot of damage, making people second guess Bernier.

I didn't know anything about him at the time, so I assumed he was one of those whinny French guys.

Has anyone looked into #KinsellaGate? Or David Menzies getting arrested?

I'll still support the conservative people, but Andrew Scheer is turning out to be a douchebag.

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Guest PPC2019

At this point the election is Lost, Trudeau's getting back in, so we can either waste or vote on Andrew Scheer, or vote for a real fiscal-conservative like Maxime Bernier.


It won't get him elected, but it will give validation to the PPC, and send a powerful message to the establishment.

I'm hoping the PPC gets at least 10% of the popular vote, and not 2.6%.... Maybe they will get 20% who knows... There are a lot of disenfranchised Canadians.

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9 minutes ago, PPC2019 said:

At this point the election is Lost, Trudeau's getting back in, so we can either waste or vote on Andrew Scheer, or vote for a real fiscal-conservative like Maxime Bernier.


It won't get him elected, but it will give validation to the PPC, and send a powerful message to the establishment.

I'm hoping the PPC gets at least 10% of the popular vote, and not 2.6%.... Maybe they will get 20% who knows... There are a lot of disenfranchised Canadians.

If they get even 3% that is taking away one out of every ten Tory votes. That's an accomplishment and something the Tories will have to pay attention to.

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Guest PPC2019

I can't believe were having this discussion. It seems like last year, everyone was rooting for Andew Scheer, because we hatted Justin so bad.

It's like wow, We all hate the "Conservative Party" now???

Some of us feel more betrayed by Andrew Scheer, than Trudeau?

It blows my mind, how things can change over a year.


Reality throws you a curve ball sometimes, and you have to adapt quickly...

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Guest PPC2019
On 8/14/2019 at 6:18 PM, taxme said:

Unlike you, I have no problem with America or for supporting Trump. Trump is not an enemy of Canada. Both comrade Trudeau and China are. Trump is the enemy to the leftist liberals in America and Canada, and they no doubt despise Bernier now who has been attacking all of their liberal/communist programs and agendas that most Canadians never asked for but were forced on them. We are being flooded with people from the third world every year by the hundreds of thousands and many Canadians want to see an end to this legal and illegal refugee invasion. At least Bernier wants to do something about immigration. 

If Trudeau does get his job back after the next election, yes indeed, I will want America to annex Canada. I believe in freedom(Trump)and not tyranny(Trudeau). I also would like to be able to have and use the American dollar as my currency and replace our Canadian peso. There is something wrong as to why our dollar is so bad as it is compared to the American dollar. I guess what I keep hearing on FOX News all the time is that the American economy must be in great shape and that Canada's economy has gone for a chit all thanks to liberalism. :(

Taxme... That is one of dumbest things i've heard.

I would vote for Justin Trudeau 10 times over Trump.

Justin Trudeau is running a 20 billion dollar Deficit. Trump increased the US debt by 1.5 Trillion between July 2017 and July 2018...

When you adjust for the USD, Trump is increase the Dept per American, 12 times faster than Trudeau.

I HATE Trudeau, but don't think Trump is any better? Trump is a Trojan horse, Bankrupting America faster than Obama did. So lets cheer for the PPC, but don't give any legitimacy to Donald Trump, because REALITY is, he's a fraud.

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On 7/25/2019 at 6:44 PM, Spiderfish said:

That's the problem though, every Conservative won't give him their vote.  He doesn't have anywhere near the support he would need to put forward a realistically viable challenge, let alone defeat Trudeau... believing this could happen is a delusion.  He doesn't stand a chance in this election...maybe in anther election cycle or two...maybe, but not this one. 

Splitting the vote is a big mistake, unless you're a fan of the current PM and his policies.

According to the polls todays conservatives just don't have what it takes to govern, they need a majority to stay in the game, and that is not going to happen....and if they get a minority nobody is willing to work with the cons...back to the drawing boards or a liberal minority with NDP support and we all watch the deficit balloon to unseen numbers...

I'm voting for max for a couple reasons, I want the PPC to get on the political map, we all know they are not going to win the PM's seat, but getting on the board is important ….second we would not need the PPC if the conservatives were infact conservatives.... by voting PPC , it means the conservatives will be forced to also go back to the drawing board and find a leader that is charismatic and most importantly lead from the front...polling everything to see if it is popular is not leadership....it's laziness....and if they bring in another liberal lite ...then the PPC will continue to grow... 

As for Justin and his merry gang of criminals and liars, I think that is going to happen anyways...and I think Canada is going to suffer greatly for it, western separation is going to be a thing, with Quebec following closely behind them...  Quebec will be holding Canada hostage for another 4 more years, only this time it is going to be worse, because Justin will do everything in his power to keep Quebec placated, and Quebec knows this and will ride that wave all the way to the beach.......and Quebec will do everything to provoke the western powers...keeping the circle going round and round....Justin and his coalition will bury Canada under tons of debt... which all the liberals voters already know, but can't see past their pockets...i'm going to love to listen to them whine when the next party is forced to pay down some of this debt down.... going to be like going to the proctologist, only to find he's the 7 foot tall football player with huge hands and fingers...."bend over and hell yes this is going to hurt alot" OH your a liberal  ,then  I'm going to have to use 3 fingers want to make sure you'll never forget what the liberals did....i'll see you in 3 months when thats all healed up for a repeat.... don't worry we will all know you are , your going to be walking with your arse cheeks clinched up... and are going to flinch and start crying when ever someone mentions football players....


Edited by Army Guy
  • Haha 1
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3 hours ago, PPC2019 said:

Taxme... That is one of dumbest things i've heard.

I would vote for Justin Trudeau 10 times over Trump.

Justin Trudeau is running a 20 billion dollar Deficit. Trump increased the US debt by 1.5 Trillion between July 2017 and July 2018...

When you adjust for the USD, Trump is increase the Dept per American, 12 times faster than Trudeau.

I HATE Trudeau, but don't think Trump is any better? Trump is a Trojan horse, Bankrupting America faster than Obama did. So lets cheer for the PPC, but don't give any legitimacy to Donald Trump, because REALITY is, he's a fraud.

The leftist liberal lying sac of chit American MSM media will always try to make it appear as though Trump has been bad for America. Sure, there are somethings that all leaders do that appear to be not so much of a bright idea at the time, but comparing Trudeau or Obama to Trump is a joke and a half. Those two alone can come nowhere close to Trump who is making America great again whether you want to believe it or not. Surely to Christ you cannot say that Trudeau did not increase the Canadian debt big time. The fool borrows hundreds of billions from the international banksters and then gives it away to many corrupt foreign countries. 

Anyway, I will take Trump any day over 300 Canadian politicians put together. Canada has way too many crooked politicians than one can imagine. I call Bernier the Trump of Canada because Bernier is taking on the Canadian deep state swamp here in Canada. In reality, we are all frauds in some way or other. There is not one person here that can say that they have not committed some kind of fraud during their lifetime.

What you need to be doing is to stop worrying about what another foreign leader does in their own country, and start exposing what your own leader is doing in your own country. Why do so many not so bright Canadians, who pretty much do not know a thing about Canadian politics anyway, get themselves all riled up over what Trump says or does is nuts. Canadians appear to be more interested in American politics than Canadian politics. Most Canadians must think that everything is just wonderful and fine here in Chanukistan. Sure!!!! 

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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

According to the polls todays conservatives just don't have what it takes to govern, they need a majority to stay in the game, and that is not going to happen....and if they get a minority nobody is willing to work with the cons...back to the drawing boards or a liberal minority with NDP support and we all watch the deficit balloon to unseen numbers...

I'm voting for max for a couple reasons, I want the PPC to get on the political map, we all know they are not going to win the PM's seat, but getting on the board is important ….second we would not need the PPC if the conservatives were infact conservatives.... by voting PPC , it means the conservatives will be forced to also go back to the drawing board and find a leader that is charismatic and most importantly lead from the front...polling everything to see if it is popular is not leadership....it's laziness....and if they bring in another liberal lite ...then the PPC will continue to grow... 

As for Justin and his merry gang of criminals and liars, I think that is going to happen anyways...and I think Canada is going to suffer greatly for it, western separation is going to be a thing, with Quebec following closely behind them...  Quebec will be holding Canada hostage for another 4 more years, only this time it is going to be worse, because Justin will do everything in his power to keep Quebec placated, and Quebec knows this and will ride that wave all the way to the beach.......and Quebec will do everything to provoke the western powers...keeping the circle going round and round....Justin and his coalition will bury Canada under tons of debt... which all the liberals voters already know, but can't see past their pockets...i'm going to love to listen to them whine when the next party is forced to pay down some of this debt down.... going to be like going to the proctologist, only to find he's the 7 foot tall football player with huge hands and fingers...."bend over and hell yes this is going to hurt alot" OH your a liberal  ,then  I'm going to have to use 3 fingers want to make sure you'll never forget what the liberals did....i'll see you in 3 months when thats all healed up for a repeat.... don't worry we will all know you are , your going to be walking with your arse cheeks clinched up... and are going to flinch and start crying when ever someone mentions football players....


Indeed, the corrupt and lying gang of criminals from french Quebec will once again be allowed to run and control the ROC of Canada if Trudeau wins with with a minority or a majority. French Quebec has been controlling and running Canada for way too many decades to be able to count. I think that this will be the straw that breaks the camels back if that liar and crook takes back the reins of power. There will be a lot of pissed off westerners for sure if that happens except for here in BC where liberalism and socialism runs wild. BC is where Singh, May, and Trudeau will get most of their votes from. The Scheer conservatives made a big mistake by giving the leadership job to Scheer, and not Bernier. With Bernier at the helm of the conservative party, I believe that Bernier could have creamed Trudeau, and the rest of those other socialist/communist political so called politicians called May and Singh. If Scheer does get a minority, then we all should know that the other three party's will join together to force another election not to far down the road. 

During the debates, Scheer could have creamed Trudeau, but instead, Scheer let him off the hook. What an azz. It was in the bag for Scheer, and he let it slip right thru his gutless little wimpy fingers. It kinda looks like it at times like they all work together to try and screw Canada and Canadians. None of them seem to be serious about cutting taxes, cutting government and restoring our lost freedom of speech. Political correctness is killing this country, and Bernier has said already that he has had enough of political correctness. Bernier is the Trump of Canada, and Bernier will go after the deep state in Canada. At least I hope that he will walk the walk, and not just do the talk. Tomorrow is a big day for Canada. It will either be Bernier national conservatism or Trudeau globalism and socialism for Canada. Go, Bernier, go. It's not over until it's over. ;)

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3 hours ago, PPC2019 said:

At this point the election is Lost, Trudeau's getting back in, so we can either waste or vote on Andrew Scheer, or vote for a real fiscal-conservative like Maxime Bernier.


It won't get him elected, but it will give validation to the PPC, and send a powerful message to the establishment.

I'm hoping the PPC gets at least 10% of the popular vote, and not 2.6%.... Maybe they will get 20% who knows... There are a lot of disenfranchised Canadians.

All Bernier needs is about five seats and then we should see some real and true conservatism in action in parliament once again, and hopefully start to work on taking the power away from the corrupt elite french that control Ottawa today, and what seems forever. French Quebec has done nothing for Canada but to try and destroy this once great nation from within. I have bitten the bullet, and have already voted for Bernier, and dam the consequences. ;)

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3 hours ago, PPC2019 said:

I can't believe were having this discussion. It seems like last year, everyone was rooting for Andew Scheer, because we hatted Justin so bad.

It's like wow, We all hate the "Conservative Party" now???

I don't hate them. But their tactic of moving further and further to the Left, and refusal to espouse or stand up for conservative beliefs leaves me cold

3 hours ago, PPC2019 said:

Some of us feel more betrayed by Andrew Scheer, than Trudeau?

Well, we never expected anything from Trudeau than what we got. I said four years ago that there was no way Trudeau would ever balance a budget. We expected Scheer to be conservative and instead he's an uglier Trudeau. I'd still vote Conservative if I thought there was any point to it. But despite Trudeau having such a high disapproval rating he's still going to win because Scheer is a big nothing. So why not give a vote to the PPC and teach the Tory 'braintrust' if I can flatter them enough to call them that, to rethink their belief the way to success is becoming the progressive conservatives again.



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Guest PPC2019
4 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Quebec will be holding Canada hostage for another 4 more years, only this time it is going to be worse, because Justin will do everything in his power to keep Quebec placated, and Quebec knows this and will ride that wave all the way to the beach.......and Quebec will do everything to provoke the western powers...keeping the circle going round and round....Justin and his coalition will bury Canada under tons of debt.


This is why I so skeptical of Maxime Bernier. The guy is from Quebec, and I told a bunch of PPC people off last year for supporting him.

I didn't know anything about him, so my first though... This is probably another elitist from Quebec, trying to help Quebec.

I figured people were being selfish, not supporting the conservatives.


I went on his Twitter.... and I'm like, OH crap.... I need to apologize now, this guy is making A LOT of Sense!


So I feel like a flop flopping fool, but if I vote for Andrew, I know i'll regret it.

I want to support my patriot Friends, still a apart of me wants to See Andrew take Trudeau down.


Also Michelle Rempel, is a Rockstar Conservative.... Why is she supporting a Transgender Activist???

So I see the conservatives slipping. It like they have conservative guilt, similar to white-guilt syndrome. 

Going to the left is sometimes beneficial, but they need to understand boundaries.

If they want to provide a Green Transportation tax Credit, That's fine with me.... 

If Michelle Rempel starts marching in Pride Parades, trying to virtue signal... how tolerant of Shemales the conservatives have become. I'll never defend the conservative again.




Edited by PPC2019
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/20/2019 at 2:50 PM, PPC2019 said:

I just feel really weird walking away from the conservatives. Does anyone kinda feel goosebumps?


Scheer had a golden chance to run Trudeau's face into all his corruption, and all Scheer did was pretty much kiss Trudeau's butt, and let him off the hook. Scheer hardly attacked Trudeau at all. I guess liberals Trudeau and Scheer look after each other, don't they? Scheer is an azz, plain and simple. The conservatives had it in the bag, and Scheer blew it big time. How dare the conservatives call the conservative party a conservative party. Real and true conservatism in Canada is just about dead. The PPC was Canada's last hope, and they failed to make any headway. Not their fault though. It was the fools who voted that prime mistake back in power. Now even those fools will suffer also. Canadians full of people who just never seem to learn anything from their first mistake. Pathetic indeed.

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On 10/20/2019 at 7:54 PM, PPC2019 said:

This is why I so skeptical of Maxime Bernier. The guy is from Quebec, and I told a bunch of PPC people off last year for supporting him.

I didn't know anything about him, so my first though... This is probably another elitist from Quebec, trying to help Quebec.

I figured people were being selfish, not supporting the conservatives.


I went on his Twitter.... and I'm like, OH crap.... I need to apologize now, this guy is making A LOT of Sense!


So I feel like a flop flopping fool, but if I vote for Andrew, I know i'll regret it.

I want to support my patriot Friends, still a apart of me wants to See Andrew take Trudeau down.


Also Michelle Rempel, is a Rockstar Conservative.... Why is she supporting a Transgender Activist???

So I see the conservatives slipping. It like they have conservative guilt, similar to white-guilt syndrome. 

Going to the left is sometimes beneficial, but they need to understand boundaries.

If they want to provide a Green Transportation tax Credit, That's fine with me.... 

If Michelle Rempel starts marching in Pride Parades, trying to virtue signal... how tolerant of Shemales the conservatives have become. I'll never defend the conservative again.




Scheer will not change a dam bloody thing that has been going on in Canada by the leftist liberals that has been destroying this once great nation. If Rempel is supporting a transgender activist is because she has no class, and is only doing it for the votes. Even if Rempel was a real and true conservative, Scheer would nix that right away. All conservative politicians are nothing more but a bunch of politically correct buffoons. They hate Canada as much as Trudeau does. The LGBTQXYZ and transgenders are now a political force in Canada, and they now must be listened too. What's next for sex perversion in Canada? Making beastiality, incest, and pedophilia legal in Canada? Dam right, that will be next, and not too far off. Canada has become a sad and sick country where decency, morality, common sense and logic have been thrown out the window for political correctness, and foolish emotional leftist leftist and NDP socialist bull chit. Four more years of this leftist liberal Trudeau crap on it's way for Canada and for real and true conservatives. Conservatives must reap what the liberals have sown. Not much too look forward to anymore in Canada but more silly azz nonsense. Way the go to the fools who put this buffoon back in power. They will pay for it also, the fools. Deplorable. 

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