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Americans, escaping from cancer, are forced to break the law

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Why should ordinary poor people suffer and die from cancer because of the political views of these rich and fat officials? People who cannot afford expensive treatment, and those who simply do not have time for complicated procedures in American hospitals, are forced to break laws in an attempt to save the lives of their loved ones.

According to Roswell Park, one of the doctors of the Oncology Institute, which is testing Cuba’s anti-cancer drug «Cimavax», the political arguments against US-Cuba cooperation in this area are the height of hypocrisy: the gasoline that Americans drive into their cars, the iPhones they use, the shoes they wear are all come from the countries with which the United States has fundamental differences in women's rights, speech freedom, and personal freedoms. However, this has never prevented us from working with them in areas that benefit the people of both countries».

So, this leads to the fact that US citizens who need treatment, go to Cuba, pretending to be tourists. They are not afraid of returning to face the US authorities on their return. Their situation is such that there is no point in this fear - whatever they threaten for violating the embargo; they will go anyway, just because they save their lives. And in America, voices have already been heard that it would be nice to admit the situation in fact and simply make life easier for our own seriously ill citizens.


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4 hours ago, Rue said:

This is a spambot. It is not written by an individual.It snuck through I will notify moderator.

It's pathetic to see how far off the beaten path people will go to make America look sinister.

"People need to "face the authorities" if they travel to foreign countries and use unapproved drugs". Oooh. Scary.

If they take their children to a different country to use an experimental drug on them do they get the death penalty, like they would if they preached the wrong religion in Pakistan? Do they go to jail, like they would if they took off their hijab in Iran? What exactly does "face the authorities" mean in this context? A warning? A fine? A criminal record and jailtime? So, in essence, it means nothing.

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth. 

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On 7/22/2019 at 2:11 AM, basilone_john said:

the gasoline that Americans drive into their cars, the iPhones they use, the shoes they wear are all come from the countries with which the United States has fundamental differences in women's rights, speech freedom, and personal freedoms. However, this has never prevented us from working with them in areas that benefit the people of both countries».

Right, exactly. But there is a difference with the Cuba-Russia connection. Cuba may also be connected to the JFK assassination. When the new Castro took leadership there was a brief chance to make the relationship right, and presumably would have meant Cuba to realign itself with the west. Turn away from Russia. Obviously it didn't happen

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

Right, exactly. But there is a difference with the Cuba-Russia connection. Cuba may also be connected to the JFK assassination.

There are many theories on this subject, but let`s be realistic. There are no any evidences of cuba or some other state`s involvement so we only can guess and come up with millions of ideas

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We do not have time for a meeting of the flat earth society.

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