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Was Trump's Election Campaign Spied On?

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The Dems are completely apoplectic because AG Barr said that he wants to look into whether or not Trump's campaign was spied on.


If you recall the Dems are the same US political party that's famous for saying that:

-all criminal allegations need to be believed (well, they do if they're against Republicans but not Democrats) and

-the Steele/Hillary/Fusion GPS dossier was enough evidence to warrant a 2 yr+ Russian collusion investigation to the tune of $20M or so.


So, after looking through all the evidence (or lack thereof) from the Mueller investigation, Barr has reason to believe that an investigation into election spying is warranted.

GASP!!!!!!!!! But he doesn't have enough evidence to start an investigation! He needs a self-corroborating dossier compiled by Russians and a discredited British spy to start a real investigation!!!! He can't even look into it!!!!!!! Who the hell does he think he is? The Attorney general?!?!?!?!?!


Carved in stone: "If you're a Dem supporter - you're an idiot".

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The Dems are completely apoplectic because AG Barr said that he wants to look into whether or not Trump's campaign was spied on.


If you recall the Dems are the same US political party that's famous for saying that:

-all criminal allegations need to be believed (well, they do if they're against Republicans but not Democrats) and

-the Steele/Hillary/Fusion GPS dossier was enough evidence to warrant a 2 yr+ Russian collusion investigation to the tune of $20M or so.


So, after looking through all the evidence (or lack thereof) from the Mueller investigation, Barr has reason to believe that an investigation into election spying is warranted.

GASP!!!!!!!!! But he doesn't have enough evidence to start an investigation! He needs a self-corroborating dossier compiled by Russians and a discredited British spy to start a real investigation!!!! He can't even look into it!!!!!!! Who the hell does he think he is? The Attorney general?!?!?!?!?!


Carved in stone: "If you're a Dem supporter - you're an idiot".

Russian spying got Trump elected so what's your bitch?

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20 minutes ago, Owly said:

Russian spying got Trump elected so what's your bitch?

Hillary's lying and cheating got Trump elected. If she wasn't acting like a Clinton, or a Democrat for that matter, then there wouldn't have been anything incriminating enough in her own emails to cost her the election.

How her emails got into the public domain is anyone's guess. It could very easily have been a jilted Bernie Sanders supporter from inside the Dems' own IT department that leaked her emails. 

I don't have a serious complaint, I'm just pointing out how hypocritical & pathetic the Dems and their toadies are.

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9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Hillary's lying and cheating got Trump elected. If she wasn't acting like a Clinton, or a Democrat for that matter, then there wouldn't have been anything incriminating enough in her own emails to cost her the election.

How her emails got into the public domain is anyone's guess. It could very easily have been a jilted Bernie Sanders supporter from inside the Dems' own IT department that leaked her emails. 

I don't have a serious complaint, I'm just pointing out how hypocritical & pathetic the Dems and their toadies are.

Clinton has been cleared, long ago. Trump has not. Wait for teh Mueller report before saying dumb things.

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3 minutes ago, Owly said:

Clinton has been cleared, long ago.

She was cleared of rigging the primaries against Bernie? She was cleared of cheating on the debate questions? Nope, she didn't even try to deny those allegations. 

FYI she wasn't "cleared" of her email scandal either, there was never a real investigation. There is ample evidence of a cover-up though. She was allowed to testify without going under oath, she was allowed to say "I can't remember, I bumped my head" over 100 times instead of answering any questions (the bump only affected her memory of her email scandal, it had no effect on her ability to talk about any other issue known to man during her election campaign), there was a secret tarmac meeting between her ex-Prez hubby and the AG at the time, key witnesses were never interviewed, etc, etc. Comey's own report even said that she was grossly negligent - the standard for felony mishandling of classified information - and then it was mysteriously changed to extremely careless or some such. 

Like I said the Dems are keen on investigating Republicans but they are determined to never allow any investigations into their own conduct. It's like the US is the Banana Republic of Hillary. 


Trump has not.

The summary of the Mueller report was that there was no evidence of collusion despite the fact that overt offers of help were made to the Trump campaign. So he has been cleared, the Democrats and their tinfoil hat gang just refuse to accept the facts.


Wait for teh Mueller report

Already out Owly. 


Wait for teh Mueller report before saying dumb things

Nothing seems to get in your way lol. 


One more thing to add - I love how the Dems have the nerve to question Barr's professionalism after they never even batted an eye at the actions of Loretta "Tarmac" Lynch. Talk about a complete lack of credibility. Zeros, straight across the board.

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

She was cleared of rigging the primaries against Bernie? She was cleared of cheating on the debate questions? Nope, she didn't even try to deny those allegations. 

FYI she wasn't "cleared" of her email scandal either, there was never a real investigation. There is ample evidence of a cover-up though. She was allowed to testify without going under oath, she was allowed to say "I can't remember, I bumped my head" over 100 times instead of answering any questions (the bump only affected her memory of her email scandal, it had no effect on her ability to talk about any other issue known to man during her election campaign), there was a secret tarmac meeting between her ex-Prez hubby and the AG at the time, key witnesses were never interviewed, etc, etc. Comey's own report even said that she was grossly negligent - the standard for felony mishandling of classified information - and then it was mysteriously changed to extremely careless or some such. 

Like I said the Dems are keen on investigating Republicans but they are determined to never allow any investigations into their own conduct. It's like the US is the Banana Republic of Hillary. 

The summary of the Mueller report was that there was no evidence of collusion despite the fact that overt offers of help were made to the Trump campaign. So he has been cleared, the Democrats and their tinfoil hat gang just refuse to accept the facts.

Already out Owly. 

Nothing seems to get in your way lol. 


One more thing to add - I love how the Dems have the nerve to question Barr's professionalism after they never even batted an eye at the actions of Loretta "Tarmac" Lynch. Talk about a complete lack of credibility. Zeros, straight across the board.

You have read the Mueller report have you?

Thought not.Psst, Barr is pulling your pisser.

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Just now, Owly said:

You have read the Mueller report have you?

Thought not.Psst, Barr is pulling your pisser.

I don't need to read the report Owly. It has already been interpreted by the AG of the United States. I think he's more capable of interpreting it than anyone at CNN, or Adam Schiff, or a random internet poster who still for whatever reason believes things that come out of Schiff/Comey/McCabe/Brennan/Hillary's mouth. 

It's not like Barr can just outright lie about the report's contents, thinking that the truth will remain hidden evermore. With all the leaking that has already occurred do you think for even a second that he could just tuck it all under the rug now? Do you think that Adam Schiff wouldn't just blurt out some facts if he had any at his disposal? You're like a 35 year old still waiting up every year on Christmas Eve for Santa Claus to come down the chimney.

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I don't need to read the report Owly. It has already been interpreted by the AG of the United States. I think he's more capable of interpreting it than anyone at CNN, or Adam Schiff, or a random internet poster who still for whatever reason believes things that come out of Schiff/Comey/McCabe/Brennan/Hillary's mouth. 

It's not like Barr can just outright lie about the report's contents, thinking that the truth will remain hidden evermore. With all the leaking that has already occurred do you think for even a second that he could just tuck it all under the rug now? Do you think that Adam Schiff wouldn't just blurt out some facts if he had any at his disposal? You're like a 35 year old still waiting up every year on Christmas Eve for Santa Claus to come down the chimney.

And you buy that a Trump appointee, who has provided a 4 page summary of a 400 page report, and shown himself to be not a very astute lawyer is good enough for you to make up your mind? Ho hum.

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1 minute ago, Owly said:

And you buy that a Trump appointee, who has provided a 4 page summary of a 400 page report, and shown himself to be not a very astute lawyer is good enough for you to make up your mind? Ho hum.

Who are you to say that 4 pages aren't enough? How many different ways can you say "no evidence of collusion was found"? 

I love hearing a Dem apologist diss a lawyer after CNN and the Dems were fawning all over Avenatti for the last year. "My teenage client went to ten Brett Kavanaugh gang rape parties, she just couldn't get enough of them" lol. That's literally the dumbest story that I have ever heard in my life. I can't believe you guys fell for that - hook, line and sinker. Still in shock.


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Just now, WestCanMan said:

Who are you to say that 4 pages aren't enough? How many different ways can you say "no evidence of collusion was found"? 

I love hearing a Dem apologist diss a lawyer after CNN and the Dems were fawning all over Avenatti for the last year. "My teenage client went to ten Brett Kavanaugh gang rape parties, she just couldn't get enough of them" lol. That's literally the dumbest story that I have ever heard in my life. I can't believe you guys fell for that - hook, line and sinker. Still in shock.


Why aren't 4 pages enough? Because even Trump's bum buddy Barr admitted that the report "does not exonerate Trump" while Trump is dancing around saying "the report fully exonerates me". If you can't see why people want to see the actual report you must be still in your mommy's basement.

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12 minutes ago, Owly said:

Why aren't 4 pages enough? Because even Trump's bum buddy Barr admitted that the report "does not exonerate Trump" while Trump is dancing around saying "the report fully exonerates me". If you can't see why people want to see the actual report you must be still in your mommy's basement.

The FBI doesn't "exonerate" anyone. Judges exonerate. Trump used the wrong word, the same way that laymen misuse legal terminology all the time. The fact that he mistakenly used the word exonerate is not enough for you to hang your hat on. 

The fact is that the FBI, after two years, 2,800 subpoenas, interviewing 500 witnesses and executing 500 search warrants, didn't find enough evidence to bring criminal charges. They never produced any to this day. Rosenstein and Barr jointly reached that conclusion "without considering constitutional questions regarding bringing criminal charges against a sitting president". The Dems, and especially Schiff, were constantly saying that the evidence was already in.

The Dems are famous for ignoring subpoenas, completely redacting documents that they hand in, etc. It's their turn to wait. 


----spoiler alert----

There is no Santa

There, now you can get some sleep Christmas Eve.


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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The FBI doesn't "exonerate" anyone. Judges exonerate. Trump used the wrong word, the same way that laymen misuse legal terminology all the time. The fact that he mistakenly used the word exonerate is not enough for you to hang your hat on. 

The fact is that the FBI, after two years, 2,800 subpoenas, interviewing 500 witnesses and executing 500 search warrants, didn't find enough evidence to bring criminal charges. They never produced any to this day. Rosenstein and Barr jointly reached that conclusion "without considering constitutional questions regarding bringing criminal charges against a sitting president". The Dems, and especially Schiff, were constantly saying that the evidence was already in.

The Dems are famous for ignoring subpoenas, completely redacting documents that they hand in, etc. It's their turn to wait. 


----spoiler alert----

There is no Santa

There, now you can get some sleep Christmas Eve.


Judges don't exonerate anyone because it's not actually a legal term. But outside of a court room we can all understand what Barr did include in his 4 pager. Mueller of course knew all along that Trump has pardon power, even for himself so he would be wasting his time trying to pursue possible criminal charges in his investigation, even if there is evidence of such. I'm getting tired of all these attempt to deflect from a file that the public knows virtually nothing about. Let's see the unredacted file and go from there. 

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The Democrats did not anticipate having to go on the defensive, having won a House majority with committee control.   AG Barr has raised the ante considerably going into the 2020 election season, as credible findings of illegal surveillance (spying) on the Trump campaign by the Obama administration would cost the Democrats dearly.

Trump already has a substantial win on alleged "collusion" with Russia, which is really a good outcome for all Americans who believe their president should not be a Russian asset.  Clinton's fate has already been sealed, and she will never become U.S. president no matter what lies ahead for Trump...even Obama's FBI could not save her from herself.

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Except Barr has no credible findings of "spying" he is only dancing the funky chicken for his boss. And while there may not be evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of collusion, it is well known that there was Russian meddling, so Trump may well be a Russian asset of sorts in 2020.

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15 hours ago, Owly said:

Judges don't exonerate anyone because it's not actually a legal term. But outside of a court room we can all understand what Barr did include in his 4 pager. Mueller of course knew all along that Trump has pardon power, even for himself so he would be wasting his time trying to pursue possible criminal charges in his investigation, even if there is evidence of such. I'm getting tired of all these attempt to deflect from a file that the public knows virtually nothing about. Let's see the unredacted file and go from there. 

Such BS.

If Trump was guilty he would have been impeached, no doubt about it. No pardon power, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Half the Dems were already pimping impeachment 1 year ago when the investigation was a year old with zero evidence. CNN and MSNBC played impeachmnet up like the next Michael Jordan.

No one is deflecting anything. You're just sad bceuase your shiny little impeachment bauble is brokeded.

Once again, if there was anything worth redacting it would have been leaked a long time ago. You're using the redaction excuse to just keep carrying on with your accusations.

Van Jones knew over a year ago that Russian collusion was a big nothingburger. He still pimped it along with Adam Schiff, Mad Maxine, Hillary and all the clowns at MSNBC and CNN.

You know one person who was a big accuser of Russian meddling who's suddenly sneaking off into the background? Hillary Clinton. The rat who put this ship to sea has quietly deserted it. And it's no wonder. She paid foreigners to create a pile of fake accusations and then used it to try to tip the election in her favour. She still has stooges out there pushing her garbage agenda even after they are well aware of all the other cheating that she did to get elected. It's just out there in the open that she sold two bogus deeds to bridges and people keep buying more from her every day. Truth is way stranger than fiction.


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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Such BS.

If Trump was guilty he would have been impeached, no doubt about it. No pardon power, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Half the Dems were already pimping impeachment 1 year ago when the investigation was a year old with zero evidence. CNN and MSNBC played impeachmnet up like the next Michael Jordan.

No one is deflecting anything. You're just sad bceuase your shiny little impeachment bauble is brokeded.

Once again, if there was anything worth redacting it would have been leaked a long time ago. You're using the redaction excuse to just keep carrying on with your accusations.

Van Jones knew over a year ago that Russian collusion was a big nothingburger. He still pimped it along with Adam Schiff, Mad Maxine, Hillary and all the clowns at MSNBC and CNN.

You know one person who was a big accuser of Russian meddling who's suddenly sneaking off into the background? Hillary Clinton. The rat who put this ship to sea has quietly deserted it. And it's no wonder. She paid foreigners to create a pile of fake accusations and then used it to try to tip the election in her favour. She still has stooges out there pushing her garbage agenda even after they are well aware of all the other cheating that she did to get elected. It's just out there in the open that she sold two bogus deeds to bridges and people keep buying more from her every day. Truth is way stranger than fiction.


Obviously you know nothing of what you speak. Pardon power relates to criminal charges, and has nothing to do with impeachment, which is not decided by a court, but by congress. Hillary has been investigated as to the nonsense you refer to and nothing was found. Nancy Pelosi, who is speaker of the house for one decided not to seek impeachment, for one reason because Trump has too many gop bum buddies in the senate, and because it might be more fitting to let trumps get voted out and then let the SDNY, for one, to bring their charges. And we all know that the Russians did meddle on trumps behalf in 2016, whether he helped out, (which there is no proof he didn't) or not. I can see you are a trump fan, he also flails around screaching about hillary when everything else fails.

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2 minutes ago, Owly said:

Obviously you know nothing of what you speak. Pardon power relates to criminal charges, and has nothing to do with impeachment, which is not decided by a court, but by congress. Hillary has been investigated as to the nonsense you refer to and nothing was found. Nancy Pelosi, who is speaker of the house for one decided not to seek impeachment, for one reason because Trump has too many gop bum buddies in the senate, and because it might be more fitting to let trumps get voted out and then let the SDNY, for one, to bring their charges. And we all know that the Russians did meddle on trumps behalf in 2016, whether he helped out, (which there is no proof he didn't) or not. I can see you are a trump fan, he also flails around screaching about hillary when everything else fails.

I know exactly what I'm speaking about. If there's evidence of collusion, Trump will be impeached in a heartbeat. He will cease to have the power to pardon even a speeding ticket. I never said that a court would impeach him, I said that half the Dems were already speaking of impeaching him. Learn to read.

FYI Hillary hasn't been seriously investigated for the server scandal, but that's not what I was referring to in that last post. Try to follow along. Hillary paid GPS Fusion to compile that "dossier" and the Russians came into play after she took over as the main financier of that operation. 

Russians played both sides against each other in order to sow discord. This whole investigation is playing right into their hand. 


screaching about hillary when everything else fails.

What do you mean by when everything else fails? Where's the fail? Aside from every single one of your posts lol.

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5 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I know exactly what I'm speaking about. If there's evidence of collusion, Trump will be impeached in a heartbeat. He will cease to have the power to pardon even a speeding ticket. I never said that a court would impeach him, I said that half the Dems were already speaking of impeaching him. Learn to read.

FYI Hillary hasn't been seriously investigated for the server scandal, but that's not what I was referring to in that last post. Try to follow along. Hillary paid GPS Fusion to compile that "dossier" and the Russians came into play after she took over as the main financier of that operation. 

Russians played both sides against each other in order to sow discord. This whole investigation is playing right into their hand. 

What do you mean by when everything else fails? Where's the fail? Aside from every single one of your posts lol.

We don't know what evidence there might be as to collusion because the Mueller report, for one thing, hasn't been released. Impeachment won't be effected by the house because they know there are too many right wingers in the senate to convict. And as Pelosi said. "he's just not worth it" His pardon doesn't work to over ride state laws as well.

Apparently it's you who has the reading problem.

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2 hours ago, Owly said:

We don't know what evidence there might be as to collusion because the Mueller report, for one thing, hasn't been released. Impeachment won't be effected by the house because they know there are too many right wingers in the senate to convict. And as Pelosi said. "he's just not worth it" His pardon doesn't work to over ride state laws as well.

Apparently it's you who has the reading problem.

More utter BS. You have given up on telling the truth, if you ever did before. If there was evidence of collusion it wouldn't matter how many Republicans there are in the Senate. Schumer and Pelosi voted aginst Clinton's impeachment so they would probably vote against impeaching Trump too. LOL, not.

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

More utter BS. You have given up on telling the truth, if you ever did before. If there was evidence of collusion it wouldn't matter how many Republicans there are in the Senate. Schumer and Pelosi voted aginst Clinton's impeachment so they would probably vote against impeaching Trump too. LOL, not.

You also obviously don't understand the impeachment process.

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Just now, Owly said:

Congress can vote to impeach, senate votes to convict. Takes 2/3rd's of the senate to convict. Wouldn't happen with this senate, which is of course why Pelosi said not worth it.

Yeah, just like she took her ball and went home when she was a kid. "I can't win because the other kids are [insert excuse here]".


Owly, try and tell me that you think it's possible that some evidence of collusion exists and it has somehow managed to not get leaked........ I just need to see the words actually written down.

There's not a snowball's chance in hell that a secret like that could stay buried in Washington, especially regarding Trump. The number of leaks from the Whitehouse is ridiculous. Even if someone just says that they heard something it comes out of CNN like "GOSPEL TRUTH FROM THE HILL TODAY! BASICALLY THE MOST RELIABLE SOURCE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD SAW/HEARD SOMETHING TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I don't blame you for being sucked in by several high-profile members of the MSM saying the same things over and over (tell the same lie 1,000 times....) but if you notice a pattern forming, they're "wrong" all the time and they routinely lack the required amount of evidence to substantiate the claims they make.

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Yeah, just like she took her ball and went home when she was a kid. "I can't win because the other kids are [insert excuse here]".


Owly, try and tell me that you think it's possible that some evidence of collusion exists and it has somehow managed to not get leaked........ I just need to see the words actually written down.

There's not a snowball's chance in hell that a secret like that could stay buried in Washington, especially regarding Trump. The number of leaks from the Whitehouse is ridiculous. Even if someone just says that they heard something it comes out of CNN like "GOSPEL TRUTH FROM THE HILL TODAY! BASICALLY THE MOST RELIABLE SOURCE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD SAW/HEARD SOMETHING TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I don't blame you for being sucked in by several high-profile members of the MSM saying the same things over and over (tell the same lie 1,000 times....) but if you notice a pattern forming, they're "wrong" all the time and they routinely lack the required amount of evidence to substantiate the claims they make.

According to Barr, Mueller did not find enough evidence to prosecute for collusion. He didn't say it didn't happen and it is well known there was Russian attempts to interfere. There are further investigations ongoing and then there is the obstruction issue. In any case I will wait for the Mueller report to come out rather than Barr's little 4 pager his boss calls "total exoneration", which of course even Barr says is bs.

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15 hours ago, Owly said:

According to Barr, Mueller did not find enough evidence to prosecute for collusion. He didn't say it didn't happen and it is well known there was Russian attempts to interfere. There are further investigations ongoing and then there is the obstruction issue. In any case I will wait for the Mueller report to come out rather than Barr's little 4 pager his boss calls "total exoneration", which of course even Barr says is bs.

Saying enough evidence is intentionally misleading. They didn't find any evidence of Trump's team colluding with the Russians. They found out that Russians were offering to get involved. That's completely different fyi.

Hillary paid Russians (through a british spy) to create the fake dossier, she might have put them up to making those offers as well. She cheated at absolutely every other turn, it's certain that she would have done this if she thought of it. She has a lot of pull with the Russians ever since she helped them bu American Uranium.

To this point, the only way person that is known to have put money into Russian hands to influence the outcome of the election was Hillary Clinton. If it was brought to light that Donald Trump secretly channelled money into a law firm that went out to a British ex-spy and then directly to some Russians to "gather" (create fake) intelligence on Hillary Clinton for the purpose of winning the election, then you would claim absolute victory on this issue. 

The whole Russian collusion thing has been BS from the get-go. Along with the help of CNN and MSNBC the fake investigation got Nancy Pelosi control of the house. That's your "win". Dems slimed their way into control of the house, just like they tried to slime their way into blocking a SCJ earlier. 

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