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The left outed once again

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Why are these people so filled with hate?

They're all hate-filled hypocrites. These are the same people who throw oreo cookies at the LT-Governor of Maryland who's black, because he's a Republican running for the Senate. To sum it up, they're all a bunch of assholes!

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Video:  The far left is advocating the rape of Ann Coulter 

Why are these people so filled with hate?  :angry:

Although Coulter doesn't say which blog is calling for her rape, it's a well-known fact that she travels with a bodyguard because of the repeated threats on her life. 

And in the past, I have seen liberals on the internet calling for her rape .

A quote off the site you provided:

Ann Coulter was also the one who advocates terrorism when she said that Timothy McVeigh should’ve driven his truck into the New York Times building rather than the Oklahoma City building. I’m not saying that those comments justify anyone saying she should be raped, but she shouldn’t be surprised that so many people hate and despise her.

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Oh delicious irony

Oh the delicious dodging. Why does it not suprise my that you skip over the oreo cookie throwing incident and head straight for the more "important" issue! :lol:

That fact is, that anyone of the liberals that participated in oreo cookie throwing incident directed at the LT-governor of Maryland for being a black Republican are assholes. Plain and simple.

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Oh delicious irony

Oh the delicious dodging. Why does it not suprise my that you skip over the oreo cookie throwing incident and head straight for the more "important" issue! :lol:

That fact is, that anyone of the liberals that participated in oreo cookie throwing incident directed at the LT-governor of Maryland for being a black Republican are assholes. Plain and simple.

Not only that, but the Democrats justified their throwing Oreo cookies at Steele because "party trumps race".

Like I have always said, ideology is everything to the left.

Two male lefties even attacked Ms. Coulter with pies when she gave a speech in Arizona.

Of course, that is nothing new; they attacked David Horowitz, Bill Kristol and Pat Buchanan with pies when they were giving speechs....not to mention that Democrat who tried to murder Katherine Harris last year.

Hate-filled emotional infantiles who commit violence on people who disagree with their ideology...

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The hate continues....

Lots of readers watched Fox & Friends this morning and e-mailed about the disgusting greeting card a wounded soldier received while hospitalized at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Thanks to reader Shari for taking these cell phone camera shots of the card displayed by co-host Brian Kilmeade:

The card front, decorated with patriotic and holiday stamps, was deceptively innocuous.

But take a look at what was inside.

Yes, that's right. It says "P.S. DIE" in the lower right-hand corner.

According to Kilmeade, who visited Walter Reed on Friday, a US Army soldier named Joshua Sparling received the death wish while recovering from a gunshot wound he received in Ramadi, Iraq. It's the only Christmas card he received. Fox & Friends is urging you to counter the hate by sending your thanks and good wishes to Sparling:

Joshua Sparling

c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center

6900 Georgia Avenue N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20307-5001

No wonder the left foams at the mouth at the mention of the Fox News Channel. Dollars to doughnuts the liberal media will not report this.

Look, I understand that you are anti-enforcement of the broken ceasefire. I understand that you are anti-enforcment of the broken 16 Chapter VII (binding) UN resolutions. I understand that you have nothing but utter contempt for those brown-skinned Iraqis who are trying to create a democracy after decades of living under a mass-murdering totalitarian dictator. I understand that you think that the US military personnel are nothing but a bunch of baby-killing blood-drinking rednecked National Socialists (Nazis), but isn't this taking things too far? You have previously mocked and taunted injured US soldiers arriving and leaving Walter Reed hospital. You have previously produced mock coffins draped with the American flag at Walter Reed hospital.

Why? Why are your hearts filled with so much hatred? :(

Why do you hate freedom fighters so much? :(

Thank you Fox News for reporting this and I hope that Joshua receives many many Christmas cards from liberty-loving people throughout the world.

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You are very sick, I would suggest. I don't know how old you are, but it may not be too late for a psychiatrist to help you

Wow, so your reply to all of the facts laid out in the last several posts is to ignore them completely, and call someone sick and to seek psychiatric help? That's some weak shit. Let me guess though, in person, you'd probably be throwing food like the rest of them, right? :lol:

Stop posting, you've already been deemed useless.

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Oh the delicious dodging. Why does it not suprise my that you skip over the oreo cookie throwing incident and head straight for the more "important" issue!

That fact is, that anyone of the liberals that participated in oreo cookie throwing incident directed at the LT-governor of Maryland for being a black Republican are assholes. Plain and simple.

Well, you've offered no evidence any such incident occurred. And-surprise surprise!-the allegations are bunk.

But as The Baltimore Sun reported November 13, eyewitnesses at the debate -- held at Morgan State University's Carl J. Murphy Fine Arts Center in Baltimore -- dispute the allegations of cookie-throwing, and accounts of the purported incident offered at different times by Ehrlich, Steele, and Paul S. Schurick, Ehrlich's communications director, contradict each other. Moreover, the Sun noted that initial news accounts of the debate made no mention of Oreo cookies at all. The first mention of cookies surfaced five days later, when the Sun reported Schurick's charge that Oreos were passed out -- not thrown -- by Democrats at the debate.


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Black Dog:

Well, you've offered no evidence any such incident occurred. And-surprise surprise!-the allegations are bunk.

Bzzzt. Wrong answer!

John Hawkins: Now you shared some of the extremely vile, race based hate mail you got in the book and sadly, that's become a very a common thing for minority conservatives to endure. Why do you think so many people on the left tend to be comfortable with launching vicious, race based attacks on minority conservatives?

Michelle Malkin: Well, for one I think they've gotten away with it and believe we'll be silent about it lest we be tagged as whiners or complainers.

I think they think it's justified -- that we really are puppets, slaves, prostitutes, and whores and we deserve to be called all of those names. That's essentially what Democrats in Maryland, where I live, have said about Michael Steele. That people who use these sorts of Ad Hominem attacks are justified in doing it because they're just stating the obvious and I could do a whole sequel just on the Michael Steele episode alone. You've got Howard Dean suggesting that the whole thing was just completely made up and fabricated even though I've interviewed at least 3 people who were at Morgan State University, who saw the (Oreo) cookies being tossed onto the stage where Steele was campaigning for Lieutenant Governor at the time.


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The November 13 Sun article reported that Schurick claimed "he saw people passing out packages of the cookies ... before the debate," and that Democrats "let fly with the cookies" when Steele entered the hall:

"It was raining Oreos," Schurick said. "They were thick in the air like locusts. I was there. It was very real. It wasn't subtle."

But Ehrlich and Shurick's current claims about the alleged incident differ greatly from the accounts of eyewitnesses at the debate. In the Sun article, a university staff member disputed Schurick's account:

"It didn't happen here," said Vander Harris, operations manager of the Murphy Fine Arts Building at Morgan State. "I was in on the cleanup, and we found no cookies or anything else abnormal. There were no Oreo cookies thrown."

Three other eyewitnesses quoted in the article could not confirm the cookie-throwing reports:

Clint Coleman, a spokesman for Morgan State who was at the event, said he saw lots of unseemly behavior but no Oreos.

"There were a lot of things, disturbances, by this group of outsiders who were bent on disrupting the debate," Coleman said. "But I never actually saw Oreo cookies being thrown at him."

As for "raining Oreos," Coleman said, "I can tell you that did not happen."

Neil Duke, who moderated the event for the NAACP, said last week that he didn't see any cookies.

"Were there some goofballs sitting in [the] right-hand corner section tossing cookies amongst themselves and acting like sophomores, as the legend has it?" Duke said. "I have no reason to doubt those sources; I just didn't see it."

Wayne Frazier, president of the Maryland-Washington Minority Contractors Association said he watched Steele walk into the auditorium that night but saw no Oreos.

"I was there the whole time and did not see any of the so-called Oreo cookie incident," Frazier said. "It could have happened and I didn't see it, but I was in the auditorium from start to finish."

Moreover, Steele's initial accounts of the debate made no mention of the Oreo incident. The Sun reported that "Steele was quoted in two articles that appeared in the [september 27, 2002] newspaper talking about the pro-Townsend crowd and what he called race-baiting by her campaign, but he said nothing about cookies." Yet according to a November 22, 2002, report by the Capital News Service, Steele later "said an Oreo cookie rolled to his feet during the debate."

The Sun also reported that Ehrlich "said on WBAL radio that his father was hit in the head by one of the cookies," although "Schurick would not make Robert L. Ehrlich Sr. available for an interview."

On November 15, the Associated Press reported that Ehrlich has now "said he did not personally see cookies thrown at Steele because he was on stage," and "said he doesn't know who might have thrown them." The AP also reported that according to Steele, "Oreo cookies were tossed in his general direction as he left the debate at Morgan State University," including two that "rolled up" next to his shoe.

Steele's new story differs from Schurick's, which places the cookie-throwing before the debate, and differs from his own earlier account to the Capital News Service, which placed the cookie-throwing during the debate.


More on the Cookie Conspiracy

So, the story has gone from distributed and passed out, to pelted and rained down, and back to rolled up. And from one Oreo to thick in the air like locusts and back down to two Oreos. And you have the Lt. Governor correcting and contradicting his own governor and the governor's communications director.

All I did was ask some questions on the radio. And I also took the time before going on air to call a variety of Maryland beat reporters to ascertain what they saw or heard reported that night, and none who were there either saw Steele get pelter--or, if not there but working an editor's desk that night, none heard from other reporters who were there about a pelting. For the record, those reporters include Lori Montgomery (Post), David Abrams (then (MD) Gazette, now the Capitol), Tim Craig (then with Sun, now WaPo), David Nitkin (Sun), Howard Libit (Sun), the incomparable Tom Stuckey, (Associated Press Annapolis bureau chief for the past three decades)--and yes, even S.A. Miller himself, who called me on November 5 and confirmed that he was there but did not see Oreos flying. Stuckey was actually on stage and said he didn't see anything of the sort. Meanwhile, Sun writer Andy Green has reported that he called all the Baltimore TV stations, and they have no video accounts and no eyewitnesses to the purported pelting.

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Yes, I've read about this incident, and the whole point is that the far left wing is very hateful. Michele Malkin gets the most horrid threats and comments and she's far less a controversial writer than Anne Coulter. Trevor Lautiens,(sp?) who was conservative and used to write for the Vancouver Sun would get used baby diapers left on his driveway and hate filled letters.

It only damages the credibility of their side but these rabid haters can't stop themselves. And the mainstream left reacts with denials. :blink:

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Yes, I've read about this incident, and the whole point is that the far left wing is very hateful.

So you've read about an incident (the details of which the alleged targets themselves can't seem to get straight) and used that sketchy information to "prove" your point? Seems like Hitler was right when he wrote that "in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie..."

The real point of all this is that only a blind fool would ascribe hate to any one segment of the political spectrum. If you think lefties have the monopoly, you've never listened to Ann Coulter, or the pack of racist howler monkeys over at Little Green Footballs and Free Dominion.

Or check this story out:

Douglas County sheriff’s deputies are investigating the reported beating of a Kansas University professor who gained recent notoriety for his Internet tirades against Christian fundamentalists.

Kansas University religious studies professor Paul Mirecki reported he was beaten by two men about 6:40 a.m. today on a roadside in rural Douglas County. In a series of interviews late this afternoon, Mirecki said the men who beat him were making references to the controversy that has propelled him into the headlines in recent weeks.

“I didn’t know them, but I’m sure they knew me,” he said

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Yes, I've read about this incident, and the whole point is that the far left wing is very hateful.

So you've read about an incident (the details of which the alleged targets themselves can't seem to get straight) and used that sketchy information to "prove" your point? Seems like Hitler was right when he wrote that "in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie..."

The real point of all this is that only a blind fool would ascribe hate to any one segment of the political spectrum. If you think lefties have the monopoly, you've never listened to Ann Coulter, or the pack of racist howler monkeys over at Little Green Footballs and Free Dominion.

Or check this story out:

Douglas County sheriff’s deputies are investigating the reported beating of a Kansas University professor who gained recent notoriety for his Internet tirades against Christian fundamentalists.

Wow. I can't believe you quoted Hitler, and I can't believe you quoted Hitler in a respectful way to support an argument. I really hope it's not a quote you have memorized.

At any rate, I was somewhat incomplete on my comments, yes there is hate on the right. Just not as much of the kind seen on the left, we don't send get well I hope you die cards to anyone. But you will never believe that since you can't see the left leaning bias in the MSM, since you are a leftie. Hey, I'm just saying.

Here's a link concerning the kind of hate crimes the right do:


:o It's too early to tell, but your professor link guy has clammed up and people are starting to get suspicious that it's a similar 'kind' of attack.

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Wow. I can't believe you quoted Hitler, and I can't believe you quoted Hitler in a respectful way to support an argument. I really hope it's not a quote you have memorized.

Wow. I can't believe you'd counter so lamely. Hitler's theory is pretty well known: in P.R. circles, it's known as the "Big Lie". And you don't have to have any sympathy with the man whatsoever to recognize his ability to manipulate.

At any rate, I was somewhat incomplete on my comments, yes there is hate on the right. Just not as much of the kind seen on the left, we don't send get well I hope you die cards to anyone.

What can I say except your exposure to any right wing thought must be pretty limited. Just this morning, I came across a web site with Howard Dean done up as Hitler. And there's entire phalaxes of pundits who've made their careers on negativity and hate (Ann Coulter is a prime example). I think the main difference is that left wing hate is more often than not the product of individuals who use their anonymity to grind their axes. On the right, hate, anger and negativity is institutionalized.

Here's a link concerning the kind of hate crimes the right do:


So some mixed up kid proves what, exactly? Really, shall I dig up some examples of genuine hate crimes for you? Do names like Matthew Sheppard or James Byrd Jr. ring any bells?

It's too early to tell, but your professor link guy has clammed up and people are starting to get suspicious that it's a similar 'kind' of attack.

Citation? All I've found is a WingNut Daily article that is speculating on the attack. So we'll see.

Lt. Kari Wempe of the Douglas County (Kan.) Sheriff’s Office would not comment on Altevogt’s speculation and added there has been nothing new to report since Mirecki first spoke of his attack.

“That is a public opinion,” Wempe said, adding she has not been told of any inconsistencies in the professor’s report. “That’s not a law-enforcement opinion.”

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We have people on the left faking hate crimes to whip up more hate for the right.(Are people on the right faking hate crimes?) We have people on the right actually being escorted with bodyguards, like Anne Coulter. Left wingers recently heckled her so much she had to curtail her remarks, which is what they wanted to do, stifle her free speech, and at all places a university where their is supposed to be a free exchange of ideas.

Last year, the former leader of Israel was booked to speak at a university in I think it was Montreal. On the appointed day, protests got so violent that the whole thing was cancelled, which is what they wanted, to stifle his free speech.

Show me some examples of the MAINSTREAM right doing this kind of thing. I know there are kooks on both sides, but these were university students! BTW, your link just took me to an emply SFGATE page.

I used to visit the Babble web site, but every time I commented on something I was shouted down and called all kinds of silly names. On our site, the tone much more civil, and yes I have seen you and Monty Burns go at it. But lefty types are allowed to present their ideas and their is a debate, not expressions of hate like at babble. The left is more intolerant.

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We have people on the left faking hate crimes to whip up more hate for the right.(Are people on the right faking hate crimes?)

Possibly. But they are definitely committing them.

We have people on the right actually being escorted with bodyguards, like Anne Coulter.

A lot of celebereties have body gurads. I bet Michael Moore does too.

Left wingers recently heckled her so much she had to curtail her remarks, which is what they wanted to do, stifle her free speech, and at all places a university where their is supposed to be a free exchange of ideas.

Oh no! Hecklers! HATE CRIME! :rolleyes:

How ever will we go on with out Ann Coulter's wonderful, positive, hate-free ideas about blowing up the NYT or debating whether liberals are stupid or evil.

Last year, the former leader of Israel was booked to speak at a university in I think it was Montreal. On the appointed day, protests got so violent that the whole thing was cancelled, which is what they wanted, to stifle his free speech.

I agree, those protests got out of hand ( though I also agree that Netanyahu is a p.o.s).

Show me some examples of the MAINSTREAM right doing this kind of thing. I know there are kooks on both sides, but these were university students! BTW, your link just took me to an emply SFGATE page.

Are you kidding? They have organizations for that sort of thing.

Oh and that was your link.

I  used to visit the Babble web site, but every time I commented on something I was shouted down and called all kinds of silly names.

I've been going to babble a lot longe rthan I've been coming here. And I can't tell you how many right-wingers come on to that avowedly progressive site and begin by insulting the community here, mocking progressive ideals and generally acting like trolls until they are kicke doff. There's a solid cadre of right-wingers on that site: only they know how to treat the place with respect, which a lot of others do not.

On our site, the tone much more civil, and yes I have seen you and Monty Burns go at it. But lefty types are allowed to present their ideas and their is a debate, not expressions of hate like at babble. The left is more intolerant.

Funny you should mention Mr. burns: here we have a guy who constantly referrs to left-wingers as terrorist-enablers, freedom haters etc etc etc ad nauseum: yet it's the left who hates. :rolleyes:

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I would like to send a big Thank You to the Texas Brownies who sent Joshua Sparling Get Well Cards to Joshua Sparling...the injured soldier who received a "Get Well" card from an anti-freedom idiot who wished Sparling would die.

I saw the cards on the internet and they were cute. Nice to see that some people don't seem to think that soldiers are "suckers", Like Black Dog does.

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The November 13 Sun article reported that Schurick claimed "he saw people passing out packages of the cookies ... before the debate," and that Democrats "let fly with the cookies" when Steele entered the hall:

"It was raining Oreos," Schurick said. "They were thick in the air like locusts. I was there. It was very real. It wasn't subtle."

But Ehrlich and Shurick's current claims about the alleged incident differ greatly from the accounts of eyewitnesses at the debate. In the Sun article, a university staff member disputed Schurick's account:

"It didn't happen here," said Vander Harris, operations manager of the Murphy Fine Arts Building at Morgan State. "I was in on the cleanup, and we found no cookies or anything else abnormal. There were no Oreo cookies thrown."

Three other eyewitnesses quoted in the article could not confirm the cookie-throwing reports:

Clint Coleman, a spokesman for Morgan State who was at the event, said he saw lots of unseemly behavior but no Oreos.

"There were a lot of things, disturbances, by this group of outsiders who were bent on disrupting the debate," Coleman said. "But I never actually saw Oreo cookies being thrown at him."

As for "raining Oreos," Coleman said, "I can tell you that did not happen."

Neil Duke, who moderated the event for the NAACP, said last week that he didn't see any cookies.

"Were there some goofballs sitting in [the] right-hand corner section tossing cookies amongst themselves and acting like sophomores, as the legend has it?" Duke said. "I have no reason to doubt those sources; I just didn't see it."

Wayne Frazier, president of the Maryland-Washington Minority Contractors Association said he watched Steele walk into the auditorium that night but saw no Oreos.

"I was there the whole time and did not see any of the so-called Oreo cookie incident," Frazier said. "It could have happened and I didn't see it, but I was in the auditorium from start to finish."

Moreover, Steele's initial accounts of the debate made no mention of the Oreo incident. The Sun reported that "Steele was quoted in two articles that appeared in the [september 27, 2002] newspaper talking about the pro-Townsend crowd and what he called race-baiting by her campaign, but he said nothing about cookies." Yet according to a November 22, 2002, report by the Capital News Service, Steele later "said an Oreo cookie rolled to his feet during the debate."

The Sun also reported that Ehrlich "said on WBAL radio that his father was hit in the head by one of the cookies," although "Schurick would not make Robert L. Ehrlich Sr. available for an interview."

On November 15, the Associated Press reported that Ehrlich has now "said he did not personally see cookies thrown at Steele because he was on stage," and "said he doesn't know who might have thrown them." The AP also reported that according to Steele, "Oreo cookies were tossed in his general direction as he left the debate at Morgan State University," including two that "rolled up" next to his shoe.

Steele's new story differs from Schurick's, which places the cookie-throwing before the debate, and differs from his own earlier account to the Capital News Service, which placed the cookie-throwing during the debate.


More on the Cookie Conspiracy

So, the story has gone from distributed and passed out, to pelted and rained down, and back to rolled up. And from one Oreo to thick in the air like locusts and back down to two Oreos. And you have the Lt. Governor correcting and contradicting his own governor and the governor's communications director.

All I did was ask some questions on the radio. And I also took the time before going on air to call a variety of Maryland beat reporters to ascertain what they saw or heard reported that night, and none who were there either saw Steele get pelter--or, if not there but working an editor's desk that night, none heard from other reporters who were there about a pelting. For the record, those reporters include Lori Montgomery (Post), David Abrams (then (MD) Gazette, now the Capitol), Tim Craig (then with Sun, now WaPo), David Nitkin (Sun), Howard Libit (Sun), the incomparable Tom Stuckey, (Associated Press Annapolis bureau chief for the past three decades)--and yes, even S.A. Miller himself, who called me on November 5 and confirmed that he was there but did not see Oreos flying. Stuckey was actually on stage and said he didn't see anything of the sort. Meanwhile, Sun writer Andy Green has reported that he called all the Baltimore TV stations, and they have no video accounts and no eyewitnesses to the purported pelting.

Well I guess it did not happen then, despite Michelle Malkin being on the record as saying she interviewed 3 witnesses who said it did happen.

After all, Gadflyer.com says it didn't happen.

Here is how Gadflyer describes itself from their own website:

The Gadflyer is a progressive Internet magazine.

Check out Gadflyer favorites (blogroll). It's full of moonbat sites.


Juan Cole

James Wolcott

Brad DeLong

Alternet (run by the son of fired LA op-ed Robert Scheer, a guy with long ties to Marxist organizations)

The only reasonable website on their blogroll is Ezra Klein who used to be a part of the Pandagon website--which has gone to shit since Ezra left.

I can tell who you are by your friends... :P

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We have people on the right actually being escorted with bodyguards, like Anne Coulter.  Left wingers recently heckled her so much she had to curtail her remarks, which is what they wanted to do, stifle her free speech, and at all places a university where their is supposed to be a free exchange of ideas.

Ann Coulter is so dangerous to the liberal ideology that they're terrified to let her speak in public.

The left is more intolerant.

Intolerant of other views. They have the collectivist mindset. Ideology is everything to them. Remember how they tried to justify Clinton's perjury and obstruction of justice? Remember how they claimed there was nothing coincidental with Clinton lobbing 450 cruise missiles at Iraq on the day that Monica Lewinsky took the witness stand?

Take the very popular leftwing Democratic Underground site and compare it to the very popular rightwing Free Republic website. FR is a bit too much of an echo chamber for me (although it is invaluable for its news links, and of course, one of their posters broke the story of the forged CBS memos), but I have seen some liberals on that website.

However, the DU will ban you for daring to break from their collectivist thinking. As an experiment, I registered at the DU to see how long it took me to get banned. I was banned after my first post. The thread was about how the US needs universal healthcare. I typed one word--"Why"?

Bang. I was immediately banned. :lol:

Have you ever noticed how so many lefties write, "Even [insert rightwing columnist] disagrees with you." They think that that proves their point and they win the argument.

But righties do debate and disagree with each other--sometimes ferociously. They do not have that collective mindset.

Remember the screaming from the right at Bush's cronyism when he selected Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court?

P.S. Did you see the poll on CNN's home page the other day? It was titled "Who is more stupid...Ann Coulter or the U of Conn students?"

Nothwithstanding that it was only about 20 students who refused to allow her to speak by shouting her down, but just imagine the screaming from the left if Fox News ever had a similar poll on their home page.

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Yes, monty, the left is unable to see how their dogma stifles free thought. I was on Babble, and although I didn't get canned, the hateful responses were surprising. To get canned after only one post on that Left wing Dem site you joined just shows the hate for anything but left thought.

And they are well organized on the Web.

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Well I guess it did not happen then, despite Michelle Malkin being on the record as saying she interviewed 3 witnesses who said it did happen.

You cite Malkin and then have the gall to question my sources? :lol:

I trust Michelle Malkin than I do the liberal media--which has been caught time and time again lying--and especially those moonbat sites on Gadflyer's (your source) blogroll.

Malkin is so dangerous to the liberal ideology that she receives hate mail like this.

What the hell is the left's obsession with the word "whore" when it comes to attacking rightwing females?

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