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Viva Ontario libre

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I feel the need to make a public declaration about an inner impulse that I feel some shame about-

I have come to believe that Ontario should become an independent Republic. We have a creative, highly educated, talented population with many resources -all we lack is the will to acknowledge that we are in fact a country in waiting. The rest of Canada, especially the western environs seem to viscerally despise us with an intensity that suggests some culturally induced prejudice. I lived in BC for 13 years and the anti-Ontario bias was evident and often difficult to understand given the vast majority of BC'ers haven't been any further east then Hope BC. Since we generate a sizable majority of Canada's wealth shouldn't we be the ones to benefit from it? We could jettison the ridiculous associations with the British Royal family, and create a unique democracy perhaps based on the examples of Germany or France. I would be open to an union with Quebec perhaps which would give us a potent reserve of resource both human and material. The western provinces could either join their major love interest the USA or elect reactionary governments to their hearts content and we wouldn't be blamed for the consequences. The maritime provinces could at last be free from the paternalistic , stultifying shackling influences of Ottawa and unleash their potential they've been lecturing us about all these years I found the idea exciting and the possibilities for a distinct society compelling.

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I feel the need to make a public declaration about an inner impulse that I feel some shame about-

I have come to believe that Ontario should become an independent Republic.

One small request... if you're going, please take Quebec with you.


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I feel the need to make a public declaration about an inner impulse that I feel some shame about-

I have come to believe that Ontario should become an independent Republic.

One small request... if you're going, please take Quebec with you.


with pleasure-now you won't have to read French on the back of your corn flax box

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with pleasure-now you won't have to read French on the back of your corn flax box

I don't much care what other languages are on my cereal box, as long as English is still there.

However, without Ontario to counterbalance Quebec, Quebec (or at least their federal representatives) would be even more insufferable than they are already.


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I would love to see it!  They can keep their rust belt.  However, I'm not sure they could handle not having anyone else's wealth to steal from to benevolently bestow upon the Maritimes.  I'd much rather see Ontario leave than Quebec.

What rust belt? The Japanese are building even more manufacturing plants here- Ontario now produces more cars then Michigan. Whose wealth again? Alberta's? How many people in Alberta-about the size of Mississauga? Alberta would have its fantasy realized by becoming "Klineland"- a red neck, cowboy theme park. Imagine the pavillions- kick a psychiatric homeless person, Indulge in a two minute hate of everything eastern, reflect in Alberta's national socialist history of eugenics and forced sterilizations. Everyone could enjoy Telus delivering health care with their usual competence and efficiency. Sign up your boys and girls to serve in what ever war corporate America is thinking up. I think everybody wins with this proposal!

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I would love to see it!  They can keep their rust belt.  However, I'm not sure they could handle not having anyone else's wealth to steal from to benevolently bestow upon the Maritimes.  I'd much rather see Ontario leave than Quebec.

What rust belt? The Japanese are building even more manufacturing plants here- Ontario now produces more cars then Michigan. Whose wealth again? Alberta's? How many people in Alberta-about the size of Mississauga? Alberta would have its fantasy realized by becoming "Klineland"- a red neck, cowboy theme park. Imagine the pavillions- kick a psychiatric homeless person, Indulge in a two minute hate of everything eastern, reflect in Alberta's national socialist history of eugenics and forced sterilizations. Everyone could enjoy Telus delivering health care with their usual competence and efficiency. Sign up your boys and girls to serve in what ever war corporate America is thinking up. I think everybody wins with this proposal!

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. You crossed the line with that Telus comment. Never would I ever use Telus! I resent that. :angry:

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I would love to see it!  They can keep their rust belt.  However, I'm not sure they could handle not having anyone else's wealth to steal from to benevolently bestow upon the Maritimes.  I'd much rather see Ontario leave than Quebec.

What rust belt? The Japanese are building even more manufacturing plants here- Ontario now produces more cars then Michigan. Whose wealth again? Alberta's? How many people in Alberta-about the size of Mississauga? Alberta would have its fantasy realized by becoming "Klineland"- a red neck, cowboy theme park. Imagine the pavillions- kick a psychiatric homeless person, Indulge in a two minute hate of everything eastern, reflect in Alberta's national socialist history of eugenics and forced sterilizations. Everyone could enjoy Telus delivering health care with their usual competence and efficiency. Sign up your boys and girls to serve in what ever war corporate America is thinking up. I think everybody wins with this proposal!

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. You crossed the line with that Telus comment. Never would I ever use Telus! I resent that. :angry:

Yes..I do apologize... mentioning Telus was over the top...


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I absolutely agree. Then we don't have to pay taxes to support a bloated federal (Ontario) government. Don't have to ship natural resources east on a wholesale basis. It would be justice for the government abolishing the Crow rate. We'd have a great buffer between us and Quebec. We could actually vote in elections.

Please do it. Take your vast wealth with you. You can use it to buy our natural gas and oil at prices WE specify. Oh, and did we mention the 15% oil tax payable to Alberta then, over and above world price.

Again, please do it......save us the hassle.

Oh yeah, one more thing, everybody this side of Sudbury thinks they're in the west so they'll be with us. Have a nice life with Quebec because after they're done with you, you'll be talking French ONLY.hehe

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Y'all do realize that if any of the Provinces secede, it's only a matter of time before we're all subsumed by the States? Actually, there's a reasonable chance this is going to happen anyway, but secession will only guarantee and speed up the process.

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Don't have to ship natural resources east on a wholesale basis.

Most of Alberta's oil and gas exports head south, not east.

We could actually vote in elections.

We don't even vote in our own elections now (only 47.7 per cent of Albertans voted last November).

I guess that still leaves us ahead of the national average =p

As for oil heading south, sure but do we get to set the prices? Didn't think so

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Y'all do realize that if any of the Provinces secede, it's only a matter of time before we're all subsumed by the States? Actually, there's a reasonable chance this is going to happen anyway, but secession will only guarantee and speed up the process.
The US would not likely want us (especially as long as Republicans dominate the senate). So whether we like it or not we are stuck with each other.
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What i would love for america is to start organizing just like in europe.

You guys know how much wars there have been in europe ?

How much empire tryed to conquer europe and failed ?

history tend to repeat itself, im happy to see country working to build up an empire with no blood and in a democratic way. Sure its not a perfect empire but they are way more advanced and ahead of america.

Free trade was 1 step forward for a new america, i beleive if quebec ever separate in the next few years, it wouldn't be a bad thing at all, maybe some ppl would start to understand that the world of tomorow is a world of large coalition, a world of "globalization" as they call it. Country's around the world have to cooperate more.

In fact, maybe its the end of the traditionnal definition of a country , we are constantly evolving and we must find way to rethink the way the world is working.

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What i would love for america is to start organizing just like in europe.

You guys know how much wars there have been in europe ?

How much empire tryed to conquer europe and failed ?

history tend to repeat itself, im happy to see country working to build up an empire with no blood and in a democratic way. Sure its not a perfect empire but they are way more advanced and ahead of america.

Free trade was 1 step forward for a new america, i beleive if quebec ever separate in the next few years, it wouldn't be a bad thing at all, maybe some ppl would start to understand that the world of tomorow is a world of large coalition, a world of "globalization" as they call it. Country's around the world have to cooperate more.

In fact, maybe its the end of the traditionnal definition of a country , we are constantly evolving and we must find way to rethink the way the world is working.

I understand your desire for a new world order, so to speak, but for America to start organizing like Europe would be like the dog chasing it's own tail. The European Union is an overachieving attempt to mimick the American union. If it fails, it's because they didn't take the simplicity of the American constitution closely enough to heart.

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