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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. What needs to happen is 1) Treaties are recognized as is, since they are indeed legally binding under Canadian law.. however it is convenient for inflation to be taken into consideration. If we are truly going to follow the treaties 'to the letter' lets give them their $1050 per YEAR (to quote an agreement with the Five Nations). 2) Canada needs to dissolve and either a) reform with all treaties no longer applying to the new government body or stay split up or reform borders based on regional political preferences 3) Natives truly 'concerned' about their culture should truly preserve it, and be encouraged to preserve it. Cut off all power, oil, everything to the reserves, drag off housing, infrastructure, schools (since they are so very terrible at teaching native studies this shouldn't hurt at all), take away their guns, clothing, and so on. Throw some buffalo onto the reserve, build a high fence around it so nobody can interfere, and let them live a few winters like that. Then go to them, and offer them the choice of continuing in 'their culture' or coming back to ours. Realistically, they are killing their own culture, and realistically they deserve the 'situation' they got themselves into. Prove to me why I should take the blame for 200 year old crimes, and also prove to me how it is so one-sided because the native studies I did do proved there was atrocities on both sides of the fence. Then once you've done all that, prove to me how throwing more money, or giving them all they ask for, is going to make anything better. You can't. It won't. Because native people are too comfortable at blaming everyone else for the problems of their society, and I say 'their' society because indeed, thanks to the Indian Act and decades of pampering, it is indeed a seperate society from ours. That is one of the biggest problems I have with the entire situation. We aren't an equal society and the very people that supposedly advocate 'equality' seem to think it a good thing to make different ethnic groups 'more equal' than others. That isn't discrimination? Use your mind, use your logic, use SOMETHING other than your heart for the sake of Canada and all our futures.
  2. Care to name one? Or is this another of those statements that is implicitly obvious even though the Klein government may very well be the most socialist in the country? Please enlighten me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Where to begin... hmm, how about Rome? Or how about the mother of communism, Russia? Or China (although lately it is going capitalist, and getting stronger)? Or Cuba (used to be a rich nation, till Castro took over)? Or Germany (Nationalist Socialist Party)? The list goes on and on, you should look into it before posting. Thanks. Oh, and as for Klein, explain how reducing government costs and wages is in any way socialist =p Regardless, I am not a huge Klein fan, but he is definitely heads over the competition.
  3. amen that would kill Alberta more than any other province, especially since it so obviously aimed at us (I mean seriously, why should Ontario's auto industry be exempt?) I will never vote green, NDP, Liberal, or ANY socialist party into power. I have seen them destroy nations throughout history and soon Canada will join those ranks, hopefully Alberta is no longer part of the sinking ship by that time.
  4. True but keep in mind this is a provincial rebate, not a federal one I for one am looking forward to this, it will return to me a paycheque of taxes that normally would simply be thrown at some social program (or the 'first nations' people, funny how we are still being blamed for their own self-made problems)
  5. The problem with the CPC is they can never agree on anything, I mean look how they came into existence... a merge of parties. They are throwing off Harper like they threw off Day, and as always at the worst possible time =p But its alright, I stopped supporting the CPC long ago.
  6. It's been around a long time before Paul Martin.... something the public supports, A worldwide PUBLIC sentiment, not the position of our Liberal government, ... been around a lot longer than the liberals... Your favourite country's presidents all did it...George Washington's diary will attest to his like of the herb, Bill Clinton George Bush (by reputation)... hypocricy prevents his admitting it... ????? what do they think the government is for... the people ??? ... especially those anti-family social programs... ... watch out for the men in the white coats... ... right wing fiscal policy... if the shoe fits... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The point wasn't how long it existed or who else in the world backed it as well, the point is that the Libs support those things while the Cons don't. Therefore how can you possibly say the Libs are right-wing? I mean, how the bloody h*ll can you call the Cons even right-wing these days? Canada's entire political spectrum is so far left even our most right-wing government is furthur left than the Democrats down south =p Learn politics before posting.
  7. Dear BHS No one has any beefs about your religious beliefs as long as you keep them to yourself. You know private between you and your God as others here don't give a rat's ass about your religious beliefs. The problem is though is that you don't keep them to yourself and that is where the problems lie. So if religious people can't shut up about them they will continue to get hammered because a lot of others think they are gobblygook, and why should we have to be subjected to such absurdies. 172 Cheers <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Funny, I didn't hear socialists telling the homosexuals to keep their beliefs to themselves. Why should we have to be subjected to such absurdies as gay pride parades and SSM? Your argument is hollow.
  8. Dear Hawk Imagine Canadians not wanting a fundamentalist society like the US, where the government doesn't have to look after the people of NO as God will do it. Shame on us. Cheers <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Society is not what the governments make it, society just 'is'. That is the problem with socialism, they look to the government to control society, and religious control is just one rung on the ladder to religious persecution. But go for it, in a couple decades when I try to say 'told ya so' nobody will be able to hear me from my prison cell =p Oh, and since when has the USA relied on 'God' soley in any decision? Please don't say Iraq, unless you are really that uneducated.
  9. A society free of 'religious intolerance'? A society based on logic and reason rather than piety and fanaticism? Schools that teach fact as more important than faith? Hospitals filled with doctors instead of Churches filled with gold? Lets hope so! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, if you are going to go to the extremes rather than discuss the actual issues of course it will sound ridiculous. Congrats on being an @$$.
  10. Dear shoop Now let me see if I understand. Bush was the greatest thing since sliced bread until Katrina. Now because his actions have discredited the right wing, you are going to cut him loose so the Republicans can hold onto control of the Congress in 2006. I just wanted to be clear about that. 138 Cheers <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The problem with Bush is he is too left-wing economically and socially, otherwise I have no gripes with the man... heck, compared to Canada's last 3 PMs Bush is amazing.
  11. Your knowledge of Canadian history is weak. You keep harping on a word but have know understanding of the context. Canada was originally designed to be a much more centralized federation than the US (Canada is, in practice, much more decentralized than the US today). The idea that pieces of the federation could come and go at will was never considered by the founders of the Canada and you can be certain that Ontario and Quebec would have never allowed Alberta to become a province if they believed that allowing Alberta to become a province would give it the right to leave the country whenever it wanted. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LoL I can't believe you are berating rbacon for his posts as opposed to eureka's, at least rbacon is supplying links and backing up his arguments with historic fact rather than emotion garbage. As for Provincial sovereignty, nobody cares about considerations or implications. The FACT is that Provinces ARE sovereign in a Confederation, and therefore they have a RIGHT to seperate should they decide to. If you don't like that, then go to the USA where they are on a different system (hence the Civil War was necessary) If you are honestly implying violence is the only answer to Provincial Seperation in a Confederation then you are the true monster here, and any spilled blood will be yet again on the hands of the socialists... as it always has been throughout history.
  12. I am suspicious of this turn of events, it seems entirely too radical to cancel all forms of tribunals due to a single bad one (terrible to be precise), especially ones that have been in place and not causing any problems. I don't support this move, but hey all socialists want is a scapegoat and religion offers itself as a handy one. Lets eliminate all religion from society, it will make Canada a better country =) You guys deserve what you are gonna get if you keep following this road.
  13. So we have border guards that are scared for their lives and walking off the job...nice. I don't know who to blame here...but it's your job to watch the border. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Blame the people that refuse to equip them in a manner that they can actually guard our country's border =p
  14. PocketRocket, re: your reply to my post... I believe that you mis-interpreted me when I said I was not supporting reserves by any means, I was being extremely sarcastic. I despise reserves because in my opinion it does nothing but furthur destroy what pitiful culture the Native Americans have left. Not to mention it encourages reverse racism like you experienced (I have as well).
  15. First, Alberta could survive on its own EASILY. I mean, if we are already paying you all our oil revenues (around 8.6 billion 2004-2005, and we pay out over 9 billion to Ottawa than we recieve back in services) and our oil royalties aren't even included in the have/have-not equation... that means we are rich with or without the oil =p Oh, and the 'urban/rural' divide isn't nearly so pronounced as you claim, since 4 out of 5 Albertans live in an urban location. The rednecks have always been pissed, now the city-folk are agreeing PS More likely Vancouver is more like Toronto in the fact they both have enormous welfare budgets and serious homeless problems... another wonderful by-product of a socialist utopian failed experiment
  16. I say let the people that want to be cops, be cops. Stop trying to force certain people into certain jobs, and stop being so damnably racist.
  17. Nah, I am Canadian thus the CBC would be the sweatshop for me right? And yes, giving jobs is different then finding jobs. If you can't see the difference check yourself back into K-12 school, they should be able to help ya out with that one
  18. Exactly my point. If anything the oil money could be used to train the type of workers that Alberta needs. Giving someone a job is the best form of social welfare. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, helping them get a job is. Giving them a job is no better than sweatshops in the former Soviet Russia.
  19. I have a symbol that I like just fine. It's the Maple Leaf. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That thing's a piece of junk. It has historical and geographical significance to only a relatively small elite in a relatively small area of the country. It's a lousy symbol for the country as a whole. -k <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, perhaps if you had been around at the time you could have designed something better. But you had the unbridled temerity to be born too late to do so. The nerve of some women Seriously, a symbol is what you make it. Look at the Bald Eagle, national symbol of our southern friends. It never takes on anything it's own size. It will often pounce on prey which is already mortally wounded. It will often scavenge off dead carcasses. But it looks good in a picture The Canadian flag, as it currently stands, is just fine by me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your right, it IS what you make it.. and the current flag has been made to symbolize corruption and the fall of Canada from the world stage. As for August, you say it was always their symbol, that is fine but that wasn't my point. The maple leaf has existed alot longer than the Liberal Party, but thanks to the Liberals it is now identified as being a symbol of THEM and their corruption. To put it as the sole symbol on a completely red flag (also a Liberal color) and that it was brought in by a Liberal PM merely reinforces my conviction that the new Canadian flag is not worth saluting.
  20. I second that. Apollo; What does "socially left out" mean? And I'm about 18ish, (24) and don't know anyone who even thinks about seperation. We're too busy painting faces for world hockey matches . But seriously, The only talk of seperation I've heard is on these forums. Nowhere in my university, social circle, or any other place at all. Oh yeah, I'm from the west too, so you're talking about me, and my peers. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you are looking for seperatists in the Post-secondary institutes that explains why you aren't finding them =p Heck, I don't even know many in my College that support it (of course, I don't ask around alot), I mainly know everyday joes that support it. You know, the non-elitist hardworkers
  21. Speak up for them? I drive to get my lunch, with my hardearned cash, and pass hundreds of 'poor' people shambling around downtown completely zoned out to the world around them... high on meth (Methbridge, haha), alcohol, lysol, weed, or any other variation of drugs. If you think the poor have no choice you are delusional, the majority of today's "poor" are soley responsible for their plite in life. If that is not the case, then explain how we have multi-generation welfare families? Nobody needs to speak up for them, they need to get off their @$$es and work to better their own lives. As for me being persecuted, I never said I was persecuted. I was talking about the shame of a country your Liberals have created and how they destroyed a national symbol, I have no respect for any Liberal in this country and I will never salute the Canadian Flag again. I salute the Red Ensign and flag of Alberta until a proper Western/Alberta Independance flag is put in place. I am Canadian, I am still trying to figure out what you have become.
  22. If that's the case why is the richest country in the western world (incidentally, also the only one stil using the death penalty) still routinely putting innocent people on death row? A question of innocence. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That article is ambiguous at best, first it says “An astonishing 82 percent of death row inmates did not deserve to receive the death penalty,” and then proceeds to say “One in twenty death row inmates is later found not guilty.” First problem, what is required for them to 'deserve to recieve the death penalty'? Second problem, if one in twenty death row inmates are later found not guilty, does that mean they are not guilty or they got knocked down a notch to life? Or possibly prison? Or scott free? It leaves alot of blanks. As for the DNA evidence, it isn't there to only prove people innocent, it is also there to prove them guilty. Therefore to say "only 13 death row inmates of 113 have been exonerated by use of DNA" proves nothing, and is at best a statistic to prove DNA evidence has worked to save innocents =p
  23. Maybe its because, with pathetic voter turnouts, we get majority governments that don't respresent our views and instead impose elitist policies on us and force through controversial legislation? This isn't 'our' Canada mirror, its yours and those that think like you.
  24. I'm aware of that. How, then, does your affection for the Red Ensign square with your statement that the maple leaf is "now completely corrupted and taken over by the Liberal party"? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I said the current FLAG is completely corrupted and taken over by the Liberal party, read my post =p
  25. If you would look at the Red Ensign you would realize it DOES have the maple leaf =p Along with other symbols.
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