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Racist POS Just Deserts

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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

I answered: Christians have murdered more.

No, you did not. Are you not understanding my Englishes? The question that was asked of you was how many "Canadian Christians" have murdered "Canadians" by gun or by van in Canada compared to how many "Islamic Muslim" so called Canadians have injured or killed dozens of Canadians by gun or by van in Canada? That is the question that I have asked of you. Got it now? So why cannot you answer that simple question. Why do you keep avoiding the question? 

And just how would you know as to how many Christians have murdered more? Do you have any statistics for that? We know that Islamic Muslim terrorists have been injuring and killing plenty of people for decades all over the world today and even right here in Canada where we have seen them injuring and killing many innocent Canadians for Allah. Hello?  

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3 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


The Muslim conquest of the Indian subcontinent had a casualty figure in 3-400 million range. No kidding! Not even the 30 Year War comes close to THAT.

Geez, I don't think that Christianity can come anywhere close to figures like that. Today we do not see anywhere on earth where Christians are murdering Muslims as we see the Islamic Muslims killing Christians today . I don't think that you can count up all the wars that have happened since time began that can come close to those figures. That is a hell of a lot of people being murdered in the name of an archaic 10th century religion. Even the communists fell far behind on that one and they were pretty evil towards their own people. They only murdered approx. a hundred million. Paltry. :D 

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

Geez, I don't think that Christianity can come anywhere close to figures like that. Today we do not see anywhere on earth where Christians are murdering Muslims as we see the Islamic Muslims killing Christians today . I don't think that you can count up all the wars that have happened since time began that can come close to those figures. That is a hell of a lot of people being murdered in the name of an archaic 10th century religion. Even the communists fell far behind on that one and they were pretty evil towards their own people. They only murdered approx. a hundred million. Paltry. :D 


One Muslim general...Timur...aka Tamerlane the Great or Tamerlane the Lame...executed at least 100,000 women and children captives before the walls of Delhi as a precursor to sacking the city (demoralizing!)...where most of the residents were also murdered.

Anyways..that adds-up...to the tune of around 400 million.


He was just one Muslim warlord...


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3 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


One Muslim general...Timur...aka Tamerlane the Great or Tamerlane the Lame...executed at least 100,000 women and children captives before the walls of Delhi as a precursor to sacking the city (demoralizing!)...where most of the residents were also murdered.

Anyways..that adds-up...to the tune of around 400 million.


He was just one Muslim warlord...


Timur's armies were inclusively multi-ethnic and were feared throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe,[10] sizable parts of which his campaigns laid to waste.[11] Scholars estimate that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, amounting to about 5% of the world population at the time.[12][13]

5% of the world's population!  We just don't have the same level of bastard we used to have..


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32 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Timur's armies were inclusively multi-ethnic and were feared throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe,[10] sizable parts of which his campaigns laid to waste.[11] Scholars estimate that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, amounting to about 5% of the world population at the time.[12][13]

5% of the world's population!  We just don't have the same level of bastard we used to have..



He was a scourge to the Ottoman Empire as well...being the general raison d'être for the Ottoman Civil War and the rise of the Timurid Empire which was much like the old Diadochi Greeks/Macedonians in terms of stability. After Timur's death...there was little to hold it all together. Angora was one of his more colourful battles...


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18 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


One Muslim general...Timur...aka Tamerlane the Great or Tamerlane the Lame...executed at least 100,000 women and children captives before the walls of Delhi as a precursor to sacking the city (demoralizing!)...where most of the residents were also murdered.

Anyways..that adds-up...to the tune of around 400 million.


He was just one Muslim warlord...


This archaic and murderous Islamic religion should never have been allowed into Canada at all or any other Western country for that matter. Islam is not culturally compatible with Western culture and values. Lining up a 100,000 women and children and executing that many innocent people was truly a crime against humanity. One can only wonder as to what will happen once this pathetic religion one day takes over some Western country. It will probably be back to the good old days of lining up women and children and men up against the wall by the hundreds of thousands and murdering them all in the name of good old Allah. Islam will show no mercy to the infidel only slavery and death. But for some strange reason our puppet on a string leftist liberal Canadian politicians appear to love this Islamic murderous religion and wants more of them here and to live among us. That does not appear to be a good plan for me or you or Canada.

We see today that there is great turmoil in many European countries from their allowing hundreds of thousands of Islamists into their midst. These Muslims even have the gall to demonstrate on London streets and carrying around these big signs that say Islam will rule Britain one day and kill all infidels. And yet the British government still kisses their Muslim butts. Do Europeans really want to genocide themselves? It sure looks like it to me. I just don't get it, do you? 

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On 8/3/2018 at 6:41 PM, taxme said:

 1. Why Islamic terrorist Muslims of course and not Christians. Surprise. Islamic Muslims are murdering Christians all over the world and no one seems to care. 

 2. Merkle is a Jew because the internet says that she is a Jew. What more can I say about it. So who am I suppose to believe?  You or the internet? 

1. You asked about Canada, and you're cherry picking what you call violence in any case, and cherry picking on other counts.

2. Of course you believe everything on the internet ?  Oh what's that - you don't believe everything on the internet ?  What kinds of things do you believe then ?  What kinds of sites lie about Merkel and why do you believe them ?

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On 8/3/2018 at 6:52 PM, taxme said:

1. The question that was asked of you was how many "Canadian Christians" have murdered "Canadians" ...

2. And just how would you know as to how many Christians have murdered more?  

1. The answer is Canadian Christians have murdered Canadians in large numbers.  I don't keep evading the question I keep answering it, and I am just about done with your games.  You have an answer.

2. Islamic murder, and Islamic terrorism even is less of a factor in Canada than Canadian Christians killing people in mosques.  

Then again, you have stated you believe everything you read on the internet.  Since that is the case, please just read this post again thanks.

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On 8/4/2018 at 2:08 PM, taxme said:

This archaic and murderous Islamic religion should never have been allowed into Canada at all or any other Western country for that matter. 

They are fine.  I work with a lot of technologically minded Muslims who make good money and contribute to this country.  I would rather deport racists who repeat internet lies as they tend to be unemployable people who refuse to re-educate themselves or better themselves because they think their race should give them a well paying factory job.  Or at least that's what I read on the internet.

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I don't really want to bring religion into this but fundamental Islam is just something we in the Judaeo-christian west are not compatible with. We don't believe in treating women as property and that slavery of other religion was okay. Those that believe in fundamental Islam didn't reach their 7th century way of thinking logically so we don't need to reason with them. Fundamental Islam is just one of the many shitty religion/cultures around the world, the sooner lefties admit to the fact that we are not simply going to reconcile with those kind of beliefs the better. We in the US military proudly deliver them to god to sort out.

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18 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. The answer is Canadian Christians have murdered Canadians in large numbers.  I don't keep evading the question I keep answering it, and I am just about done with your games.  You have an answer.

2. Islamic murder, and Islamic terrorism even is less of a factor in Canada than Canadian Christians killing people in mosques.  

Then again, you have stated you believe everything you read on the internet.  Since that is the case, please just read this post again thanks.

1. First of all not every Canadian is a Christian. Many are Muslims. It would be safe to say that non Christians do way more of the killing of other Canadians than Christians do. As I already said it is the Muslims that are committing real terrorists acts in Canada and not Christians by trying to kill as many Canadians as they can in one shot. That is what you have been refusing to give an answer too. Just admit it that Muslims are seriously injuring and killing many Canadians en masse. That is the answer I want to hear from you. 

2. What the hell are you talking about? Where have we seen in Canada where Canadian Christians are attacking mosques and killing people in huge numbers. Christians are not going around and purposely going out there to kill Muslims in big numbers like we see Muslims doing. We have already seen two big massacres already being committed by Muslim terrorists with no doubt there will be more to come. When are you going to stop siding with these people. They are dangerous and nuts in the head Islamist to Canadians.  Hello. 

3. I did not say that I believe everything on the internet. There is lots of bull chit on the internet. As i already said to you many times in the past that not everything on the internet should be believed. But that does not mean that everything on the internet being posted is untrue. We can all watch on the internet anytime where we can all see as to where Islamist terrorist are killing way more innocent Christians than Christians killing Muslims. Hello again.  

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18 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

They are fine.  I work with a lot of technologically minded Muslims who make good money and contribute to this country.  I would rather deport racists who repeat internet lies as they tend to be unemployable people who refuse to re-educate themselves or better themselves because they think their race should give them a well paying factory job.  Or at least that's what I read on the internet.

So, just who or how many racists are there in Canada? Can you produce any kind of numbers as to how many racists there are in Canada? That ilk that you appear to support and get your information from should have some numbers on this? I would rather that we deport Islamist Imams and Islamist terrorists who are preaching hatred against we the infidels in Canada today. Kevin Johnson can explain that all too you if you take the time to listen as to what he has to say about radical Islam in Canada today. Some of the Imams preach hatred against we the infidels in Canada and yet they still are allowed to stay and to continue their preaching of hatred in Canada. 

There are probably just as many Muslims unemployed in Canada as there are of those so called people you like to call racists. There is nothing wrong with white people, or as you like to call them racists, referring to me of course, that no doubt work for a living and who have to pay taxes for most of these new immigrant Muslim recruits to Canada to live off welfare and probably the rest of their life. All those tens of thousands of Syrian so called refugees brought to Canada I will bet do not want to assimilate into Canadian culture nor better themselves. Many will probably have as many kids as they can and receive nice bonus checks every month for having more babies. My opinion.

Many white people do not think that their race should give them well paying factory jobs. Many white Canadians do try to educate themselves to have bigger and better jobs and hundreds of thousands do just that. Many of those so called refugees appear to be working in jobs that pay less than factory jobs. Many work at fast food outfits because that is about as far as they can go education wise. But I thought that you believed that what is on the internet should not be believed? It's pretty much all bull chit? You are one guy that really keeps me guessing about you. Just saying. 

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19 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. You asked about Canada, and you're cherry picking what you call violence in any case, and cherry picking on other counts.

2. Of course you believe everything on the internet ?  Oh what's that - you don't believe everything on the internet ?  What kinds of things do you believe then ?  What kinds of sites lie about Merkel and why do you believe them ?

1. Hey, you are pretty good at cherry picking yourself. We all have our biases and prejudices and you are no different. You like Muslims and I like white people. So there. :D

2. As I already have told you, I do not believe everything that I read on the internet and there are some things that I do. I have posted many websites where I do believe in what they are reporting because they have been proven to be right and truthful in their reporting. I have given you many alternative news websites for you to read and all I get back from you is that they are either promoting racism, anti Islam or anti non-white immigration which of course none are any of those things. Merkle is a communist Jew. In her past she belonged to the communist party and probably is still a communist. Why else would she be filling up Germany with millions of Muslims? Maybe it is because she hates white gentile people? Just saying.

Of course when you read something on the internet about what some of your websites have to say that all white patriotic nationalist conservatives are all just a bunch of racists you are all to willing to believe it whether it is true or not. So stop jumping on me for some of the things that I believe are being said on the internet because you are doing the same thing, fella. You really do need to think before you speak. It works you know. Works for me. :D

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16 hours ago, taxme said:

1. First of all not every Canadian is a Christian. Many are Muslims.

2. That is the answer I want to hear from you. 

3. What the hell are you talking about? 

4. There is lots of bull chit on the internet.  

1.  There is no religion test administered to accused criminals.  You have their name and their background that's it.

2.  I've answered you enough.  Get your facts straight instead of changing the question over and over again.

3.  Again - I ANSWERED YOU.  Find me an example of a Muslim terrorist attack on a par with the attack they suffered.   You don't like the truth it seems.

4.  Like "Merkel is a Jew" posted by the anti-Semitic sites you visit, yes.

And you don't need to post 3 posts to me, one is fine.  I have limited time for these games such as posting a question for the first time with "why do you refuse to answer" (!) then when I answer changing to a new question and doing the same thing.  I have answered honestly and completely, and the fact that you repost lies about Merkel tells me that you do not post honestly and in good faith.  I'm sorry.

Edited by Michael Hardner
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7 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1.  There is no religion test administered to accused criminals.  You have their name and their background that's it.

2.  I've answered you enough.  Get your facts straight instead of changing the question over and over again.

3.  Again - I ANSWERED YOU.  Find me an example of a Muslim terrorist attack on a par with the attack they suffered.   You don't like the truth it seems.

4.  Like "Merkel is a Jew" posted by the anti-Semitic sites you visit, yes.

And you don't need to post 3 posts to me, one is fine.  I have limited time for these games such as posting a question for the first time with "why do you refuse to answer" (!) then when I answer changing to a new question and doing the same thing.  I have answered honestly and completely, and the fact that you repost lies about Merkel tells me that you do not post honestly and in good faith.  I'm sorry.

1. Right and this is why I asked you as to why you said that Christians kill more people than Muslims do. You said it and not me. I just challenged you on what you said. 

2. Okay, I will play your avoidance game. But let me say this too you for the final time. There has been no Christian in Canada that I am aware of that has injured or murdered so many innocent Canadians at one time as we have seen happen in Toronto by Muslims. You said that many Christians have killed many more people than Muslims have in Canada but yet you have no proof or statistics to show this. I have replied to your false accusations and dishonesty about Christians killing and injuring more people than Muslims have done in Canada. 

3. Read #1 and #2 above. 

4. The internet has said that Merkle is Jewish and for now I will go with what I read on the internet. But who really cares if she is a Jewish or not. I certainly don't care. Why do you care if the internet is calling Merkle a Jew? 

Check notifications. You replied three times to three of my posts in a row the other day. You did not seem to have a problem replying three times then? The internet is full of websites that say that Merkle is Jewish. I can go on the internet right now and find several websites that say that she is Jewish. Are they all lying? You tell me as to where they are lying? The only way that you would know if she is Jewish or not would be because you know her personally. Well, do you know her personally? Just asking. 


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10 minutes ago, taxme said:

1. Right and this is why I asked you as to why you said that Christians kill more people than Muslims do. You said it and not me. I just challenged you on what you said. 

2. Okay, I will play your avoidance game. But let me say this too you for the final time. There has been no Christian in Canada that I am aware of that has injured or murdered so many innocent Canadians at one time as we have seen happen in Toronto by Muslims. You said that many Christians have killed many more people than Muslims have in Canada but yet you have no proof or statistics to show this. I have replied to your false accusations and dishonesty about Christians killing and injuring more people than Muslims have done in Canada. 

3. Read #1 and #2 above. 

4. The internet has said that Merkle is Jewish and for now I will go with what I read on the internet. But who really cares if she is a Jewish or not. I certainly don't care. Why do you care if the internet is calling Merkle a Jew? 

Check notifications. You replied three times to three of my posts in a row the other day. You did not seem to have a problem replying three times then? The internet is full of websites that say that Merkle is Jewish. I can go on the internet right now and find several websites that say that she is Jewish. Are they all lying? You tell me as to where they are lying? The only way that you would know if she is Jewish or not would be because you know her personally. Well, do you know her personally? Just asking. 


Folks like Mike point to German Wehrmacht belt buckles during WW2 with "Gott Mit Uns" written on them (legacy from the Franco-Prussian War or some historical BS)...while overlooking the modern Nazi motto was "Meine Ehre heißt Treue" written on every SS man's belt buckle.

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5 hours ago, taxme said:

1. Right and this is why I asked you as to why you said that Christians kill more people than Muslims do.  

2.  There has been no Christian in Canada that I am aware of that has injured or murdered so many innocent Canadians at one time as we have seen happen in Toronto by Muslims. 

3. The internet has said that Merkle is Jewish and for now I will go with what I read on the internet.  

1.  You asked me.  The simple logic is that there are more Christians in Canada I suppose.

2.  Yes, the guy who went into the mosque you conveniently forgot.  The other ones were Muslim but mentally ill it wasn't terrorism.

3. There are far more sites that say the opposite and far more reputable sites say the opposite.  And yet you choose to repeat the few anti-Semite sites that lie.  Why do you do that ?

It's worth answering you just to highlight to any new posters what kind of material you like.


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On 8/7/2018 at 3:27 AM, paxamericana said:

1. I don't really want to bring religion into this but...

2. We in the US military proudly deliver them to god to sort out.

1.  And yet here you are doing it.

2.  This is the logical bookend to the ISIS/Jihadist point of view and they have lots of suicide bombers lined up that have pretty much the same attitude.  When Bin Laden attacked America he pretty much counted that there would be this kind of response and he was right.   

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1) I don't want to bring religion into this because I am impartial to all religion, atheist in fact. But many of the basic value we have here in the west are born out of a Judeao-Christian belief such as life liberty and pursuit of happiness. 

2). I don't need to reason or treat them logically, they did not arrive to that medieval belief by reason. If you can't reason with someone who was never logical in the first place; to the point that they are wanting to die for their belief by attacking mine then I'm as much obligated to grant them that wish as them wanting to kill me. This is the fundamental fact that liberals forget when addressing fundamental extremist views ( not just religion by the way) . There is no reconciliation, we are not all just going to hold hands and sing kumbaya. These two views or irreconcilable. Islam needs to be reform from within much like what happened with Judaism and Christianity. Don't expect the Judaeo-Christian west to bend over backward to adopt medieval sharia law. 

One last point, Bin Laden attack America because we supported Israel. Plain and simple, not because he was hoping for a response as you suggested. Again a false pretense propagated by the globalist liberals who think every culture and religion should hold hands.   

"The expansion of Israel is one of the greatest crimes, and you are the leaders of its criminals. And of course there is no need to explain and prove the degree of American support for Israel. The creation of Israel is a crime which must be erased. Each and every person whose hands have become polluted in the contribution towards this crime must pay its price, and pay for it heavily." - Bin Laden



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9 hours ago, paxamericana said:

1) I don't want to bring religion into this because I am impartial to all religion, atheist in fact. But many of the basic value we have here in the west are born out of a Judeao-Christian belief such as life liberty and pursuit of happiness. 

2). I don't need to reason or treat them logically, they did not arrive to that medieval belief by reason. If you can't reason with someone who was never logical in the first place; to the point that they are wanting to die for their belief by attacking mine then I'm as much obligated to grant them that wish as them wanting to kill me.

3) This is the fundamental fact that liberals forget when addressing fundamental extremist views ( not just religion by the way) . There is no reconciliation, we are not all just going to hold hands and sing kumbaya.  

4) One last point, Bin Laden attack America because we supported Israel.  

5) Again a false pretense propagated by the globalist liberals who think every culture and religion should hold hands.   

6) "The expansion of Israel is one of the greatest crimes, and you are the leaders of its criminals. And of course there is no need to explain and prove the degree of American support for Israel. The creation of Israel is a crime which must be erased. Each and every person whose hands have become polluted in the contribution towards this crime must pay its price, and pay for it heavily." - Bin Laden



1) You are clearly NOT impartial from your very words.  And the pursuit of happiness came out of French Renaissance philosophy of the Enlightenment not out of religion for Christ's sakes.  The idea to synthesize Rousseau et al's philosophy into the laws of a nation was brilliant but it took religion OUT of government.  

2) See 'The Golden Rule'.  Nothing turns my stomach more than people citing Christianity and not knowing the first thing about it.

3) War and defence is still accommodated within Christianity, and you are not expected to reconcile either but that is the end goal.  Kumbaya is an American Christian Hymn by the way.

4) Arguable.  You are correct that Israel was a prime motivation but also I have read that it was the US presence in the Muslim Holy Land after Gulf War I that motivated him. 

5) Globalist Liberals include George HW Bush, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher... The idea that global trade is a left-wing thing was born in the tiny minds of Trump supporters and fringe maniacs in the last few years only.




"First, for over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples."

Bin Laden


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18 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1.  You asked me.  The simple logic is that there are more Christians in Canada I suppose.

2.  Yes, the guy who went into the mosque you conveniently forgot.  The other ones were Muslim but mentally ill it wasn't terrorism.

3. There are far more sites that say the opposite and far more reputable sites say the opposite.  And yet you choose to repeat the few anti-Semite sites that lie.  Why do you do that ?

It's worth answering you just to highlight to any new posters what kind of material you like.


1. Common sense and logic and the truth needs to be exposed here. Christians in Canada are not the enemy but it would appear as though Islam in Canada is. Sorry that I had to break that news too you. 

2. So, what about the guy who went into the mosque? Was he a Christian or not? And as you said maybe the guy that did the shooting in the mosque was mentally ill and nowhere near being considered a Christian or a terrorist. It would appear to me that only white people can be terrorists to you and the rest of the non-whites that commit mass shootings and drive by van killings are just mentally ill and get a pass, right? I am pretty sure that white people are not on your favorites list. But hey. 

3. But the question here is which websites are telling the truth and which ones are not telling the truth? Again, just pointing out websites that say that Merkle is one of the chosen ones. What more can I say. 

4. Just for the newbies here then, I do not only read and listen too what MH would like us all to listen too and read and believe in. There are plenty of other websites on the internet that have something to say that differs too and contradicts what MH believes in and they are not all anti-semite websites as MH wants everyone to believe. I will leave that up to the newbies to decide and to go from there.

Just because you think that what you say is the gospel truth does not have to mean that it is the gospel truth. Even you have said yourself that there are plenty of lies and bull chit being spread around like manure on the internet. So, why should anyone believe any of the websites that you like to visit? Just asking if you care to comment? 


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2 hours ago, taxme said:

1. Common sense and logic and the truth needs to be exposed here. Christians in Canada are not the enemy but it would appear as though Islam in Canada is. Sorry that I had to break that news too you. 

2. So, what about the guy who went into the mosque? Was he a Christian or not?  

1. I think unemployed and unemployable white people who are too proud to take minimum wage jobs, refuse to better themselves and call everyone a Jew are.

2. Yes, that is the definition you are using, ie heritage.

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25 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. I think unemployed and unemployable white people who are too proud to take minimum wage jobs, refuse to better themselves and call everyone a Jew are.

2. Yes, that is the definition you are using, ie heritage.

1. Your hatred for white people is once again showing. Deplorable. You really do not like white people, do you? You seem to enjoy trying too always make white people look lazy and stupid all the time and they do not want too work. Such bull crap that I always only get to read from you. I believe that there are many people like that and not only just white people. In many of the projects in Toronto where most of the black people have been living off welfare for decades now and have passed that job skill onto their children. Many do not even want to be on welfare but prefer to be on the drug gang payrolls. 

Many young white people today only want to be as lucky as their parents were when in good times before massive third world invasion was allowed to happen by the ilk that you support took place here in Canada where these new third world immigrants that came here were willing to work for slave wages and peanuts and then forcing many white people to have to work for peanuts and slave wages also. White youth only wanted to live and have a good job with a good salary and wanted to be able to afford to buy a house and have a car like their parents were able to do.    So, just where did any white unemployable or unemployed white person started calling everyone a Jew? I would like to hear your silly ass reply to that? Go ahead, make your day. 

2. Canada has just about lost all of it's heritage, culture and traditions which are slowly being removed and taken away from the white people of Canada. They are not being protected anymore. All we are getting now from people like you is more third world multicultural bull chit which will in the end finish off the white people of Canada for good. I bet that you just cannot wait for the day when old whitey becomes a minority in Canada, eh? Deplorable. 

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48 minutes ago, taxme said:

1. Your hatred for white people is once again showing.  

2. Canada has just about lost all of it's heritage, culture and traditions ...


1. No, not them just the racist do-nothing minority of losers like the guy in the OP.  Who you defend.

2.  No.  Our ways include pluralism and tolerance.  Still going strong.

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21 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. No, not them just the racist do-nothing minority of losers like the guy in the OP.  Who you defend.

2.  No.  Our ways include pluralism and tolerance.  Still going strong.

1. There are losers and racists in every race. So, what's your point here? You appear to enjoy avoiding racist incidents that non-white people commit but you are always quick to jump on so called white racists anytime you can get the chance. Why is that? And so who is it that I am suppose to be defending here? C'mon spit it out. 

2. Liberalism does not believe in pluralism nor tolerance at all. Liberalism only wants to have their opinions and points of view to be heard and recognized while conservative opinions and points of view should not he heard or recognized or allowed and are not wanted or needed in Canada. Liberalism is the home of intolerance and bigotry as far as I am concerned.    

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