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Sh*tholes are created by western society - A history of Haiti


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12 hours ago, H10 said:

This is what the report on the Rwanda genocide from the commission found.  France was the master mind behind it and pulling all the strings, French Generals commanding locals to carry out murders.


Ah yes...the evil French using mind control lasers to command locals to pick-up Chinese machetes and hack down their fellow Rwandans. 

Those evil, evil, evil Frenchies.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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6 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

Ah yes...the evil French using mind control lasers to command locals to pick-up Chinese machetes and hack down their fellow Rwandans. 

Those evil, evil, evil Frenchies.

I believe it had more to do with France supporting the Hutu-led government of Juvénal Habyarimana; providing them arms and military training. Additionally during the actual genocide, France rescued some of their own citizens yet left the Tutsi to face certain death including spouses of French nationals. They seemed however to have no problem rescuing many high profile members of the Habyarimana government and their families.

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5 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

I believe it had more to do with France supporting the Hutu-led government of Juvénal Habyarimana; providing them arms and military training. Additionally during the actual genocide, France rescued some of their own citizens yet left the Tutsi to face certain death including spouses of French nationals. They seemed however to have no problem rescuing many high profile members of the Habyarimana government and their families.


Hutus don't do anything without first checking with their French masters...understood. Had not the word gone out to buy Chinese machetes then use them on their fellow Rwandans, there would have been no genocide. But, alas...the French employed their mind control lasers and set everybody to hack-mode.

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18 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


When an earthquake hits Japan...they take care of it.

Just like in every other Western country also. They get over it and get going and start to rebuild. Why Haiti is still in an earthquake shambles just shows us all that some people have problems with trying to get going.There appears to be something missing in their DNA for some reason. 

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17 hours ago, -TSS- said:

There have been made many comparisons to our age as compared to the times of the fall of the West-Roman Empire. There are a lot of similarities. One reason why the West-Roman Empire fell because it became soft and its real Romans became lazy but the main reason was, just like with the EU today, that the whole Empire had become a meaningless concoction towards which nobody felt any loyalty whatsoever unless they were paid handsomely.

That is what life is all about today, especially with the elite and politicians. "It's always about the money". We see that there is very little loyalty to a country by it's citizen's all that much. The majority of them can only think about themselves and money, and the rest be dammed. 

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14 hours ago, H10 said:

No such thing as anti white racist.  You are just anti truth.  White people did messed up things in history.  Holocaust, Colonialism, Enslavement.  It is fact.  Deal with it.

You need to deal with the fact that those days are long gone. No one has ever said that white people were a bunch of angels all through out history but it would appear that some people cannot seem to want to let it go like yourself. You and they want to constantly remind and blame whites that they have always been and are still the problem. This needs to stop. I am one who is trying to put a stop to it.

Where do we see events from our past history going on today? Do you see a holocaust going on somewhere? I see slavery still going on in some African and Arab countries. Are the white people still to be blamed for those atrocities that are happening? Those things were happening long before old whitey entered the picture and their countries. I am pretty sure that white people didn't go too those African countries and decided that, hey, let's get into the slave business, and make some money here. Most blacks in African countries in those days were behind the slave trade. Even the Jews were involved in the slave trade. They pretty much owned the ships that brought the slaves over to America and to other countries. Deal with it yourself.  

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15 hours ago, H10 said:

As if they are doing the immigrants a favor.  Whites want immigrant labor to use as cheap labor to run their large businesses.  It is called EXPLOITATION OF POOR DESPERATE PEOPLE.  Whites made the third world third world.  They invaded Africa, Mali, China, India, Iran and destroyed them and made them poor and third world.

The third world has always been a third world long before whites ever entered any of those countries of the third world. I agree, it is big business that is responsible for flooding Canada by massively importing people from the third world who will work for next to nothing just to get here, and btw, are forcing themselves to immigrate to a white racist country. 

Well, the whites have pretty much lost a lot ground in the third world but has anything changed since then? If there are still problems in those countries today well it cannot be due to the white people of today. It can now only be blamed on the leaders of those countries, not white folk anymore. Actually, China is doing quite well since the white people left China. Happy about that? 

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7 hours ago, Topaz said:

Perhaps people should ask the Clinton Foundation what happen to money that was suppose to go to the rebuilt of this country?????

Indeed, where did all the money go? I saw Billie Bob Clinton the other day and his right pocket was bulging. Must be from some of that money he mistakenly took. ha-ha. And yet some here think that Hillary is an angel and actually would have preferred her as president rather than Trump. I just don't get some of these people. Shocking indeed. 

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28 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

Inferior DNA, perhaps you have a final solution for them.

What? No f-off? Indeed I do have a solution for them, and that is quit with their whining and crying and get on with life. Try to fix the predicaments that they always seem to find themselves wrapped up in. If they have to keep relying on the Western world to help them out than they do have an inferior problem. Yes/no?  

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11 hours ago, taxme said:

You need to deal with the fact that those days are long gone. No one has ever said that white people were a bunch of angels all through out history but it would appear that some people cannot seem to want to let it go like yourself. You and they want to constantly remind and blame whites that they have always been and are still the problem. This needs to stop. I am one who is trying to put a stop to it.

No you need to deal with the fact that those days affect people of these days.  The victimizer memory is always short.  It takes at least 10 times longer to heal a wound than to inflict.  You can cut your finger in a second, but it takes days for it to heal.  No one has to let it go, its not up to white people to tell non-white people that they have to "let things go" while whites continue to benefit off of the evils and bad they did and non whites continue to suffer off of it.  The most obvious way to stop it would be to fix the problems of wealth inequality created by white racist of the past.  You don't just get to brush it under the rug and say time to move on.  It doesn't work that way.


11 hours ago, taxme said:

Where do we see events from our past history going on today? Do you see a holocaust going on somewhere? I see slavery still going on in some African and Arab countries. Are the white people still to be blamed for those atrocities that are happening? Those things were happening long before old whitey entered the picture and their countries. I am pretty sure that white people didn't go too those African countries and decided that, hey, let's get into the slave business, and make some money here. Most blacks in African countries in those days were behind the slave trade. Even the Jews were involved in the slave trade. They pretty much owned the ships that brought the slaves over to America and to other countries. Deal with it yourself.  

Yes the slavery going on in African countries today is indeed the legacy of colonialism as it is the European rubber companies who have 60,000 slaves on plantations for rubber today.  Of course the whites went there to make money.  The Europeans said so openly, they were after what they called "Gold, Glory and God".  That is what they went to Africa to find.  Doesn't matter how the slaves got here, what matters is this country owes a debt to the enslaved people who built this nation and made it possible and went unpaid and discriminated.

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13 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


Ah yes...the evil French using mind control lasers to command locals to pick-up Chinese machetes and hack down their fellow Rwandans. 

Those evil, evil, evil Frenchies.

No, the French generals arming people with weapons and shooting down the plane of the president and taking over the radio stations and telling people to go out and kill people while arming them with machetes and commanding them in the field to commit murders.

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7 hours ago, H10 said:

None, ZERO.  It is literally impossible if you know what the expert definition of racism is.

I guess the experts are wrong.  It wouldn't be the first time.

Edited by bcsapper
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12 hours ago, H10 said:

No you need to deal with the fact that those days affect people of these days.  The victimizer memory is always short.  It takes at least 10 times longer to heal a wound than to inflict.  You can cut your finger in a second, but it takes days for it to heal.  No one has to let it go, its not up to white people to tell non-white people that they have to "let things go" while whites continue to benefit off of the evils and bad they did and non whites continue to suffer off of it.  The most obvious way to stop it would be to fix the problems of wealth inequality created by white racist of the past.  You don't just get to brush it under the rug and say time to move on.  It doesn't work that way.


Yes the slavery going on in African countries today is indeed the legacy of colonialism as it is the European rubber companies who have 60,000 slaves on plantations for rubber today.  Of course the whites went there to make money.  The Europeans said so openly, they were after what they called "Gold, Glory and God".  That is what they went to Africa to find.  Doesn't matter how the slaves got here, what matters is this country owes a debt to the enslaved people who built this nation and made it possible and went unpaid and discriminated.

What affects the people today is that they are now enjoying what the white people did years ago. Only now they are doing it to themselves. Slavery in some Arab and African countries makes plenty of money for other Arabs and Africans. The black Africans and Haitians have had plenty of time to get over it. The blacks and you have to let it go because today they are trying to rub what happened in the past to the white people that are alive today. White people are not kidnapping blacks today and shipping them all around the world. Again those blacks have had plenty of foreign aid given to them in the billions to try and help them up and make amends for what white people's did to them centuries ago. We are not talking about yesterday you know? 

It is people like you that do not want to forgive and forget. Just keep trying to lay on the guilt trip on old whitey so that they can continue to have receive more dollars to squander on their shit holes. It is not going to work that way anymore with me. It needs to stop all this poor me and what happened to my great great great great grandmother centuries ago. 

Dam right slavery exists today and it is just a continuation of what went on long before old whitey came on the scene. Those so-called slaves are getting paid for their labor today. Whites and even blacks and other races will go anywhere and everywhere to try and make money. So, what's your point, fella? So, they went to Africa to look for gold. White people also went to Alaska, Yukon and Northern BC to look for gold. Finding gold means money, and can lead to the good life. I might try it sometime myself and maybe go kidnap some native Indian to do the dirty work for me. That should give you something else to whine and cry about, eh? 

The debt is and has been being paid by the white people multiple times over for decades now. It has cost the white taxpayer's of North America billions in reparations to the Indians and they still are not satisfied but want more. It would appear as though it is now the white people who are the slaves to the Indians these days. Whites pay, Indians play. Your typical liberal snowflake approach to everything is always the same with you people. Emotionalism and foolishness runs and rules your lives. Get over the past, and get with the program today. 

Works for me just fine. :D

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7 hours ago, taxme said:

What affects the people today is that they are now enjoying what the white people did years ago. Only now they are doing it to themselves. Slavery in some Arab and African countries makes plenty of money for other Arabs and Africans. The black Africans and Haitians have had plenty of time to get over it. The blacks and you have to let it go because today they are trying to rub what happened in the past to the white people that are alive today. White people are not kidnapping blacks today and shipping them all around the world. Again those blacks have had plenty of foreign aid given to them in the billions to try and help them up and make amends for what white people's did to them centuries ago. We are not talking about yesterday you know? 

White people didn't even work years ago, that is why they had slaves, to do the work they couldn't do or did not want to do.  No, it will not be swept under the rug.  Africans have been giving foreign aid against their will to Europeans for the last 100 years if not longer.  The Europeans are still looting their countries and are still enslaving them.



7 hours ago, taxme said:

It is people like you that do not want to forgive and forget. Just keep trying to lay on the guilt trip on old whitey so that they can continue to have receive more dollars to squander on their shit holes. It is not going to work that way anymore with me. It needs to stop all this poor me and what happened to my great great great great grandmother centuries ago. 

Dam right slavery exists today and it is just a continuation of what went on long before old whitey came on the scene. Those so-called slaves are getting paid for their labor today. Whites and even blacks and other races will go anywhere and everywhere to try and make money. So, what's your point, fella? So, they went to Africa to look for gold. White people also went to Alaska, Yukon and Northern BC to look for gold. Finding gold means money, and can lead to the good life. I might try it sometime myself and maybe go kidnap some native Indian to do the dirty work for me. That should give you something else to whine and cry about, eh? 

You cannot forgive when the person has not paid out money to fix the wrong they made. Slaves are not paid. They didn't go to find Gold, they went to steal gold from richer people.  Those white owe the gold back to who they stole it from.


7 hours ago, taxme said:

The debt is and has been being paid by the white people multiple times over for decades now. It has cost the white taxpayer's of North America billions in reparations to the Indians and they still are not satisfied but want more. It would appear as though it is now the white people who are the slaves to the Indians these days. Whites pay, Indians play. Your typical liberal snowflake approach to everything is always the same with you people. Emotionalism and foolishness runs and rules your lives. Get over the past, and get with the program today. 

Works for me just fine. :D

Yes but they still owe Indians and Africans for stealing from them, the debt never ends because the benefits from it never end.



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11 hours ago, marcus said:

Donald Trump should absolutely be confronted for his racism. But then, so should every other U.S. president that has had a role in keeping the very countries that The Donald calls shitholes, from making any progress.

And which still goes on. I spent time in one of those "shithole" countries watching a little corporation, that at the time was run by one of Trump's current right hand men,  generating billions upon billions while the locals still walked around barefoot.

  • Haha 1
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6 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

This guy thinks Haiti should become Canada's 11th province....but he might have to change these people's minds about Canada's role in shi*thole paradise:

I think he hit the nail on the head with that one, saying they would fit right in with the many Canadians that want Ottawa to butt out.

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17 hours ago, H10 said:

White people didn't even work years ago, that is why they had slaves, to do the work they couldn't do or did not want to do.  No, it will not be swept under the rug.  Africans have been giving foreign aid against their will to Europeans for the last 100 years if not longer.  The Europeans are still looting their countries and are still enslaving them.



You cannot forgive when the person has not paid out money to fix the wrong they made. Slaves are not paid. They didn't go to find Gold, they went to steal gold from richer people.  Those white owe the gold back to who they stole it from.


Yes but they still owe Indians and Africans for stealing from them, the debt never ends because the benefits from it never end.




So, how much more does old whitey have to keep paying before people like you are satisfied and white people are forgiven and relieved of their past awful deeds?

So, what do you want to see whitey do today that has not been done already by whitey to make up for past sins?  

Please tell me as to how much more azz kissing does old whitey have to do to make those blacks and Indians stop their whining and crying forever and forgive old whitey?

Over to you,  fella. 

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