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School girls detained for wearing sexy trousers


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Some girls in Britain are banned to wear tight pants because they are driving wild the masculine feelings of their teachers. The details are written in the link. What do you think about it ? Do you think its OK to tell people what they "have to" wear ? If its OK, is not it backwardness ? If its not OK, why people cannot walk in the street nude without being disturbed or detained ? Is not it backwardness ? 


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I'm probably going to get flogged for this but here goes...

The human being, like almost every other multi celled organism on this planet needs to mate to procreate and continue the species. In order to accomplish this the sexes have developed attributes meant to attract the opposite sex and will attempt to copulate at every opportunity, humans are not exempt from this fact of evolution. 

That being said, "most" human beings have developed beyond raw sexual attraction and formed boundaries in which to live our lives. Because we have these boundaries does not mean we can turn our sexual drive on and off, even an honest priest, buddha or nun will tell you they still have sexual drive, they just use willpower to mask it (some more successfully than others...). From what's available on the internet it also appears men have a far stronger sexual drive than women.

I find it interesting people are not able to comprehend these facts. In many businesses and public venues men are expected to dress in suits or attire that covers their whole bodies from the neck down and in neutral colors whereas with women the dress code is far more relaxed, low necklines are accepted, attire can be form fitting, the color spectrum is far more open.

When men communicate in certain cases they have found the way a woman dressed distracting they are attacked, there was an incident in BC a couple years ago regarding this if anyone can remember, this is no different. Women know this and use it as a tool, it makes sense.

To answer your question, in my mind they have a totally legitimate argument.  I think there should be school uniforms. If we are expecting an environment where people are expected to accomplish something (teaching and learning in this case) everybody should be required to wear the least distracting clothing possible.   

My opinion...

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Of course we have laws for what people can wear, in public, at school or the work place. Every country has these things, but especially countries which are under Islamic rule. In those countries people are sometimes given harsh punishment if they don't dress correctly, flogging, caning or perhaps worse. We have laws against indecent exposure in Canada, but no such punishments. In fact physical punishment in the form of beatings is not permitted for any crime in Canada.

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These are not tight trousers. Every girl in the article was wearing leggings. Leggings are not trousers. They're skin-tight from top to bottom. They make the tight jeans girls wore in the seventies look tame. I don't have any objection to them, naturally, but can see where a school might.

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8 hours ago, Thinkinoutsidethebox said:

I'm probably going to get flogged for this but here goes...

The human being, like almost every other multi celled organism on this planet needs to mate to procreate and continue the species. In order to accomplish this the sexes have developed attributes meant to attract the opposite sex and will attempt to copulate at every opportunity, humans are not exempt from this fact of evolution. 

That being said, "most" human beings have developed beyond raw sexual attraction and formed boundaries in which to live our lives. Because we have these boundaries does not mean we can turn our sexual drive on and off, even an honest priest, buddha or nun will tell you they still have sexual drive, they just use willpower to mask it (some more successfully than others...). From what's available on the internet it also appears men have a far stronger sexual drive than women.

I find it interesting people are not able to comprehend these facts. In many businesses and public venues men are expected to dress in suits or attire that covers their whole bodies from the neck down and in neutral colors whereas with women the dress code is far more relaxed, low necklines are accepted, attire can be form fitting, the color spectrum is far more open.

When men communicate in certain cases they have found the way a woman dressed distracting they are attacked, there was an incident in BC a couple years ago regarding this if anyone can remember, this is no different. Women know this and use it as a tool, it makes sense.

To answer your question, in my mind they have a totally legitimate argument.  I think there should be school uniforms. If we are expecting an environment where people are expected to accomplish something (teaching and learning in this case) everybody should be required to wear the least distracting clothing possible.   

My opinion...

I wonder how the Muslim women turn on Muslim men when all a guy gets to see is her face, hands or feet? I thank gawd that I was born in a non-Muslim country where I get to see a lot more of what I am looking for and can get all excited over. It makes non-Muslim women a lot more attractive to gawk at then looking at some Muslim woman all covered up from head to toe. And like you said, men are hard wired to look at women because that is how nature intended it to be. There is nothing that men can do about that.  Just saying. :D

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13 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Of course we have laws for what people can wear, in public, at school or the work place. Every country has these things, but especially countries which are under Islamic rule. In those countries people are sometimes given harsh punishment if they don't dress correctly, flogging, caning or perhaps worse. We have laws against indecent exposure in Canada, but no such punishments. In fact physical punishment in the form of beatings is not permitted for any crime in Canada.

LoL again, when its done by someones close to you, you guys start to be perfectly logical :lol: I am sure the school management is a "lone wolf" and they all has some "mental problems".

Seem like you are offended and this is why you are trying to compare non-Muslims and so-called self-proclaimed Muslim countries. I am asking a general question, I dont compare anyone and I make general statements but you are trying to attack.

The school which is the subject for this topic do not have a rule about the tightness or kind of trousers other than its color, therefore girls are dressing as they wish within the rules, then school management starts to complain about the tightness of it. 

Its like you all defending "free speech" as long as free speech do not aimed at you :lol: what is the reason for that ? Is it a "private school" ? or what ? 


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18 hours ago, Thinkinoutsidethebox said:

To answer your question, in my mind they have a totally legitimate argument.  I think there should be school uniforms. If we are expecting an environment where people are expected to accomplish something (teaching and learning in this case) everybody should be required to wear the least distracting clothing possible.   

My opinion...

Yes I can understand that, there may be school uniforms but this school has options for it and girls are dressing according to options. Having an uniform is related with seriousness, discipline, order etc. It have nothing with sexual desires of male teachers, at least we always led to think so, appearently its also about sexuality. Is not it backwardness ?

Look what I remember now, I think there was another school in Britain that decided to seperate male and female students because they are focusing at the lessons much bether when they are far from each other :lol: I will try to find a news link of it. 

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5 hours ago, Altai said:

Yes I can understand that, there may be school uniforms but this school has options for it and girls are dressing according to options. Having an uniform is related with seriousness, discipline, order etc. It have nothing with sexual desires of male teachers, at least we always led to think so, appearently its also about sexuality. Is not it backwardness ?

Look what I remember now, I think there was another school in Britain that decided to seperate male and female students because they are focusing at the lessons much bether when they are far from each other :lol: I will try to find a news link of it. 


Oops! I didn't realize the article continued farther down LOL, the school does have basically a school uniform policy (or at least a strict dress code) 

I'm not a fan of leggings as to me they make girls look kinda like frogs standing up :unsure:  Finishing the story it appears it may more an embarrassment to the school than a sexual issue. In other words they are pissing the teachers off... 

If it is genuinely causing distraction in a sexual way than I say it's not backwards at all we need to realize we are sexual beings instead of trying to drive it underground.

Personally I think there are situations where male and female students could be segregated. In the classroom environment it's not an issue as males and females have the same intelligence and we can learn to work together as well as challenge each other. That being said, I think we should celebrate we are two different sexes, let there be boys only classes and girls only classes. There are two perspectives society is trying to squash and we are ruining our diversity and competitiveness because of it. 

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16 hours ago, Altai said:

LoL again, when its done by someones close to you, you guys start to be perfectly logical :lol: I am sure the school management is a "lone wolf" and they all has some "mental problems".

Seem like you are offended and this is why you are trying to compare non-Muslims and so-called self-proclaimed Muslim countries. I am asking a general question, I dont compare anyone and I make general statements but you are trying to attack.

The school which is the subject for this topic do not have a rule about the tightness or kind of trousers other than its color, therefore girls are dressing as they wish within the rules, then school management starts to complain about the tightness of it. 

Its like you all defending "free speech" as long as free speech do not aimed at you :lol: what is the reason for that ? Is it a "private school" ? or what ? 


I am certainly not offended, and not attacking. Freedom does not mean anyone can do anything they want. That is not freedom at all actually, it is anarchy and leads to chaos, the end of society. The very nature of civilization requires that there be some limit to freedom. In order for people to live together in peace, there has to be compromise. How far that compromise goes depends on the civilization's values. Some societies are more liberal, some are more conservative... that is obvious. The point is, there are degrees of freedom. Where it is harsh and controlling at one end of the spectrum, or lawless and out of control (chaos) at the other, you don't want to live in those areas. They are the result of extremism. You want to live somewhere in-between, in a society that has a "reasonable" level of freedom. The actual level considered reasonable is something that our society constantly argues about.

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10 hours ago, Thinkinoutsidethebox said:

Personally I think there are situations where male and female students could be segregated. In the classroom environment it's not an issue as males and females have the same intelligence and we can learn to work together as well as challenge each other. That being said, I think we should celebrate we are two different sexes, let there be boys only classes and girls only classes.

We've moved beyond that dichotomy. If you want to use sexual identity to divide people into rooms, you better plan for a lot more rooms.

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55 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

We've moved beyond that dichotomy. If you want to use sexual identity to divide people into rooms, you better plan for a lot more rooms.

I guess you're right in most school settings. We definitely can't afford more rooms but even within a room it would be good to divide boys and girls occasionally, we did that when I was in school a few times. It was good fun and I think we learned a few things about how the sexes approach problems and think differently.

I think it's a yin/yang thing and we should embrace it :)

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14 minutes ago, Thinkinoutsidethebox said:

I think it's a yin/yang thing and we should embrace it :)

Sorry, I can't agree. My view is just stick to the basics, as in yer readin, writin, and rithmetic. Stay focused on the things that matter and remove all distractions. That includes hot button social justice warrior issues, and hot pants.

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5 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Sorry, I can't agree. My view is just stick to the basics, as in yer readin, writin, and rithmetic. Stay focused on the things that matter and remove all distractions. That includes hot button social justice warrior issues, and hot pants.

I agree but we do need to learn how to deal with our differences as well. Maybe readin, writin, and rithmetic needs to be taught in the 'mornin and social skills be taught in the afternoon? 

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11 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

I am certainly not offended, and not attacking. Freedom does not mean anyone can do anything they want. That is not freedom at all actually, it is anarchy and leads to chaos, the end of society. The very nature of civilization requires that there be some limit to freedom. In order for people to live together in peace, there has to be compromise. How far that compromise goes depends on the civilization's values. Some societies are more liberal, some are more conservative... that is obvious. The point is, there are degrees of freedom. Where it is harsh and controlling at one end of the spectrum, or lawless and out of control (chaos) at the other, you don't want to live in those areas. They are the result of extremism. You want to live somewhere in-between, in a society that has a "reasonable" level of freedom. The actual level considered reasonable is something that our society constantly argues about.

LoL I will keep saying the same thing, how logical you become when its done by someones close to you guys ^_^ 

Yes I am agree with that and we had similar talks in freedom of speech topics. Freedom is limited at the point where you start to violate other people's or living things' rights. 

So do you think that girls wearing thight things are violating the rights of male teachers by driving them wild ? 

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21 hours ago, Thinkinoutsidethebox said:

Oops! I didn't realize the article continued farther down LOL, the school does have basically a school uniform policy (or at least a strict dress code) 

I'm not a fan of leggings as to me they make girls look kinda like frogs standing up :unsure:  Finishing the story it appears it may more an embarrassment to the school than a sexual issue. In other words they are pissing the teachers off... 

If it is genuinely causing distraction in a sexual way than I say it's not backwards at all we need to realize we are sexual beings instead of trying to drive it underground.

Personally I think there are situations where male and female students could be segregated. In the classroom environment it's not an issue as males and females have the same intelligence and we can learn to work together as well as challenge each other. That being said, I think we should celebrate we are two different sexes, let there be boys only classes and girls only classes. There are two perspectives society is trying to squash and we are ruining our diversity and competitiveness because of it. 

Seem like the school has an uniform policy which requires students to wear the same shirts with school emblem but they are allow to wear their trouser as they wish as long as its black. Some girls start to wear thight trousers and it starts to be problem because they are given detention and told "its distracting teachers and other students".  

No sorry you illogically fabricate the part that "its pissing off" teachers. They claim they are told that IT IS DISTRACTING TEACHERS. So male teachers are getting confused and having hard time to focus on lessons because of a sexy body in front of them :lol:

Is this not soooooooo BACKWARD ?

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2 hours ago, Altai said:
2 hours ago, Altai said:

No sorry you illogically fabricate the part that "its pissing off" teachers. They claim they are told that IT IS DISTRACTING TEACHERS. So male teachers are getting confused and having hard time to focus on lessons because of a sexy body in front of them :lol:

Maybe not so illogical, the story also states the school requires the students to dress in "professional attire". Are tight pants considered professional attire in england? Sexually distracted is actually not mentioned in the story. I wouldn't be surprised the school and faculty are being chastised by their peers for their lax uniform policy.

2 hours ago, Altai said:

Is this not soooooooo BACKWARD ?

The policy itself is not really backward in my opinion, if the school is trying to maintain a professional image allowing people to look like they're from the local trailer park could be distracting.

Being lax about it and then cracking down mid season is backwards, yes.


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20 hours ago, Altai said:

LoL I will keep saying the same thing, how logical you become when its done by someones close to you guys ^_^ 

Yes I am agree with that and we had similar talks in freedom of speech topics. Freedom is limited at the point where you start to violate other people's or living things' rights. 

So do you think that girls wearing thight things are violating the rights of male teachers by driving them wild ? 

Thanks, I try to be very logical. The source of my logic is the same as yours.

I think those male teachers should grow up in the UK. But they seem rather sexually repressed, so I'm not surprised by their reaction. Victorianism still has a lingering effect on their culture. Here in Canada we don't have that kind of rule, except for private schools where uniforms are required.

Those pants are very popular here, almost all the girls wear them. They also like those worn-out looking blue jeans with many rips in them.

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2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Thanks, I try to be very logical. The source of my logic is the same as yours.

I think those male teachers should grow up in the UK. But they seem rather sexually repressed, so I'm not surprised by their reaction. Victorianism still has a lingering effect on their culture. Here in Canada we don't have that kind of rule, except for private schools where uniforms are required.

Those pants are very popular here, almost all the girls wear them. They also like those worn-out looking blue jeans with many rips in them.

Really ? So these poor opressed guys should be approached with love and compassion, we should not blame them ^_^ awww thanks for your kind and considerate approach.


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On 16/11/2017 at 3:11 AM, Altai said:

Really ? So these poor opressed guys should be approached with love and compassion, we should not blame them ^_^ awww thanks for your kind and considerate approach.


When I say they should "Grow Up" I mean they are being stupid. I am blaming them. However I do not know what the whole story is. Maybe these girls were wearing pants with half their ass hanging out. In that case something might need to be said... so there is always a limit. The boundary between civilization and barbarism is always subject to debate.

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35 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

When I say they should "Grow Up" I mean they are being stupid. I am blaming them. However I do not know what the whole story is. Maybe these girls were wearing pants with half their ass hanging out. In that case something might need to be said... so there is always a limit. The boundary between civilization and barbarism is always subject to debate.

Anyway, I lost all my interest to talk to you. You are just fabricating stories in your mind instead of reading "trustworth" British media and simply say "yes this is backward" or "no this is not backward".  

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3 minutes ago, Altai said:

Anyway, I lost all my interest to talk to you. You are just fabricating stories in your mind instead of reading "trustworth" British media and simply say "yes this is backward" or "no this is not backward".  

So, if people try to have reasonable conversation you lose interest? Oh well up to you.

Doesn't mean I will let you get away with posting illogical nonsense. :D 

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Just now, OftenWrong said:

So, if people try to have reasonable conversation you lose interest? Oh well up to you.

I dont think you are trying to be reasonable, you just find it backward and you are trying to justify it in a way by fabricating scenarios in your mind.

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32 minutes ago, Altai said:

I dont think you are trying to be reasonable, you just find it backward and you are trying to justify it in a way by fabricating scenarios in your mind.

Nonsense, it's very logical. You do not understand the concept of freedom, like many people who live in countries where freedom has been restricted for a long time, you incorrectly presume freedom means to do whatever you wish. That in my opinion is falsehood. If you have a different opinion I'd like to hear it, but now it seems like you are running away from the discussion. Because your position is illogical, you cannot stand. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Schools are fully entitled to enforce a dress code that’s stricter than the minimum legally permitted. Below the age of consent and majority, young people, especially girls, should be directed in ways that help them cope with the flood of messages from peers and media that can lead them into poor choices. Soon, as adults in Canada and the UK, they will be free to make up their own minds, which is as it should be in every country, but they deserve to be equipped with the best tools to do so. An appropriate dress code is a small but significant part of this process. 

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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