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Soft Jihad, is a non-violent alternative to the kind of jihad that we know.   Another name for it is "Stealth Jihad."  It infiltrates, and make itself seem to be a progressive or a liberal....but its objective is just the same as the objectives of the violent jihad. 


We know that ISIS had wanted to form a caliphate.   Its objective is to have a one-world government where-in the whole world will live under Islam.




A worldwide caliphate is the concept of a single one-world government, supported in particular by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic fundamentalist militant group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.[1][2] On April 8, 2006, the Daily Times of Pakistan reported that at a rally held in Islamabad the militant organization Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan called for the formation of a worldwide caliphate, which was to begin in Pakistan.[3] In 2014, Baghdadi claimed to have succeeded in the creation of a worldwide caliphate.


Over time, various historians and scholars have had differing ideas about the origins of this concept. One viewpoint is expressed in the 2007 book Islamic Imperialism: A History, in which the author Efraim Karsh explains his belief of the concept's origin:[10]

As a universal religion, Islam envisages a global political order in which all humankind will live under Muslim rule as either believers or subject communities. In order to achieve this goal it is incumbent on all free, male, adult Muslims to carry out an uncompromising struggle "in the path of Allah", or jihad. This in turn makes those parts of the world that have not yet been conquered by the House of Islam an abode of permanent conflict (Dar al-Harb, the "house of war") which will only end with Islam's eventual triumph.





Stealth Jihad tries to soften the image of Islam....to make it palatable.  We see some of the progression it's made into our society as we speak:



Under the banners of "tolerance" and "civil rights," stealth jihadists introduce, in piecemeal fashion, elements of Sharia into Western societies and then demand that non-Muslims make allowance for those elements.



Segregation of males and females ring a bell?  Why are some places a no-go zones for women?


Soft Jihad tries to compare itself with Christianity - some even go as far as making it similar to Christianity.  They have to, if they're going to go into nations that are predominantly Christians.



Some examples of how stealth jihad has made inroads into U.S. and Western culture include the following:

Ever since 9/11, political leaders, educators, and media personnel -- bowing to pressure from Muslim advocacy groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) -- have gone to great lengths to emphasize the notion that Islam itself is a "religion of peace" and tolerance; that jihad in its truest sense is nothing more than an inward quest for spiritual tranquility and moral purity; and that those who promote violence in the name of Islam are merely fringe extremists who have "hijacked" an otherwise peaceful faith.  




  The examples above are numerous - it's an interesting read.





By Andrew C. McCarthy


Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction.” Readers of this book are likely to conclude that the turning point may be much nearer than they thought. Its author, Andrew C. McCarthy, was the U.S. attorney in New York City who put away Omar Abdel Rahman, “The Blind Sheik,” and his co-conspirators after the 1993 World Trade Center garage truck bombing. The case prompted Mr. McCarthy to become a deep and serious student of jihad.


Mr. McCarthy’s focus is not on al Qaeda violence, suicide bombers or the Taliban, despite the importance of picking off their leaders, disrupting their finances and, whenever possible, putting them out of business. Rather, he concentrates on a nonviolent but pervasive and insidious form of jihad worming its way into American society. It is the “soft” jihad inspired and led by the Muslim Brotherhood, the “godfather” of most jihadist organizations operating in the Western world.

Most Americans are unfamiliar with the Muslim Brotherhood, created in Egypt in 1922 by Hassan al-Banna. It was Banna who first used the term “Islamist” to describe the belief system “which holds that Islam is the complete obligatory guide to human existence, governing all matters political, social, cultural and religious.” Banna’s description applies not only to the Osama bin Ladens of the world but also to a large number of Muslims who share the Osama goal of having Shariah law rule everywhere (although they do not actively promote violence themselves).

There are, of course, many Muslims who are happy living in societies led by secular governments and want nothing more than to pursue happiness for themselves and their families. Many Islamists, however, consider such co-religionists apostates for living this way and, according to the Islamist interpretation of the Koran and the haddith (Muhammad’s teachings) say they will be considered disposable where and when Shariah law prevails.



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Don't be surprised to see soft jihadi using lies....and disinformation.





Islam Permits Lying to Deceive Unbelievers and Bring World Domination!



deception; the islamic word for concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies.



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“It's not radical Islam that worries the US -- it's independence” 
― Noam Chomsky

There is no radical Islam, soft or hard. There are many, many who are fed up with western nations pillaging their lands and murdering their children. Remember, international law defines the US/UK and the other war criminals as the ones who are responsible for all the war crimes and other crimes that flow from their first, their supreme war crime, the illegal invasions of sovereign nations. 

The US et al has created and nurtured the evil that haunts the world. It has been doing so for well over a century. 

What of the rank deniers of such vicious war crimes? Well, the people of Germany sat by while unspeakable evil was perpetrated by their government. Would they have sat idly by had theirs been a "democracy", like we have in the west?

Why are there so many westerners who sit silent while the unspeakable crimes of the US/UK/... go on? Why is there this large, vocal group who actually plump for these vicious crimes, defend these vicious crimes, give support to what Noam Chomsky describes above, the real reason for US war crimes?


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6 minutes ago, betsy said:

Islam Permits Lying to Deceive Unbelievers and Bring World Domination!

That is really hilarious. What country is it that brags about, that is seeking Full Spectrum Dominance. 

What country is it that has invaded myriad countries, murdered without any restraint, all to steal the bread from children's mouths. 

Now that is christianity!



The United States Department of Defense defines "full-spectrum superiority" as:

The cumulative effect of dominance in the air, land, maritime, and space domains and information environment, which includes cyberspace, that permits the conduct of joint operations without effective opposition or prohibitive interference.[1]

The United States military's doctrine has espoused a strategic intent to be capable of achieving this state in a conflict, either alone or with allies[2] by defeating any adversary and controlling any situation across the range of military operations.

The stated intent implies significant investment in a range of capabilities: dominant maneuver, precision engagement, focused logistics, and full-dimensional protection.




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1 hour ago, hot enough said:

“It's not radical Islam that worries the US -- it's independence” 
― Noam Chomsky

There is no radical Islam, soft or hard.




See?  There is no radical Islam, guys.  :lol:

We're all just imagining ISIS, and all the terrorisms being committed for Allah. 


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Did this all come to you while you were writhing around on the floor at Sunday evangelical services, having a religious experience, Betsy?

“That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything.” 
― Noam Chomsky

Does your entire congregation hope and pray for the annihilation of the Muslims at Sunday services or is this just your own fantasy?

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5 hours ago, hot enough said:

“It's not radical Islam that worries the US -- it's independence” 
― Noam Chomsky

There is no radical Islam, soft or hard. There are many, many who are fed up with western nations pillaging their lands and murdering their children. 


Then how is it that every time there's a terror incident involving Islam, none of them ever give "poverty" as a reason for their actions?  When they state their reason is for their religion, why do you disagree with them? 

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15 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Then how is it that every time there's a terror incident involving Islam, none of them ever give "poverty" as a reason for their actions?  When they state their reason is for their religion, why do you disagree with them? 

Again, please, Goddess, you went to university.

The events happening - In a western country? in a Muslim country? I don't mean to be unkind but you discuss these things in the linear fashion the propaganda feeds to you. Now don't get upset, think. What did Osama bin Laden say as to why he went from being a US asset to someone fighting the US? 

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2 hours ago, hot enough said:


“That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything.” 
― Noam Chomsky



Like the slogan called ....





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2 hours ago, hot enough said:


“That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything.” 
― Noam Chomsky



Yeah.  You should know.  I'm all too familiar with the bombardment of propaganda..........coming from you! 

You're spamming all the threads with your propaganda.  hearty-laugh.gif


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4 minutes ago, betsy said:

Like the propaganda called ....





More like the propaganda designating others as terrorists, [which has led to Islamophobia] when the US is far and away the leading terrorist nation/group of all time, Betsy. 

"The phrase 'war on terrorism' should always be used in quotes, cause there can't possibly be a war on terrorism, it's impossible. The reason is it's led by one of the worst terrorist states in the world, in fact it's led by the only state in the world which has been condemned by the highest international authorities for international terrorism, namely the World Court and Security Council, except that the US vetoed the resolution." - Noam Chomsky

Okay, so we have the US, "he only state in the world which has been condemned by the highest international authorities for international terrorism", the US, the only state that has been condemned for the last quarter century by the UNGA [198-2] for its terrorism against Cuba, 

Can you not see the huge disconnect from reality? 

Muslims/radical Islam are simply the "commies" of old, which actually still works wonders on folks unable to think for themselves.

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9 minutes ago, betsy said:


Yeah.  You should know.  I'm all too familiar with the bombardment of propaganda..........coming from you! 

You're spamming all the threads with your propaganda.  


Okay, you don't understand what Professor Chomsky is saying. But you can learn, if you have an open mind. Tough stuff for an evangelical or a rabid religious person of any stripe I know but it can be done. 

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Just now, hot enough said:

More like the propaganda designating others as terrorists, [which has led to Islamophobia] when the US is far and away the leading terrorist nation/group of all time, Betsy. 

"The phrase 'war on terrorism' should always be used in quotes, cause there can't possibly be a war on terrorism, it's impossible. The reason is it's led by one of the worst terrorist states in the world, in fact it's led by the only state in the world which has been condemned by the highest international authorities for international terrorism, namely the World Court and Security Council, except that the US vetoed the resolution." - Noam Chomsky

Okay, so we have the US, "he only state in the world which has been condemned by the highest international authorities for international terrorism", the US, the only state that has been condemned for the last quarter century by the UNGA [198-2] for its terrorism against Cuba, 

Can you not see the huge disconnect from reality? 

Muslims/radical Islam are simply the "commies" of old, which actually still works wonders on folks unable to think for themselves.


The only disconnect comes from you so far.  You can't see the reality of being in a forum. :)


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8 minutes ago, hot enough said:

Okay, you don't understand what Professor Chomsky is saying.


You don't.

You can't even see he's talking about you. Except that it's not because your propaganda is good (they're actually nonsense).....but you're like the energizer bunny.  You're aiming to  wear us out!  smiley.gif

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6 minutes ago, hot enough said:

Betsy, the evangelical christian. Would your pastor support you in this? Is this how all evangelical christians act?


Now, you're back to using the Christianity card.  rolling-on-the-floor-laughing-smiley-emo

That means you are losing. :lol:


This has become a pattern with you, you know.  You dig up the Christian card every time you're getting stymied.

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35 minutes ago, hot enough said:

The only reason the christian thing comes up is because you constantly parade your stunningly unchristian evangelical christianity, Betsy. Why are you like this? Does your bible tell you act in this unchristian manner? Is this the way to salvation, the way to god?


Is that how you're supposed to get to Christians eh?  That's the strategy on your playbook? 


Too bad it doesn't work with me.  You know why?  Because....


......the way you're throwing the Bible at me is the same way Satan threw the Scriptures at Jesus.  Nice try, though it ain't a surprise.  Jihad in any form is......evil.






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6 minutes ago, betsy said:


Is that how you're supposed to get to Christians eh?  That's the strategy on your playbook? 

Too bad it doesn't work with me.  You know why?  Because....

......the way you're throwing the Bible at me is the same way Satan threw the Scriptures at Jesus.  Nice try, though.


No, that was just some hard truths. Forgive me. 

You could be more christian if you wanted. Going to a unchristian rule book - "now what's that come back line again about the devil and jesus" just shows that you are another product of a narrow minded book. You could think for yourself if you truly wanted to. 

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2 minutes ago, hot enough said:

No, that was just some hard truths.


That's what Satan wants you to believe.  You're being used.




Forgive me. 




Ask forgiveness from God. 


I'll pray for you.  It's never too late to see and go to the light.

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