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Targeting Muslims, just a new Red Scare

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All this nonsense about Muslims is simply a repeat of the vacuous, empty-headed nonsense that went on in Canada and, more virulently, in the USA, the bastion of freedom of thought and expression. 

I sure do see a lot of folks described perfectly in the following article, folks who can't or what is becoming more apparent, WON'T think. 

What was probably the worst thing of all was the leaders, the media, the people we expect to be responsible being pulled into the same evil morass as the easily duped low lifes. 

We see the same things happening here, today, right at this website, people absolutely refusing to look at, discuss, ponder anything that goes against their blind world view. How does a group of people become so wedded to such evil lies?


The Red Scare
Canada searches for communists during the height of Cold War tensions

seperator_white.gifAt the height of the Cold War, Canada joined its southern neighbour in an effort to unearth homegrown communists, real or imagined. 


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Minister of External Affairs Lester B. Pearson cautioned against succumbing  "to the black madness of the witch hunt" when Canada began to track down homegrown communists in the early 1950s. (National Archives of Canada, PA-126393)
Minister of External Affairs Lester B. Pearson cautioned against succumbing "to the black madness of the witch hunt" when Canada began to track down homegrown communists in the early 1950s. (National Archives of Canada, PA-126393)


Communism was a dirty word in Canada and the western world after the Second World War. The common view was that communists were planning to overthrow democracy. Therefore anyone with communist leanings, or even progressive opinions should be under suspicion.

In 1955, the jet aircraft manufacturer Canadair published an ad revealing typical anti-communist sentiments of the time:

"Everywhere are evidences of the continuous underground, cancerous movements of Communism ... Only eternal vigilance can protect us against Communism and its infiltration into our way of life."

In the United States, Senator Joseph McCarthy led the communist witch-hunts in the 1950s. He convinced many Americans that members of the Communist Party had infiltrated the United States government.

McCarthy's unfounded charge sparked a frantic search for "Reds" under every American bed. A parade of the nation's actors, writers, journalists and labour leaders appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee, to be interrogated about political affiliation and beliefs.

In Canada, Minister of External Affairs Lester B. Pearson cautioned against following in American footsteps.

"Let us by all means remove the traitors from positions of trust, but in doing so, I hope we may never succumb to the black madness of the witch hunt."

On the whole Canada proceeded forcefully but more discreetly that the Americans. Ottawa set up a sweeping system of security checks. In one year alone, 70,000 checks were done. The RCMP quietly investigated civil servants, scientists, university professors, and trade unionists, seeking out political or sexual nonconformity.


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Premier Maurice Duplessis introduced the Quebec Padlock Act in 1937 to give police the power to seal off any property where communist literature or activity was suspected. (National Archives of Canada, C-031052)
Premier Maurice Duplessis introduced the Quebec Padlock Act in 1937 to give police the power to seal off any property where communist literature or activity was suspected. (National Archives of Canada, C-031052)

In Quebec, Premier Maurice Duplessis was a vociferous anti-communist crusader.

"The world is in a crisis more dangerous and evil than the most grave and destructive of diseases. Nowhere else but in Quebec is there a law protecting people against the vile cocaine of communism. "

The Quebec Padlock law gave police the power to seal off any property where communist literature or activity was suspected.

Danielle Dionne was a Communist. She and her family became a target for Quebecs Red Squads.

"When I saw five strapping provincial police enter my home, I experienced an instinctive moment of fear, but I quickly realized that there was nothing I could do but remain silent. They rummaged through drawers and bookcases, removing literature and books. We had to change apartments a few times, because of the raids. "

A Macleans magazine columnist described the paranoid atmosphere of the time:

"If a housewife in Ottawa hears a knock on her door, it can be one of only two people. The milkman or the RCMP".

The anti-communist zeal extended beyond the government ranks.

Gordon Martin was a British Columbia man who served with the Royal Canadian Air Force for four years during the war. He received an honourable discharge and went to the University of British Columbia where he graduated with a degree in law in 1948.

In his application to the bar, the law society asked Martin about his politics. He had been a member of the Communist Party since 1938, but responded that queries about his political affiliation violated his freedom of thought and association.

The benchers rejected Martin's application for membership in the society, which made it impossible for him to practice law in B.C., citing his candidacy in the Labour Progressive Party.

Martin found work with a logging company driving a caterpillar, and later worked in a sawmill. Eventually he set up a television repair shop in Nanaimo. He died in 1974. Twenty-four years later the B.C. Law Society apologized to the Martin family.

Canada's hunt for communists began to lose momentum in the mid-1950s as the anti-Communist fervour died down throughout the West. Senator Joseph McCarthy was discredited in the United States after he directed his anti-communist attacks on the American army. In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin died in 1952 and was replaced by the more moderate leader Nikita Khrushchev.



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I wonder what the end result of me exercising my freedom of thought and expression about God would be if I were doing so in Iran, or Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan, or Bangladesh, or some equivalent country.


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7 minutes ago, Goddess said:

OK, I was hoping we could discuss your views rationally, because I agree with you that the West is not blameless.  But right off the bat, you deny there are any issues in or with Islam.


Please, Goddess, logic. 4,000,000 to [what pitifully small number in comparison]. Let's look at this in a balanced manner. I said I would look at all. 

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17 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I wonder what the end result of me exercising my freedom of thought and expression about God would be if I were doing so in Iran, or Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan, or Bangladesh, or some equivalent country.


What has this got to do with anything but a feeble attempt at distraction? This was a zero issue for you, and everyone else, prior to September 11, 2001. 

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23 minutes ago, hot enough said:

What has this got to do with anything but a feeble attempt at distraction? This was a zero issue for you, and everyone else, prior to September 11, 2001. 

I was pretty much introduced to this by Salman Rushdie.  A lot of the nonsense over The Satanic Verses was in my home town.  Complete idiots burning books on the ends of sticks.  Tossers.

It was the first time I had ever heard of a Fatwa. 

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Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do because they don't like what someone else has said - Blaise Pascal
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Yeah, right tossers. 

This would have been when the US was using the Afghan people's lives, one US official thought one to two million would be alright, to "give the Soviets their own Vietnam".

And you warm, kind, benevolent folks remember the "US's mistakes", you know, those times when their hearts were in the right place but they made a few errors. The folks who you all grew up lovin' because they made such great movies about how they saved people from the savage [fill in the blank].



Q: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs [“From the Shadows”], that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention. In this period you were the national security adviser to President Carter. You therefore played a role in this affair. Is that correct?

Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.

Q: Despite this risk, you were an advocate of this covert action. But perhaps you yourself desired this Soviet entry into war and looked to provoke it?

Brzezinski: It isn’t quite that. We didn’t push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would.

Q: When the Soviets justified their intervention by asserting that they intended to fight against a secret involvement of the United States in Afghanistan, people didn’t believe them. However, there was a basis of truth. You don’t regret anything today?

Brzezinski: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter: We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war. Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war unsupportable by the government, a conflict that brought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.



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42 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I was pretty much introduced to this by Salman Rushdie.  A lot of the nonsense over The Satanic Verses was in my home town.  Complete idiots burning books on the ends of sticks.  Tossers.



I remember Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) calling for Rushdie's death....so early on we knew we were dealing with extremists.


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Another US high official, much much worse than a tosser, I give you Henry Kissinger, himself a Jew. 

These examples of deeply amoral individuals are not the exception, they are the rule in the American prez administrations. 




Kissinger has a history of saying outrageous things that reveal a dark callousness and hostility to the lives of innocent civilians. Here's a sampling: 

Top 10 Kissinger Quotes
1. Soviet Jews: “The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy. And if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern.” (link)

2. Bombing Cambodia: “[Nixon] wants a massive bombing campaign in Cambodia. He doesn't want to hear anything about it. It's an order, to be done. Anything that flies or anything that moves.” (link

3. Bombing Vietnam: "It's wave after wave of planes. You see, they can't see the B-52 and they dropped a million pounds of bombs ... I bet you we will have had more planes over there in one day than Johnson had in a month ... each plane can carry about 10 times the load of World War II plane could carry."  (link)

4. Khmer Rouge: “How many people did (Khmer Rouge Foreign Minister Ieng Sary) kill? Tens of thousands? You should tell the Cambodians (i.e., Khmer Rouge) that we will be friends with them. They are murderous thugs, but we won’t let that stand in the way. We are prepared to improve relations with them. Tell them the latter part, but don’t tell them what I said before.” (Nov. 26, 1975 meeting with Thai foreign minister)

5. Dan Ellsberg: “Because that son-of-a-bitch—First of all, I would expect—I know him well—I am sure he has some more information---I would bet that he has more information that he’s saving for the trial.  Examples of American war crimes that triggered him into it…It’s the way he’d operate….Because he is a despicable bastard.” (Oval Office tape, July 27, 1971)

6. Robert McNamara: “Boohoo, boohoo … He’s still beating his breast, right? Still feeling guilty. ” (Pretending to cry, rubbing his eyes.)

7. Assassination:  “It is an act of insanity and national humiliation to have a law prohibiting the President from ordering assassination.” (Statement at a National Security Council meeting, 1975)

8. Chile: “I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves.” (link)

9. Illegality-Unconstitutionality: “The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.” (from March 10, 1975 meeting with Turkish foreign minister Melih Esenbel in Ankara, Turkey)

10. On His Own Character: “Americans like the cowboy … who rides all alone into the town, the village, with his horse and nothing else … This amazing, romantic character suits me precisely because to be alone has always been part of my style or, if you like, my technique.” (November 1972 interview with Oriana Fallaci)




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31 minutes ago, hot enough said:

Another US high official, much much worse than a tosser, I give you Henry Kissinger, himself a Jew. 

These examples of deeply amoral individuals are not the exception, they are the rule in the American prez administrations. 



Does it bother you so much that I think the people who think Salman Rushdie should be killed are tossers?

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13 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Does it bother you so much that I think the people who think Salman Rushdie should be killed are tossers?

It doesn't bother me at all. What shocks me is how you can be so shocked at someone who thinks a body should be killed and just two of the many US tossers who were responsible for maybe 5 or 6 million people between them who were actually killed.

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11 minutes ago, hot enough said:

I just had a look back. It seems that you are more bothered by "Complete idiots burning books on the ends of sticks.  Tossers", than you are by two men, and I quote, "who were responsible for maybe 5 or 6 million people between them who were actually killed".


I'm not.  You told me I first learned of Islamic idiocy on 9/11.  I didn't.  I told you when I did.  It seemed to bother you.  Probably because I'm not supposed to think things like that.

I was never very keen on either of the men you mentioned, although I knew far more about, and disliked more, Henry Kissinger.  It's telling that in a thread you started, about targetting Muslims, you go off on tangents when anyone does.  Even if they have good reason.

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2. Bombing Cambodia: “[Nixon] wants a massive bombing campaign in Cambodia. He doesn't want to hear anything about it. It's an order, to be done. Anything that flies or anything that moves.” (link


This has a typo in it. Nixon actually said, 

Anything that flies ON anything that moves. meaning, Anything we, the USA has that flies [and can bomb] on anything on the ground in Cambodia that moves.

And here we have Kissinger describing a war crime, targeting civilians, directed to do so by the prez of the USA.

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10 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I'm not.  You told me I first leaned of Islamic idiocy on 9/11.  I didn't.  I told you when I did.  It seemed to bother you.  Probably because I'm not supposed to think things like that.

I was never very keen on either of the men you mentioned, although I knew far mor about, and disliked more, Henry Kissinger.  It's telling that in a thread you started, about targetting Muslims, you go off on tangents when anyone does.  Even if they have good reason.

"I'm not", two little word you say and then off you go on tangents when you are faced with just two US men that share the responsibility for the deaths of millions.

"But, oh, I want to talk about my youth and other totally extraneous events - 5 million slaughtered doesn't mean much to me."

You were never very keen on them. Wow!

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Just now, hot enough said:

"I'm not", two little word you say and then off you go on tangents when you are faced with just two US men that share the responsibility for the deaths of millions.

"But, oh, I want to talk about my youth and other totally extraneous events - 5 million slaughtered doesn't mean much to me."

I don't think you don't have as bad a memory as you want me to believe.  So I don't really know why you would say that.

2 hours ago, hot enough said:

What has this got to do with anything but a feeble attempt at distraction? This was a zero issue for you, and everyone else, prior to September 11, 2001. 


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7 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I don't think you don't have as bad a memory as you want me to believe.  So I don't really know why you would say that.


So, while 5 to 6 million people were slaughtered by the US, with help from the UK, and others, you want to ensure that your little story gets told.

How to describe such ?? conceit, absolute disregard for humanity, ?? self absorption, what the hell is this?

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5 minutes ago, hot enough said:

So, while 5 to 6 million people were slaughtered by the US, with help from the UK, and others, you want to ensure that your little story get told. How to describe such ?? conceit, absolute disregard for humanity, ?? self absorption, what the hell is this?

It's called a response to a comment.  Anyone reading this thread in a linear fashion would see this:

he: You'd never heard of bad Islam until 9/11!

bc: Actually that's not true.  I heard of bad Islam about 12 years earlier than that.

he: But, but KISSINGER!!!

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26 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

It's called a response to a comment.

It's called a guy who sees the greatest of evils wants to focus on an inanity to divert attention away from this greatest of evils. Because he is emotionally invested in, what? 25 years of hating on Muslims. 

Did you even read the Red Scare article?

And that 5 to 6 million doesn't even include the 4 million Muslims who have died from the 1990s on. 

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30 minutes ago, hot enough said:

It's called a guy who sees the greatest of evils wants to focus on an inanity to divert attention away from this greatest of evils. Because he is emotionally invested in, what? 25 years of hating on Muslims. 

Did you even read the Red Scare article?

And that 5 to 6 million doesn't even include the 4 million Muslims who have died from the 1990s on. 

Well, Panto again.  You make stuff up as you go. 

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7 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Well, Panto again.  You make stuff up as you go. 


No need to on this end...pick a century...Islam has its moments.

Let's see...say the mid 11th century AD.


How Islamic State of them.


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You mean like the US supporting PolPot and the Khmer Rouge. After the US killed a million or so Cambodians, [not that it matters to you] they set the stage for the slaughter of how many millions more. That didn't concern the USA/Kissinger, he still wanted to be their friends. 

“How many people did (Khmer Rouge Foreign Minister Ieng Sary) kill? Tens of thousands? You should tell the Cambodians (i.e., Khmer Rouge) that we will be friends with them. They are murderous thugs, but we won’t let that stand in the way. We are prepared to improve relations with them. Tell them the latter part, but don’t tell them what I said before.” 

-Henry Kissinger

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10 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


No need to on this end...pick a century...Islam has its moments.

Let's see...say the mid 11th century AD.


How Islamic State of them.


You are so 10 centuries ago. So desperate. Why are you attempting to hide, to distract from the 4 million Muslims murdered since 1990, so many Muslims murdered because of the Big Lie.

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