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RCMP will not report on illegals entering Canada.

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22 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

You're still conflating private and public religious practice in the schools.  I can't tell if you're confused or dishonest.

Foreign religions like Islam or Sikhism, and the many others out there should be kept in their own places of worship, or their own private schools(schools which should never have been allowed to exist in Canada in the first place)and never be taught or allowed in our Canadian public schools. The only religion that needs to be taught or spoken about in our public schools is Christianity as Canada is a Christian country. Islam is a foreign religion, and has no right to be able to force their beliefs and practices in our Canadian schools on our Canadian school children. Did these new immigrants come to Canada to become Canadian or did they come here to carry on with how they did things back home? This is a question that you need to ask yourself.

I don't believe that I am confused or trying to be dishonest here. I am trying to speak up for Canada. Are you a liberal multiculturalist? Curious. 


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57 minutes ago, taxme said:

The only religion that needs to be taught or spoken about in our public schools is Christianity as Canada is a Christian country.  

So... we got started because you accused Muslims of 'not giving an inch' and here you are trying to roll back to pre-constitution times, making Christianity the state religion.

I agree with the separation of church and state, which includes PRIVATE prayer clubs in schools.

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8 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

So... we got started because you accused Muslims of 'not giving an inch' and here you are trying to roll back to pre-constitution times, making Christianity the state religion.

I agree with the separation of church and state, which includes PRIVATE prayer clubs in schools.

Are we talking about the same thing here? Now I am starting to wonder if we are on the same page here? You appear to be not getting what is being said but appear to be trying to add more to the topic than what was even mentioned.  

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

How can one not agree with someone who uses common sense and logic? Many decades ago I was pretty much a liberal until I listened to the other side of the story. Today the liberal left cannot make me believe anything they say anymore. They are nothing more than a bunch of intolerant and bigoted liars and crap disturbers. Do you agree? 

I bet I could keep posting more of his opinions and you'd be enthusiastic about them all. So maybe he's not such a bad Canadian, even though he's not white? I mean, could we not use more guys like this?

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8 minutes ago, Argus said:

I bet I could keep posting more of his opinions and you'd be enthusiastic about them all. So maybe he's not such a bad Canadian, even though he's not white? I mean, could we not use more guys like this?

Well ya, if a person uses common sense and logic than why not want to keep listening to him? It is obvious that this guy does not speak political correctness, and that is what I find refreshing about this guy. Because he is black does not bother me at all. Sorry to have to burst your bubble. 

What Canada needs is more white people like him who are able to think for themselves, and not let the fake and phony liberal media establishment do it all for them. What is needed is more common sense and logic to be the norm. Liberal emotionalism, foolishness, and always wanting to appear to be politically correct is not the normal way people should be living by. Indeed, Canada needs more people like him, not more of liberalism brainwashing politically correct nonsense. 

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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

Go back several pages.  You can't accuse people of taking an inch then demand that Christianity be named the state religion, come on.

What country are you living in? Is this Canada or is this not Canad. I live in Canada, not another country. In Canada we have our ways of doing things and values and how they should be done here in Canada, and not allow ourselves to be forced to live by other foreigners who come here and try to push their lifestyle and values on Canadians. Canada is a Christian country whether anyone likes it or not. When we as Canadians start allowing other religions and cultures start to dictate to us as to how we are going to live and do things in our own country, than that is the time to start speaking out, not sit on our butts and take it.

Christmas ceremonies have pretty much disappeared in our schools and public places all for the sake of not offending some other culture and their religion. Maybe you are not concerned about what is going on in Canada but I am certainly concerned among so many other Canadians. There is no need for muslims or some other non-Christian religion to be allowed to have a separate area in any public school paid for by Canadian taxpayer's where they can go pray two to three times a day. They need to be told that this is Canada, and not some Islamic country that they are living in. Let them make the sacrifices, and don't expect Canadians to have to make the sacrifices. 

Are you all in favor of our multicultural policy here in Canada, and if so, why?  Curious. 

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6 minutes ago, taxme said:

Are you all in favor of our multicultural policy here in Canada, and if so, why?  Curious. 

My grandparents emigrated here from Scotland. Are you saying we should round up all the bagpipes in the country and send them back there?

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2 minutes ago, taxme said:

1) In Canada we have our ways of doing things and values and how they should be done here in Canada, and not allow ourselves to be forced to live by other foreigners who come here and try to push their lifestyle and values on Canadians.

2) Canada is a Christian country whether anyone likes it or not.  

3) Christmas ceremonies have pretty much disappeared in our schools and public places all for the sake of not offending some other culture and their religion.

4) Maybe you are not concerned about what is going on in Canada but I am certainly concerned among so many other Canadians. 

5) There is no need for muslims or some other non-Christian religion to be allowed to have a separate area in any public school paid for by Canadian taxpayer's where they can go pray two to three times a day.  

6) Are you all in favor of our multicultural policy here in Canada, and if so, why?  Curious. 

1) In Canada we have separate of church and state, and tolerance too from day 1 as evidenced by having 3 founding peoples.  

2) Nope.  You are making stuff up and it makes your past criticisms of liars and charlatans meaningless.  If you had a point to make you wouldn't have to make things up.

3) No... it's pretty clear that you're the one who is easily offended.  People have mostly seen that students shouldn't be forced into Christian ceremonies as it infringes peoples' rights.

4) I'm concerned about people whipping up sentiment and making things up like you have done here.  

5) Yes there is - because it's done for Christians and so it's only fair.

6) Why do you care what I think ?  You want a Christian state religion in Canada and are willing to misrepresent the truth to get it.  I will engage in honest debate only.


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49 minutes ago, taxme said:

What country are you living in? Is this Canada or is this not Canad. I live in Canada, not another country. In Canada we have our ways of doing things and values and how they should be done here in Canada, and not allow ourselves to be forced to live by other foreigners who come here and try to push their lifestyle and values on Canadians. Canada is a Christian country whether anyone likes it or not....


Yes...there is ample evidence of such a claim.   Canada's Constitution Act, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and Supreme Court have danced around this issue several times.    Catholics and Protestants enjoy denominational protections in several provinces, as described here:


Working both sides of the street on this issue is the Canadian way.

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

Well ya, if a person uses common sense and logic than why not want to keep listening to him? It is obvious that this guy does not speak political correctness, and that is what I find refreshing about this guy. Because he is black does not bother me at all. Sorry to have to burst your bubble. 

What Canada needs is more white people like him who are able to think for themselves,

Well, sure, but why not more Black people like him too?

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1 hour ago, Omni said:

My grandparents emigrated here from Scotland. Are you saying we should round up all the bagpipes in the country and send them back there?

Let's not forget that loud bagpipe music was about the extent of unpleasantness Scots brought over from the homeland. It's not nearly the same for some of today's immigrants.

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4 hours ago, Omni said:

My grandparents emigrated here from Scotland. Are you saying we should round up all the bagpipes in the country and send them back there?

No, the bagpipes can stay here if they can be repaired here. 

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4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1) In Canada we have separate of church and state, and tolerance too from day 1 as evidenced by having 3 founding peoples.  

2) Nope.  You are making stuff up and it makes your past criticisms of liars and charlatans meaningless.  If you had a point to make you wouldn't have to make things up.

3) No... it's pretty clear that you're the one who is easily offended.  People have mostly seen that students shouldn't be forced into Christian ceremonies as it infringes peoples' rights.

4) I'm concerned about people whipping up sentiment and making things up like you have done here.  

5) Yes there is - because it's done for Christians and so it's only fair.

6) Why do you care what I think ?  You want a Christian state religion in Canada and are willing to misrepresent the truth to get it.  I will engage in honest debate only.


(1)No more separation of church and state in Canada anymore, eh? In some public educational institutions in Canada muslims have been given prayer rooms to go pray in. Is that separating church from state? In one of the Peel Region schools a computer room as been handed over to muslims to go pray which is denying the non-muslim students the ability to use that room for access to the computers while the muslims are praying. Is that what you call the separation of church and state? This is a foreign religion that is demanding that a prayer room be set aside for them where this has never happened in Canada at all since the beginning of Canada. You only have to go on youtube to see that there are many residents in the Peel Region School Board district that are totally against this giving into muslims to be able to pray in designated prayer rooms. You don't have to take my word for it.  C'mon. 

(2)I don't make anything up. It is you who is trying to make it appear as though I am trying to make things up. You need to go check out what is being said on the internet with regards to Islam. 

(3)I am offended by you and your accusations towards me that I am making things up. Show me where I have made things up that were not true? 

(4)Again you are making up accusations. You need to stop this because you have not yet proven to me that this is what I am doing here. I am not going to come on here and tell everyone here that the earth is flat and I have proof of this when I know full well it is not. 

(5)In catholic and protestant schools yes. It has been done for decades in quebec and the maritime provinces where the Christian religion as been allowed to be used as part of their education.  No, it is not fair or right to have foreign religions being given the same rights as those held by protestants and catholics. After all, isn;t this suppose to be a Christian country, and has been Christian ever since Canada came into existence. And don't try to tell me that in many public schools and government buildings that Christmas ceremonies are still being held and allowed in major Canadian cities. It may still be happening in some smaller communities but certainly not in the big ones. 

(6)Well, you seem to care a lot about what I think and say, and keep challenging me on it, so why can I not ask you what you think? Is that too unreasonable to ask of you? You want debate, then debate. Anyway, I will take that as a yes then that you are in favor of Canada's present day multicultural program and agenda. Agree? 

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3 hours ago, Argus said:

Well, sure, but why not more Black people like him too?

The more blacks the better. And while we are at it why not more Asians, and more Arabs, and more East Indians or Native Indians? I don't care what the color of their skin is, just think before you speak, and try to use common sense and logic when one is giving their opinion and points of view. Burst your bubble again, have I?

I know that there are many here who are always trying to find the racist bogeyman in me but they never will because it is not there. It seems that any time anyone wishes to discuss some race of people, and they dare try to point out something that is not flattering about that race, all of a sudden they have become and are called a racist. Is this what you are trying to do here and you are trying to make me appear as though I am racist? Just curious. 

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4 minutes ago, taxme said:

The more blacks the better. And while we are at it why not more Asians, and more Arabs, and more East Indians or Native Indians? I don't care what the color of their skin is, just think before you speak, and try to use common sense and logic when one is giving their opinion and points of view. Burst your bubble again, have I?

I know that there are many here who are always trying to find the racist bogeyman in me but they never will because it is not there. It seems that any time anyone wishes to discuss some race of people, and they dare try to point out something that is not flattering about that race, all of a sudden they have become and are called a racist. Is this what you are trying to do here and you are trying to make me appear as though I am racist? Just curious. 

You make your bed, you lay in it.

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1 minute ago, Omni said:

You make your bed, you lay in it.

So, I guess what you are really trying to say here along with Argus is that all non-whites are to be immune from any kind of criticism then, eh? Only white people can be criticized and be cursed at, uhmm? Yup, that does appear to be the standard procedure these days. Deplorable. 

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2 minutes ago, taxme said:

So, I guess what you are really trying to say here along with Argus is that all non-whites are to be immune from any kind of criticism then, eh? Only white people can be criticized and be cursed at, uhmm? Yup, that does appear to be the standard procedure these days. Deplorable. 

People who emigrate here have to follow Canadian law or end up in court. If your xenophobic state of mind takes you down a different road then that's your problem. Canada is much better than that.

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7 hours ago, taxme said:

(1)No more separation of church and state in Canada anymore, eh? In some public educational institutions in Canada muslims have been given prayer rooms to go pray in. Is that separating church from state?  

Yes, because private prayer clubs do not force religion on students in a public institution, whereas mandatory Christian prayers and ceremony do.  I have tried to explain this difference to you several times.  I don't want to accuse you of misleading people, so I'll recuse myself from this discussion from you and conclude that you just can't understand this difference.

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13 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Go back several pages.  You can't accuse people of taking an inch then demand that Christianity be named the state religion, come on.

Christianity is essentially Canada's religion. Catholicism would be second, but still both stem from Christianity. When we talk about God in this westernized context we are speaking specifically about the Christian god.

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6 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Christianity is essentially Canada's religion. Catholicism would be second, but still both stem from Christianity. When we talk about God in this westernized context we are speaking specifically about the Christian god.e t

Are you saying that we should just force people to follow Christianity in public schools and public spaces ?  Because if not, I don't know what your point is in the context of the present discussion.


Canada lets refugees in, of any religion.  That is what we are.  If you want to change what we are, then explain why and how.  The one person pushing for change here is a self-described 'white nationalist' who doesn't demonstrate understanding of private religious clubs vs public.

These same people - the ones who stumble at the entrance to any discussion of this topic on very basic definitions - decry that they're not allowed to discuss culture etc. etc.  

I honestly don't know what to do about the situation.

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Lets not forget that xenophobes at the time said all the same things about the Irish, Dukobors, Italians, Asians, Jews, Blacks, and everybody else. We used to have an actual law on the books that said "Members of the asiatic race can only come to Canada if they work on a farm"

Xenophobia is as Canadian as maple syrup.

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8 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Christianity is essentially Canada's religion. Catholicism would be second, but still both stem from Christianity. When we talk about God in this westernized context we are speaking specifically about the Christian god.

Only 1 in 5 Canadians attend church regularly whether its to worship the fake roman jesus dude, or any of the deity beliefs derived from the dispicable maggot Abraham guy.This is probably one of the least religious places in human  history. Thank god for that (oops).

Want a Christian country? Move to Rome.


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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Canada lets refugees in, of any religion.  That is what we are.  If you want to change what we are, then explain why and how.

If there was a religious grouping of hundreds of millions of people who, as a central theme of their religion, called for the death of anyone by the name of Hardner (If that was actually your name), would you be enthusiastic about bringing over tens and hundreds of thousands of them?

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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Are you saying that we should just force people to follow Christianity in public schools and public spaces ?  Because if not, I don't know what your point is in the context of the present discussion.


Canada lets refugees in, of any religion.  That is what we are.  If you want to change what we are, then explain why and how.  The one person pushing for change here is a self-described 'white nationalist' who doesn't demonstrate understanding of private religious clubs vs public.

These same people - the ones who stumble at the entrance to any discussion of this topic on very basic definitions - decry that they're not allowed to discuss culture etc. etc.  

I honestly don't know what to do about the situation.

I am following the flow of the convo, if my points are not logical, it might be based on notions of the post I replied to.

We should NOT be letting in every singe refugee. Scrutinize them and send them back if need be. There are legal ways to enter the nation. Otherwise I would treat it like a break and enter situation.

You simply don't accept just anyone coming into your own home, why should we treat it differently on a national scale? The numbers need to be reported for many reasons. If resources are going to be properly allocated, then we need to know how many are coming over and from where.  Temp housing, medical needs, wages for those who are monitoring the problem,  and many other things are being paid for by taxpayers for people who do not even have Canadian citizenship.

1  - How many are coming over compared to last year?

2 - How much is this going to cost us?

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