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Donald vs Hillary

Who will American voters choose: Clinton or Trump?  

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Authoritarian tyrannies don't work. Yeah.

Communism has never existed anywhere on earth.

Communism can only exist as an authoritarian tyranny because it is fundamentally in opposition to human nature and can only be imposed through force or fear thereof. As for communism never existing anywhere on Earth... sure, the theoretical academic construct of idealized communism hasn't existed, and neither has capitalism or anything else. But regimes espousing communism have existed, and in a large enough sample size to make a judgement as to their merits.

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huge military spending and a strong US (again by a future Republican president)

Yes, America was made weaker by Raegan. We don't need another Republican to make the world a more dangerous place. The creator of ISIS (Bush) did enough damage to last a century.

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Yes, America was made weaker by Raegan. We don't need another Republican to make the world a more dangerous place. The creator of ISIS (Bush) did enough damage to last a century.

That is right. As murderous as Saddam Hussein was, he forcefully kept this violent region stable. Some say ISIS is former Saddam soldiers in particular republican guard (maybe they should have been all taken out once invasion succeeded) suddenly turning muslim fanatics overnight and some say some other fanatics who were suppressed under Saddam and some say those who lost everything including family members to US invasion and Syrian civil war. I say a combination of all of above. Bush junior was indeed the worse US president by all accounts (including the economy). Nobody knows exactly who they are but they wouldn't be around if Saddam was still around. All that said maybe someone should finish the job. That someone is not Hillary in my view.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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Yes, America was made weaker by Raegan. We don't need another Republican to make the world a more dangerous place. The creator of ISIS (Bush) did enough damage to last a century.

No worries....either Donald or Hillary can just follow the strong leadership of PM Justin Trudeau to solve all the world's troubles. Warm blankets...not bombs !

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Nobody knows exactly who they are but they wouldn't be around if Saddam was still around. All that said maybe someone should finish the job. That someone is not Hillary in my view.

Those that have worked with Clinton in the Obama admin have said she is smart, but more inclined to use force than Obama. That's not always a good thing, especially in this situation, but it goes against what you are suggesting here.

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The problem is those are the same web sites which tell us martians are controlling the world, the Jews blew up the world trade center, and Obama was born in Kenya and is a Muslim.

Just for your information not all of the things on the internet are only about Obama,Jews or martians. I guess that the only things that you find on the internet that are full of bull to you are the ones that you do not agree with. Funny, but I bet that the ones that I have watched and read on the internet and found to be what appears to be spreading bull are probably the ones that you like to visit. Strange how that works out, eh?

Don't get me started on 9/11. People involved with and in the inner elite circle know as to who was responsible for bringing down those Twin Towers on 9/11. And it is all over the internet. But I guess that those people who believe in conspiracies are nothing more than a bunch of crazy conspiracy nut cases, eh?

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Your persona on this board is obviously a joke; but I am avoiding work right now so let's play along.

Let's start with a little critical thinking. The internet is certainly full of fake stories and we often like to read news that validates our established positions, so how do you break out of your filter bubble and determine what is true?

You suggested that you trust a politician you support and who says things you like to hear. I (and others) countered with a fact checking organization that has won a Pulitzer Prize for it's work during campaigns. This non-partisan, award winning organization along with other debunking sites like Snopes have shown that Trump lies more than almost everyone else in politics. Which sources are more likely to be accurate, award winning non-partisan agencies or the conservative blogosphere?

America is great now. It has just gone through a significant period of growth and has very low unemployment. Though it has been cut significantly under Obama the US is still running a large deficit.

Trump's economic plans have been evaluated by Moody's, a non-partisan outside agency, which determined that his proposals would 'significantly hurt the economy' and increase the deficit. Plus it has already been pointed out to you that Trump plans to eliminate the restrictions put in place after the economic collapse of 08 to prevent a repeat. Trump's economic advisers are this evil, elite guard you refer to as the enemy and claim Hillary works for. They are proposing a "trickle down" plan that benefits elites and will saddle the US with higher deficits. Even conservative economist Ben Stein on Fox News pointed out that Trump's plan defies logic and evidence.

Hillary on the other hand will maintain restrictions on the banking industry and will not hand out a tax reduction to the 0.1%. She also plans to increase access to healthcare and education. Who is doing the bidding of the elite?

So are you a troll or just so ignorant that you would back a guy promoting a wishlist for the old guard elites, that will significantly hurt the economy, raise the deficit and increase unemployment?

You just have to open your eyes to see what the last few Presidents from Republicans and Democrats have done to America. Trump may have his faults but Hillary has just as many. I know that you like Hillary because you never bash Hillary, and believe me there is lots to bash about.

The problem with most people today is that they just keep listening to the mainstream liberal point of view media. No one can know right now if Trump will be good or bad for America because he is not the President yet. I don't see Trump doing any worse right now and tens of millions of Americans believe this also.

But if you think that Hillary is not going to change those restrictions put on the banking industry is living in la-la land. Just look at who is supporting her for President. Goldman-Sachs for one. Goldman-Sachs was one of the banks that help create the 2008 fiasco and who were bailed out with the help of the Democrats and Republicans that saved their bacon at the cost to the all of the expenses that are incurred from trying to run for President.

No one can be certain that if Trump becomes President that he will be a disaster. The ones that are saying that are the establishment and it's lackies on their payroll that are saying bad things about Trump. Trump is no angel but neither is Hillary. Mock and attack all you want against Trump but when a person who is running for President says to you and me that the system is rigged, what more does anyone want? Maybe is the man of and for the people. I know that Hillary is not, She and her hubby are all in it for themselves. You just refuse to believe that Hillary is carrying a lot of bad baggage around with her. It's all out there on the internet folks for all to see and read and listen too. But hey.

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The problem with most people today is that they just keep listening to the mainstream liberal point of view media. No one can know right now if Trump will be good or bad for America because he is not the President yet. I don't see Trump doing any worse right now and tens of millions of Americans believe this also.

Why, that's a very astute analysis. Because what kind of president does America need right now?

Maybe America needs a mendacious racist.

Or perhaps it is the right time in America's history for a flippant misogynist.

A bigot and a racist?

A bullshit artist? (which is apparently worse than a liar)

Perhaps you think it is time that America had a proto-fascist.

Nothing wrong with having a racist, sexist demagogue for president, right?

I guess it all depends on what kind of president Americans want, right?

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Right...it doesn't matter what any other nationals want. Lots of countries have/had bigoted-racist leaders, including Canada.

Maybe. But only a few of them have been so belligerent and blatant about their racism. Or so specific about which specific groups of people are to be targeted.

Maybe you don't mind when Trump signals it's ok to target some group of people because it's not you?

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Maybe. But only a few of them have been so belligerent and blatant about their racism. Or so specific about which specific groups of people are to be targeted.

Trump is just continuing the nation's long history with anti-immigration and isolationist sentiments...he hardly invented them. The majority of Americans and resident aliens are against illegal immigration and porous borders. They don't like terrorists either.

Maybe you don't mind when Trump signals it's ok to target some group of people because it's not you?

Even if he was, Trump is the nominee of the Republican party and can win or lose based on his constitutionally protected right to express ideas and policy, even if most of it could never see the light of day on The Hill.

President Obama "targeted" groups, but is still loved...even in Canada.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Trump is just continuing the nation's long history with anti-immigration and isolationist sentiments...he hardly invented them.

Really. Perhaps you could enumerate the list of presidents in modern times that have called residents of another country a bunch of rapists. Or told blatant falsehoods that were likely to inflame hatred against members of a religion (ie. Trump claiming that Muslims celebrated after 9/11). Or placed hands on their daughters in inappropriate ways (ewwwww).

Even if he was, Trump is the nominee of the Republican party and can win or lose based on his constitutionally protected right to express ideas and policy,

Well, lots of people would agree with you that your country's history is rife with racism (some would say it was built on racism); but most people don't embrace bigotry as a constitutionally protected ideal, though. Good for you though. You should own your values.

even if most of it could never see the light of day on The Hill.

Oh. You think people should vote for Trump on the basis that his hateful and idiotic rhetoric will somehow be toned down when he gets to the white house? That's always a risky strategy. As the people who voted for Hitler might have said

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....Well, lots of people would agree with you that your country's history is rife with racism (some would say it was built on racism); but most people don't embrace bigotry as a constitutionally protected ideal, though. Good for you though. You should own your values.

It's not about me, or wannabe voters from Canada, land of fascist hate speech laws. Trump can say whatever the hell he wants and live with the consequences...it is protected expression the United States. Let's see...winning the Republican nomination over many other far more experienced politicians seems like a good consequence so far.

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It's not about me, or wannabe voters from Canada, land of fascist hate speech laws. Trump can say whatever the hell he wants and live with the consequences...it is protected expression the United States. Let's see...winning the Republican nomination over many other far more experienced politicians seems like a good consequence so far.

We are indeed the land of fascist hate speech laws. Those hate laws were really created and intended to protect one special interest ethnic group only from ever being questioned or challenged or criticized in public. To debate and to discuss are two words that you will not find in their vocabulary.

The American people are fortunate to have a 1st Amendment in their constitution. Our anti-freedom of speech leaders of today would never utter those words out in the open and demand that they be put in our constitution. They would never make it pass the post. It would be goodbye politics.

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Why, that's a very astute analysis. Because what kind of president does America need right now?

Maybe America needs a mendacious racist.

Or perhaps it is the right time in America's history for a flippant misogynist.

A bigot and a racist?

A bullshit artist? (which is apparently worse than a liar)

Perhaps you think it is time that America had a proto-fascist.

Nothing wrong with having a racist, sexist demagogue for president, right?

I guess it all depends on what kind of president Americans want, right?

I can tell you this much, and which I am certain of. If Hillary had said the same things as Trump was suppose to have said the media would totally ignore all that she said. She is the darling of the liberal media and the globalist elite, and she could say or do pretty much anything criminal and she will not be prosecuted. Many have said that she should be in jail for the many crimes that she has committed but yet she is still running around free as a bird and even being allowed to run for President of the USA. Unbelievable. Hillary is corrupt, a criminal and a liar according to Trump but who in law enforcement is listening?

So, you go on with your Trump is this and Trump is that bashing, but your darling Hillary is not much better, and the thousands that attend Trumps rallies seem to think that Trump is way better than Hillary. I guess all those millions of Trump supporters must be a bunch of racists and bigots also because they like what he has to say and they appear to be with him all the way no matter what he says. When Trump has rallies he gets tens of thousands of people attending. When Hillary has a rally she can only scrounge up about a couple hundred or so.

If Trump is such a racist and such a bigot, then why are there so many blacks and Latinos and many others supporting him? I would certainly not vote for a black person if they called me a honky or a cracker. So, you just go on ranting and raving about Trump because millions are not listening to you.

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It's not about me,

You're far too modest. No protofascist or wannabe strong man has ever gotten anywhere without millions of adoring fans cheering him on. Of course when things go bad, those same people will look the other way and say "Well I didn't know he would do that".

Trump can say whatever the hell he wants and live with the consequences...it is protected expression the United States.

Ah, the great American tradition. All about rights and nothing about responsibilities.

Oh, wait. Right wingers are all about responsibilities when it comes to single mothers on welfare. Just not when it's nut job politicians.

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You're far too modest. No protofascist or wannabe strong man has ever gotten anywhere without millions of adoring fans cheering him on. Of course when things go bad, those same people will look the other way and say "Well I didn't know he would do that".

If protofascism was good enough for FDR, then it is certainly good enough for Donald Trump. "When things go bad" is just part of the American experience...just as when "things" go well. Worrying about it, especially from across the border, is just another form of adoration.

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I can tell you this much, and which I am certain of. If Hillary had said the same things as Trump was suppose to have said the media would totally ignore all that she said. She is the darling of the liberal media and the globalist elite, and she could say or do pretty much anything criminal and she will not be prosecuted. Many have said that she should be in jail for the many crimes that she has committed but yet she is still running around free as a bird and even being allowed to run for President of the USA. Unbelievable. Hillary is corrupt, a criminal and a liar according to Trump but who in law enforcement is listening?

Oh, yeah. The left wing media (owned by all those communist-sympathizing global corporations) is biased in favour of Clinton. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: And now Hillary is being protected by that hotbed of leftists the FBI! Hahahaha. Oh, geez. I could never make this stuff up.

Where would you be without the comfort of conspiracy theories to protect you from seeing world as it is?

So, you go on with your Trump is this and Trump is that bashing, but your darling Hillary is not much better, and the thousands that attend Trumps rallies seem to think that Trump is way better than Hillary. I guess all those millions of Trump supporters must be a bunch of racists and bigots also because they like what he has to say and they appear to be with him all the way no matter what he says. When Trump has rallies he gets tens of thousands of people attending. When Hillary has a rally she can only scrounge up about a couple hundred or so.

Sadly, the world is full of racists and bigots. What we don't need is some reality show wingnut who stands up and says the things they only think.

If Trump is such a racist and such a bigot, then why are there so many blacks and Latinos and many others supporting him?

I see. You believe Trump when he says he will get 95% of the black vote?

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Trump supporters are a fascinating study in human psychology. They know what Trump is but they support him anyway. Some rationalize and lie to themselves ("Maybe he is a lying, bigoted, erratic, proto-fascist but Hillary stored emails on her home computer and that's just as bad"). Others blame American history or justify themselves with the constitution ("So what if he is a lying, bigoted, erratic proto-fascist. The constitution says I can vote for whoever I like!")

I wonder what the founding fathers would think if they were here today. Of course, some of them were slave owners so maybe they'd be ok with him.

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Self-centred narcissism. Way to play into the worst kind of American stereotype.

Hehe. A guy from another country....talking about American stereotypes...yet calling others bigot. And then has the audacity to claim others are narcissistic. Classic!

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The problem with most people today is that they just keep listening to the mainstream liberal point of view media....

But if you think that Hillary is not going to change those restrictions put on the banking industry is living in la-la land....

The ones that are saying that are the establishment and it's lackies on their payroll that are saying bad things about Trump....

Mock and attack all you want against Trump but when a person who is running for President says to you and me that the system is rigged, what more does anyone want?...

You just refuse to believe that Hillary is carrying a lot of bad baggage around with her. It's all out there on the internet folks for all to see and read and listen too. But hey...

Taxme, read those statements aloud. How do you sound right now?

The article, linked below, about conservative radio show host Charlie Sykes is worth reading. In it Charlie laments the role of the conservative media in creating an "alternative reality bubble" for their audience. He is most critical of the fringe pundits and sites like Sean Hanity and Breitbart.com, but shares in the blame for creating a "faux outrage machine." He says the US conservative media machine has spent so much time demonizing the actual media, that the conservative audience unfortunately now dismiss legitimate media and fact-checking as untrustworthy.

Of course, this was the goal from the start but the result of the efforts that Sykes played a role in now scare him. He regrets his role in sowing a "racist, anti-Constitutional, fascistic, vein of thinking" that the right-wing audiences parrot with zero skepticism, remorse or thought. The biggest problem is those in the conservative "alternative reality bubble" cannot be saved with logic or facts, as they have been taught to distrust anything that goes against the conservative media message.

These people really believe the conspiracy theories that Hillary was responsible for Benghazi, despite the fact endless, taxpayer funded Republican probes into the issue found only that GOP security budget cuts played a role. They believe that a private email server is some unprecedented major crime, that compromised US security. They believe the Clintons had an aide killed to keep her quiet. The also think Hillary is an agent of Wall Street, yet Donald somehow is not; despite the fact the orange idiot is open about removing regulations on the financial sector.

How do you save people that have swallowed these stories and believe that any message to the contrary is being spread by corporate media, working for Clinton?


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Taxme, read those statements aloud. How do you sound right now?

The article, linked below, about conservative radio show host Charlie Sykes is worth reading. In it Charlie laments the role of the conservative media in creating an "alternative reality bubble" for their audience. He is most critical of the fringe pundits and sites like Sean Hanity and Breitbart.com, but shares in the blame for creating a "faux outrage machine." He says the US conservative media machine has spent so much time demonizing the actual media, that the conservative audience unfortunately now dismiss legitimate media and fact-checking as untrustworthy.

Of course, this was the goal from the start but the result of the efforts that Sykes played a role in now scare him. He regrets his role in sowing a "racist, anti-Constitutional, fascistic, vein of thinking" that the right-wing audiences parrot with zero skepticism, remorse or thought. The biggest problem is those in the conservative "alternative reality bubble" cannot be saved with logic or facts, as they have been taught to distrust anything that goes against the conservative media message.

These people really believe the conspiracy theories that Hillary was responsible for Benghazi, despite the fact endless, taxpayer funded Republican probes into the issue found only that GOP security budget cuts played a role. They believe that a private email server is some unprecedented major crime, that compromised US security. They believe the Clintons had an aide killed to keep her quiet. The also think Hillary is an agent of Wall Street, yet Donald somehow is not; despite the fact the orange idiot is open about removing regulations on the financial sector.

How do you save people that have swallowed these stories and believe that any message to the contrary is being spread by corporate media, working for Clinton?


There are true conservatives who believe in conservative values, and then there are some who call themselves conservatives but are not conservative at all. They belong in the liberal camp. If it were not for the alternative media we would not know anything about Hillary and her crimes which appear are being purposely covered up and sugar coated to make them look like she has done nothing wrong at all.

Do you not partake in the internet and read all that it has to offer. There is tons of bad stuff on Hillary being spoken about, but yet you want to make it appear as though it is nothing, and most of it if not all is just a bunch of bull. Darling Hillary is out, and Trump is in. Yes.

No one wants a liar and a criminal as President, and according to Trump Hillary is all of those. Trump may have done some shady deals in the past but when one is in business, sometimes one has to deal with the devil to get things done. Trump is not alone in that. Is Trump in jail yet? Nope, nothing to nail him on. Trump knows how to play the globalist elites game, and at times has to play their game and join in with them. The cost of doing business.

Yes, Johnny and Susie, conspiracies do exist. Like we have been told that the 9/11 Twin Towers came tumbling down to the ground from a couple of planes hitting them at the top. Really now? Only fools will believe the main scream media lies on that one. One of the biggest crime cover ups ever.

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There are true conservatives who believe in conservative values, and then there are some who call themselves conservatives but are not conservative at all.

True. And you are one of the latter. Along with that loud mouthed ignoramus Trump.

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