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U.S. and G5 + 1 Cave to Iran in Nuclear "Deal"


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How can you sit there and berate marcus for 'hijacking' the thread when he is responding directly to your misinformation?

We all know that the world fully supports the Iran deal.

1. I did not provide any misinformation. I also responded not to him but another individual and his and your decision to try hijack this thread to engage in piss on Zionsim comments speaks for itself and its dead.

2. I am not sure what is worse, you coming on this board posing as knowing what the majority of Jews think or now what the world thinks. The irony is you think you actually speak for the world let alone Jews.

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In fact they represent over 40% of the worlds population!

Not to mention the many more lesser countries that do not recognize sanctions, Hudson Jones comments are pretty close and are acceptable.


2 things.

1. 40% is not a majority, 51% would be. But hey I will assume math is not your strength.

2. I am glad you feel the need to come on this board and proclaim what HJ has said is close and acceptable, but between you and me

it won't change my mind. Thanks though for the proclamation.

3. Saying the world supports the deal is an idiotic thing to say, The majority of the world has no clue there was a deal let alone what it contains.

4.More to the point the majority of people on the planet may not even be aware Iran or Israel exist hard as that is for you to fathom.

5.Even further to the point, your absurd assumption that every single person in the nations who signed the agreement necessarily agree with it is not only inaccurate but past absurd.

6.If you want to live in a world of stereotypes where you assume what billions think identically, knock yourself out but passing it off as accurate let alone acceptable is nonsensical. It is political hyperbole-precisely the kind of nonsensical subjective projection you try deem acceptable because you agree with it. The fact you agree with it does not make it accurate.

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2 things.

1. 40% is not a majority, 51% would be. But hey I will assume math is not your strength.

2. I am glad you feel the need to come on this board and proclaim what HJ has said is close and acceptable, but between you and me

it won't change my mind. Thanks though for the proclamation.

3. Saying the world supports the deal is an idiotic thing to say, The majority of the world has no clue there was a deal let alone what it contains.

4.More to the point the majority of people on the planet may not even be aware Iran or Israel exist hard as that is for you to fathom.

5.Even further to the point, your absurd assumption that every single person in the nations who signed the agreement necessarily agree with it is not only inaccurate but past absurd.

6.If you want to live in a world of stereotypes where you assume what billions think identically, knock yourself out but passing it off as accurate let alone acceptable is nonsensical. It is political hyperbole-precisely the kind of nonsensical subjective projection you try deem acceptable because you agree with it. The fact you agree with it does not make it accurate.

Didn't you just criticize HJ for speaking for the world? and then went on to do the exact same thing. Isn't that what they tend to call hypocritical?

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Didn't you just criticize HJ for speaking for the world? and then went on to do the exact same thing. Isn't that what they tend to call hypocritical?

Read what I wrote and read what he wrote. I did not claim to speak for the world, he did. Read before you rush to comment. There is a reason I used the words I do and he does not. If you can not tell the difference between someone who speaks in absolutes and one who conditions his responses to point out why those absolutes can not be so be it but my response did not speak for anyone-it repudiated his claim it did not advance any other.

Now just for once stop knee jerk reacting. Read my words:

"The majority of the world has no clue there was a deal let alone what it contains.

"4.More to the point the majority of people on the planet may not even be aware Iran or Israel exist hard as that is for you to fathom."

Stop and think. The majority of the world lives in a state where they do not read or write or if they do are unaware of much of anything. Just once remove yourself from your bubble of privileged assumption and understand the average person on this planet is unaware of many things and can not even read and is struggling to find work and water and not die from malnutrition.

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Read what I wrote and read what he wrote. I did not claim to speak for the world, he did. Read before you rush to comment. There is a reason I used the words I do and he does not. If you can not tell the difference between someone who speaks in absolutes and one who conditions his responses to point out why those absolutes can not be so be it but my response did not speak for anyone-it repudiated his claim it did not advance any other.

Now just for once stop knee jerk reacting. Read my words:

"The majority of the world has no clue there was a deal let alone what it contains.

"4.More to the point the majority of people on the planet may not even be aware Iran or Israel exist hard as that is for you to fathom."

Stop and think. The majority of the world lives in a state where they do not read or write or if they do are unaware of much of anything. Just once remove yourself from your bubble of privileged assumption and understand the average person on this planet is unaware of many things and can not even read and is struggling to find work and water and not die from malnutrition.

I read what you wrote, especially items 3 and 4. Hence my comment.

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Let's ask all these supporters of Iran to explain the following.

1. Established in 2007, what do they think the Al Mustafa religious university and its 120 branches in 60 countries do?. Here's a hint,-its produced 50.000 Mullahs in past seven years spreading the Iranian regime’s extremist terrorist Shiite version of ideology, defend its policies and recruiting terrorists to fight in Iraq, Syria, Bahiran and Yemen.

2. How is it during the nuclear talks Iran continued and today is continuing to set a new record for executions against its own citizens for disagreeing with the government? How is it the pro Iranians on this board do not discuss Iran's human rights record and its murder of its own people for disagreeing with its government?

3.What pro Iranian on this board will admit that on Feb. 7, 2015, Hossein Mousavian, the former Iranian ambassador to Germany and a suspected terrorist who is currently residing in US and lobbying on behalf of the Iranian regime stated that the Iranian regime has the capability to make nuclear bombs?

4. Where were these pro Iranians when an Iranian terrorist sponsored group admitted on Feb. 6, 2015 to placing a bomb near the Israel embassy in Uruguay?

5.Where are their comments about the continued arrest, detention and torture of Kurds in Iran?

6. Where are their comments that In Iran, women are legally barred from holding some government positions?

7. Where are their comments that in Iran there are no laws against domestic violence, and adultery is punishable by stoning and the UN has them as ana advisor on woman's rights?

8. Where is their acknowledgment of the continued crack down on journalists, students, Bahaiis, Kews, Kurds, Christians, gays, trade unionists, Christians?

9. Where are these pro Iranians when it comes to disclosing the names of the Western oil firms Rouhani has stated he will provide business to as payback for the deal?

10. Where were their comments at the end of February and during March when Iran met with Hezbollah and called for a renewed war to rid the ME of Israel and showed on its t.v. broadcast across the ME a nuclear attack on Israel?

11. Where is their comment over the fact that: Iran has invaded large sections of Iraq with conventional Iranian forces, especially near their common border in Iraq's south. Many of the towns and cities, and several provinces, such as Maysan Province, are now under the total control of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps [iRGC] and Quds Force. Interesting the pro Iranians will whine over Israel occupying the West Bank but when Iran illegally occupies Iraq not a peep. Not one word. Not one comment acknowledging Iran's army is intimidating the legitimate refugees from Iran, approved by UNHCR, and illegally force many back to Iran-no but comments on how Isral treats Palestinians you bet. You think these pro Iranians will comment on the Iranian army executing Sunni Muslims simply for being Sunni? Of course not. Their attention is only activated when it comes to Israel.

12. Where were these pro Iranians when: the poet Hashem Shaabani was executed after being forced back to Iran, and a teacher, Mohammad Ali Amouri, was given re a life sentence there. Not a peep. These men's crimes? Being members of ther Ahwazi Arab community, persecuted solely because of their origins.

13. Where are these pro Iranians so quick to piss on Israel to comment on the situation in Iraq being so bad that even UNHCR workers have been threatened and have fled. No. They will talk about Palestinians but the death of Muslims by their fellow Muslims, the death of Arab refugees by Iranians? NOT A PEEP.

Spare me the double standard b.s. that pretends Iran is a benevolent nation and should be treated no differently than the US or Israel. Its not. These pro Iranian apologists use a double standard one that apologizes for their terrorism and brutality, and another for the US and Israel.

Obama got into bed with Iran and removed their status as a terrorist nation and in so doing lowered himself to their level of brutality and crime. He abandon the Arab monarchies, Israel, Iraq, Bahrain, Yemen, and the very people of Iran struggling to remove this facist terrorist regime and these pro Iranians want to lecture about the majority of the world supporting what they do? Right.

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I read what you wrote, especially items 3 and 4. Hence my comment.

Hence your comment about what? Do you want to explain to me how the majority of the world in its present state is capable of knowing anything happening on the world stage? You don't even know the full terms of the deal, how the phack would they even have a clue what happened when they have no access to media? What you think the world is full of cell phones, t.v.'s and internet? Get serious.

60% - 70% of the world has no access to internet.




Less than 14.5% have access to free media:


Get real. Get a reality check. The majority of the world lives in India and China. If you think the avewrage citizen in either nation has access to what went on during the Iran talks dream on.

If you think the next largest source of population found in Africa and Asia have access as well dream on.

They do not.

Go find out yourself the statistics on access to t.v., radio, free press, electricity. Go educate yourself. Get out of your bubble-the one you and HJ live in where you can't fathom that people do not live like you do in this bubble of privilege assuming everyone sits in a sheltered room on the internet passing life by in some virtual reality world of assuming they know based on what they select on the internet.

I speak for no one but me and you speak for no one but you. I do not claim to speak for anyone but I sure as hell claim to challenge your take or anyone's take that they speak for the world, Jews, or anyone else.

Here let's make it crystal clear what the world is when we talk about it as being pro Iran this or pro Iran that:

1-based on enrollment data, about 72 million children of primary school age in the developing world were not in school in 2005; 57 per cent of them were girls. And these are regarded as optimistic numbers.

Source: State if the World's Childen, 1999 UNICEF

Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names.

Source: State of the World, Issue 287, Feb. 1997, New Internationalist

Approximately half the world’s population now live in cities and towns. In 2005, one out of three urban dwellers (approximately 1 billion people) was living in slum conditions.Source 13

Source: Millenium Development Goals Report 2007

In developing countries some 2.5 billion people are forced to rely on biomass—fuelwood, charcoal and animal dung—to meet their energy needs for cooking. In sub-Saharan Africa, over 80 percent of the population depends on traditional biomass for cooking, as do over half of the populations of India and China.

Source:Millenium Development Goals Report 2007

One quarter of the world's population, or 1.6 billion people do not even have electricity.

That is the world I live in. I don't whitewash it as all being pro Iranian. What an absurd, elitist, snot nosed assumption.

I don't presume to know anything ad to what others think. What I DO ACKNOWLEDGE is that the majority of this world do not have the luxury to sit around like you or HJ assuming the world reflects your politics or mine.

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It seems ironic that Netanyahu, speaking for Israel, is warning the USA that Iran cannot be trusted and Israel is Americas only hope in the Middle East - meanwhile, Jonathan Pollard is getting parole;


In 1985, Jonathan worked as a Navy intelligence analyst and passed on top-secret U.S. government information to Israel. The Israeli's did not report him to their close ally, the USA, but claimed no knowledge of him. In 1995 they granted Pollard citizenship and asked for his release. Finally, in 1998, Israel admitted that it had indeed been paying Pollard for spying on their ally and friend, the USA, and lobbied for his release for decades.

Jonathan has been granted parole and had planned to go to Israel (to be received as a hero with open arms) but the terms of his parole will keep him in New York for a while.

Yes sir, take it from the Israelis that we cannot trust the Iranians. The Israelis seem to know something about stabbing a friend in the back.

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See this is what I love-people claiming to be trendy leftist supporting one of the world's most facist regimes in the name of people with no water, food and electricity. I love trendy leftists. So down to earth.

That was quite the pedantic (as usual) reaction to the fact you just got caught out in the hypocrisy of criticizing someone for speaking for other people, and then doing exactly the same thing. Your log winded attempt to obscure that, didn't work.

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Yes sir, take it from the Israelis that we cannot trust the Iranians. The Israelis seem to know something about stabbing a friend in the back.

This comment seems to sum up why the west shouldn't give Israel a larger audience that a small welfare state deserves.

Many players in this deal moving forward and many countries should have an EQUAL voice.


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Read what I wrote and read what he wrote. I did not claim to speak for the world, he did. Read before you rush to comment. There is a reason I used the words I do and he does not. If you can not tell the difference between someone who speaks in absolutes and one who conditions his responses to point out why those absolutes can not be so be it but my response did not speak for anyone-it repudiated his claim it did not advance any other.

Well I guess it's a good thing you don't speak for all Jews or all Israelis.

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1. I did not provide any misinformation. I also responded not to him but another individual and his and your decision to try hijack this thread to engage in piss on Zionsim comments speaks for itself and its dead.

But you did share misinformation about a topic that was not part of this thread, and then when he corrected you, you unleashed the hypocrisy in regards to him going off topic.

Your misinformation was this: Contrary to popular belief not even Israel occupies the West Bank

2. I am not sure what is worse, you coming on this board posing as knowing what the majority of Jews think or now what the world thinks. The irony is you think you actually speak for the world let alone Jews.

The polls have spoken. More Jews living in U.S. support the Iran deal than those who do not. This is a fact that you can deal with it on your own time. Don't blame the messenger.

I haven't seen any polls for Canadian Jews, but I assume they're similar to American Jews in their thoughts on the Iran deal:

The Jews of Israel oppose the agreement with Iran. The Jews of America support it. The just-released LA Jewish Journal survey turns an assumption into a fact: The two largest Jewish communities cannot agree on a major world development that could significantly change the state of the Jewish state.

Link: http://www.jewishjournal.com/rosnersdomain/item/jew_vs._jew_vs._jew_on_the_iran_deal

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It is a good thing that everyone and anyone here speak and opine only for themselves. With the anonymity granted through this medium the posters are not even responsible for their OWN statements. Anyone feeling strongly and confident in any area would not be wasting their time here but instead getting their views published through normal media - where participants are identified and accountable for their statements.

I try not to post anything to which I would not attach my real name and identity.

I post with my views and my own views only and assume that others (especially the serious posters) are doing the same.

Since a number of issues in this thread deal with Israel and Israeli politics, I listen to my Israeli friends as to the opinions from that region. These opinions vary greatly from the few posters on here who pretend to speak for Israelis. I have come to the conclusion that these pretenders represent a small minority of Israeli opinion and therefore I ignore their postings.

I trust that others who seek truth and clarity will do the same.

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Back to the question of trust. There are many who decry this deal because of the "trust" factor. The most vocal spokesman on this line of criticism is Netanyahu. This is how much we (and the Americans) can trust Netanyahu;


Israel spied on the negotiations and tried to derail them behind the back of the American administration. This is a country we are supposed to trust?

Time to cut ties with Israel and look to Iran as our ally in the Middle East.

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It seems ironic that Netanyahu, speaking for Israel, is warning the USA that Iran cannot be trusted and Israel is Americas only hope in the Middle East - meanwhile, Jonathan Pollard is getting parole;


In 1985, Jonathan worked as a Navy intelligence analyst and passed on top-secret U.S. government information to Israel. The Israeli's did not report him to their close ally, the USA, but claimed no knowledge of him. In 1995 they granted Pollard citizenship and asked for his release. Finally, in 1998, Israel admitted that it had indeed been paying Pollard for spying on their ally and friend, the USA, and lobbied for his release for decades.

Jonathan has been granted parole and had planned to go to Israel (to be received as a hero with open arms) but the terms of his parole will keep him in New York for a while.

Yes sir, take it from the Israelis that we cannot trust the Iranians. The Israelis seem to know something about stabbing a friend in the back.

1. Your decision to change the thread topic to justifying yet another reason to smeer Israel as dishonest because of Pollard speaks for itself.

2. Your topic has nothing to do with the thread.

3. The suggestion that Israel is the only country to spy on its allies or that the US in turn does not spy on Israel is typical. Only in your world do we have the fantasy that allies do not spy on one another.

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That was quite the pedantic (as usual) reaction to the fact you just got caught out in the hypocrisy of criticizing someone for speaking for other people, and then doing exactly the same thing. Your log winded attempt to obscure that, didn't work.

I have not spoken for anyone but myself. In spite of your attempt to spin and misrepresent my opinions are crystal clear I speak for myself and in the context you misrepresent unlike you or HJ I don't claim to speak for anyone, but I do express a view as to why I think you or he or anyone else claiming to speak for Jews or the world is arrogant, presumptious, illogical, and narcissistic.

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I have not spoken for anyone but myself. In spite of your attempt to spin and misrepresent my opinions are crystal clear I speak for myself and in the context you misrepresent unlike you or HJ I don't claim to speak for anyone, but I do express a view as to why I think you or he or anyone else claiming to speak for Jews or the world is arrogant, presumptious, illogical, and narcissistic.

Now you're even putting words in my mouth. But carry on.

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WWWTT, on 28 Jul 2015 - 5:55 PM, said:

This comment seems to sum up why the west shouldn't give Israel a larger audience that a small welfare state deserves.

Many players in this deal moving forward and many countries should have an EQUAL voice.

WWWT your b.s. statement above that Israel is a welfare state is typical. You don't want to deal with the thread topic but you do want to hijack it to piss on Israel with such comments.

1. Israel is not a welfare state . The fact you state that shows not only your anti Israel agenda but your complete and utter ignorance as to Israel's economy and how it is generated.

2. Iran does not have an equal voice. As much as you think it is an equal to Brazil, Britain, France, South Africa, China, Israel. Russia, the US and India it is not. It probably though does have similiarities with Pakistan, and North Korea, particularly North Korea.

In fact the deal with Iran repeats the exact same idiot agreement Clinton devised with North Korea. The exact same fiasco.

Then again in your world you have selective biases and see what you want to see to conform with your biases.

Welfare state my butt.

As of 2015, Israel ranks 19th among 187 world nations on the UN's Human Development Index, placing it in the category of "Very Highly Developed".

Your ignorant statement that Israel is a welfare state I would expect. Its the kind of unsubstantiated half asped insult thrown out to insult.

Its major industrial sectors are public knowledge and include high-technology products, metal products, electronic and biomedical equipment, agricultural products, processed foods, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and transport equipment.

It has a diamond industry which is one of the world's centers for diamond cutting and polishing.

Its economic activities with software, telecommunication and semiconductor development is public domain.

In fact it has a high concentration of high-tech industries financed by strong venture capital industry.

Your claim it is a welfare state is past ignorant because in fact numerous Israeli companies have been acquired by global corporations.

Fact-the country was the destination for Berkshire Hathaway's first investment outside the United States when it then purchased ISCAR Metalworking,

It is home to the first research and development centers built outside the United States for Intel, Microsoft, and Apple.

Israel is aa major tourist destination, with 3.54 million foreign tourists visiting it in 2013.

Welfare state. Right. This is why In September 2010, Israel was invited to join the OECD and has signed free trade agreements with the European Union, the United States, the European Free Trade Association, Turkey, Mexico, Canada, Jordan, Egypt, and on 18 December 2007, became the first non-Latin-American country to sign a free trade agreement with the Mercosur trade bloc.

Brilliant. Welfare state.

Go on read:



Here W, you want to talk welfare states amd advance that b.s., try this one:


If I were you I would check in on China and its collapsing finances and not spread falsehoods about Israel.

Here is a direct response to your false statement:


"One myth, prevalent mainly among various Israel-haters, but also among some of its AIPAC-affiliated supporters is that Israel is dependent on U.S. aid, and that an end to that aid, would doom, or at least greatly weaken Israel.

First it must be noted that the amount Israel receives has stayed virtually unchanged in nominal terms since the late 1990s at roughly $3 billion per year, while Israeli GDP at the same time has increased in nominal terms from about $100 billion per year to $300 billion per year.

If Israel was able to withstand a two thirds reduction in the relative importance of aid without trouble, then surely the removal of the remaining third shouldn't be much trouble."

Secondly, it should be noted that since 2007 Israel receives no economic aid, no cash trasfers, at all from the U.S. government. Aid to Israel instead consists entirely of subsidies of weapons purchases, almost all of which is purchased from U.S. weapons manufacturers.

So, “aid to Israel” is almost as much a subsidy of U.S. weapons manufacturers as of Israel.

So, if hypothetically, aid to Israel was ended, this would mean that Israel's defence budget would have to be increased somewhat as weapons purchases would be somewhat more expensive. But as there would no longer be a requirement that most weapons must be purchased from the U.S., this would stimulate domestic weapons production, and perhaps make it profitable for Israel to develop its own fighter jets, instead of purchasing various U.S. made “F” (-15, -16, -18, -35) fighter jets.

The benefits to domestic weapons production perhaps wouldn't fully compensate for the higher cost of military spending, but to a large extent it would. So the net loss for Israel for cancelled aid would at most be a few tenths of a percent of GDP. Perhaps not positive, but definitely manageable.

Source: http://stefanmikarlsson.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-myth-of-israeli-dependence-of-us-aid.html

Source: http://stefanmikarlsson.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-myth-of-israeli-dependence-of-us-aid.html


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Now back to quality over quantity:

This is a "done deal". It looks like only Israel and Israeli apologists are disagreeing that this is the only option. The reasons for ratification continue to increase:


The schism between Israel and the USA continues to spread. The Americans should rethink why it is giving Israel $3 billion a year to keep it going (it has given about $230 billion over the years). The sooner Israel is allowed to answer by itself for its actions and take responsibility for the way it is treating the Palestinians then the better and more peaceful it is going to be for the West.

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Some Canadians sure spend a lot of time worrying about what the U.S. does with foreign aid to Israel. They never mention billions in U.S. aid to Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine. It's little wonder why....

At least the leaders from those countries keep their mouths shut and try to cooperate.

Ever heard the saying "getting the best bang for your buck"?

With all my limited past involvement in politics in the past, I found successful leaders can keep a lid on it.

I also found the more controversial ones whom can't keep a lid on it or have a style opposite can be successful in their own rite as well. But clearly have a "love em or completely hate em" aura about them.

Iran's leaders have seem to have at least learned for the time being to keep a lid on it and to tone it down several notches.

This is probably due to Russia and China dangling the keys to getting into BRICS in front of them like a carrot in front of a pony.

I'm also sure the people of Iran, are moving ahead and want acceptance from the international community.

Seeing China, a non western European colonial country take center stage in the world economy/culture/leadership surely is inspirational to the Iranian people!!!!

This is something many people here do not see, and very unfortunately. I have seen, on China's CCTV4 news channel, footage of the Iranian people celebrating in the streets across Iran over this deal and the prospect of joining BRICS. China is very proud of this deal, very proud that their country is an influence for positive growing change.

China would get seriously pissed off if some little loud mouth from a little religious welfare state ruins it for them!


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