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Canada vs Duffy vs PMO

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Yes, millions, vs $90.000, a fair comparison, the conservatives paid back a bad debt, and tried to hide it, they get roasted, the NDP owes millions, no one talks about it, the Ontario liberals throw away billions, hardly a mention, liberal senators get caught for defrauding us for much more than duffy, you wouldn't even know their names, because it doesn't make the news. This is all fair and unbiased journalism to you? The biggest mistake the CPC has made while governing is not selling off the CBC, piece by piece, there is more than enough privately owned liberally biased media in this country without taxpayers have to support another. O here is another, how much reporting on the CBC about Ontario's 12 billion dollar deficit? While the feds much smaller deficit...well thats big news, even though its spread across the whole country, and not just one province, it's big news because it suits their agenda, and they CBC is long past pretending. The fair use conspiracy they headed against the conservatives was more than enough proof to anyone with a shred of decency and objectivity.

Some of you seem to be struggling with the same disappointment. All these Lefty Harper haters are dealing with. The prospect that the Left's GREAT HOPE Duffy* is going fizzle and the GREAT Get Harper SCANDAL is going to be the usual phony fabricated mess of nothin.

We have all been told to wait for this jarring testimony and what we are seeing is that it has NOTHING NADA ZIP BUPTKUS to do with the PM.

Yet, like all lefty scandal monkeys desperate to invent their owm Adscam, these losers wont let the lack of any evidence, involvement or knowledge on Harper 's part impede them from squealing their unsubstantiated allegations.

Why is it that after months and or years of exhaustive investigations by authorities , all of which resulted in only charges being laid against Dufffy, we still have to endure these weak lame attempts to try and tie the misdeeds of others to the PM?

The PM didnt know, wasnt involved

Wright made a mis calculation in his attempt to solve Duffys mess. Bad decision

When the PM did become aware..he took action, removed Wright, cooperated with RCMP

I think most people except CBC staffers and Central get this , and a few here who lack basic understanding.

Edited by Charles Anthony
*corrected spelling of Duffy's name
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Oh this is getting more and more scary for Harper


Canadian public will decide who's guilty!


Can’t wait to see Mac Harb’s face on my evening news every night while his trial’s going on. After all, if drop in the bucket duffy gets this much attention, Harb should go world wide on every media outlet, right? Right?

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Harper was unusually testy taking questions at his northern stop today. How long can he not answer questions on why others involved in the PMO cover-up were not fired or demoted. This includes his current chief of staff Ray Novak.

We all know about angry Tom, is angry Stephen about to explode?

Those of you who watched “At Issue” Thursday night, will certainly agree the panel – Andrew Coyne, Bruce Anderson, Chantel Hebert and Jennifer Ditchburn, looked like grade 4 kids who had just been caught stealing carrots from a neighbors garden. They were now trying to blame someone called Stephen Harper for problem. Did you notice, how the three (non-speakers) nodded their heads when one was trying to deflect their previous statements of “guilty” away from what Nigel Wright said under oath – the PM “did not know”. They never expected Nigel to be calm and collected. Their previous broadcasts always implied “Nigel will tell all” and this will be a prime news story. As it turns out, it is nothing but a Duffy show. Now all the media consortium can do is drag it out and smear.

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ToadBrother a dead on explanation. Well done. Lol I hate Constitutional law. My worst subject. Jacee was correct in her comment on privilege although we should remember in Parliament the speaker can make you retract a statement as being unbecoming, apologize or be asked to leave the chambers.

You all remember some of the MP's and how they were asked to leave. It can get quite funny if not sad the way MP's call each other childish names, interrupt and act like twits.

When I first was reading the details of the case I thought Duffy was toast, now the more I listen to what is unfolding the more I think he will walk and this is going to drag on close enough to hurt Harper in the next election.

In reality, Senators of both the Liberal and Tory parties have been equally as out of touch and corrupt, but the rules allowed it.

This is about public perception. It would have continued do not kid yourselves if the press never had a story to jump on with Pat the rapist drunk and Duffy.

This was going on for years.

What makes it a bit different is that Harper came into office as a Reformist demanding the Senate be abolished. Over the years he did a 360 and bought into the very thing he said he never would.

He does all the things now that as a Reformist he vowed to end. He is in all but name Jean Chretien. The only difference is his take on the economy and foreign policy, in terms of patronage he is no different than Trudeau,Mulroney, Chretien-the problem is he came in on a white horse which now drips with brown manure.

That said please do not tell me Justin or Mulhairy-face are any different.

Y'all ask me abolish the senate. Its like the appendix in our body. It has no longer e a use. Its infected, cut it out.

Think of the money it would save.

I am sure that, other than Conservatives, everyone else changed the channel after 7 minutes of the trial…I can’t believe how they dragged this on and on for what seemed like 40 minutes, when the actual information content was so scant you would need a microscope to find it amid all the allegations and speculation (hence the gnat reference) and the ballooning of this gnat information into a scandal (hence the Camel reference). CBC and CTV didn’t even sound as though they went to the same trial…and comparing it to the Liberal scandal of the past was such a reach I wondered that Mansbridge’s nose didn’t start to protrude out through my TV screen. At the end I was wondering what really was so scandalous that doesn’t happen in every boardroom and political office around the world…and Trudeau having the temerity to question the judgment of Harper in appointing Duffy was SO RICH!!! This from the man who embraced Eve Adams as the next best thing to sliced bread and who endlessly entertains with his hilarious and inane gaffs…if he is one thing it is a source of embarrassment for the country, and, a source of entertainment, for the world…sadly.

And the twisted spin they used to blame Harper for everything…for ‘CREATING THE MORAL ENVIRONMENT’ that caused the behaviour of his staff… (as if an employer can know what Tom foolery his employees will get up to next)…Has no one ever seen an employee who embarrassed his employer and/or who made poor judgments? And from now on we have to blame the employer?…then who is the head of CBC…He must be responsible for Jian Ghomeshi then and he it must be who ‘created the moral environment in which Ghomeshi worked’ as they say Harper did? I think NOT.)

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Surely you must see the irony of proclaiming multiple times a day how nobody cares about a particular topic.

I remember Liberal supporters declaring the same thing as the Gomery Inquiry steadily tore the Martin government to pieces. "Oh, only the media cares about that!"

Is there some sort of partisan book of handwaving that gets passed around every time a government or party hits some sort of scandal? And is the first chapter entitled "Frequently Assert Complete Voter Apathy"?

There is no doubt, that what has been going on in the senate is inexcusable. So why would they take up 90% of their time on the Mike Duffy trial instead of covering real election issues? So where did the biggest senate offenders come from? Oh let me see…….. maybe they came from the very same MSM corporations that are so high and mighty on themselves!!! Soooooo…….. What does that have to say about the integrity of some of the people from the MSM??? Makes me wonder how they can sit in front of Canadians and pretend to be so unbiased. What a bunch pompous twits!!!

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Maybe when you get away from the tennis club you will find out different. Talk about shallow! Of course most people dont have the time to follow the trial on a day to day basis, but I do at the moment and I find I am getting questioned regularly as to what happened today. People are tired of this kind of hand in the cookie jar stuff, and they want to know just how high up it goes. Good to go.... for what.

I watched CBC news for awhile yesterday and was amazed at all of their journalists just frothing at the mouth in the hope that something bad would get pinned on Harper. I really don’t understand how this is considered a big scandal. The taxpayers lost no money and does it really matter who repaid it? Meanwhile the NDP are refusing to pay for the far more than $90000 that they stole from the taxpayers to use for partisan purposes and the Liberals never did repay most of the multimillions that went missing in the sponsorship scandal (now that actually was a scandal).

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The Nanos survey, released Friday, found that when assigning points out of 100 for the responsibility in the Senate controversy relating to the personal cheque, Canadians assign 40 points to Duffy. They assign 34 points to Harper and 18 points to Wright, Harpers former chief of staff. The remaining points were not assigned and deemed unsure.

I'm most disgusted at the CBC with regards to this trial.

Edited by socialist
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I guess you choose to be a stooge of the CBC. I guess you choose to condone corruption.

Uhm, given he's a strong supporter of and apologist for the Chinese and Russian governments, that should really not be a surprise.

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CBC position on politics:

Liberals and NDP steal millions from taxpayers: no problem.

Conservatives spend their own money: scandal.

It is a peculiar type of scandal, where the media is breathless with excitement in the hopes of exposing people who paid their own money to pay back the taxpayer for misappropriated money.

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Conservatives spend their own money: scandal.

apparently... in this specific BribingDuffyExercise, there was a limit to which Harper Conservatives were willing to spend the taxpayer's provided money! When the figure was thought to be $32K... no problemo! When it became $90K... problemo! See... HarperConservatives do have integrity limits! :lol:

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apparently... in this specific BribingDuffyExercise, there was a limit to which Harper Conservatives were willing to spend the taxpayer's provided money! When the figure was thought to be $32K... no problemo! When it became $90K... problemo! See... HarperConservatives do have integrity limits! :lol:

What about the $2.7 million the NDP owe? Will the CBC critique the NDP as harshly as they are the CPC? We need fair media, not blatant cheerleaders.

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Yeah we can all see how Harper has "fixed" the senate.

How much did the Liberal party pay for Mac Harb's legal advice when that Liberal senator was being audited? Oh, right, the media won't ever ask, and you don't want to know.

That is reality for you. Selective as it is. Always.

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Also sounds like the RCMP are choosing their words carefully.

I suspect that something is going to come back to the federal police force for not implicating Nigel Wright so they may be starting to mitigate their way there before the judge beats them to it.


I don't care about Harper or Wright, Mike Duffy abused his position, broke the public trust and basically stole from the Canadian taxpayer. He is not even man enough to say I'm sorry.

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Yeah we can all see how Harper has "fixed" the senate.

The victim thing won't hold water with anyone. It's simply preposterous to think this "scandal" will be seen by those with an unbiased mindset in any other way than;

-Duffy was greedy as sin,

-Wright and the PMO were so disgusted by that greed that they sought to reverse it by paying back the money

-and the left wing set out to use the events in a blatant attempt to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

It's not rocket science .

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The top advisers of the PM knew all about this , plus the PM lawyer and yet no one told him what was going on?? He fired Wright but kept the rest of them and gave them new jobs, when they should have been fired why? Was PM scared someone would go to the media and tell them what's happening in the PMO? In Harper's own words against Martin, when Martin wasn't in government at the time of the Liberals scandal, said that didn't matter that Martin was the pm and should have known what was happening in his office and this is probably the only time I can agree with Harper...a PM should know and take responsibility,which Harper is poor at. Harper can't have it both ways.

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Either Harper knew what was going on or he's the most incompetent manager on the planet and should probably be kept far far away from managing anything to do with this country. And for that matter should fire all of his advisors. Imagine VPs in a company keeping information that could potentially be very damaging to the president away from him. They'd be fired immediately.

Edited by cybercoma
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Andrew Coyne: "Once it is seen as part of an effort to tamper with a supposedly independent audit, to rewrite a report and hoodwink the public, it takes on a darker hue"

oh my! When Harper Conservatives have lost Andrew Coyne!

They lost him before the last election, actually. He is a right-winger, at least on economics, but he is anything but partisan. He has been one of their harshest, and most effective, critics on ethical and democratic/procedural issues.

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Of course there was a time when PD was unnecessary because everyone knew better than to question their betters. Do you ever get the sense you were born 150 years to late?

I don't know,do you ever get the sense that you lack realism?

Edited by Smallc
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What about the $2.7 million the NDP owe? Will the CBC critique the NDP as harshly as they are the CPC? We need fair media, not blatant cheerleaders.

The NDPs 2.7 million is winding through the courts. When the decision comes down, it might be news... do they have to pay or don't they... if court says pay, will they accept or fight. Pretty straightforward stuff, and I expect they will cover it like everybody else, when there is something to cover.

Marc Harb's case is coming up in the new year, apparently. Now, will Marc Harb's case be as interesting as Duffy"s? Probably not.... unless it comes out that somebody in high office tried to cover up his problem, but we will just have to wait for the court case..

I don't hear the CBC haranguing the CPC lately about their in-and-out scheme....old news.. or the G20 spending boondoggle in Muskoka .... old news.... though I might just bring those up here so that people can refresh their memory.

In is interesting that Calandra, in his inane response to every question in those stupid 3-way panels.... includes the "we passed the accountability act" mantra in addition to the standard "terrorism/economy"... If must make viewers vomit.

And Harper get his free 22 minutes of one-on-one with Peter Mansbridge every year to lay out his "vision", so I am not exactly sure how the CBC crititique is any harsher than for anybody else. Remember, nobody else is quite in the same spotlight.

If there IS a bias, it may be that CBC is reflecting what the country is thinking. As somebody pointed out, Coyne used to be a fan.... now not so much.....



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The NDPs 2.7 million is winding through the courts. When the decision comes down, it might be news... do they have to pay or don't they... if court says pay, will they accept or fight. Pretty straightforward stuff, and I expect they will cover it like everybody else, when there is something to cover.

Marc Harb's case is coming up in the new year, apparently. Now, will Marc Harb's case be as interesting as Duffy"s? Probably not.... unless it comes out that somebody in high office tried to cover up his problem, but we will just have to wait for the court case..

I don't hear the CBC haranguing the CPC lately about their in-and-out scheme....old news.. or the G20 spending boondoggle in Muskoka .... old news.... though I might just bring those up here so that people can refresh their memory.

In is interesting that Calandra, in his inane response to every question in those stupid 3-way panels.... includes the "we passed the accountability act" mantra in addition to the standard "terrorism/economy"... If must make viewers vomit.

And Harper get his free 22 minutes of one-on-one with Peter Mansbridge every year to lay out his "vision", so I am not exactly sure how the CBC crititique is any harsher than for anybody else. Remember, nobody else is quite in the same spotlight.

If there IS a bias, it may be that CBC is reflecting what the country is thinking. As somebody pointed out, Coyne used to be a fan.... now not so much.....



Who made Coyne the expert? Remember his dust up with Mulcair a few years back? It got quite heated.

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Plausible deniability...spit...

An apologists plea that's about as devoid of accountability when claiming 'it's just our nature'.

I for one am terribly upset that they wanted him to pay back what he owed, and it was paid back, were it not for the irrational hatred of anything conservative by people like you, maybe they wouldnt have bothered to try to hide it. again, I find it really troubling that a senator was stealing from us and the government demanded he repay. Those bastards.

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