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“The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit,” - Obama Admin Official

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Having any Muslim/Arab people around you means that Obama is part of the Muslim Brotherhood... (which, by the way, is large and multi-layered group that cannot be pinned into one category and has nothing to do with ISIS - but who wants to look at reality when they have MUSLIM in their name!)

Can't everyone else see the logic in that?

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Bubba the act is spent. The names Iprovided are public domain. The positions, the jobs, the opinions expressed by the advisers, their mandates, its all in the public domain. Anyone can find them. The pathetic continued denial is predictable and so is your coming on this thread, intervening to bait Sharkman engaging in the very same tactic you accuse him of, then not finishing what you started.

As for Marcus. The attempt to pull the Muslim card and suggest because I criticize these people its only because they are Muslim is also par for the course. They are criticized for their political views, their ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, their open support of Hamas and ISIS. Their being Muslim is incidental. Their being supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and radical terrorist views is.

Oh wait did you hear that? I hear another piss on Israel thread calling moi. Why listen....trinkle...trinkle....trinkle,,,,,

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So Eyeball how many times would you like to try bait me?

Tell me, how is it you have no concern how this board is flooded daily with anti Israel diatribes, but suddenly I respond and you need to know if I use a dictaphone tee hee microphone (not that you know the difference as evidenced in your responses.

Say now I know. You must find it suspicious too.

Take Bubba and shut the door on the way out.

Edited by Rue
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Bubba the act is spent. The names Iprovided are public domain. The positions, the jobs, the opinions expressed by the advisers, their mandates, its all in the public domain. Anyone can find them.

You're right that these names are in the "public domain," but your charges against them are only available on wingnut sites like FreeRepublic. That's why you refuse to say where you copied and pasted them from. Edited by BubberMiley
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Bubba their political views and agendas as well as the mainstream media and Arab and other media sources where they make their views and agenda known are public domain so this latest tactic you now try call upon to of invent an all encompassing category called "wing nut site" to try pre-empt any possible view but your own on this forum is past absurd.

What next Bubba...you going to publish an approved list of sites that you insist be followed?

Lol, good luck on that.

Listen while you flail away at your wingnut sites will that include the anti Israeli ones or just the ones you imagine?

You don't have to answer. I know you will find it suspicious, but I already know the answer.

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Bubba their political views and agendas as well as the mainstream media and Arab and other media sources where they make their views and agenda known are public domain so this latest tactic you now try call upon to of invent an all encompassing category called "wing nut site" to try pre-empt any possible view but your own on this forum is past absurd.

What next Bubba...you going to publish an approved list of sites that you insist be followed?

What you say is not true, and if your opinion of these people were mainstream, you would be willing and able to back it up with citations. People can use their own judgement whether a site like FreeDominion provides a perspective they believe. You appear to be demonstrating your own judgement of their veracity by refusing to cite where you get your info from.

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I believe that the folks who read posts on this site are intelligent enough to have made up their own minds as to the validity of what the Israeli government has done and is doing. All viewpoints have been expressed and the credibility of the arguments stand on their own strength.

I found this thread interesting and revealing and now have a better understanding of the very diverse views.

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One thing I've learned from this forum is certain people only want to spread hatred under the guise of calling other people haters (see above). As with the post above, which goes on and on and on with a bunch of lying BS from Free Republic, you will never get a cite.

What other conclusion would you draw? Even in non-Israel issues Obama takes positions inconsistent with being an advocate for his country. Let's make one thing clear; Obama was elected as President of the United States, not chief Pal and Lapdog for the world's extremists.

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I would have used a colon there instead of the misused semi-colon, and I would have included reasonable, well-sourced examples of what I'm talking about. I realize, however, that when you deal in fanatical lies, it's best to just spew your opinion and run away.

Edited by BubberMiley
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What was a spew about that?

Two independent clauses were being separated by the semi-colon, which technically is correct, but starting the sentence with "Let's make one thing clear" suggests an emphasis on the second part of the sentence. The only option in that case is a colon.

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What is not true Bubba that these people don't exist? That they don't have the positions I stated? Lol. What did you think Bubba? Did you really think you could try vasoline your way out with the wingnut site response? Lol.

camels without humps

by Dee Nile

camels without humps

yah they're called chumps

please don't start to cry

I will explain why

listen Abdul, Ahmed and Mo

you really should kniw

you can't get me to move

to that anti semitic groove

and listen you holy three

don't try piss on Judah Macabee

see you got a problem with your direction

no doubt caused caused by your desert infection

you really need to remember with that hand

to clean off all that sand

before you start to point

and get sand all stuck in that joint

now like I said Mustafa

you really don't have tah

keep digging that hole

cuz its taking a toll

you just keep sinking

not to mention shrinking

and you weren't that big

before you started to dig

Edited by Rue
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What is not true Bubba that these people don't exist? That they don't have the positions I stated?

Yes, I'm still waiting for you to provide a source for where you got your information that these people have the positions you stated. Not the advisory positions---the anti-semitic positions or the pro-terrorism positions. You are free to defame people as you please, but why do you think you should be able to do so with no evidence?

But your shtick that everybody who ever questions your unsourced BS must be an anti-semite is getting pretty tired. I am willing to concede you're not very good at this, but you should try harder.

Edited by BubberMiley
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Bubba you are spent. Anyone can go on the internet, type in the names and follow the opinions these people have expressed and make up their own mind.

Defamation.Right. Now you want to throw out legal terms incorrectly? Lol.

How about you look up the term defamation. Its spent Bubba. Move on. Lol. Defamation, Lol.

Uh huh.

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I would have used a colon there instead of the misused semi-colon, and I would have included reasonable, well-sourced examples of what I'm talking about. I realize, however, that when you deal in fanatical lies, it's best to just spew your opinion and run away.

How anal would that be?

Sorry. I'm anal about colons. I understand it's common among men over 50.

Colons, to properly perform their function, are followed by a rectum. That is where the excrement leaves the body. For the last year and change of my father's life, owing to rectal cancer, he had a "semi-colon" where the excrement came out in an exterior bag.

That is the difference, my friends, between a colon and a semi-colon.

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Bubba you are spent.

You're right. I've proven my point perfectly.

People can Google the information you provided and find the sort of site that information is exclusively provided from. Then they will understand why you refuse to provide such links. Thanks for your help. :)

Edited by BubberMiley
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Bubba you are spent. Anyone can go on the internet, type in the names and follow the opinions these people have expressed and make up their own mind.

Defamation.Right. Now you want to throw out legal terms incorrectly? Lol.

How about you look up the term defamation. Its spent Bubba. Move on. Lol. Defamation, Lol.

Uh huh.

Waiting for the links still, Rue.

Once again, lots of typing with no substance.

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Lol.well Bubba since you have proven your point, this means you can now cit all the wingnut sites and tell me how you determined they were wingnut.


While you are at it tell "Hudson" so keep up will you. He seems to be a few posts behind. I mean really.

I look forward to your list of wingnut sites and the criteria you used to determine they were wingnut.

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Lol.well Bubba since you have proven your point, this means you can now cit all the wingnut sites and tell me how you determined they were wingnut.

Happy to. For example, you stated that Mehdi K. Alhassani is a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. If we google "Mehdi K. Alhassani + brotherhood", we get the following:


The first link is Shoebat.com (doesn't sound wingnut at all), which today has a feature that you may find interesting called "Antichrist Will Soon Enter The Temple of God"

We also have Freedom Outpost, CounterJihad Report, wnd.com (wnd, I understand, stands for "wingnut daily"), etc. etc. There's nothing there a reasonable person would not consider "wingnut." I can see why you refused to use citations.

These sites are, however, a one-stop shop for Benghazi conspiracy theories. :lol:

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Rather than discuss the contents of what you think you found Bubba you make a subjective comment that Shoebat.com "sounds wingnut" and try suggest the contents of what you think is wingnut is, because you saw another article that has nothing to do with it that deals with another topic.

You then also mention two other sites and call them wingnut as well. You fail to provide any explanation as to how you arrived at the conclusion the sites are wingnut other than to say "Shoebat.com" "sounds wingnut" and you found an article which you gives you the right to automatically assume all three sites are wingnut.

Then you applaud yourself saying your conclusion is wingnut and giggle.

Now that Bubba is precisely what I expected from you. Someone who makes smeers and slurs with zero basis to back them up and refuses to acknowledge what was actually reported because you have no clue what was reported let alone if its true or not.

A reasonable person would instead of making subjective assumptions without reading the contents at least make an effort to read them.

As well there are hundreds of sites not just the three you mentioned that are reporting this story. You are not in the position to provide one shred of evidence that any of them are not credible. Provide one objective measurement you used. Go on. Just one, You can't.

Now let's look at the actual story you won't address.

Mehdi K. Alhassani, was an adviser to Hilary Clinton. He is special assistant to the Office of the Chief of Staff of the National Security Council.

The words 'Shoebat.com" which you dismiss as being wingnut with zero proof indicate but one thing, you make assumptions with zero basis. Perhaps if the name sounded Anglo like oh Marcus ior Hudson Jones instead of Shoebat you would assume its credible?

Oh but right. Someone who goes by the pen name "Bubba" is in the position to call another because his name is Shoebat. hee hee giggle giggle. Tjhat's reasonable.

Shoebat is the last name of former PLO operative Walid Shoebat. You find his name funny Bubba. Go on giggle.

This individual wrote a report linking Alhassani to the Muslim Brotherhood. Get this clear Bubba-what makes this man's report credible or lacking in credibility is not your bigoted assumptions about his last name but the contents of what he reported and whether it can be corroborated or not.

Alhassani’s name was found on an email made public last week as part of a Judicial Watch lawsuit.

Go on Bubba finish what you started. Go prove his name was not on the email and Judicial Watch are wingnuts. You will have to do better than ridiculing his last name Bubba.

In fact that email's existence is not disputed by Alhassani and it was sent three days after the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack to Alhassani and other officials from Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser for strategic communication.

That e-mail is public domain. It was not created by a wingnut or a wingnut site. It was created by Ben Rhodes who fully acknowledges it.

The subject matter of the email evidences that Rhodes believes the communications strategy the White House should take is to and I quote, “underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”

How is that wingnut Bubba? Its called damage control or spin doctoring. Its what these aides are paid to do shape the message to shelter the President from criticism.

What next Bubba because the article states Alhassani, , was president of the Muslim Student Association at George Washington University from 2005 to 2006. That is a fact Bubba. No one denies it nor do they deny the MSA was founded by Muslim Brotherhood activists.

Alhassani has never hidden that fact, ever. He is open about his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. He is proud of it. This man has pro Muslim Brotherhood views. Its a fact. Its also why Obama chose him. He identifies with the philosophy of the Muslim Brotherhood. What next you want to deny Obama openly welcomed the Muslim Brotherhood to the White House and openly stated he supports them? Do you want to pretend he never stated openly he felt the Muslim Brotherhood's vision of the Middle East was the key to its future? Its a fact. Anyone can find it out on the public domain and Obama is upfront about it. No one has hidden this.

The report stated the start-up funding for the MSA was provided by the Saudi Arabian charity the Muslim World League, or MWL. That is a fact. You call that wingnut? Lol. Prove it. So far all you have is that the last name Shoebat sounds wingnut.

So now what. The report stated the MSA’s official anthem is a restatement of the Muslim Brotherhood credo. do you deny that? Is that wingnut? Its fact.

It states:

Allah is our objective

The Prophet is our leader

The Quran is our law

Jihad is our way

Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope

Go on Bubba finish what you started just once. Prove the above is not true. Anyone can find it for themselves.

The report goes on to say a lot more. You smeering the site as wingnut because you do not like the last name Shoebat is ridiculous.

Either take the contents of the report and prove them wrong or be quiet and stop trying to pass yourself off as an expert on issues you have no clue about..

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