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Political Correctness Ignores Muslim rape gangs in UK


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It is strange, isn't it? There are have no coherent arguments against the points made in the OP, but they must post, just because Muslims and lefties are involved. Their main argument seems to be that if you are against child abuse and moral cowardice, you must watch Fox News.

I never have, but those credentials don't sound too bad.

Yup... considering that no one has posted anything from Fox it's a weird comment, the BBC and the Times are respected media. I'll wager they haven't read any of it, they just trot out the the usual cries of indignation when someone posts about Muslims, guess we shouldn't post any stories that don't fit their narrative.

Some of the earlier stories coming out of the U.K. are proving to be true,


the BBC has been careful


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What I find stranger is someone saying how it relates directly to Canada, even directly to this website, but being completely unwilling to provide examples how.

Yes, that would be strange!

Not stranger, mind. I still think the behaviour I described would be the stranger of the two.

Anyway, let me know if anyone does do that.

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What I find stranger is someone saying how it relates directly to Canada, even directly to this website, but being completely unwilling to provide examples how.

Yes, anything to focus on a minor irrelevant statement and deflect from the issue at hand.

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Maybe Argus and Scribblet should consider applying for jobs at Foxnews or The Daily Mirror to write their headlines.

This man is ready for you:

I get the feeling that if you were working in this city and someone started talking about Pakistani men abusing young girls you'd denounce them as racists and bigots and demand they be fired. You're the kind of person who allows such things to happen.

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I get the feeling that if you were working in this city and someone started talking about Pakistani men abusing young girls you'd denounce them as racists and bigots and demand they be fired. You're the kind of person who allows such things to happen.

I get the feeling that you get that feeling a lot and that you're often mistaken.

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What are you BC2004 now? This is the "Rest of the World" section of MLW.

But "political correctness" is a borderless concept that is apparently so rampant throughout western society that it is commonly described as "run amok." This seems like an isolated incident and rather than blame "political correctness", I blame bad judgement and incompetence among the people involved, And like Sharia Law, I don't think it's something that I, as a Canadian, really need to worry about.

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But "political correctness" is a borderless concept that is apparently so rampant throughout western society that it is commonly described as "run amok." This seems like an isolated incident and rather than blame "political correctness", I blame bad judgement and incompetence among the people involved, And like Sharia Law, I don't think it's something that I, as a Canadian, really need to worry about.

Except of course that your very own behavior in deflecting to a trivial statement made offhandedly by another member rather than discussing the issue at hand (which this thread is clearly and unambiguously about) is in itself an example of this political correctness... people wanting to focus on anything but bad behavior by Muslims. If you don't feel like worrying about something though, by all means, don't worry about it.

That being said, there are numerous Canadian examples of political correctness. They are not what this thread is about. If you want said examples to be presented, feel free to start a thread and I'm sure several posters here will provide said examples.

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Except of course that your very own behavior in deflecting to a trivial statement made offhandedly by another member rather than discussing the issue at hand (which this thread is clearly and unambiguously about) is in itself an example of this political correctness... people wanting to focus on anything but bad behavior by Muslims. If you don't feel like worrying about something though, by all means, don't worry about it.

I didn't think the poster's statement was true but it lacked detail, so I asked for clarification. It was only after the poster refused to do so that it was clear it was trivial and made offhandedly.

But I have no qualms about criticizing muslims. I just think it's foolish to pick out two particularly vile muslims and then pretend you're talking about muslims in general---because you're not. Just as it's foolish to pick out one isolated event and pretend it applies to our "politically correct" society as a whole---because it doesn't.

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Rotherham is not an isolated incident, it's the tip of the iceberg, not just a phenomena limited to the UK . as similar incidents in Sweden for example have been highlighted but disregarded by the MSM.

One wonders what other crimes have been overlooked for the same reason as p.c. has created a fear of speaking up for fear of being labelled. Tyneside also has a huge problem, 120 men (mainly Pakistani) have been arrested in Operation Sanctuary. They had no problem going after Saville, Rolf Harris and Cliff Richard, why not Rotherham crimes.



Rochdale and Oldham nine men jailed - 2012


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But I have no qualms about criticizing muslims. I just think it's foolish to pick out two particularly vile muslims and then pretend you're talking about muslims in general---because you're not.

What 'two' vile muslims are you talking about? From the reports there were A LOT of vile Muslims involved. Furthermore, an ongoing theme among Muslim cultural baggage is their disresect for women. That disrespect is most evident in sexual and moral matters, so much so that in some places any Muslim woman who doesn't entirely cover her face and body, or who engages in sexual behaviour can be beaten, even imprisoned or killed. It does not take a mighty leap of intellect, especially given the many, many anecdotal statements from a wide variety of countries, to discern what the attitudes of such men would be about western women. Western women are all whores, and to such men, whores are barely fit to live. They would feel no moral qualms about mistreating them in any way hey pleased.

I'm NOT saying all Muslims have this baggage to the same degree. I AM saying all Muslims have this baggage. And those who have a lot of it are not exactly few in number, including in the West. I don't know a younger woman who doesn't have stories of being accosted by Muslim men in bars and clubs who are rude, in-your-face, arrogant and contemptuous towards them and who get very angry when rejected. One local club has what they call 'camel patrol' which is the bouncer assigned specifically to keep an eye on unacompanied Arab men due to their repeated incidents of misbehaviour towards unacompanied women.

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If this phenomena was happening in a group other than Muslims, would the people on here calling the phenomena anti Muslim use the same standard with the other group?

Why is it someone like "Hudson Jones" will come on this thread all upset about this thread being anti Muslim but make sweeping generalizations about Jews and Israelis and call Zionism and Israel a cancer that needs to be wiped out? Where is the credibility in such people?

My gut reaction is if it was Jews in England doing this Mr. Jones would be relating it to evil Zionism.

I think the response by some of you shows or illustrates the very political correctness Argus raised.

Crime has patterns. If we track it to certain groups does that make it racist or hateful?

If its related to a complex phenomena do we ignore that? Should we ignore the fact that Islam does promote a way of thought that facilitates the concept that non Muslim women are filthy to start with and therefore dehumanizes them and makes it easier to rape them?

We have to look at all thinking processes that dehumanize women. If some of them come from twisting Islam then yes its legitimate to say to Muslims in their community denounce it. Stand up in your mosques and examine if the manner in which you preach is lending to such behaviour.

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Rotherham is not an isolated incident, it's the tip of the iceberg, not just a phenomena limited to the UK . as similar incidents in Sweden for example have been highlighted but disregarded by the MSM.

One wonders what other crimes have been overlooked for the same reason as p.c. has created a fear of speaking up for fear of being labelled.

Yes, I wonder the same thing when ideological correctness causes government officials and sycophants to overlook the sorts of white collar crimes that spark widespread economic damage and detrimental sociological phenomena. This story is more like the tip of a tectonic plate.

Hey look, it's a brown person...and he's coming right at us!

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Eye you demonstrate the very phenomena Argus' thread raised. Your response shows not only a complete lack of logic but this knee jerk reaction that any discussion about sexist thought in Islam as an attack on all brown people.

What b.s. and zip over your head you can't even see you engage in the very racist thought you accuse others of. Since when are all Muslims brown?

Hey genius no one said all brown people let alone all Muslims should be attacked.

Psst, some of us JOOZ are mocha, but we also come in Vanilla, dark chocolate, strawberry( high blood pressure)

If people in my Jewish community want to use Judaism to promote dehumanizing beliefs about women, I say challenge them.

I know many Muslims and Christians agree with me that progressive thought requires we not be afraid to question our beliefs openly,

I won't do it with you Eye or Hudson Jones because I believe your words indicate you can't see the grey between the black and white. In your case you can only see the black, or as you say, brown.

I save critical thought for people capable of it like Argus or Bonam.


Mr. Greenishgreypinkberg

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How about the hundreds of cases of rabbis and the sexual abuse of children? Why are we not seeing this in the media? Why are they getting away with it?

Should we be questioning Jews for the act of these people?

Why are we not seeing threads called:

"Fear of being labeled anti-semites stops the media and the law from going after pedophile JEWISH rabbis!!!!!!!!!!!1111 OMG OMG!!! JOOOS!!!"

Oh look. There is actually a web page dedicated to exposing child molesting Jews who don't receive the attention they should be receiving: http://iamthewitness.com/listeners/Jewish.child.molesters.that.are.never.on.the.NEWS-WHY.htm

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I get the feeling that if you were working in this city and someone started talking about Pakistani men abusing young girls you'd denounce them as racists and bigots and demand they be fired. You're the kind of person who allows such things to happen.

You should keep your feelings about me to yourself. Because you are frequently wrong. I have no problem speaking out against anyone who commits any shitty act. I don't care what their religious background is; whether they're Muslim, Catholic, Jewish, etc. etc. I am mature enough to know that the acts of a group of people with a certain religious background does not represent that religion.

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Hudson Jones you just revealed once again your agenda and your opinions which are clearly bigoted against Jews.

The bolded words and !!!! points speak for themselves as does the lack of rationality in your response.

We were discussing the co-relation between Muslim fundamentalist religious views and rape.

If as you say any clergyman let alone a Rabbia is a pedophile how would that be related to the religious preachings? Do you know? could you discuss it intelligently without screaming?

Are you saying the Jewish religion teaches its Rabbias to be pedophies

If there are passages in the old Testament that lend to the beliefs that women are inferior to men and property which is the actual topic we were discussing they should be criticized as they should be in Christianity or Islam which was the point.

What is your source for the hundreds of pedophile Rabbias? What next, do you want to show us some of the ridiculous false quotes from the Talmud that were widely circulated by Muslim extremist and neo Nazi and other anti-semitic web sites? Is hat where you want to lower this discussion to?

What I can tell you is that the Jewish community has been critical of sexist reasoning in our religion and that is why our progressive or reform sects such as reconstructionism, reformism and humanism, reject such sexist concepts now. Even our conservative Jewish sect moved on from and distanced itself away from orthodox Jewish concepts that promote sexist thought.

Jews openly debate and criticize each other including our views on sexuality and gender equality.

This is not happening in Islamic communities in the same manner. The Muslim progressive wing is much smaller, is a progressive and its reformist face much more severe negative backlash from their communities.

Read back your embolded post. You think that shows a level of maturity in your response? Really? To me it shows hatred and an inability to detach your emotions and hatred for Jews from the topic. I think those words show you lost it,

The Catholic church is struggling with pedophile and other sex scandals. It had brave Catholics stand up and risk being ex-communicated demanding reform. This does not mean the Catholic religion preaches pedophilia but it did and does mean the structure of the church and its layers of secrecy plus its antiquated practice of celibacy is co-related to it. It may be the religious component adding or assisting this phenomena is related to the concept of celibacy and the fact that Priesthood may lead people with sexual disorders to believe if they become priests they can submerge their sexual deviancy in that role. Those are topics being debated within their religious community and the Jewish and other Christian communities.

That is the discussion taking place,

in the detached sects of ultra-orthodox Jews and the Amish studies have been done and what we now understand is their may be na ability in any religious sect when its leaders are not to be questioned and who promote views of women being inferior to men, that there is more of a propensity for domestic violence, underage sex with women who are married off under 16, etc.

The point of this thread remains, if Muslims are taught by their Mullahs that non Muslims are dhimmi-khafir and that women are not on the same level of human rights as men even when they are Muslim, this has a co-relation to certain sexual behaviour that we may be witnessing in Muslim communities such as this rape phenomena and its not anti Muslim to say so or question it in relation to its religious beliefs,.

Its a reasonable point to make just like if you can show me you think Judaism promotes pedophilia in its Rabbias and you have proof of that we would criticize that,

The point is you know damn well there are not hundreds of Rabbias molesting children and you are well aware that Muslim extremist and anti-semite sites that have been spreading that crap for years.

In fact Jews have been accused or thousands of years of taking the blood from gentiles to make matzah. You are well aware there were documentaries broadcast in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran to that effect.

There's still afake picture circulated accusing a Rabbia of sucking a Jewish child's penis when he is in fact leaning over performing a circumcision,

You threw that comment out about Rabbias and it shows your anger is specifically directed at Jews. You could have made your point without using Jews but you chose to.

Hudson Jones you have in my opinion demonstrated why such topics can not be raised with people like you whose biases and emotions are so clouded against Jews you can't go a post without some form of attack against Jews or Israel.

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