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BC Mountain Eyed for Trudeau Tribute

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Locating it in Western Canada will result in it being not appreciated, and leaves people with the daunting task of figuring out how to deface an entire mountain.

Whatever. :rolleyes: That's easy Kimmy. Here is the surefire perfect plan. Rezone the area as a national park, suggest that there might be energy like coal in there, Campbell and his advisors will conduct their 5 minute environmental assessment over a 2-4 of Coors (or crystal meth. whatever) and then watch the corporations clamour to practice "environmentally friendly, and sustainable" industry. The mountain will be gone in no time and the reclamation will look like crap for hundreds of years.

When I think of PET, I recall Ontario lakes and the fall trees. Fall in Ontario is beautiful. That seems more suitable but really....who cares? It is just a mountain.

I am gonna fill in for MS on this one and let you know we can get Bre-x to help us with that.

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Locating it in Western Canada will result in it being not appreciated, and leaves people with the daunting task of figuring out how to deface an entire mountain.
I was thinking rather of asking the Americans to rename Mt. Ste Helens - and then wait for the inevitable.

OTOH, we could go for a Mt Rushmore North - and wait for the bombers to show up.

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But if I, and the many other Canadians wish to celebrate Trudeau's life, back off and let us do it. I find the naysayers here very mean spirited.    :angry:

Oh, Syrup, don't feel that way. We're not saying you can't celebrate Mr Trudeau's life. We're just debating whether naming a BC mountain after him would really be the most fitting tribute.

Like, for instance, when Mr Chretien moves on to that big caucus meeting in the sky, what would be a fitting tribute? Naming some mountain in his honor? Some place that few humans will ever visit? That doesn't seem to represent what Mr Chretien was about. A more fitting tribute, I think, would be to build a golf-course in his honor! The Jean Chretien Memorial Golf Course! There would hopefully be a burned out hotel nearby.

Here is the surefire perfect plan. Rezone the area as a national park, suggest that there might be energy like coal in there, Campbell and his advisors will conduct their 5 minute environmental assessment over a 2-4 of Coors (or crystal meth. whatever) and then watch the corporations clamour to practice "environmentally friendly, and sustainable" industry. The mountain will be gone in no time and the reclamation will look like crap for hundreds of years.

I am gonna fill in for MS on this one and let you know we can get Bre-x to help us with that.


I was thinking rather of asking the Americans to rename Mt. Ste Helens - and then wait for the inevitable.

OTOH, we could go for a Mt Rushmore North - and wait for the bombers to show up.


Brilliant suggestions all.

I did a quick survey of some people in my life who remember The Man, The Legend. My dad was somewhat indifferent. Mom, being from a remote part of the province where they didn't have "regular" plumbing until just recently, told me that they had already built their own monument to him: the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Memorial 2-Holer. However, my Special Guy thought naming a BC mountain after Trudeau would be a terrific idea, and suggests that Pierre's surviving sons could inaugurate it with a skiing trip. (I thought that was a little harsh. Funny, but harsh. :P )


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As you say PET was an ex-NDP'er but switched to the liberals for a chance at power and the NDP said they were looking forward to seeing his policies I mean their policies when the liberals picked him

Trudeau was never in the NDP. He supported the CCF, the ND's precursor, but his views on individual rights moved him towards the Liberals in the '60s.

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Trudeau was never in the NDP. He supported the CCF, the ND's precursor, but his views on individual rights moved him towards the Liberals in the '60s.
I believe he supported the CCF in the 1950s and after the NDP was formed in 1960, he supported them federally in the elections of 1962 and 1963. As late as 1964, he wrote articles critical of the Liberals.

Trudeau first ran for the Liberals in 1965. He explained that he wanted to have power and he realized that the NDP would never form a government.

Trudeau's main preoccupation was, as he put it, "to make sure Quebec doesn't leave Canada and to make sure the rest of Canada doesn't kick Quebec out."

This preoccupation far dominated any of his leftist-leanings of the State Intervention sort. In any case, he also said "create counterweights".

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B.C. village eyes nearby mountain for Trudeau tribute

I think Trudeau would have liked this location as he loved the Canadian wilderness. ;)

I know a lot of you folks here did not like him, the separatists because he defeated them, and the right wingers because he made you share your wealth, but for me he was Canada's greatest prime minister with a real passion for our country, and a real vision for the future.

Pierre Elliot Trudeau was a communist! Fact! He was the President of the Communist Youth League of Canada!

He decided to go skiing to Vale Colorado and the US Immigration refused him entry. A few other countries did the same. So this ignorant arrogant pinko bastard made out a cheque for $1.5 million to the corrupt Fiberal Party of Canada with the understanding that he would be their leader which of course the insiders said yes! Leadership convention ha ha ha ha it was rigged. So this pinko now could go to the USA for skiing and he was a woman beater because he beat the crap out of his wife Margaret and do I know that for fact? Yes I do ! He was screwing a load of women behind the Chateau Laurier on small boats that came up from Montreal with women on board!

Trudeau was a jerk, a commie bastard, a woman beater, a cheater, didn't give a rats ass about anything and he created a deficit of over $260 Billion dollars.

Trudeau was Canadas worst ever PM! FACT !!

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B.C. village eyes nearby mountain for Trudeau tribute

I think Trudeau would have liked this location as he loved the Canadian wilderness.  ;)

I know a lot of you folks here did not like him, the separatists because he defeated them, and the right wingers because he made you share your wealth, but for me he was Canada's greatest prime minister with a real passion for our country, and a real vision for the future.

Pierre Elliot Trudeau was a communist! Fact! He was the President of the Communist Youth League of Canada!

He decided to go skiing to Vale Colorado and the US Immigration refused him entry. A few other countries did the same. So this ignorant arrogant pinko bastard made out a cheque for $1.5 million to the corrupt Fiberal Party of Canada with the understanding that he would be their leader which of course the insiders said yes! Leadership convention ha ha ha ha it was rigged. So this pinko now could go to the USA for skiing and he was a woman beater because he beat the crap out of his wife Margaret and do I know that for fact? Yes I do ! He was screwing a load of women behind the Chateau Laurier on small boats that came up from Montreal with women on board!

Trudeau was a jerk, a commie bastard, a woman beater, a cheater, didn't give a rats ass about anything and he created a deficit of over $260 Billion dollars.

Trudeau was Canadas worst ever PM! FACT !!

gee thanks for that instillment of common sense.

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If they want a mountain named after this guy name one for 'em in the east.. if there is any.. Trudeau did nothing for the west to merit any kind of tribute for himself here... maybe build a statue of him in the Jewish neighborhoods in Montreal he use to ride his motorcycle in while wearing his Nazi swaztica(spl?)....

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Help......we are being inundated with Alberta fascists. Who let so many out of their cages all at the same time? ;)

Seriously though, what's in a label? It is the person's policies that count - either they deliver the goods from the right or the left, whatever, the important thing is, do their policies work for most of the people in society, and are they making sure that their policies, which for the most part need to be for the majority in society, or hopefully they will not get elected, are not crushing the lest fortunate, the meeker elements, of our society.

The National Energy Program is a good case in point, and for most Canadians the program worked well. Alberta historians need to get out big erasers and correct some of the revisionist history floating around in Wild Rose country.

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Help......we are being inundated with Alberta fascists. Who let so many out of their cages all at the same time?

MS, have you ever lived in Alberta? Have you worked 18 hour days pushing a shovel through grain so the rest of the country can have cheap grain? Have you ever spent a day on an oil rig platform grunting to make sure the ROC has cheap oil? Have you ever tried to make equipment run at 30 below with a wind chill of minus 50? I highly doubt it. You know absolutely nothing about what makes Alberta tick. We may be a province full of rednecks and roughnecks but we are not bloody well scared to take a chance and we do not believe in getting something for nothing. Yeah, we are "get in your face" when we are pissed off. We are a province that is used to building something out of a pile of dirt and grass. We are a province based on strong family values. But it seems that when we speak our mind, we are called whinners while you tout yourself as the enlightened one. Get off the bloody high horse, you don't live here, have never lived here so you know nothing about Alberta. Come and spend a few years walking though cow shit or losing your limbs on a rig, then you can spout what ever rhetoric you want to.

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Trudeau was a jerk, a commie bastard, a woman beater, a cheater, didn't give a rats ass about anything and he created a deficit of over $260 Billion dollars.

Trudeau was Canadas worst ever PM! FACT !!

BS Without a strong leader like Trudeau; we would probably not be the Canada you see today. As for worst Prime Minister; that honour belongs to Mulroney who sold us out to the Yankee dollar.

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Trudeau was a jerk, a commie bastard, a woman beater, a cheater, didn't give a rats ass about anything and he created a deficit of over $260 Billion dollars.

Trudeau was Canadas worst ever PM! FACT !!

BS Without a strong leader like Trudeau; we would probably not be the Canada you see today. As for worst Prime Minister; that honour belongs to Mulroney who sold us out to the Yankee dollar.

Trudeau was a jerk and a commie; them the facts even if the socialist likes to dream in Technicolor.

So ceaser is back to that no Quebec without PM turdo augment again I see.

More like a 70c dollar and no Alberta because of turdo.

I can see it coming blame Mulroney for the debt & dollar.

The debt was 11 billion before PET took office. If there is one thing you want to celebrate it is no conservative could run up the debt 10 fold ... and PET was able to do it without the help of high interest rates.

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Help......we are being inundated with Alberta fascists. Who let so many out of their cages all at the same time?

MS, have you ever lived in Alberta? Have you worked 18 hour days pushing a shovel through grain so the rest of the country can have cheap grain? Have you ever spent a day on an oil rig platform grunting to make sure the ROC has cheap oil? Have you ever tried to make equipment run at 30 below with a wind chill of minus 50? I highly doubt it. You know absolutely nothing about what makes Alberta tick. We may be a province full of rednecks and roughnecks but we are not bloody well scared to take a chance and we do not believe in getting something for nothing. Yeah, we are "get in your face" when we are pissed off. We are a province that is used to building something out of a pile of dirt and grass. We are a province based on strong family values. But it seems that when we speak our mind, we are called whinners while you tout yourself as the enlightened one. Get off the bloody high horse, you don't live here, have never lived here so you know nothing about Alberta. Come and spend a few years walking though cow shit or losing your limbs on a rig, then you can spout what ever rhetoric you want to.

Lighten up. That was a tongue and cheek response to the commie comments. And sure I've lived in Alberta. I remember one winter night, it was 40 below, a tree branch cought my eye and knocked my eyeball right out of the socket and it was just hanging there on my cheek. If I hadn't had a can of motor oil to keep my eyeball in, to prevent it from freezing, untill I got to the hospital, I might have lost my eye sight. Fortunately now all I have to do is give it a shot of WD40 once a week, and everything is fine. :lol:

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Two years later, prime minister Trudeau established diplomatic relations with China. It was a huge geopolitical gambit for the time, one that broke the recognition logjam in 1970 and set a pattern for other Western nations to follow.

Trudeau led the way; and the USA followed. What other Canadian leader could say that.

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Trudeau was a jerk, a commie bastard, a woman beater, a cheater, didn't give a rats ass about anything and he created a deficit of over $260 Billion dollars.

Trudeau was Canadas worst ever PM! FACT !!

BS Without a strong leader like Trudeau; we would probably not be the Canada you see today. As for worst Prime Minister; that honour belongs to Mulroney who sold us out to the Yankee dollar.

Personally I am inclined to agree witht he profesionals in this one who say niether Mulroney or Trudea was the worst PM Canada has ever had and niether of them were failures, I may not agree with all the rankings, but obviously i am biased but here you go, just to help you guys out.



1. William Lyon Mackenzie King

2. Sir John A. Macdonald

3. Sir Wilfrid Laurier

Near Great

4. Louis St. Laurent

High Average

5. Pierre Elliott Trudeau

6. Lester B. Pearson

7. Sir Robert Borden


8. Brian Mulroney

9. Jean Chretien

10. Sir John S. Thompson

11. Sir Alexander Mackenzie

12. R. B. Bennett

13. John Diefenbaker

Low Average

14. Arthur Meighen

15. Joe Clark


16. Sir Charles Tupper

17. Sir John J. C. Abbott

18. John Turner

19. Sir Mackenzie Bowell

20. Kim Campbell

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Personally I am inclined to agree witht he profesionals

What professionals? I completely disagree with the list.

Kim Campbell was not a failure; she was just a scapegoat leader that took a whipping thanks to Mulroney's actions. She didn't crippled the Conservative party; that was Mulroney's doings.

Lester Pearson was a winner of the nobel peace prize; which, alone, should ranks him higher

Trudeau led the way in creating a national debt

Hmmm, maybe; but Mulroney perfected it and saddled us with the gst and so called "free trade"

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Two years later, prime minister Trudeau established diplomatic relations with China. It was a huge geopolitical gambit for the time, one that broke the recognition logjam in 1970 and set a pattern for other Western nations to follow.

Trudeau led the way; and the USA followed. What other Canadian leader could say that.

Precisely. The US is a dying regime, and eventually Canada's future will better represented in Asia than America. The US is now morally bankrupct with their born again Christians, and economically bankrupct with their their debt.

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Precisely. The US is a dying regime, and eventually Canada's future will better represented in Asia than America.

I fail to see the US doing any death throes right now so I think they have a few more years of life yet. As for Asia, yeah, they can can become a larger trading partner with us but they will never be able to reach the levels of the US. There are a couple of reasons for this. Asia is even more protectionist minded than the US when it comes to local industry. Also, the return in doing business with Asia is not as high because of the high transit costs. I agree that we need to spread our wings a bit further but let's not piss off our US customers more than we already have. Just rememeber, we are not really doing business with the US government but with US companies.

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