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Everything posted by ticker

  1. don't you mean infinite government funds available kimmy
  2. Ceasar I thought you liked monopolies. Air canada, attempts to nationalize the oil industry with petrocanada, the CBC if there was enough money left over
  3. That is a loaded question Hawk.... caesar can't resist to put his lefty spin on it
  4. I prefer the word pre trudeau; before the counrty went amuck
  5. Hey if your not right, your wrong. But to be hoenst CBC is biased like any other news station out there, what Kimmy and others may be looking for is a balance in that Bias, and the question would be in a publicly funded channel and program is there a balance and if there is not a balance shoudl a program that is publicly funded be allowed to have a blatant and consistent bias in oen direction with out fair measures taken and alloted for a rebuttal to be provided? The CBC is not biased they proved that when a couple of days after 9/11 80% of their picked 'experts' said the US deserved to be bombed. If the CBC wants to be a left leaning media at least they should finance it themselves instead of using public money to say we should all think liberal. The CBC is like the liberal majority governments running the country that says liberal is the only way to look at everything.
  6. If mulroney was given a starting point of a 11 billion debt and the low interest rates of the 70s he could not compete with trudeau when it comes to raising is 10 fold.
  7. The left is fragmented.... the liberals just keep trying to win support back from the bloc and as a result making Quebec issues a higher priority.... have you heard of policies like asymmetrical health care because of Quebec’s private clinics instead of saying no we don't like the word private and you better do things the way we want because we don't care if you won't elect any liberals. The liberals didn't go around calling Quebecois un Canadian for supporting a party that wants to breakup Canada. The instead of using the word un Canadian it is more like pre Trudeau before the county went amuck.
  8. That sums it up. Harper gets called everything under the sun and also other right leaning politicians.... but how dare you have the gull to say something bad about a liberal leader. Left leaning bias favoritism.... Nah it couldn't be. The editor wouldn't be on your case if it were Harper you were attaching a label to.
  9. It is the liberals and their spin-doctors that labeled the right wing voters as 'un Canadian' last election. Which country were they referring to? ... The Soviet Union They wouldn’t call Quebecois un Canadian and guarantee the bloc would win more votes. You can't have it both ways say the liberals are not anti-American and at the same time say those right wing voters are 'un Canadian'
  10. caeser we know you are more interested in protecting the liberal name ... disguised as Chretien just exercising his rights. If Gomery was saying I think the liberals are innocent but will go through the process to please the public would Chretien be pushing to have Gomery removed. Not unless Chretien thought Gomery would come to a different conclusion.
  11. Don forget the very real threat of a lightning strike I thought the tornadoes were more of a threat ... or is that only if you live in a trailer park. I heard this joke why do tornadoes always go through trailer parks... because GOD doesn’t like trailer parks
  12. Nope. Born'n'bred as they say round these parts. so one of those life long liberals that used the logic no one is perfect in governnment... there will be a resolution to the NEP sooner or later. sort of like the longs in the stockmarket saying maybe it will rebound one of these days
  13. BD must be one of those post 1980 Albertans that or redmonton
  14. I have a friend from quebec that told me a story about how this construction company would bring lumber to the site in the day and remove it at night so they could bring more lumber to get the job done.
  15. I can see your point about Alberta being split into two southern Alberta and northern Alberta with redmonton
  16. Or like those on the left that accuse Klien of fabricating an anti Ottawa attitude to maintain his base. It doesn't hurt the liberal left cause to imply the US is bad; if you don't vote liberal and let the other guys in by extension that is like the bad US. As in the way they say you can have socialized medicine but not the US way and people dying in the streets... there is no middle ground.
  17. You mean like those voters that were tagged anti Canadian if they didn't vote liberal or NDP ... which country could they be referring to... the Soviet Union? If you think this site has too much of an anti American attitude then you should try the rabble.ca website where they all badmouth the Canadian right... hummm they must just love the Americans over there
  18. Trudeau was an idealist. If he ever thought of a policy to attack Ontario or Quebec his advisors would be quick to tell him to return to earth because he will be sitting in opposition for the rest of his life.
  19. Trudeau would never have the 'courage' to try pulling an NEP type policy in Ontario or Quebec. It is all a numbers game when it comes to getting elected. Do I loose 100 Ontario seats by bringing in high oil prices or do I loose 25 Alberta pushing the NEP on them. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out. As August mentioned how would OAW react if they were obligated to sell their services at 25% less then before or how would Quebec react if they were told they must sell hydro at less then world price. I can just see the liberals getting a larger majority then martin was predicting before the scandal hit the liberals.
  20. The silent factor is we vote liberal; they don't do us wong. With 180 seats on the line the liberals would have to be 'brain dead' to try doing wrong in that part of the counrty
  21. It also puts them below other provinces when the liberals feel the time is ripe for another money grap policy.
  22. The same could be said of Trudeau and his policies like the NEP. At least the US as fixed election dates and a limit of 8 years. If it wasn't for his age Trudeau would still be PM ... even though he wasn't liked in those little unimportant provinces
  23. And didn't the liberals during the election say you were anti canadain if you voted right. I don't remember the conservatives trying to slur themselves by calling themselves anti canadian. It is more like a catch-all for left-wingers who want to slur an opponent
  24. just wait till Newfoundland refuses to vote liberal then erueka will say it is a bad province like Alberta.
  25. That is an easy one to answer. If Alberta starts voting left then TS will say Alberta qualifies to be on the list
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