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Natural resources key to aboriginal peace,northern Ontario leaders say

Like the Idle No More protesters, the band councillor from this fly-in northern Ontario reserve wants a better deal for his people.

But the best way to get it, he says, is to have the federal and provincial governments get together with native leaders and determine, once and for all, how to divide the spoils of natural resources fairly.

"We have to come to that table and lock the doors behind us. Let's talk it out," he said in an early mourning interview in the band office hundreds of kilometres away from the nearest city.

"Yes, we're frustrated as native people. But there are ways to get things done."

Indeed, the federal and provincial governments have expressed a willingness to have those very talks — at least as they pertain to the Ring of Fire ...


No one is ready to accept the status quo, each for his own reasons. Such conditions stand in the way of efficient resource development, if nothing else.

So now, both levels of governments have indicated they're willing to sit down and hash out exactly how those treaties signed so long ago should be interpreted in the modern age.

"We've got a chance now," Okeese says.

Ontario has been asking for a tripartite process to negotiate the broader issues of Ring of Fire development for some time, according to background documents.

And in a recent briefing with The Canadian Press, a senior official with Aboriginal Affairs in Ottawa says the federal government is thinking along the same lines.

"We see this as a very realistic opportunity," said the official, who spoke on condition his name not be used, as has become customary with senior bureaucrats giving official briefings to reporters.

Section 35 of the Constitution obliges governments to consult meaningfully with First Nations on anything that would touch their way of life. While the Constitution is vague, court rulings are making it more and more clear that the duty to consult is far-reaching, and that governments must to some extent accommodate native demands.

"What we're looking at is a table that deals specifically with the Section 35 duty-to-consult obligations," he explained.

"A table like this might deal with some of the consultation fatigue that occurs. It helps focus some of the capacity building, so that communities are not being besieged by government officials or industry proponents. So in a way, it is simplifying and making it more coherent for everybody."

The table would confront the same issue at the heart of the Idle No More protests across the country and the hunger strike by Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence.


Like Ottawa, he said, First Nations are fed up with dependence on government hand-outs that can be cut at the whim of the prime minister.

"Until there is a commitment from governments, I don't think there will be any resource development up north," he said. "We've got to go back to the treaty table."

His 36-year-old son Roland Okeese, who wants to get training and find work in mining eventually, hopes to see a fair deal.

"I'd like for it to happen," he said. "But it has to be where we can all benefit."

The crux of the matter: Harper is attempting to legislate an end run to avoid accommodating Aboriginal and treaty rights through resource revenue sharing.

First Nations know that revenue sharing is the way out of the dependency and destitution trap.

Why does Harper insist on keeping First Nations communities dependent on government handouts?

Is it because he can control them by withholding funds?

Harper should stop playing stupid control tricks and get to the table and negotiate revenue sharing in good faith ... IF he wants resource development, that is.

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Again, that's not up to Harper. Outside of the territories, his government has nothing to do with resource development.

Well then I guess he's screwed (eta) for resource development ... and revenues.

A little leadership by example is required here.

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Or, the people who want to consult with him about something that's out of his jurisdiction are. He's not the one refusing to eat over a bill that didn't do what everyone tries to say it did.

Harper can speak for himself.

Let him explain that to the Chiefs ... and more importantly, to the women.


"We know who is leading this movement. It is the women," Atleo told the crowd in Ottawa. "And so men, when a woman like Chief Spence says it is time to work together, it is time to be unified, it is time to be idle no more, we better listen."

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Harper can speak for himself.

Let him explain that to the Chiefs ... and more importantly, to the women.

He shouldn't have to explain it to them. If you're going to have a movement, you should know what you're talking about.

Edit: can't spell

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In an interview following his election victory, Stan Beardy told Wawatay that it is not enough for industry and governments to simply provide jobs and training to First Nations people in exchange for access to resources on First Nations’ land.

Beardy said that the treaty relationship, where First Nations agreed to share the land and resources, means that the wealth generated by both the provincial and federal governments from that land should be shared with First Nations.

“We agree that when we talk about benefits (from resource extraction) we talk about guaranteed jobs and training, across the board, for First Nations people,” Beardy said. “But also there has to be a discussion on arrangements in regards to sharing the wealth. That means not only being compensated for being displaced from your homelands, but also we’re talking about sharing the wealth of the funds collected by the governments for user fees, royalties and taxes.”

Beardy, the former Nishnawbe Aski Nation grand chief, won the election for regional chief of Ontario on June 27 over Angus Toulouse.

On top of his new regional chief position, Beardy also became the Ontario representative for the Assembly of First Nations.

He said resource royalty sharing with First Nations has to be discussed as part of the national agenda.

In order for that to happen, Beardy said governments at both provincial and federal levels have to enact laws that guide how industry and government interacts with First Nations on resource extraction projects.

“One of the challenges is the fact that we don’t get any support from the governments in the form of enabling legislation to participate in the economy,” Beardy said.

“When you talk about resource benefit sharing you’re talking about some kind of legislation, some kind of policy that directs the government and third-parties in how they interact with First Nations.”

Beardy added that the Ring of Fire has provided a chance for First Nations and the Ontario government to create a new framework on how resource projects are handled, that could then serve as a model for the rest of the country.

“In the statements made by (First Nations) people today in regards to resource extraction like the Ring of Fire, they make it very clear that we’re not against resource development, but we have to make sure that we benefit,” Beardy said.

“The principal is that we agree to share in the wealth derived from the development of our natural resources.”

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He shouldn't have to explain it to them. If you're going to have a movement, you should no what you're talking about.

They are demandung a meeting with Harper and the Governor-General.

If Harper wants to explain why they're 'wrong', he can speak for himself.

Or he can let Chief Spence die while he eats turkey.

The world is watching.

His choice.

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if PM Harper gives in, he is sending the signal that anytime a group wants to get their own way all they have to do is cry a lot and go on a hunger strike to get its own way. Let her die, she is the one making the choice to not eat, no one is forcing her to do that, no one is starving her. Who cares.

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if PM Harper gives in, he is sending the signal that anytime a group wants to get their own way all they have to do is cry a lot and go on a hunger strike to get its own way. Let her die, she is the one making the choice to not eat, no one is forcing her to do that, no one is starving her. Who cares.

Who cares? Millions of people and the movement is gaining worldwise support. I'm sure people had your same attitude towards Ghandi...and if Harper lets her die then you can bet your idleminded ass that this country will be in one hell of aheap of trouble. Anyone can choose not to eat, but not just anyone is a leader from an afflicted community that has been tortured at the hands of the government.

People need to unite and defend the planet (Mother Earth) and we, as bioLOGICAL people need to protect the rights of those people. IDLE NO MORE is about uniting for a sustainable environment and a sustainable economy. You do'nt have to like Natives to agree with that, you just have to like your children, and their children and actually care about the future of the quality of their life.

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Well, we'll see. My guess is you'll lose. People are more concerned about the present economy. And, usually the Native stuff about protecting the land is just bs. When they get control of some of it, they're just as eager as the evil white man to exploit it. In Clayoquet Sound, where the white dupes fought so hard to preserve the last untouched watershed, it's now the Indigenous People's who are doing the logging, or actually contracting it out to the evil white man, because it's easier to just collect rent. Story gets repeated over and over again. Attawapisat isn't about stopping a diamond mine, but that the Indigenous People's there don't feel they're getting enough rent. The jobs they were offered went unfilled, as often happens. Lil'wat Nation build a "healing center" in the alpine area around their reserve, then abandoned it, they left behind porno mags and tin cans to show how much they treasure the fragile alpine environment. When they had an environmental celebration in the alpine meadows, with David Suzuki dancing with them, they left behind a torn up, muddy mess. Alpine environments heal very slowly. Indigenous People's environmentalism seems to go only so deep until they get a chance to exploit the environment. Thank God some environmental groups have started to wake up to this and and made comments about it in the media, but there's a sucker born every minute who wants to dream the noble savage dream. That's just pure racism,

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What do you mean "given"?

Who 'gives' jurisdiction over waterways?

It's no surprise to me that native aspirations are at the core of a growing movement of people who are more attuned to the idea of taking jurisdiction over their lives as opposed to having it handed down from on high.

As for jurisdiction over our waterways...my livelihood and the coastal community I live in have a overarching need for effective honest jurisdiction no matter what direction it comes from. Neither Ottawa, Canada or all it's goddamn Crowns have done a thing to prevent the destruction and befouling of our waterways. They can't lead, there's no point in following them so the only option is to get them out of the way.

Natives are the only one's talking my language and speaking for the type of Canada I'd be willing to die for so I'm with them.

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Who cares? Millions of people and the movement is gaining worldwise support. I'm sure people had your same attitude towards Ghandi...and if Harper lets her die then you can bet your idleminded ass that this country will be in one hell of aheap of trouble. Anyone can choose not to eat, but not just anyone is a leader from an afflicted community that has been tortured at the hands of the government.

People need to unite and defend the planet (Mother Earth) and we, as bioLOGICAL people need to protect the rights of those people. IDLE NO MORE is about uniting for a sustainable environment and a sustainable economy. You do'nt have to like Natives to agree with that, you just have to like your children, and their children and actually care about the future of the quality of their life.

First of all, she's letting herself die. PM Harper has nothing to do with it. She's making that decision herself. The Indians are given Billions of dollars every year which they squander and waste.

This isn't about Mother Earth, it's about money. It's always been about money and always will be. Indians are the ones who are racist here not the other people of Canada.

We need to abolish the reserve system and treat everyone the same. All Canadians being equal. Not one group being treated as special and different.

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Who cares? Millions of people and the movement is gaining worldwise support. I'm sure people had your same attitude towards Ghandi...and if Harper lets her die then you can bet your idleminded ass that this country will be in one hell of aheap of trouble. Anyone can choose not to eat, but not just anyone is a leader from an afflicted community that has been tortured at the hands of the government.

People need to unite and defend the planet (Mother Earth) and we, as bioLOGICAL people need to protect the rights of those people. IDLE NO MORE is about uniting for a sustainable environment and a sustainable economy. You do'nt have to like Natives to agree with that, you just have to like your children, and their children and actually care about the future of the quality of their life.

Interesting background on Theresa Spence ...

Reluctant leader Theresa Spence inspires a nation

The Northern Ontario chief’s 10-day-old hunger strike is the foundation of an indigenous protest movement that has mobilized thousands across Canada. But many of her closest friends say they were surprised by Spence’s bold move, describing her as a reluctant leader who has often shunned the spotlight and avoided confrontation.

“(The hunger strike) isn’t something I could have ever expected or prepared for,” said Clayton Kennedy, Spence’s partner of 11 years. “She isn’t someone who put herself out there like that. So when she said she wanted to do this, we knew she was serious. It’s been hard on the family but we support her and we’re hoping for some kind of resolution to this.”


“She’s someone who survived the residential school system, who grew up away from her family, away from her people,” Kennedy said. “She came up through a world of pain and she wants her children to have a strong sense of family.”

NDP MP Charlie Angus recalls meeting Spence when she sat on the Attawapiskat band council, long before the village’s housing crisis made it a household name in Canada.

“She was very quiet, not what you would expect from a politician,” Angus said. “While some chiefs went to other reserves to meet with other First Nations leaders, (Spence) stayed behind and really focused on what was happening in her community. I think that resonated with the people of Attawapiskat.”

But it was the way Spence handled the fallout from Attwapiskat’s now-infamous housing crisis that truly impressed Angus. In October 2011, Spence declared a state of emergency in on the reserve after squalid living conditions forced over two-dozen families to live in emergency shelters—many without plumbing or insulation.

In the aftermath of the crisis, government officials pointed the finger at Spence’s management of her band’s finances, attempting to depose the Cree leader and have her replaced by a third-party manager.

“(Spence) was dragged through the mud pretty bad, she withstood some ugly attacks,” Angus said. “It would have been easy to just give up and hand over control of the reserve to the feds but she fought it.”

In the end Spence took Ottawa to court and avoided having her town’s finances managed by an outsider. A review of the audited financial statements documenting Spence’s two terms as chief found that they had all been reviewed and approved by the federal government.

“It shows that while she may be quiet, she’s definitely a fighter,” Angus said. “Knowing how serious (Spence) is, I actually met with her before the hunger strike and tried to talk her out of it. It’s a very dangerous strategy, I don’t doubt her resolve and I’m honestly quite concerned for her safety.”

Pam Palmater stood alongside Spence when she announced the beginning of her hunger strike on the steps of Parliament Hill last week. Palmater, a Ryerson University Professor, says she’s been blown away by the Attawapiskat chief’s strength.

“Here’s someone whose first language is Cree, she doesn’t have a speech writer, she doesn’t have the backing of a huge national organization but look at what she’s doing,” Palmater said. “This isn’t about her, she’s actually a very humble, spiritual person. This isn’t about Attawapiskat either, although she deeply cares about her home. This is about all of Canada’s aboriginal people.”

And all of us.

And our leader, Harper.

Do the Christmas treats taste good Harper?

Do you giggle and say "Let her die"?

Do you grasp that you're on an international stage?

Do you grasp that resource revenue sharing is the law?

That Canadians of all political stripes are tired of our governments spending billions of our tax dollars fighting AGAINST Aboriginal and treaty rights, stonewalling in courts and stalling across tables.

What is needed is federal leadership in protocols for fair revenue sharing ... action now: Self reliant, viable economic communities. For Attawapiskat, the revenue should be much more than the cost of the mine overloading their sewage system and destroying houses.

The control-dependency relationship must end.

Threats, unwarranted third party management and withholding funds to achieve obedience must end.

This is a business relationship defined by treaties and implemented by Canadian law.

Harper seeks to spend as much time and (our) money as possible AVOIDING SOLUTIONS STARING HIM IN THE FACE.

Get down to business Harper.

Forget the stupid stunts wasting OUR money trying to legislate around the Constitution and the Supreme Court.

It's cheaper to settle, not worth the confrontation Harper is currently provoking.

A say in development and a FAIR share in revenues on traditional Aboriginal lands.

It's the law.

What's Harper afraid of?

He can't arrange a meeting?

What's up with that?

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Natives are the only one's talking my language and speaking for the type of Canada I'd be willing to die for so I'm with them.

Suprising to some of the corrupted, the greedy and the just plain evil peeps, more and more people are speaking the same language. There will come a day when those that violate natural laws will be held accountable.

Thanks for your position eyeball, hope more Canadians wake up soon,, before its too late, even for them.

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First of all, she's letting herself die. PM Harper has nothing to do with it. She's making that decision herself. The Indians are given Billions of dollars every year which they squander and waste.

This isn't about Mother Earth, it's about money. It's always been about money and always will be. Indians are the ones who are racist here not the other people of Canada.

We need to abolish the reserve system and treat everyone the same. All Canadians being equal. Not one group being treated as special and different.

You sound brainwashed and there is ZERO point in engaging any further in this discussion with you. Clearly, you have made up your mind to keep your mind closed and obviously, you have not taken the time to do any real research ( I provided some informative links in my past post btw).

A good start in case your too lazy to scroll back or actually doo some research


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Suprising to some of the corrupted, the greedy and the just plain evil peeps, more and more people are speaking the same language. There will come a day when those that violate natural laws will be held accountable.

Thanks for your position eyeball, hope more Canadians wake up soon,, before its too late, even for them.

Which natural laws, and who is going to hold them accountable?

I know it takes a long time to type a reply on your natural keyboard, so I'll check for one tomorrow.

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You sound brainwashed and there is ZERO point in engaging any further in this discussion with you.

You got that right.

Clearly, you have made up your mind to keep your mind closed and obviously, you have not taken the time to do any real research ( I provided some informative links in my past post btw).

A good start in case your too lazy to scroll back or actually doo some research


Nonetheless, I am asking for the help of Canadians to combat these ugly lies. I make this plea, because these lies allow people like Stephen Harper to ignore a hunger strike. These lies allow people to throw up their hands in disgust and claim that native people are freeloading whiners who need to shut up and go away. These lies allow a nation to ignore its own history, to erase its own volition, to believe that someone else will fix this problem.

Politicians won’t be the ones to fix what’s wrong with Canada and its relationship with indigenous peoples. This is a job for regular people, dealing with one another as human beings, and right now indigenous people in this country are not being treated humanely.

The stereotypes are used to dismiss, denigrate and deny.

I'm so impressed with the young generations.

Facing it head on. :)

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It's absurd to be repeatedly beaten with this white guilt stick. I didn't do anything wrong to the Indian people of Canada so why the hell should I pay for it? Whatever happened happened many generations ago and has nothing to do with me. If they didn't like the treaties then they shouldn't have signed them, simple as that.

Billions of dollars are given to the Indian people every year yet since the bands are corrupt very little gets tot the people who need it. Again, not the taxpayers problem, that is a problem for the bands to sort out but they won't because they will not open their books. What do they have to hide?

So again what will it take for the Indian people of Canada to stop crying constantly? How much money will it take? This is about money. They want more money, it's always been about money. The public is being duped hopefully yhey will wake up before it's too late and these people take us for everything we got.

No amount of money we ever give them will ever make this stop, they will simply invent something else to be in protest about. They are a people who must be victims all the time.

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