How are my knickers in a knot? So, im not allowed to express or share here? You want to condition that too?Thats fine. I feel i've been quite cordial about your views and I am pretty much done here anyway. Anything I've said seems to fall on deaf ears, gets ripped apart and twisted out of context.
Very few "non-native canadians" live off the land (except fishermen and farmers). Oh I am aware of the people out in cottage country that like to be "one with earth' once in a while, but lets face it chances are good that pretty little plot of land was expropriated somewhere along the line. Ya, I said it.
I know you dont want to see things from our side, hell, you wont even try...but the reality IS- MANY (not all) native people live off the land. The land is our culture and many of the native people DO NOT want to be whitewashed/assimilated/integrated or whatever you kids call it these days. Its just not gonna happen. Didnt happen in the past couple hundred years, it wont happen now. Yes some of us, live in 'modern society' - but are also connected to the 'old ways'. Like it or not, the movement to protect natural ways of life (natural law) is in full effect and is just warming up. Its the miiddle of dead winter and look at how much action we have taken and are gaining an incredible amount of global support. Many of the major unions in Canada are also behind is growing inspite of any 'internal issues' that people think we may have. Do not even attempt to understand our positions and politics, when you refuse to understand our people.
For the average "canadian" that cares about fresh water, and a sustainable way of life, they can either get INvolved or get out of the way.
In reality, the posters here are just a few voices that are stuck in their eurocentric way of thinking. I know for a fact that all Canadians DO NOT share your view. Over 50% of the people at the Toronto round dances were non-native. Over half the class at the Teach INS, are non Native, academics, scholars and everyday citizens. They are educatng themselves and are in solidarity with us. We ARE native people indigenous to this land and no matter how hard you try to convince, persuade or force us to be 'white', it wont happen. Legislation has tried to "kill the indian in the child' before but heres a newsflash, we survived and are embracing our cultural revolution.Your opinions and desires mean nothing unless it is to live in harmony with us. Not convert us. From what I've learned in this forum, many of you feel that natives should just forget the past which is impossible, given the nature of the legal injustices that continue today ---and telling people to simply stop living in 3rd and 4th world conditions is a disgraceful attitude as a member of this country. How many of you been to numerous Native communites and shared a meal with anyone there? ( dont even answer, i wont be returning to this thread to engage in dialogue). It is beyond disappointing that most of you couldnt say anything positive (let alone respectful) about the Native people, in spite of their valuable contributions to a country that gives you much luxury and freedom. We agreed to share our lands with the settlers and now we are the poorest living in our own country...and DONT YOU DARE blame it all on our leadership when INAC controls (us) our funds, infrastructure ( less than other 'non native' towns/municialities get), health, even profits ( if you dont believe me, do your research).
The corporations have monopolized the land and natural resources and this affects all canadians. WE ARE ASSERTING OUR LEGAL RIGHTS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF ALL CANADIANS...You bitch about the cost of gas now, wait till you see what you will soon be paying for water, which is a basic HUMAN RIGHT. Better recycle that bathtub water soon, because your choices will be limited. HEY...where are all our water scientists anyway? oh yaaaa..harper govt got rid of them too. Life in this country is gonna change fast once China moves in and all the 'new' people take all the jobs. It will NOT be the "canada" you take for granted now.
Heaven forbid, should any Natives have any leadership in this country, right? Let alone a voice. I do not believe that the newer generations of citizens have the right to impose their beliefs on how this country should run. So much of the benefits of this country are because of the historical contributions of the first and second citizens. You should be grateful and respectful for the things that make this a great country but the fact that you are not, is one of the many reasons why the First nations patience is waning.
For those of you that you that have offered interesting concepts and dialogue, I appreciate your engagement regardless of your opinion. I may return from time to time to share articles of interest.
Thanks again to those who invited me here and allowing me to share my views. If anyone has anything to say directly to me, feel free to contact me via private message.
Best Wishes to all.
PS: For those that think we dont have any legal this, because its only beginning.
Perhaps you should decolonize yourselves, Its probably healthier for you