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Romney Derangement Syndrome

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And yet more Romney Derangement Syndrome via MSNBC. Not really a suprise though.

Shady, why do you cite these things? What is the purpose? To show that there are idiots on the left? Isn't it the same as left wingers citing idiots on Fox?

What's the point?

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Shady, why do you cite these things? What is the purpose? To show that there are idiots on the left? Isn't it the same as left wingers citing idiots on Fox?

What's the point?

I don't know if you have followed but the idiots on the right go all the way up to their candidate for president who lies every chance he gets. Shady is trying to shield the lair and chief they have nominated by trying again and again to create a false equivalent.

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I don't know if you have followed but the idiots on the right go all the way up to their candidate for president who lies every chance he gets. Shady US trying to shield the lair and chief they have nominated by trying again and again to create a false equivalent.

I was trying to point out the foolishness and pointlessness of both sides acting like that.


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I was trying to point out the foolishness and pointlessness of both sides acting like that.


I know. However pretending both sides do it when one side has its fringe at the top of the ticket while the other sides fringe is pretty much silenced doesn't help anything. Right now in America the right is so far right that Romney sounds crazy to get them to love him while Obama moderates his party. It is pointless to pretend it is any different when it isn't.

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I know. However pretending both sides do it when one side has its fringe at the top of the ticket while the other sides fringe is pretty much silenced doesn't help anything. Right now in America the right is so far right that Romney sounds crazy to get them to love him while Obama moderates his party. It is pointless to pretend it is any different when it isn't.

Both sides do it. Romney isn't the fringe. He panders to the fringe to get support. Obama is doing it too. The Democratic base isn't as extreme (or as noticeable) when they are in power. When a party is out of power the fringe really comes out.

My point was that the name calling doesn't get us anywhere.

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Both sides do it. Romney isn't the fringe. He panders to the fringe to get support. Obama is doing it too. The Democratic base isn't as extreme (or as noticeable) when they are in power. When a party is out of power the fringe really comes out.

My point was that the name calling doesn't get us anywhere.

No acting like "Both parties do it" when you have one party (with elected members) saying there is real rape and fake rape and seriously means it is counter productive.

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Shady, why do you cite these things? What is the purpose? To show that there are idiots on the left? Isn't it the same as left wingers citing idiots on Fox?

What's the point?

I was trying to point out the foolishness and pointlessness of both sides acting like that.


No acting like "Both parties do it" when you have one party (with elected members) saying there is real rape and fake rape and seriously means it is counter productive.

You are totally missing my point while providing more examples of what I said above.

You are quoting the fringe of the GOP. One Senate candidate said that and a very, very small number of people backed him up. The vast, vast majority of the GOP called on him to quit.

You are citing his comments and painting the entire GOP with that brush.

Again, when the left does this they look just as ridiculous as when Shady does it.

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You are totally missing my point while providing more examples of what I said above.

You are quoting the fringe of the GOP. One Senate candidate said that and a very, very small number of people backed him up. The vast, vast majority of the GOP called on him to quit.

You are citing his comments and painting the entire GOP with that brush.

Again, when the left does this they look just as ridiculous as when Shady does it.

He is a member of Congress. He sponsored bills that would out law abortion even in the case of rape WITH THE VP candidate at the top of the ticket. The Doctor who he got his opinions on rape from was given a private meeting with Romney the guy at the top of the ticket. The languge he used is codified in the GOPs own platform THE WHOLE PARTIES PLATFORM. Romney will be giving a big shout out to Ron Paul at the convention. ANOTHER man who has used the words "legitimate rape". Again dismissing it and pretending these links don't matter is a problem. The top of the ticket has a problem that seeps all the way through the party and that is scary. Obama is often the adult in the room, Romney is scared to even answer questions on his opinion on this.

Sure "both parties do it" but this is the top of the ticket and to even pretend Romney hasn't given to his fringe is wrong. We have to stop pretending these things are acceptable at the top of the ticket.

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He is a member of Congress. He sponsored bills that would out law abortion even in the case of rape WITH THE VP candidate at the top of the ticket. The Doctor who he got his opinions on rape from was given a private meeting with Romney the guy at the top of the ticket. The languge he used is codified in the GOPs own platform THE WHOLE PARTIES PLATFORM. Romney will be giving a big shout out to Ron Paul at the convention. ANOTHER man who has used the words "legitimate rape". Again dismissing it and pretending these links don't matter is a problem. The top of the ticket has a problem that seeps all the way through the party and that is scary. Obama is often the adult in the room, Romney is scared to even answer questions on his opinion on this.

Sure "both parties do it" but this is the top of the ticket and to even pretend Romney hasn't given to his fringe is wrong. We have to stop pretending these things are acceptable at the top of the ticket.

Party platforms are often designed to appease the base.

Giving Ron Paul time is a way to appeal to the libertarian wing of the party.

Romney isn't scared. He is pandering (or depending on how you look at it not pandering).

I'm not pretending these things are ok I just get sick of people screaming at the top of their lungs that they other side is full of idiots. Those rape comments were incredibly insensitive and wrong. He should be called out for it and then I would like to move on. If you want to continue yelling about it that is fine. I would rather discuss other things in a more civil way. That is just me though.

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Party platforms are often designed to appease the base.

Giving Ron Paul time is a way to appeal to the libertarian wing of the party.

Romney isn't scared. He is pandering (or depending on how you look at it not pandering).

I'm not pretending these things are ok I just get sick of people screaming at the top of their lungs that they other side is full of idiots. Those rape comments were incredibly insensitive and wrong. He should be called out for it and then I would like to move on. If you want to continue yelling about it that is fine. I would rather discuss other things in a more civil way. That is just me though.

Yah telling media outlets he will do interviews ONLY if they don't ask questions on abortions isn't being scared? Don't remember Obama doing that. Listen I know where you are coming from but Shady is posting links to talking heads while the other side is posting links to people they are running for President, Vice President, and the Senate. That is not ok. Those people aren't the fringe they are the party. I know what you are saying and what you are saying was true even 8 years ago. It isn't anymore the fringe is at the top of the ticket saying things like "maybe we will return to the gold standard" or "handing out welfare waivers that I asked for and used when I was Governor is wrong how dare the president do something i have always been for until about 5 minutes ago." It isn't the same. It isn't close to the same.

The Dems have their fringe and they tuck them away in the back corner and Shady goes and looks for them to pretend that is Obama's opinion because he knows Romney's is crazy. The Republicans give them speaking rolls are convention now. It is different and acting like it isn't is going to be bad for the country.

This isn't an old interview this is brand new. This guy is on the ticket. This is the fringe. Say what you want about Biden his views are very very much Moderate as are Obamas.

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It was an interesting article I just read how Paul Ryan made his first speech after being selected as VP-candidate and he was speaking in Iowa, a state which is in a very good economic shape compared to the rest of the country. When some people in the audience were interviewed they said that Ryan as being catholic gave them a sense of security as they did not trust Romney who is a mormon, which they considered as unchristian.

In the case of the US never ever underestimate the importance of religion!

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Shady, why do you cite these things? What is the purpose? To show that there are idiots on the left? Isn't it the same as left wingers citing idiots on Fox?

What's the point?

It serves two purposes. To show the complete double-standard in the media. When Glenn Beck called Obama a racist, everyone in the mainstream media came down with a serious case of the vapors. When Romney's called a racist, everybody in the mainstream media collectively shrugs.

The second purpose, is to show just how unhinged the left is regarding Romney. Mitt Romney is a moderate, Massachusetts Republican, who governed as a moderate Republican. However, the way the mainstream media, and especially the left portray him, you'd think he was the next coming of Adolf Hitler! :lol:

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It serves two purposes. To show the complete double-standard in the media. When Glenn Beck called Obama a racist, everyone in the mainstream media came down with a serious case of the vapors. When Romney's called a racist, everybody in the mainstream media collectively shrugs.

The second purpose, is to show just how unhinged the left is regarding Romney. Mitt Romney is a moderate, Massachusetts Republican, who governed as a moderate Republican. However, the way the mainstream media, and especially the left portray him, you'd think he was the next coming of Adolf Hitler! :lol:

You are an example of a double standard yourself.

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Sometimes you gotta illustrate absurdity by being absurd. It's the only way to break through.

You are not breaking through anything. You are also not fooling anyone or convincing anyone that you are correct, or what you say is correct. You complain about Obama for not doing something, but you WILL, and I will put money on this, you will give Romney a pass. You give Bush the pass when he did much of the same things Obama is doing now.

Give it up Shady. You are quite transparent as a poster on this board. You are a partisan hack.

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The second purpose, is to show just how unhinged the left is regarding Romney. Mitt Romney is a moderate, Massachusetts Republican, who governed as a moderate Republican. However, the way the mainstream media, and especially the left portray him, you'd think he was the next coming of Adolf Hitler! :lol:

You're proving my point. The left fringe does portray Romney as being radical but the right fringe does the same with Obama.

Shady, what's the difference between calling Romney an ultra-conservative nut and calling Obama a communist?

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You're proving my point. The left fringe does portray Romney as being radical but the right fringe does the same with Obama.

Shady, what's the difference between calling Romney an ultra-conservative nut and calling Obama a communist?

Come on have seen this guy? There was a time that America didn't buy communist propaganda but now the right just eats it up. Mitt Romney invested in a factory in China and when he did he became a hero. Watch the video it is eye opening. In his own words.

Romney on how much they love rich people in China

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Guest American Woman

Since I think the "Derangement Syndrome" accusation is not only a joke (as if the other side doesn't have the same "derangement" towards the other candidate), but has been over-killed to the max, I'll post this in this thread, where I think it's appropriate, because I think it's funny* -

Mitt Romney’s family misspell their last name in the greatest Freudian slip in history.


*(even though it is a photo-shop)

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Hmmmmm Romney could be in a lot of trouble here .... foreign campaign contributions are illegal.

More about the Bain Capital....


The document dump will stoke the political fires, as partisans call attention to documents such as Bain Capital Fund VII, a $515 million Cayman Island-based limited partnership in which Ann Romney has at least $1 million, according to financial disclosure forms. In the words of the writer, John Cook, the documents "reveal the mind-numbing, maze-like, and deeply opaque complexity with which Romney has handled his wealth, the exotic tax-avoidance schemes available only to the preposterously wealthy."
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So you're admitting that your arguments are absurd?

Also, you understand that being absurd undermines your case, right?

No, my argument's aren't absurd. But I realize that shining the light on some of the left's unhinged absurdity can be.

You are not breaking through anything. You are also not fooling anyone or convincing anyone that you are correct, or what you say is correct.

This thread is about illustrating the derangment on the left. Derangement that exists even in the mainstream media. Illustrating some of the things said about Mitt Romney, that if said about Barack Obama would be major news stories. I'm sorry to have to do this. But just consider it like rubbing the face of a dog in his business when he has an accident. That's what I'm doing to you, and everyone else in this forum that doesn't acknowledge the media double-standard. I rub your face in it.

You complain about Obama for not doing something, but you WILL, and I will put money on this, you will give Romney a pass. You give Bush the pass when he did much of the same things Obama is doing now.

Nonense. You've already brought this up in other threads, which I've already addressed. So I'll do it one last time, hoping that it finally sinks in. I don't give Bush a pass, especially on the expansion of government, and federal spending. I've criticized him in other threads, and I'll do it now. He was irresponsible, especially in regards to new entitlements like the Medicare part D, and federal spending in general. But Obama is Bush on steroids.

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Nonense. You've already brought this up in other threads, which I've already addressed. So I'll do it one last time, hoping that it finally sinks in. I don't give Bush a pass, especially on the expansion of government, and federal spending. I've criticized him in other threads, and I'll do it now. He was irresponsible, especially in regards to new entitlements like the Medicare part D, and federal spending in general. But Obama is Bush on steroids.

HAHAHAHAHAHA Shady doesn't like Medicare part D and it doughnut hole so much that he give Romney a pass on promising to bring it back after Obama passed a law to fix it. Don't look this way Shady wants you to look that way. He doesn't like a policy so much that he posts time and time again about how Obama is the devil for fixing the problems he doesn't like.

Ohhhh Shady you are already doing what you say you wont do in the future. What a hypocrite.

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HAHAHAHAHAHA Shady doesn't like Medicare part D and it doughnut hole so much that he give Romney a pass on promising to bring it back after Obama passed a law to fix it. Don't look this way Shady wants you to look that way. He doesn't like a policy so much that he posts time and time again about how Obama is the devil for fixing the problems he doesn't like.

How did Obama "fix" it? Anyone can fix a problem by borrowing money and increasing the deficit. :rolleyes:

That's not actually fixing anything. Just deferring the cost to future tax payers and future generations.

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No, my argument's aren't absurd. But I realize that shining the light on some of the left's unhinged absurdity can be.

Maybe you need to define what the 'left' and the 'right' really mean? Today candidates on both sides of that fence seem to look exactly the same, and they all look like evil criminals who want to kick the can down the road some more.

This thread is about illustrating the derangment on the left. Derangement that exists even in the mainstream media. Illustrating some of the things said about Mitt Romney, that if said about Barack Obama would be major news stories. I'm sorry to have to do this. But just consider it like rubbing the face of a dog in his business when he has an accident. That's what I'm doing to you, and everyone else in this forum that doesn't acknowledge the media double-standard. I rub your face in it.

Keep rubbing, because I also constantly point out that there really is no left and right. It's all an illusion to put people like you into a certain box. TO make you THINK there is a left and a right. Manipulation to marginalization. The left right creates an instant polarization of the masses in which the leaders use to pit one group against another for their political gain. It's a popularity contest for the rich, not a presidential election.

The derangement exists in the media for the purpose of perpetuating that divide and conquer. You think that just happens to other countries? To me anyone that follows any party because of the party is a complete fool.

You now have the choice of Obama, who has drove the US into almost bankruptcy, and now you have another obnoxiously rich idiot who seems to have a shady (hahah) tax record past. This guy is not even up front with his finances, and you want him to be President? Give your head a shake.

Nonense. You've already brought this up in other threads, which I've already addressed. So I'll do it one last time, hoping that it finally sinks in. I don't give Bush a pass, especially on the expansion of government, and federal spending. I've criticized him in other threads, and I'll do it now. He was irresponsible, especially in regards to new entitlements like the Medicare part D, and federal spending in general. But Obama is Bush on steroids.

Romney will be worse. I also told you that Obama would be worse than Bush but in a different way. Dumb de dumb dumb dumb.

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