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Shooting Death in Samson 137

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Assuming this is in fact related to the war for drugs it's as obvious as the day is long that prohibition is the biggest exacerbating factor. Crackin' down and gettin' tough sure as hell won't do a thing to change that. Trying to suspend the law of supply and demand with criminal law is as hopeless as trying to thwart the law of gravity by jumping up and down.

The only way to stop gangs that sell drugs from shooting at each other when market disputes arise is to give them a regulatory environment in which they can.

How come we never hear about gangs of government liquor store employees and private beer and wine store owners shooting it out in the streets over market share? I just don't get it.

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The only way to stop gangs that sell drugs from shooting at each other when market disputes arise is to give them a regulatory environment in which they can.

I think that will work as well as the war on drugs....regulatory enviroment does not stop organized crime from profitting from illigal booze or smokes....

Giving into these guys is not the key either, I think it lies in education, myself, showing the effects of hard drugs on minds and bodies,etc etc ...that and perhaps harder sentences,

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I think that will work as well as the war on drugs....regulatory enviroment does not stop organized crime from profitting from illigal booze or smokes....

No, taxing booze and smokes too highly seems to be what causes that.

I obviously worded that wrong, sellers of drugs need a regulatory environment in which they can resolve their disputes peacefully.

Giving into these guys is not the key either, I think it lies in education, myself, showing the effects of hard drugs on minds and bodies,etc etc ...that and perhaps harder sentences,

I hear what you're saying about education...you know how moral entrepreneurs against drugs are always worried about the message it would send if drugs were legalized? What about the message that's sent when the final authority on morality in the land, the all mighty government itself, sells drugs that not only addicts people and ruins their minds and bodies but actually induces criminal behaviour in people before they're even born?

Harder sentences for what exactly, the same thing that legal gangs of liquor store clerks are allowed to do? Okay, if you say so.

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Monkeys with guns. Shooting at each other to ensure that one gets to drive a fine and fast car and the other does not interfere with this dream of luxury - In the mean time some little boy lays in his house and in enteres a round - probably from a long gun..that can pass though a whole house. Maybe the Natives are acting like Black gang bangers these days - and what's with the pics of the crying woman with the blonde high lights in their tradtionally jet black native hair ? Maybe they should go back and be natives again instead of mimicing black or white trash.

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What are you racists griping about? These young men are honoring the warrior traditions of their people, while stimulating the local economy through entrepreneurship by exercising the right to sell crank as guaranteed to them in the treaties and Royal Proclamation.


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Well Kimmy, your post may be tongue in cheek but when I lived in Fort Macleod the younger brother of my friend was a gang member and these guys did actually view themselves as some sort of warriors. They hated everyone who wasn't the same as them it didn't matter what race. The only thing they hated more were members of a different band from theirs. Upon sighting someone from a different band the war was on.

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What are you racists griping about? These young men are honoring the warrior traditions of their people, while stimulating the local economy through entrepreneurship by exercising the right to sell crank as guaranteed to them in the treaties and Royal Proclamation.


Methamphetimine - is mother's milk compared to heroin or cocaine. As a kid in my dumpy rural neighbourhood - which was like a white mans reservation for white trash - Speed suddenly became a big thing. I saw strapping young men who weighed 190 pounds shrink to a skeletal 120 - open sores - teeth falling out - and they would not sleep or eat for 10 day "runs" - People do not realize what METH is - it is the worst and most harsh drug ever invented - You live out your whole life in a matter of months.

Of the twenty people I knew that were using....ALL of them are dead. Just thought I would mention this - for those who hear the word "crystal" - and think that it is some new designer drug that is no big deal. Meth is making a come back and most of the users are urban and rural hicks. The guys that I knew had never even smoked pot and went directly to eating the stuff to shooting it...Usually it was mixed with anything that looked like the drug - Draino - was common - people would inject drain cleaner mixed with METH right into their veins and watch the red steak creep along their arm as it burned out the vein...This stuff is horrific.

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Methamphetimine - is mother's milk compared to heroin or cocaine. As a kid in my dumpy rural neighbourhood - which was like a white mans reservation for white trash - Speed suddenly became a big thing. I saw strapping young men who weighed 190 pounds shrink to a skeletal 120 - open sores - teeth falling out - and they would not sleep or eat for 10 day "runs" - People do not realize what METH is - it is the worst and most harsh drug ever invented - You live out your whole life in a matter of months.

Of the twenty people I knew that were using....ALL of them are dead. Just thought I would mention this - for those who hear the word "crystal" - and think that it is some new designer drug that is no big deal. Meth is making a come back and most of the users are urban and rural hicks. The guys that I knew had never even smoked pot and went directly to eating the stuff to shooting it...Usually it was mixed with anything that looked like the drug - Draino - was common - people would inject drain cleaner mixed with METH right into their veins and watch the red steak creep along their arm as it burned out the vein...This stuff is horrific.

Correction - coke and junk are mild drugs compared to METH.

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The guys that I knew had never even smoked pot and went directly to eating the stuff to shooting it

What? They must have smoked pot! After all the gubmint and cops are always telling us that weed is "the" gateway drug.

The whole gateway drug concept is actually pretty amusing. By the logic used one could also claim that in Canada Tim Hortons coffee is also a gateway drug.

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What? They must have smoked pot! After all the gubmint and cops are always telling us that weed is "the" gateway drug.

The whole gateway drug concept is actually pretty amusing. By the logic used one could also claim that in Canada Tim Hortons coffee is also a gateway drug.

No they were real dumb - I was the first long haired kid who ventured into the city and yes smoked pot..They thought I was cool..but were not quite sure how to be cool - When they discovered dope..they skipped the pot part - the gate way drug...cos it was not available...They thought that they were like me and the fact that they started shooting meth would impress me...I asked them "why don't you just smoke pot?" _ they never really thought of it...someone must have introduced them to hard drugs from the get go and off they went - straight to hell in a bread basket.

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What? They must have smoked pot! After all the gubmint and cops are always telling us that weed is "the" gateway drug.

The whole gateway drug concept is actually pretty amusing. By the logic used one could also claim that in Canada Tim Hortons coffee is also a gateway drug.

Recreational use is just that - re- creational. It is supposed to be a form of entertainment. BUT there were those who lacked the capacity to understand that if the substance was hurting them - to put it down and not do it..That took a thing called intelligence..These bunkings if they were crashing after a speed run ---- and it is a horrific crash - They are so exhausted and sick they feel if they go to sleep they will die. So instead of taking the choice of sleep and nourishment and recovery - they would shoot up another load of poison - I admit in my youth whether it was alcohol or drugs - soft and hard...the reason I survived because I was slightly brighter...for instance _ I still never touch a drink even if I am mildly hung over _ I know I have poisoned myself and must heal up..these poor guys were not capable of rational thought - doped or sober.

That is the danger of stuff like cocaine - meth and herion..the dumber ones will destroy themselves with it - our laws are in place to protect stupid people from themselves - our weakest most vulneralbe dummies...I remember when the last one died...His name was TOM ...He avoided speed from what I heard and had switched to shooting cocaine. The cops were called to his place regarding a domestic - Rumor had it that he in a worn down drugged state - sunk his teeth into the arm of a cop and like a mad dog would not let go - The police shot him four times in the stomach before he released his bloody fangs from the flesh of the poor cop...

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