Shady Posted April 30, 2011 Report Posted April 30, 2011 The issue starts with Chronicle staffer Carla Marinucci capturing on videophone a group of supporters breaking into song at an Obama rally, in protest of Obama. The Chronicle blogged that Marinucci was told by the White House that she would be barred from future Bay Area coverage of the president’s visits. Well, the San Fransico Chronicle is fighting back. More than a few journalists familiar with this story are aware of some implied threats from the White House of additional and wider punishment if Carla’s spanking became public. However, the White House denied the Chronicle's account. And so, the Chronicle has responded to the White House denial of the threat fo ban their reporters from future coverage. Sadly, we expected the White House to respond in this manner based on our experiences yesterday. It is not a truthful response. It follows a day of off-the-record exchanges with key people in the White House communications office who told us they would remove our reporter, then threatened retaliation to Chronicle and Hearst reporters if we reported on the ban, and then recanted to say our reporter might not be removed after all.The Chronicle’s report is accurate. If the White House has indeed decided not to ban our reporter, we would like an on-the-record notice that she will remain the San Francisco print pool reporter. SF Chronicle Wow. The Obama Adminstration makes Harper look like a piker. Can you imagine if the Conservatives in Canada tried these types of tactics? How ironic is it that Obama received an award for openness only a few weeks ago. Looks like it's about as worthy as his Nobel Peace Prize. Quote
bud Posted May 5, 2011 Report Posted May 5, 2011 The issue starts with Chronicle staffer Carla Marinucci capturing on videophone a group of supporters breaking into song at an Obama rally, in protest of Obama. The Chronicle blogged that Marinucci was told by the White House that she would be barred from future Bay Area coverage of the president’s visits. Well, the San Fransico Chronicle is fighting back. However, the White House denied the Chronicle's account. And so, the Chronicle has responded to the White House denial of the threat fo ban their reporters from future coverage. Wow. The Obama Adminstration makes Harper look like a piker. Can you imagine if the Conservatives in Canada tried these types of tactics? How ironic is it that Obama received an award for openness only a few weeks ago. Looks like it's about as worthy as his Nobel Peace Prize. your comments and hate would make a little more sense if you didn't spend the other 50% of your energy defending assholes on the other side of the isle who are pretty much the same as the ones you attack. Quote
sharkman Posted May 7, 2011 Report Posted May 7, 2011 So you decline to comment on the story bud? I guess you'd rather smear a poster. Whatever. It has been clear for some time that the Obama admin is given slack whenever needed by the MSM, so even when one of their own is roughed up they ignore it. The White house knows this and has free rein to ensure that inconvenient footage of protest gets squashed. For entertainment value, the MSM performance in the '12 election cycle will be unbeatable. Quote
Smallc Posted May 7, 2011 Report Posted May 7, 2011 It has been clear for some time that the Obama admin is given slack whenever needed by the MSM, Really? Based on what, exactly? Quote
Shady Posted May 7, 2011 Author Report Posted May 7, 2011 Really? Based on what, exactly? Based on the fawning press coverage he gets. Gas prices are approaching huge highs, yet nary a peep from the mainstream media. That's been the case for the last several weeks. When Bush was in office, gas prices lower than the current ones resulted in critics and questions from the mainstream media. It was a result of "an oil man being in the White House." Now, just crickets. Quote
Smallc Posted May 7, 2011 Report Posted May 7, 2011 Based on the fawning press coverage he gets. Gas prices are approaching huge highs, yet nary a peep from the mainstream media. That's been the case for the last several weeks. When Bush was in office, gas prices lower than the current ones resulted in critics and questions from the mainstream media. It was a result of "an oil man being in the White House." Now, just crickets. There has been a great deal of talk about how the gas prices may affect Obama's popularity and his reelection chances. The same thing was said of Bush. I don't remember many in the mainstream media talking about Bush being an oil man as a reason. The wars were talked about...and the same things is said to be t fault here. Turmoil in the middle east, that had nothing to do with this President (unlike Bush) is what is causing rampant speculation, speculation that seems to be subsiding. Quote
sharkman Posted May 8, 2011 Report Posted May 8, 2011 Based on the fawning press coverage he gets. Gas prices are approaching huge highs, yet nary a peep from the mainstream media. That's been the case for the last several weeks. When Bush was in office, gas prices lower than the current ones resulted in critics and questions from the mainstream media. It was a result of "an oil man being in the White House." Now, just crickets. It's almost becoming laughable, isn't it? Remember how Bush got pounded repeatedly for his holidays and his golf playing? The MSM has given Obama a pass in both of these areas though his involvement in both dwarf Bush's. What I don't understand is how otherwise reasonably clear thinking people read this thread, see these accounts, and then can't see it. There is no doubt that Obama has not been blamed for the oil prices and gas prices as Bush was. Yet Obama has tried to stop drilling altogether offshore, which alone would increase the percentage of imported oil the US would consume. The MSM is becoming nothing more than a cheerleader. Quote
Smallc Posted May 9, 2011 Report Posted May 9, 2011 It's almost becoming laughable, isn't it? Remember how Bush got pounded repeatedly for his holidays and his golf playing? Point out the news media that did that. There is no doubt that Obama has not been blamed for the oil prices and gas prices as Bush was. Then it should be quite easy for you to furnish proof. Quote
bloodyminded Posted May 9, 2011 Report Posted May 9, 2011 It's almost becoming laughable, isn't it? Remember how Bush got pounded repeatedly for his holidays and his golf playing? The MSM has given Obama a pass in both of these areas though his involvement in both dwarf Bush's. What I don't understand is how otherwise reasonably clear thinking people read this thread, see these accounts, and then can't see it. People don't see it because you're going entirely by impression. You think it's self-evident...but it is not. It astonishes you that everyone doesn't share your unsubstantiated opinion, totally free of evidence or demonstration. Why should they? Quote As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand. --Josh Billings
sharkman Posted May 11, 2011 Report Posted May 11, 2011 Actually it's common knowledge on the right. Bush got treated one way and Obama gets treated another way. But if you are on the left, you can't see it. It's like we are from Mars and you are from Venus, to borrow from an old book title, and we simply don't understand each other. Nothing new really, you will understand when you get married, if you're not yet. Quote
guyser Posted May 11, 2011 Report Posted May 11, 2011 (edited) Actually it's common knowledge on the right. Bush got treated one way and Obama gets treated another way. But if you are on the left, you can't see it. Ahh the old saw...."but the "liberals". Kind of pathetic really. You are correct that Bush was nailed on the 'golfing" or holiday routine prior to 9-11 Iwill grant you that. But the same thing is and was being said by the same number of people against Obama. IOW, "but the liberals!" bull shite. It's like we are from Mars and you are from Venus, to borrow from an old book title, and we simply don't understand each other. Nothing new really, Oh geez...facepalm. Edited May 11, 2011 by guyser Quote
BubberMiley Posted May 28, 2011 Report Posted May 28, 2011 But if you are on the left, you can't see it. And you're from the right, so you can't back up "common knowledge" with actual facts. Quote "I think it's fun watching the waldick get all excited/knickers in a knot over something." -scribblet
Sir Bandelot Posted May 28, 2011 Report Posted May 28, 2011 In politics, image and impression is everything. So it's vital to control that image... one of the significant lessons we learned from Josef Goebbels. I am not invoking nazism here, that is not the point. Goebbels created a revolution in the use of media to promote government ideology. Part of the reason for his considerable innovation in this field is that TV and radio were quite new and spreading rapidly to every home in the western world. Goebbels recognized the value of this medium and the importance for government to regulate it, to control every aspect of the message being presented to the German public. There is your definition of fascism. Quote
GostHacked Posted May 28, 2011 Report Posted May 28, 2011 In politics, image and impression is everything. So it's vital to control that image... one of the significant lessons we learned from Josef Goebbels. This is why they won't tolerate outragoues conspiracy theories. They want to control the message and the image, all while sweeping the bad stuff under a rug so no one can see. Don't pull back the curtain, or the facade will be revealed. The government lies to us, plain and simple. Propaganda. I am not invoking nazism here, that is not the point. Goebbels created a revolution in the use of media to promote government ideology. Part of the reason for his considerable innovation in this field is that TV and radio were quite new and spreading rapidly to every home in the western world. Goebbels recognized the value of this medium and the importance for government to regulate it, to control every aspect of the message being presented to the German public. There is your definition of fascism. And that fascism is comming to many countries around the world. This definately is fascism. And it's coming to a city near you. You ARE being lied to. That is a fact. If your bullshit meter is going off, it is because there is bullshit near by. Rant time. The thing that still baffles me about most of the posters here, is that they still buy into this false sense of left/right, dem/rep ect ect. It's nothing but a tool to keep us all fighting with each other instead of going after the government crooks on both sides of the isle. Because policy has not changed, only the face presenting the policy has changed. Obama is being told what to do because several presidents before him were told what to do. Once we shrug off this left/right bullshit we can really start addressing the real issues in our governments worldwide. Once that happens, the governments will start to be scared of the people again, and that is the way it should be. Right now all our governments are doing things to keep us scared so they can 'protect us'. As long as we remain scared, we remain controlled. In the last 10 years in the USA we've seen the PATRIOT ACT, which has little to do with Patriotism or protecting anyone from so called 'terrorism'. We've seen AT&T working with the NSA and DHS with gathering information by illegally wiretapping phones, and using secret facilities to monitor internet traffic. We've seen that cops no longer need a search warrant to enter your home, all they need to do is suspect something and they walk right in with guns blazing. We've seen the creation of 'Free Speach Zones' which does nothing for free speach. We've seen nameless faceless riot cops beating down peaceful protestors at many of these G8 and G20 summits. We've seen the TSA at the airports with radiation scanners and invasive pat downs, and you are soon going to see them on the rail lines and eventually in shopping malls. Is this freedom or fascism? In Canada we've also seen cops acting as provocateurs among protestors just to create violence, so the riot cops can do their job. We've seen illegal detainment of civilians because of special police powers that never were granted to the police. Is this freedom or fascism? IN Europe we've seen protesting in almost every country due to some type of austerity measures put in place. For example, England students rioted over tuition fees that went up by a factor of 3. We've seen people protesting in Spain, Germany, France, Portugal, Greece. Is this freedom or fascism? We've seen the uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East. Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Bahrain, Lebanon, Yemen, Algeria, ect ect. Ousting long standing dictatorships long supported by the West through various means and channels. Something major is going on around the world right now, and innocent civilians are paying the price for our crooked leaders insatiable desire to control each and every one of us. Would you recognize a police state even if you were living in one? Rant over. Quote Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser ohm on
eyeball Posted May 28, 2011 Report Posted May 28, 2011 Would you recognize a police state even if you were living in one? ...and would you even care? Quote A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.
Pliny Posted May 28, 2011 Report Posted May 28, 2011 People don't see it because you're going entirely by impression. You think it's self-evident...but it is not. It astonishes you that everyone doesn't share your unsubstantiated opinion, totally free of evidence or demonstration. Why should they? Shhh....the left doesn't exist. Notice Dan Rather and his producer are gone for their manufactured account of Bush's military record. That was MSM's ABC network. Of course, the exposure of blatant lies means dismissal for any news source. Notice a certain couple of senior executives from NPR, one who let slip the widely held opinion that upper management had of the the right? Gone too! I don't know if you noticed any derision of the tea party or not. Perhaps you don't watch Bill Maher on tv? to be fair he criticizes Obama too but alas it is when he doesn't act far enough left for him. Obama should just get his way all the time and do what Bill wants then he would be happy. But actually...the left doesn't exist - it's like so....uhhh...."transparent". Quote I want to be in the class that ensures the classless society remains classless.
GostHacked Posted May 29, 2011 Report Posted May 29, 2011 ...and would you even care? Why should I not care? Quote Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser ohm on
eyeball Posted May 29, 2011 Report Posted May 29, 2011 Why should I not care? Sorry I meant the rhetorical 'you' not you personally. I honestly think there are plenty of people who would be quite happy in a police state. It makes them feel safe. Quote A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.
GostHacked Posted May 29, 2011 Report Posted May 29, 2011 Sorry I meant the rhetorical 'you' not you personally. Ahh, gotcha. I honestly think there are plenty of people who would be quite happy in a police state. It makes them feel safe. It seems that they are. If they can be scared they can be coerced. If they can be coerced, they can be controlled. Quote Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser ohm on
GostHacked Posted May 30, 2011 Report Posted May 30, 2011 Anyway, that was a good rant. Much appreciated. I guess I killed another thread ... my bad. Quote Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser ohm on
guyser Posted May 30, 2011 Report Posted May 30, 2011 Notice Dan Rather and his producer are gone for their manufactured account of Bush's military record. Uh...what? Quote
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