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Black Dog your latest attempt to justify Bloody accusing me of being a homophobe is exactly what I expect from you.

Go on and point out what in the full statement I made points out the homophobia I was addressing has anything to do with the political issues we were debating. It does not but its typical of you Black Dog to name call, smeer, throw out the personal smeer so you can avoid debating the topic.

You hide behind the name calling precisely because you are a coward. Now you can tell your sudden defender Jack Webb I will throw your shit back in your face, his shit back in his face, JBG's shit back in his face, not because I think I am better then anyone but simply because none of you, and I mean none of you will throw shit in my face without me throwing it back. It has nothing to do with being a tough guy. It has to do with not letting you

bully anyone and if I have to throw the shit back I will.

That Black Dog was pathetic. To remove the quote from its full context summarizes the level of debate you are at.

Now so we understand one another-take a look around you at the debate you and Bloody and Shwa avoided and what you chose to do instead, try make it an issue about me and try suggest my challenging the group I did was because I am a pedophile, anti-semite and homophobe. That is the shit I and no one on this forum has to put up with.

Does it look like you shut me up Black Dog. Did your personal smeers get you anywhere with me? You think I give a flying phack that JBG feels the need to hide behind you now to be passive aggressive with me or Jack Weber wants to play tough guy with me or Bloody or Shwa said what they did?


Its a warning Black Dog. Its a warning that their are thousands of people like me. We pay our taxes. We are fed up with meely mouthed self entitled smarmy little so called activists like you thinking we have to listen to your little tantrums.

Here's the issue. You want to go around dancing and singing songs about destroying Israel go knock yourself out. Do it at a government sponsored event, and I will fight you all the way. You want to use my tax money or the city's money for your own partisan purposes people will fight you. They won't cower when you try pull your politically correct name calling and pull out the gay card (homophobia), Jew card (anti-semitism, or plain out and out accusations of pedophilia.

By the way Black Dog, you keep up that denial of the pedophilia comment. It suits you. The fact you lack the integrity to state it was out of line says it all. It says it all and you and Jack Weber can go wax poetic over that one and Jack can explain to the world how I am an insecure individual trying to bully because I won't put up with your calling me a pedophile.

Knock yourselves out.

Oleg its time for that bbq.

Although I think the roast pig suckling has already been served.

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JBG read me loud and clear. You came on this board and advanced posts I considered deliberately intended to incite hatred against Arabs and Muslims and I called you out for it.

Your decision now to be passive aggressive and hide behind Black Dog and come into this series of threads with your comments speaks for itself.

When it comes to Israel you claim to be a champion. However you now feel it more important to ignore the actual issue being debated because you feel your personal feelings of being slighted by me warrant you intervening and joining in a chorus of idiotic name calling.

Interesting how such a champion of Israel is so silent on the subject of the QUIAA and what it stands for but he can find his voice when it comes time to make inane comments to me.

You have a personal issue with me JBG save it for a private message not that I would read it.

Also hear me loud and clear, I have no time of day for you Black Dog, and Bloody precisely because you engage in the exact same tactics. You name call. You name call people and make group generalizations and stereotypes.

Its why I challenge you and I give a rat's ass what any of you think of me personally.

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For me, for you to say I am a homophobe is therefore not the issue. Saying I would deliberately hate gays is.

I asked before and didn't get an answer so I'll ask again: what is a homophobe to you, if not someone who hates(or is at least opposed to) gays? Is it just another one of those phrases like universal suffrage that you toss around without regard to its actual meaning?

They have the exact same political battle as Jews. In fact they are so similiar to us in how they have used humour, art, culture, to connect to their collective sense of oppression and turn their survival into a display of creation and positivity. If anyone understands Jews its gays. They like us refuse to let hatred of them turn them into hateful people and that is why this QUIAA issue has rung such a bell. It is done at a time and place where gays are try inspiring us all to just be what we are. It is not the time and place to carry out partisan political campaigns."

Do you feel this affinity you claim exists between gays and Jews gives you the right to speak for them and dictate the political terms of the debate? How does this analysis of gays= Jews square with the reality of QuAIA and many others from the queer community who oppose Israeli policy and, by your "new antisemitism' formulation, must be regarded with suspicion as potential antisemitism?

Also hear me loud and clear, I have no time of day for you Black Dog, and Bloody precisely because you engage in the exact same tactics. You name call. You name call people and make group generalizations and stereotypes.

Its why I challenge you and I give a rat's ass what any of you think of me personally.

For someone who doesn't care, you sure spend a lot of time and spill a lot of vitriol on how much you don't care.

Anyway, this exchange is long past it's sell-by date. Black Dog OUT!

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This is my last response to you because I believe at this point you are simply trying to justify your name calling and engage me personally and its going to end with me not you.

You stated:

"I asked before and didn't get an answer so I'll ask again: what is a homophobe to you, if not someone who hates(or is at least opposed to) gays? Is it just another one of those phrases like universal suffrage that you toss around without regard to its actual meaning?"

The above shows how you now try to engage me in a debate on what homphobia means which has nothing to do with the issues I was debating but does vividly show how you try bait and switch to avoid debating the agenda of the QUIAA and instead try switch and bait to refocus the topic to my personal feelings towards gays to avoid having to discuss the QUIAA and no I will not take your bait and engage you in an idiotic game of debating what universal sufferage means and how you believe Jews can not use it in a certain way because you have a monopoly on the manner and intent in which you will use the word. Go play that idiocy with someone else Black Dog.

In regards to homophobia what I said in response to Bloody who claimed he hates no one is that we all do and we all have biases and so I provided an example of my own bias.

When I provided my response to his attempt to suggest he hates no one, I explained how with my upbringing and specific context to me (which is totally unrelated to the topic we were debating but was directed at his accusation of me being a homophobe) that for me expressing emotions to other men is difficult and that could be considered a form of homophobia in my personal opinion and one I admit to having and would go so far as to state most men in my age group (50's or up) have. Many of us were not brought up touchy feeling and don't like getting overly hugged or kissed by other men. We like to punch each other in the shoulder, grunt, swear, fart at each other. It doesn't make us tough as Jack tried to suggest. It just makes us people brought up a certain way. Its just who we are. It doesn't make Oleg evil because he doesn't like seeing men kiss each other. You want to morally judge me or him and anyone else for being that way go ahead. Lol go tell the world how I am an idiot about that.

I like many straight and gay men was brought up in an era where showing emotions or affection is difficult. That can be considered both heterophobic and homophobic depending on its context.

It's something gays have been very tolerant with me about. They don't expect me to feel totally comfortable with their displays of same sex affection just as I don't expect them to feel totally comfortable about displays of opposite sex affection. Interestingly though you try ride it out as a relevant issue to this debate and all it shows is your need to get personal with me.

All humans have biases. We all hate things and dislike things. For someone to make a blanket statement as Bloody did tat they don't hate anyone is absurd and that is why I responded using the homophic context since he had smeered me with it. That is the point I was challenging and you deliberately removed from its context and not pretend to not know how you removed it from the context I used it in reference to.

The homophobia I discussed and again repeat of course I have has nothing to do with the homophobia you and Bloody accused me of and that was the accusation I am against gay people having the right to be gay because I disagree with QUIAA's platform and they happen to be gay, so if I criticize their platform it necessarily makes me homophobic.

That is what you and Bloody threw out and now you pathetically try twist and play with and its gotten you nowhere.

Don't play stupid and ask me my personal views on gays which has nothing to do with this debate and I already addressed in over 5 posts in specific detail in response to you and Bloody. All that shows is how intellectually dishonest you are. Don't play with me Black Dog. Don't ask questions you have received the answer to and play stupid with me when you get caught removing quotes out of context.

The absurd attempt by you to suggest because I was honest in stating I was brought up with an inability to express emotions to other men means I hate gays and their right to be treated as equals speaks for itself. It speaks to how you are try paint me as something I am not because you won't address the QUIAA agenda.

Get this clear your odious references to homophobia, pedophilia and anti-semitism have achieved butkus with me and I will not put up with them and if Jack W wants to say I am playing tough guy so be it. I will not put up with your personal attacks for any reason.

Your attempt to trot out personal smeers against me to avoid debating the QUIAA platform and your initiating the personal insults and tone of condescension speaks for itself. You throw it out but you can't handle it when its thrown right back at you.

You asked me:

"Do you feel this affinity you claim exists between gays and Jews gives you the right to speak for them and dictate the political terms of the debate?"

I have already made it clear I express my opinions and speak for no one else and have stated so in numerous previous posts.

So the fact you ask a question to something I have already answered simply once again manifests your intellectual dishonesty and attempt to bait me into a personal line of questioning seeking an answer you were already provided and has nothing to do with the challenging of QUIAA's platform as being anti-semitic and pro terrorist.

Further, if we are to take your question for what it is, you ask what right do I have to speak out for Israel's right to exist and what right I have to speak out against using the gay pride event to avoid politically exclusive partisan political displays that make Jews whether they are gay or straight and other non Jews whether they be gay or straight feel unwelcome.

You now once again question my fundamental right to express my opinions and try twist their intent to smeer me once again by inferring I presume to tell gay or Jewish people or anyone else how they must think.

That is once again typical of your superiority and arrogant sense of self. Its nothing more then you asking me where I get off questioning you and disagreeing with you. Spit it out Black Dog why not just ask where does this Jew get off questioning you....

My right is the very same right you and everyone else has and for you to even ask the question shows where you are at.

" How does this analysis of gays= Jews square with the reality of QuAIA and many others from the queer community who oppose Israeli policy and, by your "new antisemitism' formulation, must be regarded with suspicion as potential antisemitism?"

I already in great detail argued why I and others believe the QUIAA's platform is anti-semitic and pro terrorist. I will not repeat it yet again. Once again you ask a question for something already provided you-you play stupid in a pathetic attempt to bait.

I provided no analysis saying gays are Jews or vice versa. That is once again a deliberate mis-statement by you as to what I said and of course its not germaine to why I argue the QUIAA is pro terrorist and anti Israel but hey you will do anything to try bait and switch to avoid discussing the QUIAA right?

That is of course what you do- repeatedly misrepresent to try bait and switch and avoid talking about the QUIAA and what they stand for.

The QUIAA was asked numerous times in public whether they recognize Israel as a Jewish state and they have stated never.

They have also stated repeatedly in public that they support any means necessary to rid the Middle East of Israel.

That is the platform I challenge and you have been unable to bait and switch and change the topic from with personal attacks on me as a pedophile, anti-semite or homophobe.

What does "any means necessary" mean Black Dog? Or do you want to keep avoiding their reference to terrorism by asking me what I think of gays?

The QUIAA's members being gay is not and was never the issue as you are well aware. Where they stick their peckers and what they swallow Black Dog is of no concern of mine-their hated against Israelis and Jews who which to express our universal sufferage through a state organ and national group identity is.

Their support of violence and terrorism is. Their using public events which are supposed to welcome everyone and target Jews who are Israeli or who wish to support Israel as demons and to make gays and straights who accept Jews as a people feel unwelcome is my concern.

Shouting slogans condoning violence against Israel is my concern.

Using a taxpayer funded event to hijack that event for their stage is my concern.

This issue was simple.

There is a time and place for them.

This was never an issue as to them being gay. Its not even an issue as to them being anti-semitic.

The issue is about hijacking a tax payer's funded event for their partisan agenda that is the issue.

If they want to claim to be gay you need to hate Israel and support terrorist movements world wide bully for them,.

If they want to hate Jews and Israelis or gays or straights who support Israel bully for them.

Don't delude yourself into thinking anyone cares who they have sex with or who you have sex with for that matter and try the gay baiting shtik with someone else fool. Your trying to hide behind your being gay to avoid debating me on the QUIAA didn't work from the get go. Your pecker preference was never the issue and neither are you-the QUIAA platform is the issue.

If the QUIAA wants to hold a rally to celebrate gayness and anti-semitism as a fusion of intellectual wealth bully for them.

Just don't expect taxpayers to fund it or those gays and straights who disagree with this platform or agenda to be held hostage by them and their displays at a public event where everyone is supposed to feel welcome.

This is not an issue as to their sexuality or political opinions as you tried to turn it into nor was it an issue as to my views on sexuality or Israel-its a matter of the time and place for people to express their political views and I state again one last time-taxpayers, straights and gays, Jews and gentiles do not need you o the QUIAA in their face despite your feelings of self importance.

"For someone who doesn't care, you sure spend a lot of time and spill a lot of vitriol on how much you don't care."

You mistake my caring for freedom of speech and the rights of of straights and gays, Jewish and non Jewish to be free from politically partisan individuals like yourself from shoving your beliefs in our face, with caring about you.

They are not synonomous.

You have any more personal questions?

The attempts to bait me and attack me personally are going nowhere.

I have stated all I care to. Go pull your shtik with someone else.

Edited by Rue
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  • 4 years later...

Its time to resurrect this thread for one reason only. It took a damn massacre in Orlando to get QUIAA to disband. Suddenly posing as gays and radical Muslim extremists at the same time, didn't seem to work and they are now gone.

Its a shame it took a tragedy like Orlando to prove the point that to condone and subscribe to Muslim radicalism, Muslim terrorism Muslim anti-Semitism, and being gay will not mix.

Those gays that embraced QUIAA and used gay pride as an excuse to insult Jews, Israelis and Zionists and call on violence to end Israel, as far as I am concerned they can all go to hell along with the sob who is responsible for that Orlando catastrophe.

Muslim extremism the very same extremism QUIAA tried to embrace is anti gay and always will be. It was a travesty to see gays using gay pride to cheer on Muslim radicals. At least they won't be there this year. Instead though we will have Black Lives Matter a group that I call out as extremist and intolerant and racist and hateful and as racist and hateful as the white people they claim to hate.

For one of its leaders who is a proud Muslim and stated she asked Allah to g ive her strength not to kill white men does not belong at gay pride event. She's a snively, hateful bigot and she and some of her followers pervert Islam once again to condone hatred of white men and now they want to take their hateful radical version of Islam and pollute gay pride with it.

The name changes but the hatred remains.

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Any news on if the Canadian Association for Equality will be allowed to participate in Toronto Pride? Or will they be barred by hateful bigots like last year?

Do white straight males have rights anymore? The only white males that I see as having any rights are gay men. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that all Canadians have rights and freedoms and are all equal. But there seems to be some that are more equal than others. Gay people will be given more rights than straight people will. After all, gays are in the minority, and in Canada, all minorities must be given more precedence over the majority. Democracy is not suppose to work like that. But in Canada the minority shall rule the majority.

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Do white straight males have rights anymore? The only white males that I see as having any rights are gay men. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that all Canadians have rights and freedoms and are all equal. But there seems to be some that are more equal than others. Gay people will be given more rights than straight people will. After all, gays are in the minority, and in Canada, all minorities must be given more precedence over the majority. Democracy is not suppose to work like that. But in Canada the minority shall rule the majority.

I am a straight white male. However, I consider myself a bisexual Golden Retriever. Thus I have the right to assert my identity by defacating on a schoolyard in open view of the students, and then either mark a fire hydrant (in my male phase) or urinate on the lawn (in my female phase).

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I am a straight white male. However, I consider myself a bisexual Golden Retriever. Thus I have the right to assert my identity by defacating on a schoolyard in open view of the students, and then either mark a fire hydrant (in my male phase) or urinate on the lawn (in my female phase).

Better watch out for my Husky if you dare come and pee on my lawn. Killer doesn't like bisexual dogs. He will have you for breakfast. :D

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