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Single Party of Canada (SEN)

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Turning down the Progressive Canadian nomination is really the same as turning down the Natural Law Party's nomination...

In otherwords,you were'nt going to get elected.

Frankly,it sounds like a few hold out's that are still upset that the old party was hijacked by the Reformers,which it was.But most of the old PC party went along with it,so it does'nt seem to matter.

I know a guy who was a delegate for David Orchard's PC Leadership candidacy.If Orchard had won that convention,I contend the Progressive Conservative Party might still be around.Mr.MacKay proved to be a weasel and the rest is history...

So have you been to David Orchard's site and have you seen what really went down and Conservatives buying the riding associations. I know the truth because Sinclair told me and we should have kept the Conservative in the name.

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More programs means you spend more money.

So you want more programs and less taxes and yet claim to be "fiscally responsible". I take it no one in your party has tried doing some math?

When I meant more programs I meant expanding health care into pharmacare but getting rid of parts of health care that don't work and are costing health care money. Therefore we want to reform health care so it is more efficient. On education we would invest in post secondary education. Other than that we want to lower taxes in the areas that create jobs and be the party of reducing the debt and deficit the fastest. We agree consumption taxes are the best way to reduce the deficit. We are committed to doing everything possible to decrease the deficit in the least amount of time. The way to do it is to focus on essential programs and programs that make sense keeping.

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When I meant more programs I meant expanding health care into pharmacare but getting rid of parts of health care that don't work and are costing health care money. Therefore we want to reform health care so it is more efficient. On education we would invest in post secondary education. Other than that we want to lower taxes in the areas that create jobs and be the party of reducing the debt and deficit the fastest. We agree consumption taxes are the best way to reduce the deficit. We are committed to doing everything possible to decrease the deficit in the least amount of time. The way to do it is to focus on essential programs and programs that make sense keeping.

Ok so you want things to be more efficient, you want to eventually reduce the deficit, you want to invest in education and health care. Sounds exactly like what every other party says.

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So have you been to David Orchard's site and have you seen what really went down and Conservatives buying the riding associations. I know the truth because Sinclair told me and we should have kept the Conservative in the name.

I had heared that what Orchard was talking about was really ruffling the feathers of the Mulroney apparatus that was still involved with the party.I had heared that MacKay,through Mr.Mulroney,was successful in making sure the NAFTA stuff was'nt brought to light...Stuff like that...Essentially buying the silence of any riding association that might support Orchard...

Orchard's plan was to return the party to it's former self,like it was under MacDonald.Abrogating the NAFTA Agreement and renogotiating it was tops on his priority list...

Edited by Jack Weber
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I had heared that what Orchard was talking about was really ruffling the feathers of the Mulroney apparatus that was still involved with the party.I had heared that MacKay,through Mr.Mulroney,was successful in making sure the NAFTA stuff was'nt brought to light...Stuff like that...Essentially buying the silence of any riding association that might support Orchard...

Orchard's plan was to return the party to it's former self,like it was under MacDonald.Abrogating the NAFTA Agreement and renogotiating it was tops on his priority list...

What I remember on the site is all these PCers saying that we are going to get our party back and be ready for the next federal election where we will run a full slate of candidates and Peter MacKay and the Conservative party have to understand that for the merger to have been successful it was supposed to be agreed by all the PC supporters and the candidates who were slated to be PC candidates.

I think all that stuff about free trade seems so un-Conservative I mean if they wanted to make the party between the NDP and Liberals then it would be okay but David Orchard seemed so Liberal of a Conservative. I think to be a red tory you need to support compassionate conservatism with a mixture of business sense and that is what makes you a progressive conservative.

Anyways, that is my opinion but David Orchard was a pink tory as far as I am concerned.

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I only speak English but I want to be a leader in Canada.

I am in favour of whatever you want. I post to forums and cause endless problems. I am an idiot.

You know, you should not say "idiot" or "idiocy," but "fool" and "foolish" instead. Please be aware this is now the kinder, gentler MLW. No need for all this harshness and teeth gnashing language. Let us now meditate...

That being said, I would elect you, but you have to join the Rhinoceros Party first.

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I hate to inform you but the Progressive Conservative party still exists under the stewardship of its leader,Sinclair Stevens...

It's now called the Progressive Canadian Party of Canada.

The PCP of Canada. I see a marketing problem right there... :o

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But I seriously wanted to find people who were interested in my idea and wanted to be one of 250 electors.

Why have you chosen this forum to solicit membership in a nascent organization?

As far as I can determine this party you wish to create has no structure or by-laws. You have shared your views and rationale with individuals here and have received some well reasoned critique of your proposal. If there is such a groundswell of discontent in the Atlantic region as you seem to imply then what you need to do is go door to door in your locale seeking the requisite numbers required to meet the minimum threshold.

Have you sought any advice from Elections Canada?

Edited by pinko
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I point out the last statement of Post #1 of this thread...

"I am an idiot."

And if you are an idiot,I've already stated that this puts you about ten notches above the current Bozo Brigade in Ottawa.

Frankly,you're overqualified to be Prime Minister!

Good PM material. He flip-flopped. ;)

Edited by Keepitsimple
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What I remember on the site is all these PCers saying that we are going to get our party back and be ready for the next federal election where we will run a full slate of candidates and Peter MacKay and the Conservative party have to understand that for the merger to have been successful it was supposed to be agreed by all the PC supporters and the candidates who were slated to be PC candidates.

I think all that stuff about free trade seems so un-Conservative I mean if they wanted to make the party between the NDP and Liberals then it would be okay but David Orchard seemed so Liberal of a Conservative. I think to be a red tory you need to support compassionate conservatism with a mixture of business sense and that is what makes you a progressive conservative.

Anyways, that is my opinion but David Orchard was a pink tory as far as I am concerned.

Yeah, I vividly remember those times, too! Only my perspective was a bit different. The PCs were essentially dead everywhere but in Atlantic Canada. They had crawled back from 2 seats to finally getting enough to be considered a legal party. They showed NO signs of any huge underground feeling among voters to vote for them again, at least not as long as Reform/Alliance was around. The Alliance had a firm grip on their seats and added a few more every election. Odds were that in another couple of terms the PCs would have either totally died away or morphed into the APC, since they had become an Atlantic ONLY party!

Those few supporters they had left were no doubt very loyal and had strong dreams of a rebirth but the real world showed no sign of agreeing with them! You must also remember that in those days the antipathy in English Canada towards Brian Mulroney was so deep you could shovel it! He was the one who tarnished the PC party's name, more than anything else. It is rumoured that Manning was ecstatic when Mulroney gave that F-18 contract to a Quebec firm when Winnipeg had the clear most experienced and cheapest bidder! That was the catalyst that launched Reform.

You can debate all the fine points of who was dishonest and who screwed whom all you want but it really doesn't matter. The PCs were no longer electable! Certainly David Orchard had no hope at all of becoming Opposition Leader, let alone PM. If he had kept his PC party together and held the leadership all he would have achieved was to be a small frog in a VERY small pond! Perhaps he could have gotten enough seats from time to time to be a spiteful spoiler against the Alliance taking power but that would have been about it.

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Yeah, I vividly remember those times, too! Only my perspective was a bit different. The PCs were essentially dead everywhere but in Atlantic Canada. They had crawled back from 2 seats to finally getting enough to be considered a legal party. They showed NO signs of any huge underground feeling among voters to vote for them again, at least not as long as Reform/Alliance was around. The Alliance had a firm grip on their seats and added a few more every election. Odds were that in another couple of terms the PCs would have either totally died away or morphed into the APC, since they had become an Atlantic ONLY party!

Those few supporters they had left were no doubt very loyal and had strong dreams of a rebirth but the real world showed no sign of agreeing with them! You must also remember that in those days the antipathy in English Canada towards Brian Mulroney was so deep you could shovel it! He was the one who tarnished the PC party's name, more than anything else. It is rumoured that Manning was ecstatic when Mulroney gave that F-18 contract to a Quebec firm when Winnipeg had the clear most experienced and cheapest bidder! That was the catalyst that launched Reform.

You can debate all the fine points of who was dishonest and who screwed whom all you want but it really doesn't matter. The PCs were no longer electable! Certainly David Orchard had no hope at all of becoming Opposition Leader, let alone PM. If he had kept his PC party together and held the leadership all he would have achieved was to be a small frog in a VERY small pond! Perhaps he could have gotten enough seats from time to time to be a spiteful spoiler against the Alliance taking power but that would have been about it.

I am way different from the guy named APC in that he wants to create something of a regional party but the Centrist Party could be a spoiler of both the Liberals and Conservatives. Of course no one wants to be the spoiler but instead offer their own alternative. I am sure you saw my website and if you did not the party we wanted to create was a party that was purple liberal to purple tory to give the broadest range of policies and cover the entire centre but the people in the party thought that would be too broad and limited it to mainly red tory and blue liberal as the main tents but still accepting people from all over the spectrum.

In terms of your comment about the PC party being electable I witnessed everything that I saw when I watched politics at the time and noticed that Joe Clark was the only PC MP by 2004 and the Conservative MPs in his old party who joined the new Conservative party called him a traitor and said he worked for the Liberals.

The important thing people need to ask themselves is why did about 4% of the people by 2004 join the Greens and why did the Greens become the 5th party at the time and why are they still gaining support. It is simple red toryism is not some fake ideology but it is now important to the 8 to 10% who support the Greens.

In terms of Atlantic Canada where I live we do not want a regional party but I can clearly go from door to door and define what the party is going to be about and once they hear the differences between the PC party and this new Conservative party which takes mainly from the Alliance and gives crumbs to the PCers I think it is something that is positive what I am doing. The people in all regions want a true alternative and you ask Canadians where is the leadership and they will see there is nothing to be found and just negativity.

Also, Reform got started before the 1988 election but the truth is the GST rapidly helped Reform get started faster. It was inevitable but it just sped up the process. The people in Quebec would also come to our party with open arms and we could say we are a red tory/blue liberal party and we could be that united alternative to the Bloc Quebecois and we stand. I have some people who are bi-lingual and could be leader of the party so I think if Canada had this party yes it would make Canada have endless minority government but it would be our party taking a chunk of seats in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and quite possibly the West where Liberal voters may drift to our party. Therefore we could be the party that replaces the CPC in the East and Liberals in the West and in Ontario we could take a bit of each which may be good. Therefore, here are my predictions if that scenario happens the CPC will get furious and you could start to see other parties forming but what could also happen is the CPC may want to try to get people on the inside of this party just like the old PC party.

Edited by ccen
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I am way different from the guy named APC in that he wants to create something of a regional party but the Centrist Party could be a spoiler of both the Liberals and Conservatives. Of course no one wants to be the spoiler but instead offer their own alternative. I am sure you saw my website and if you did not the party we wanted to create was a party that was purple liberal to purple tory to give the broadest range of policies and cover the entire centre but the people in the party thought that would be too broad and limited it to mainly red tory and blue liberal as the main tents but still accepting people from all over the spectrum.

In terms of your comment about the PC party being electable I witnessed everything that I saw when I watched politics at the time and noticed that Joe Clark was the only PC MP by 2004 and the Conservative MPs in his old party who joined the new Conservative party called him a traitor and said he worked for the Liberals.

The important thing people need to ask themselves is why did about 4% of the people by 2004 join the Greens and why did the Greens become the 5th party at the time and why are they still gaining support. It is simple red toryism is not some fake ideology but it is now important to the 8 to 10% who support the Greens.

In terms of Atlantic Canada where I live we do not want a regional party but I can clearly go from door to door and define what the party is going to be about and once they hear the differences between the PC party and this new Conservative party which takes mainly from the Alliance and gives crumbs to the PCers I think it is something that is positive what I am doing. The people in all regions want a true alternative and you ask Canadians where is the leadership and they will see there is nothing to be found and just negativity.

Also, Reform got started before the 1988 election but the truth is the GST rapidly helped Reform get started faster. It was inevitable but it just sped up the process. The people in Quebec would also come to our party with open arms and we could say we are a red tory/blue liberal party and we could be that united alternative to the Bloc Quebecois and we stand. I have some people who are bi-lingual and could be leader of the party so I think if Canada had this party yes it would make Canada have endless minority government but it would be our party taking a chunk of seats in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and quite possibly the West where Liberal voters may drift to our party. Therefore we could be the party that replaces the CPC in the East and Liberals in the West and in Ontario we could take a bit of each which may be good. Therefore, here are my predictions if that scenario happens the CPC will get furious and you could start to see other parties forming but what could also happen is the CPC may want to try to get people on the inside of this party just like the old PC party.

Well, I'm the "Utilitarian" of this board. I respect whatever actually WORKS!

Good luck to you! Let's see where you are a year or so from now...

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I was the person who just created the one called "if there was a centrist party of canada" topic and now it is ruined and people won't take that topic seriously because of the SEN topic, CEN topic and the APC topic. Now it is all ruined.

Your premise is idiotic since both the Liberal and CPC are "centrist parties".

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