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If Canada had a new federal party called the Centrist Party of Canada


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i thought we already had a centrist party...liberals...why do we need two?..maybe it's a conservative plot to further divide the center left voters of canada...

Id like to see two or three centrist parties... two or three right, two or three left, and so on.

Otherwise you get too many "hold your nose" voters that vote for corrupt or incompetent parties simply because they find the other choices ideologically unacceptable.

When the liberals got roasted for sponsorship, I just quit the political system. I didnt want to reward that kind of thing with my vote, and I didnt want to vote for either hippies or rural pig-farmers so I just bailed. I there was another moderate party though I would have voted for them.

I think parties are bad in general and in a system that only has 2 or 3 they are too powerfull. If there was 15 or 20 I think youd have a more democratic government.

Id REALLY be just fine with doing away with them completely and having a government of independants where alliances are temporary and in response to specific issues.

The downside is... it would be harder to get stuff done. The upside is... it would be harder to get stuff done :D

Edited by dre
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Id like to see two or three centrist parties... two or three right, two or three left, and so on.

Otherwise you get too many "hold your nose" voters that vote for corrupt or incompetent parties simply because they find the other choices ideologically unacceptable.

When the liberals got roasted for sponsorship, I just quit the political system. I didnt want to reward that kind of thing with my vote, and I didnt want to vote for either hippies or rural pig-farmers so I just bailed. I there was another moderate party though I would have voted for them.

I think parties are bad in general and in a system that only has 2 or 3 they are too powerfull. If there was 15 or 20 I think youd have a more democratic government.

Id REALLY be just fine with doing away with them completely and having a government of independants where alliances are temporary and in response to specific issues.

The downside is... it would be harder to get stuff done. The upside is... it would be harder to get stuff done :D

multiple parties would be ok but without electoral reform thats just a dream...plus there's an alliance on the right that stinks, moderate conservatives in bed with neo-con bible thumping fascists, it's the only way they can get a hold of power vs the majority center/left canadians...
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Well what I was getting at if the Centrist Party of Canada became a new party I can assure you that voter intention would increase and we want to try to bring it to 65% and it is not displayed on our site but it would win us Conservative ridings in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and Ontario and pretty much Liberal ridings in the West and we would be competitive there as a result.

As a lefty I fully support your desire to split the conservative vote. I also support your desire to increase voter turnout. I am wondering if you could indicate what specific steps your so called party will take to increase voter turnout. Would you please indicate whether your party has a constitution and by-laws and if so where those may be viewed.

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I voted a couple of times for a Fringe party....but only because they had interesting platforms.

One suggested paying of the national debt with American Express and repealling the law of gravity to help out the struggling airlines.

Another wanted to turn canada into an albanian style communist society. I thought that was just as funny as the others...

Hmm, I am guessing..


Marxist Lenninists or Communist

but really, how could u waste your vote.

U don't repeal Gravity when you have

The Natural Law Party ;)


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Registered Political Parties and Parties Eligible for Registration


Well you don't understand it is not that easy you need to find 250 electors and that is pretty much where we are stuck at. When we do then our party is on our way to being created since we have the 3 officers, the leader and vice leader, 1 agent and 1 auditor. therefore, we just need 1 president and the 250 electors. i have not been in contact with someone who can help get the 250 electors higher but i will try to get back to him. anyways, in answering your question the party will be registered in no time and it does not matter which one of the people who is leader, vice leader or any of that becomes the nominated candidate.

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You know how the Liberals are the centrist party on the centre-left side, we want to be the centrist party on the centre-right side so we give Canadians that party between the two major parties. I say if you can be socially progressive and a fiscally conservative moderate conservative party I say go for it since the moderate conservatives gave up and threw away their ideology for the Conservative party which is a Republican party in sheep's clothing.

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You know how the Liberals are the centrist party on the centre-left side, we want to be the centrist party on the centre-right side so we give Canadians that party between the two major parties. I say if you can be socially progressive and a fiscally conservative moderate conservative party I say go for it since the moderate conservatives gave up and threw away their ideology for the Conservative party which is a Republican party in sheep's clothing.

The Conservative are a centre right party. There is no right/right party in Canada...in the US the conservatives would be close of the Democrats on nearly every issue.

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Hence, you are not a grass roots party.

Well what you fail to understand is as of now there are about 5 parties that are not registered that are in the same boat are we are. In fact they are the Democracy Party of Canada, the Progressive Nationalist Party of Canada, the Nationalist Party of Canada, the Online Party of Canada, and the Freedom Party of Canada.

That is where they are stuck and I feel people want a change but the hardest part is knowing where to look.

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Well what you fail to understand is as of now there are about 5 parties that are not registered that are in the same boat are we are. In fact they are the Democracy Party of Canada, the Progressive Nationalist Party of Canada, the Nationalist Party of Canada, the Online Party of Canada, and the Freedom Party of Canada.

That is where they are stuck and I feel people want a change but the hardest part is knowing where to look.

What about that is there something that I should understand? Fringe parties with no real support are normal in a democracy.

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What about that is there something that I should understand? Fringe parties with no real support are normal in a democracy.

What if they are a good idea like mine which actually wants to be fiscally responsible and socially progressive and wants to try to be that middle ground between the two parties. All parties at one time were fringe like the Bloc Quebecois, the Reform party, the Green party. You need to find that thing that resonates with people and it is true that some movements come from the destruction of other parties like in 1993 when conservatives made the transition from the PC party to Reform simply because they thought the PC party lost their trust. Also, parties form because people want change. Another way parties can get formed is by letting people know that the party is there. In the Green party's case they found some niche as an environmentalist party but people won't look at their other platform proposals which says they are centrist economically. They will always be seen as a one issue party but they have much more to offer.

In our case, we can offer a much more broad spectrum of ideas and people won't mistake us for another Green party. Therefore, I have talked to people saying that in 1993 the NDP were running at around 7 to 9% and got 9 seats in 1993. Therefore, people may just choose the NDP simply on name recognition and simply since Jack Layton is the leader. People nowadays choose leadership over policy. Also, as a party we are hoping for social democrats and liberals and old liberal conservatives to embrace our party and have a strong coalition of people all over the spectrum. We think a party that wants to be red tory/blue liberal and actually embrace true fiscal responsibility and better leadership is something that is wanted nowadays and it may succeed and it may not succeed but only time will tell. Lastly, fringe parties do exist although parties that were originally fringe parties do not need to stay that way and once they get to be registered parties then they could grow from there or stay the same as parties going nowhere. I think this Centrist Party has the right name, the right area in the spectrum and it will get created for the right reasons.

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Hopefully the Centrist party gets created for Atlantic Canadians and Quebeckers who want to vote for something more pragmatic and more fiscally responsible. Knowing how the Conservatives have governed over the last 5 years that is a welcomed alternative.

I take it you are located in the region you identify in this post.

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Hopefully the Centrist party gets created for Atlantic Canadians and Quebeckers who want to vote for something more pragmatic and more fiscally responsible. Knowing how the Conservatives have governed over the last 5 years that is a welcomed alternative.

You have stated in a number of your posts that your party will guarantee more voter participation. You implied a SIGNIFICANT increase in voter participation.

Now we find you are not even yet a fringe party. On what do you base your guarantee?

A guarantee is not a promise or an estimate. It is not an opinion. Could you perhaps have used the wrong word?

Or are we missing something?

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You have stated in a number of your posts that your party will guarantee more voter participation. You implied a SIGNIFICANT increase in voter participation.

Now we find you are not even yet a fringe party. On what do you base your guarantee?

A guarantee is not a promise or an estimate. It is not an opinion. Could you perhaps have used the wrong word?

Or are we missing something?

You can promise it if you behave a certain way or treat your opponents not like enemies and promise the public beforehand and swear you will never act that way. Remember that the public wants people who are not partisan and for all of us to work together so it is not unusual for a new breed of politicians to come and show the public the way.

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You can promise it if you behave a certain way or treat your opponents not like enemies and promise the public beforehand and swear you will never act that way. Remember that the public wants people who are not partisan and for all of us to work together so it is not unusual for a new breed of politicians to come and show the public the way.

I could of course be wrong but you seem to be repeatedly saying that your promises and ideas are so appealing to the general populace that if you can just get the word out things will "bootstrap" themselves, support will pour in and your party will instantly grow out of the fringes into a serious force to be reckoned.

You keep stressing the dream but not the details, the sizzle but not the steak.

I wish you luck. I always applaud citizens who take political initiative of any kind. Still, I think it would serve you well to get some people with access to money and with true political experience as fast as possible! Otherwise, you are never going to get off the ground.

Every fringe party thinks that their message is "super appealing". Almost always they are just fooling themselves. Or they don't understand that a message that no one hears is like the old poser "If a tree falls in the forest..."

Most fringe parties stay fringe parties forever! With good reason. Even those with a good message.

Edited by Wild Bill
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I could of course be wrong but you seem to be repeatedly saying that your promises and ideas are so appealing to the general populace that if you can just get the word out things will "bootstrap" themselves, support will pour in and your party will instantly grow out of the fringes into a serious force to be reckoned.

You keep stressing the dream but not the details, the sizzle but not the steak.

I wish you luck. I always applaud citizens who take political initiative of any kind. Still, I think it would serve you well to get some people with access to money and with true political experience as fast as possible! Otherwise, you are never going to get off the ground.

Every fringe party thinks that their message is "super appealing". Almost always they are just fooling themselves. Or they don't understand that a message that no one hears is like the old poser "If a tree falls in the forest..."

Most fringe parties stay fringe parties forever! With good reason. Even those with a good message.

Well there is one difference that sets our party ahead of the rest and that is youth and most of the people in the party are between the ages of 18 to 25 which is the lowest voting block.

Also, you say every fringe party thinks their message is super appealing well I cannot deny that is true but we are between the two major parties and all we need is the 250 electors or supporters to join us and help create the party.

I agree with the money part and the hardest thing is to find someone who actually listens to us and help us get our foot through the door. Right now we have no one and we need to look somewhere and seek people who are positive and also have name recognition which is also important.

What I was thinking about are ex-cabinet ministers who are part of provinces that are willing to join a new party. I think the Georges Laraque strategy for the Green Party is a good one and we need to find people who are not in politics for the money but to change hearts and minds and willing to switch to a new party.

I guess that is all I can say for now but I want everyone on this forum and everywhere to know that some day there will be true leadership in Canada that won't just seek votes but wanting to change this country for the better and willing to work for the common person. This party was not just made to increase voter intention but to also ensure that our democracy is strong and so we give voices to people who believe Canada can do better.

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The kind of party me and a lot of guys are starting is a successor and what is wrong with wanting to make sure there is a third moderate party that is between the two major parties that gives Canadians another choice. In fact in Great Britain those three parties are very close ideologically and they are around the centre. I say that if it gives another choice and the Canadian people want change since there is stagnant leadership and it is positive and wants to maintain our social programs and wants to focus on priorities and aiming to reduce the debt and deficit I say it is good and most Canadian would be for it. The fact of the matter is most Canadians hate the Liberals and vote Conservative to stop the Liberals. That is the fact and I know Atlantic Canadians who just vote Conservative because there is no other alternative.

Great britain, so I guess your party has no problem with setting sharia courts then since great britain now has 84. So what is your platform on that.
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Someone said a long time ago that a party that wants to keep our best programs like health and education and our strong social programs needs to be created and our economy must be a free market economy so our party would balance social progress on that front with free market economics therefore like the Progressive Conservative party and therefore used their time tested strategy. Remember if it was used in 1867 to 2003 then it could work now and I see nothing wrong with saying to people in certain regions that we want to be the successor to that party and try to seek the nomination of people who are committed to that ideology.

My friend in the party even talked about the fact that Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia were good places to start since they have tons of people who believe in Red Toryism and red toryism does exist and people on other sites have said it is just liberalism painted with a few brushes of conservatism which is false since it is used in Great Britain and our party and its ideology would use what is used in certain parts of Europe. Therefore Eastern Canada is a place where our party would most likely be successful the same goes with Quebec and replacing the liberal vote in Western Canada. I think with these conditions applied our party would take votes from Liberals and Conservatives and give way to a new type of politics in Canada.

Check out http://www.centristparty.piczo.com/?cr=5. Also see the bottom of the page to check out the email and if you are interested in being one of the 250 electors give me a chat at the email.

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Great britain, so I guess your party has no problem with setting sharia courts then since great britain now has 84. So what is your platform on that.

We are for freedom of religion and people can practice however they choose. I think the Liberals and Conservatives have the same policy on that.

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