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If Canada had a new federal party called the Centrist Party of Canada


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We need a centrist party for one important thing having a policy to cut taxes and be about compassionate conservatism. That is one important thing and another is being balanced on foreign policy instead of unilaterally supporting Israel. Another important reason for having another party is to save Canada from separating and having a party that is strongly supported across the country. Also, another important reason is because voter intention is low and Canada needs strong leadership and a moderately ran economy and one that is led by someone who is pragmatic and willing to work in the old Tory tradition which is about parliamentary democracy and about middle grounds and compromise.

That is why we need a centrist party.

we have enough parties, what we really need is electoral reform...
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we have enough parties, what we really need is electoral reform...

Did you even see the platform on the site http://www.centristparty.piczo.com/?cr=5 and that it said we would want to propose proportional representation and even reform the Senate so no party can have an outright majority since they would need to consult with the independents and form a coalition government with them and with the other parties in the Senate.

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Did you even see the platform on the site http://www.centristparty.piczo.com/?cr=5 and that it said we would want to propose proportional representation and even reform the Senate so no party can have an outright majority since they would need to consult with the independents and form a coalition government with them and with the other parties in the Senate.

Why would anyone vote for your party?

Where does the funding for your party come from?

Will you list the names of the donors and the amounts donated by each?

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The party roots are taken after this party: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_Conservative_Party_of_Canada and I think it is needed once again and all 40 people I am working with liked my idea and adopted every policy that had to do with the ideas I came up with. It is a socially progressive party with fiscally responsible conservative leanings.

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Well I only mentioned Joe Clark, David Orchard and Danny Williams since they are statesmen who are worthy of the House of Commons and we need to send people of principle and not bottom feeders.

Clark was notorious for ALWAYS making the wrong decision and saying the wrong thing. Statesman? I'll grant you he is a nice guy, but he was a complete clown as a politician. Orchard is as much of a bottom feeder as you're likely to find, and what exactly about Orchard is in any way "conservative"? The only reason he was in the old PC party was that all conservative policies (and conservatives) had gone from it.

Williams is a table thumping blowhard with no sense of national vision whatever. And as a guy who tore the Canadian flag down from flagpoles he had no chance of ever attaining national office.

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Let us say that the party was a successor to the Progressive Conservative party and was a blue liberal and red tory party that aimed to lower taxes but be socially compassionate in the British tradition

I think you guys are unhappy with our current choices (welcome to the club) but don't have any actual philosophical base for a new party to stand on. It sounds like you essentially want to have your cake and eat it too; have low taxes but generous social programs. Guess what? They don't generally go together.

and aimed to increase voter intention and work in the tradition of Sir John A. MacDonald

The present day Conservative Party is so far to the Left of where MacDonald's party was they wouldn't be able to recognize them.

All you would accomplish, presuming you actually had any success, would be to split the vote further, thus making minority government (which is notoriously expensive since all parties are constantly in campaign mode and promising the world to fickle voters) even more certain.

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Clark was notorious for ALWAYS making the wrong decision and saying the wrong thing. Statesman? I'll grant you he is a nice guy, but he was a complete clown as a politician. Orchard is as much of a bottom feeder as you're likely to find, and what exactly about Orchard is in any way "conservative"? The only reason he was in the old PC party was that all conservative policies (and conservatives) had gone from it.

Williams is a table thumping blowhard with no sense of national vision whatever. And as a guy who tore the Canadian flag down from flagpoles he had no chance of ever attaining national office.

Well what I was getting at if the Centrist Party of Canada became a new party I can assure you that voter intention would increase and we want to try to bring it to 65% and it is not displayed on our site but it would win us Conservative ridings in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and Ontario and pretty much Liberal ridings in the West and we would be competitive there as a result.

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Well what I was getting at if the Centrist Party of Canada became a new party I can assure you that voter intention would increase and we want to try to bring it to 65% and it is not displayed on our site but it would win us Conservative ridings in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and Ontario and pretty much Liberal ridings in the West and we would be competitive there as a result.

I think the Liberals are also a party on the decline and this could be a more moderate party to challenge the Conservatives in western areas as well and I think since I want to make the party both socially progressive and socially conservative just like the Conservatives it would be good for everyone and would give a conservative leaning for two parties in the West.

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Well ya and what Canadian would be against that and wanting to find middle grounds and compromise on issues that all Canadian should not be partisan on like the military, crime and poverty.

In that case you are promising something you have no control over and are unlikely to deliver. You have to ask yourself, why is your idea of a party more attractive than the Green party, which is iunlikely to send anyone to Ottawa and in fact, is different from the other 4 parties?

I mean really, why should I be interested in a party that has very few new ideas and intends to be a sop and a pancea to everyone?

This is an idea that should stay in the High School politic club and live out the rest of its like there

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In that case you are promising something you have no control over and are unlikely to deliver. You have to ask yourself, why is your idea of a party more attractive than the Green party, which is iunlikely to send anyone to Ottawa and in fact, is different from the other 4 parties?

I mean really, why should I be interested in a party that has very few new ideas and intends to be a sop and a pancea to everyone?

This is an idea that should stay in the High School politic club and live out the rest of its like there

Well what you don't understand is it has not been tested and why can't a party be like the old Reform party and be grassroots and then people will understand what we are about.

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Well what you don't understand is it has not been tested and why can't a party be like the old Reform party and be grassroots and then people will understand what we are about.

There is no reason that it can't...but you are not grassroots....you don't even have a following large enough to fill a Tim Hortons...

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I voted a couple of times for a Fringe party....but only because they had interesting platforms.

One suggested paying of the national debt with American Express and repealling the law of gravity to help out the struggling airlines.

Another wanted to turn canada into an albanian style communist society. I thought that was just as funny as the others...

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I voted a couple of times for a Fringe party....but only because they had interesting platforms.

One suggested paying of the national debt with American Express and repealling the law of gravity to help out the struggling airlines.

Another wanted to turn canada into an albanian style communist society. I thought that was just as funny as the others...

Lemme guess...

1.Either the Natural Law Party or the Rhinosaurus Party?

2.Either the Communist Party of Canada or the Marxist-Lenninist Party of Canada?

Edited by Jack Weber
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