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Does The NDP Still Have A Reason To Exist

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"Welcome to the 1980's!!"

(1974 too)

His majority elections, if I recall correctly, were 1968, 1974 and 1980.

Ah yes..

The "Zap!!!!You're frozen!!", campaign against Stanfield...

Then he did "it" anyway...

Not one of PET's better moments...Stuff like that made Joe Clark seem viable...

It should be noted that even Nixon implemented a form of wage and price controls...

Nixon implemented a severe wage-price freeze (also after campaigning against it) in August 1971 and then softened it into an apparently successful "Phase II" wage and price controls that ran from November 1971 to January 11, 1973. Prices exploded during "Phase III", after gasoline and meat spot shortages occurred (probably baked in the cake during Phase II). This was followed by a new freeze, "Phase III 1/2" which dissolved into an ineffectual "Phase IV". This was followed by total decontrol and double-digit inflation in April 1974. Thus, inflation went from about 4.5% before any controls, to around 3.6% during Phase II, then 6-8% prior to Phase IV, and then to double-digits.

Also not one of Nixon's prouder moments, not that he had many of those.

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As long as transgendered security gaurds need collective bargaining rights, the NDP will exist...as Long as Jack is unemployable in the private sector, the NDP will exist....

and why should they? Aren't they entititled to the $2 a vote? Jack's don't come cheap.

Wit ha Tory majority that $2 subsidy will disappear so I hope these parties get a lot better at fund raising in a hurry...lol. It'll be glorious to watch these parties freak out and not be able to a thing about it. They'll probably try to go the Superior Court or Human Rights tribunal.

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Wit ha Tory majority that $2 subsidy will disappear so I hope these parties get a lot better at fund raising in a hurry...lol. It'll be glorious to watch these parties freak out and not be able to a thing about it. They'll probably try to go the Superior Court or Human Rights tribunal.

No way... The Tory's are the ones SPENDING it (just because it's there and it's tax payer dollars doesn't mean you have to spend it, kudos to the NDP and Libs who aren't)... The reason they want to kill it is because they're in big business's pocket and aren't gonna run short by killing it...

That's when Canada's version of Wisconsin will come to the fore...

Can hardly wait for Canada's big Corps. to start running our country like the US's big corps. run the states...


Democracy in action... NOT!

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....That's when Canada's version of Wisconsin will come to the fore...

Can hardly wait for Canada's big Corps. to start running our country like the US's big corps. run the states...

Nah...what happens in Wisconsin has nothing to do with Canada. Will the real Canadians please stand up?

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Nah...what happens in Wisconsin has nothing to do with Canada. Will the real Canadians please stand up?

I am standing up looking down at YOU lying down and seeming to enjoy being the American Corporations' "bitch"...

BTW, your sheep are still waiting for you to give them your much needed attention...

Edited by GWiz
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I am standing up looking down at YOU lying down and seeming to enjoy being the American Corporations' "bitch"...

LOL! I am the American corporation...and I sure as hell don't worry about labor relations in Manitoba!

Good grief!

BTW, your sheep are still waiting for you to give them you much needed attention...


Edited by bush_cheney2004
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LOL! I am the American corporation...and I sure as hell don't worry about labor relations in Manitoba!

Good grief!

I hope you didn't take my comment "personal"... The "YOU" referred to ALL Republicants of the Bushy persuasion... :P


I know, your sheep are crying for you too...

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Actually, my understanding of American neoconservatism is a little different from neoliberalism (which I understand as a strictly economic philosophy advocating highly laissez-faire capitalism and globalized free trade), closer to this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoconservatism

Naomi Klein seems to use the two terms as synonyms though, so who knows?

Edited by Evening Star
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Amid the hype of Chinas rise to global power, the most important story of our generation is being pushed aside: how Americas rapidly growing population of the unskilled, unemployed, and disaffected threatens the nations wealth and stature.

In How the West Was Lost, the New York Times bestselling author and economist Dambisa Moyo sheds light on how a host of shortsighted policy decisions have left the economic seesaw poised to tip away from America and toward the emerging world. Faced with this impending calamity, the United States can choose either to remain open to the international economy or to close itself off, adopting protectionist policies that will give the country time and space to redress these pervasive structural problems.

Incisive and illuminating, How the West Was Lost not only exposes the policy myopia of the West that has led it onto a path of economic decline but also reveals the crucialand radicalpolicy actions that must be taken to stem this tide.


Edited by pinko
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Amid the hype of China’s rise to global power, the most important story of our generation is being pushed aside: how America’s rapidly growing population of the unskilled, unemployed, and disaffected threatens the nation’s wealth and stature.

In How the West Was Lost, the New York Times bestselling author and economist Dambisa Moyo sheds light on how a host of shortsighted policy decisions have left the economic seesaw poised to tip away from America and toward the emerging world. Faced with this impending calamity, the United States can choose either to remain open to the international economy or to close itself off, adopting protectionist policies that will give the country time and space to redress these pervasive structural problems.

Incisive and illuminating, How the West Was Lost not only exposes the policy myopia of the West that has led it onto a path of economic decline but also reveals the crucial—and radical—policy actions that must be taken to stem this tide.


Read it...

George Orwell's 1984

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No way... The Tory's are the ones SPENDING it (just because it's there and it's tax payer dollars doesn't mean you have to spend it, kudos to the NDP and Libs who aren't)... The reason they want to kill it is because they're in big business's pocket and aren't gonna run short by killing it...

That's when Canada's version of Wisconsin will come to the fore...

Can hardly wait for Canada's big Corps. to start running our country like the US's big corps. run the states...


Democracy in action... NOT!

I live in Ontario...

If Tim Hudak wins the next provicial election,and gets a majority,you can bet some sort of RTW legislation (it'll most likeley have another name) will be implemented using the same Trojan Horse methods...

The WRAPpers in Alberta have RTW as one of their labour legislation party planks...

'Cause those oil and gas companies need that "freedom" ...

(see drive down wages and benny plans to increase shareholder value)...

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Actually, my understanding of American neoconservatism is a little different from neoliberalism (which I understand as a strictly economic philosophy advocating highly laissez-faire capitalism and globalized free trade), closer to this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoconservatism

Naomi Klein seems to use the two terms as synonyms though, so who knows?

I believe they're interchangeable...

I can't believe I'm agreeing with Naomi Klein!!!!!

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Nonsense. It's all political parties that need to die, and we should have a taxation regime that helps them die, by taxing the living hell out of revenue from donations and ending tax credits for political donations.

I noticed some good perspectives in post #62.

Toadbrother, your post(#63) is highlighted here. What form of governance are you advocating, without political parties? What would result? Please expand on this idea, I wanna know what I'm missing in terms of quality of life.

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I live in Ontario...

If Tim Hudak wins the next provicial election,and gets a majority,you can bet some sort of RTW legislation (it'll most likeley have another name) will be implemented using the same Trojan Horse methods...

The WRAPpers in Alberta have RTW as one of their labour legislation party planks...

'Cause those oil and gas companies need that "freedom" ...

(see drive down wages and benny plans to increase shareholder value)...

People are moving OUT of Alberta and Asians primarily the Chinese are buying up the vacancies in the big cities (Calgary and Edmonton)...

Telus has moved their head offices from Alberta to BC and moved much of thier operation (call centers for in and out, etc.) to the Philippines, some operations are now in Quebec...

Might be some different "demographics" happening in Alberta soon...

I'm starting to hear Alberta screaming already here in Manitoba, and it's getting louder...

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People are moving OUT of Alberta and Asians primarily the Chinese are buying up the vacancies in the big cities (Calgary and Edmonton)...

Telus has moved their head offices from Alberta to BC and moved much of thier operation (call centers for in and out, etc.) to the Philippines, some operations are now in Quebec...

Might be some different "demographics" happening in Alberta soon...

I'm starting to hear Alberta screaming already here in Manitoba, and it's getting louder...

Are you suggesting that the Conlibertervative "sanity" of the foothill oil pumpers is being questioned???

Demographic shifts tend to upset the singular mindset apple cart...

The pushback tends to get ugly/embarassing...

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People are moving OUT of Alberta and Asians primarily the Chinese are buying up the vacancies in the big cities (Calgary and Edmonton)...

Telus has moved their head offices from Alberta to BC and moved much of thier operation (call centers for in and out, etc.) to the Philippines, some operations are now in Quebec...

Might be some different "demographics" happening in Alberta soon...

I'm starting to hear Alberta screaming already here in Manitoba, and it's getting louder...

Another Manitoban? Sorry to hear you have such a low opinion of the federal NDP. In most Manitoba riding it is the Liberal voters who are helping Harper get elected. The Liberals are a distant third in most of MB. You should check past electoral results and see how to vote strategically to remove Harper. If you want a Liberal Prime Minister, the best way to help that happen in Manitoba ridings is to vote NDP and help defeat the Con candidate.

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Are you suggesting that the Conlibertervative "sanity" of the foothill oil pumpers is being questioned???

Demographic shifts tend to upset the singular mindset apple cart...

The pushback tends to get ugly/embarassing...

May be, we'll see... B)

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Another Manitoban? Sorry to hear you have such a low opinion of the federal NDP. In most Manitoba riding it is the Liberal voters who are helping Harper get elected. The Liberals are a distant third in most of MB. You should check past electoral results and see how to vote strategically to remove Harper. If you want a Liberal Prime Minister, the best way to help that happen in Manitoba ridings is to vote NDP and help defeat the Con candidate.

I'm willing...

Are the NDP ready to reciprocate?

Like supporting Kevin Lamoureau in the next Federal election? Or supporting a Liberal to regain the seat Liberals held prior to Joy Smith getting elected in my riding because she beat out the Liberal candidate by a couple of hundred votes with the NDP a distant third but taking enough from the Liberal to get her in?

Let me know...

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I'm willing...

Are the NDP ready to reciprocate?

Like supporting Kevin Lamoureau in the next Federal election? Or supporting a Liberal to regain the seat Liberals held prior to Joy Smith getting elected in my riding because she beat out the Liberal candidate by a couple of hundred votes with the NDP a distant third but taking enough from the Liberal to get her in?

Let me know...

I'm not suggesting that the federal parties will come to any agreement, I'm suggesting that voters take the matter into their own hands. Lameroux is probably a bad example because it is a long time NDP seat that I know the party will work hard to regain, however I would love to see the NDP stand down in Joy Smith's riding. I personally dislike Lameroux because of his past behaviour, showing up at NDP conventions to hand out Liberal leaflets etc, but that riding will not go Conservative anyway. I would definitely like to see the parties cooperate and come up with a campaign strategy that targets Conservative seats, and split up the rest according to who has them now, but the parties will not do that. I hope the voters will do it for them. It would benefit the Liberals, the NDP and Canadians.

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I'm not suggesting that the federal parties will come to any agreement, I'm suggesting that voters take the matter into their own hands. Lameroux is probably a bad example because it is a long time NDP seat that I know the party will work hard to regain, however I would love to see the NDP stand down in Joy Smith's riding. I personally dislike Lameroux because of his past behaviour, showing up at NDP conventions to hand out Liberal leaflets etc, but that riding will not go Conservative anyway. I would definitely like to see the parties cooperate and come up with a campaign strategy that targets Conservative seats, and split up the rest according to who has them now, but the parties will not do that. I hope the voters will do it for them. It would benefit the Liberals, the NDP and Canadians.

Not to disagree with you but you've hit the nail on the head... I even agree to the concept...

Which is why when Dr. Ray Pagtakan decided to change ridings after distribution and the Liberals ran a strong candidate for his old seat such a deal was struck with the fairly weak NDP candidate in said riding whereby she promised not to "actively campaign" against well known Terry Duguid the Liberal Candidate...

Wouldn't you know it but at the direct behest of one Jack Layton, who CAME campaigning in that literally unwinable riding for the NDP with said candidate on 3 occasions and anyone who ever voted NDP (provincially) got a Lawn Sign (we had quite a number of our supporters having to call to have the signs removed, which took them several days to do :rolleyes: )... What's worse was all literature distributed by the NDP in that riding targetted the LIBERALS with virtually no mention of the CONS...

Result, as predictable, Joy Smith - CON... Thanks in no small part to Mr. Layton...

So you'll pardon me if I'm a little hesitant when it comes to "bargaining" with the NDP...

Oh, re your referrence to Kevin, I'd hate to tell you how many Liberal functions our friend Judy attended... And you and I both know that Kevin wasn't at any NDP convention unless he was invited (which he wasn't) and even then he'd have way too much class to ever hand out anything...

Nice try though... :D

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