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Wikileaks and the US State Department

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Sure, but like I said, none of this is especially relevant. Charges don't equal guilt, not even for that most monstrous of human being: the dissident.

So here's what we don't know: that Assange is guilty of these charges.

And here's what we do know: opining that he should be assassinated is open support for first-degree murder.

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I guess they can't charge him for anything else related to the Wikileaks documents. So they gotta try thing approach to snag him.

Why would they not arrest him for the docs? Because the docs are bogus maybe?

Not to mention the powers that be already tried to get Assange last year on similar charges, with no results.

Edited by GostHacked
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Leakage: America betrayed its friends. I can’t stop wondering about America’s efforts to put a brave face on a sorry business. The American authorities are talking a lot about the threat on the part of WikiLeaks, but they don’t tell anyone about the causes of those numerous leakages. Maybe I know where the problem is? It’s no wonder that America’s security slithered from the high level into the abyss and the American authorities can’t do anything to prevent their dirty secrets leakage. But we are talking not only about the US, but about its attitude towards its friends, now maybe former friends. Hypocrisy of the American policy replenished with the secrets leakage will bring America down to earth. Here in Europe we are very disappointed by America, especially after the last leakage. In fact it was absolute and uncovered impudence! So, there is no more vaunted security and universal allow ability after the secrets flood in America. Of course America feels sorry for the leakage, but not for the contents. Something is telling me that it wasn’t the last informational cataclysm in the US. If America can’t keep its own secrets, there are no guarantees that everyone who is involved in the relationship with the US will be safe. And now America is hunting down Assange...

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There was talk of charges in Auguts


And in 2009 I believe . still trying to find links for it.

There are 2 or 3 ongoing investigations, one in the US, one in Australia (which does have an official secrets act), and one in Sweden which outlaws non consensual sex between an individual and an habitual law breaker...

Edited by M.Dancer
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Yeah, what we should have is old guys talking about how potent their manhood is on Internet forums instead.

There is nothing wrong with being potent...and with being an old man comes some wisdom..and an understanding of the real rules of civility and respect...all I was saying is that without honesty and the will to deal in good faith - in order to garner useful friendships - ours and others - will continue to have a dis-functional diplomatic sytem...this dis-honourable back stabbing behaviour that is revealed in part through Wikileaks..is what brings about international poverty - war - terrorism and the rest - that is what THIS old man sees..and by the way...try to be a more potent human being in every respect - It is called Potent ial.

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There are 2 or 3 ongoing investigations, one in the US, one in Australia (which does have an official secrets act), and one in Sweden which outlaws non consensual sex between an individual and an habitual law breaker...

Sex charges first, national security charges later. Set him up with these charges hoping they stick to create some kind of resistance and anger against him. But again this is all a distraction for something much bigger ... what that is we are going to find out soon.

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Set him up with these charges hoping they stick to create some kind of resistance and anger against him.

Right....you reralize who filed the rape charges against him don't you?

He has seen himself as having an immunity to normal law..from his days as a hacker to his days as a sex offender....I would classify him as a deviant sociopath...

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Right....you reralize who filed the rape charges against him don't you?

He has seen himself as having an immunity to normal law..from his days as a hacker to his days as a sex offender....I would classify him as a deviant sociopath...

You realize the charges are negligable to the overwhelming state of damange control the powers that be are in to try and control this huge release of documents...... Wait for it!!

There must be a good dose of truth in the wikileaks or else there would be no sex assault charges. Also why do they bring up the charges only when he is about to dump all the docs online?

Use your brain.

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Right....you reralize who filed the rape charges against him don't you?

He has seen himself as having an immunity to normal law..from his days as a hacker to his days as a sex offender....I would classify him as a deviant sociopath...

Yeah but you'd probably also classify Pierre Burton as a dangerous moral degenerate for describing how to roll a joint.

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You realize the charges are negligable...

The charge of rape is negligable?

There must be a good dose of truth in the wikileaks or else there would be no sex assault charges.

The truth about wikileaks has nothing to do with why his host, the woman who was helping him promote wikileaks, charged him with rape. ....

Use your brain.

Could I use yours instead? It seems to have rather low milage....

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I wouldn't believe much of what is said/written about him now, honestly. I mean, even peace-loving Canadian officials have gone as far as to call for his assassination. A smear campaign is certainly not beyond them. Western governments have been doing everything they can to destroy this guy since wikileaks started revealing secret information. Whether it's trumped up rape charges, denial of citizenship, assassination plots, attacks against his website, etc, it's all apparently been tried.

Who called for his assassination, and are you sure, cos if it's from the Guardian then that explains it. LOL


When Professor Tom Flanagan wakes up this morning he’s going to be very surprised to learn that he is “an adviser to the Canadian prime minister Stepher Harper” as the U.K. Guardian claims (8:38 am), and that in the capacity of “senior advisor and strategist to the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper” he “called for the assassination of Wikileaks director Julian Assange”, as LoonCanada asserts.

The sources seem to be thereby implying that the Canadian Government officially condones such a thing.

LoonCanada states that this is “believed to be the first ever televised “fatwa”

According to another Wiki-authority, Wikipedia, Tom Flanagan was once a chief of staff to Stephen Harper but is now a professor at the University of Calgary, and a [small c] “conservative political activist”. Furthermore, he “returned to full-time teaching after the 2006 election and is no longer active in the affairs of the Conservative Party.”

In fact on Power and Politics Professor Flanagan often moans that he’s no longer on the Prime Minister’s Christmas list.

Evan Solomon introduced Tom Flanagan on yesterday’s show as a “political scientist with the University of Calgary.” (approx 00:53:00)

Flanagan made a flippant remark as a private citizen speaking his own mind. But some folks obviously don’t care about facts getting in the way of a good smear and little sh*t-disturbing.

The Guardians’ credibility has been further diminished by running with this story before carefully checking it out.

Just like their non story about SunTV and the Mounties LOL

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In truth I find the whole rape aspect to be a bit of a red herring. So far in all the information I've seen relating to these allegations there doesn't appear to be anything very compelling that would lead one to believe rape had actually been committed. Certainly the Swedish authorities appear to be very uncertain as to the validity of these charges.

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