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Glenn Beck Rally

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NBC and The New York Times had it at 300,000.

Nope the NYT just reported the NBC number it also reported the CBS number so you could say CBS and the NTY had the estimate at 80,000 as well. Sorry Shady. As for the 300,000 I saw the arial picture there were not 300,000 people there sorry again.

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You really don't know about the separation of church and state?

Not surprising really. Maybe once you finish Grade 12.

Sorry...wrong again...did not exist at the time of America's "founding". That would come years later with Jefferson. Hell, Connecticut still had a state church! Maybe you not American, hey Joe?

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Nope the NYT just reported the NBC number it also reported the CBS number so you could say CBS and the NTY had the estimate at 80,000 as well. Sorry Shady. As for the 300,000 I saw the arial picture there were not 300,000 people there sorry again.

I usually take the middle ground in these crowd estimate types of things...

High end 300,000

Low end 80,000

Lets say 175,000...

175,000 right wing flag wavers came to listen to Glenn Beck...

Now that's what I call 'clout" with the masses!!!! :blink:

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affectionately being dubbed the great KKK 'Whitestock' fest... given the absence of them thar colored folk in the estimated crowd of... wait for it... wait for it... 87K big ones!

Glenn Beck Rally Attracts Estimated 87,000

An estimated 87,000 people attended a rally organized by talk-radio host and Fox News commentator Glenn Beck Saturday in Washington, according to a crowd estimate commissioned by CBS News.

The company AirPhotosLive.com based the attendance on aerial pictures it took over the rally, which stretched from in front of the Lincoln Memorial along the Reflecting Pool to the Washington Monument. Beck and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin spoke at the rally.

AirPhotosLive.com gave its estimate a margin of error of 9,000, meaning between 78,000 and 96,000 people attended the rally. The photos used to make the estimate were taken at noon Saturday, which is when the company estimated was the rally's high point.

Beck/Palin 2012? (apparently Fox News' Chris Wallace thought it probable enough to pose the likelihood question of a Beck/Palin 2012 ticket) :lol:

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affectionately being dubbed the great KKK 'Whitestock' fest... given the absence of them thar colored folk in the estimated crowd of... wait for it... wait for it... 87K big ones!

Glenn Beck Rally Attracts Estimated 87,000

Beck/Palin 2012? (apparently Fox News' Chris Wallace thought it probable enough to pose the likelihood question of a Beck/Palin 2012 ticket) :lol:

Assuming one thinks that Palin is the brains of that operation...Which is a leap a faith that's wider than the Grand Canyon...

Does Chris Wallace realize the mountain of video evidence showing that Beck has a questionable grip on reality at the best of times?

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Nope the NYT just reported the NBC number it also reported the CBS number so you could say CBS and the NTY had the estimate at 80,000 as well. Sorry Shady. As for the 300,000 I saw the arial picture there were not 300,000 people there sorry again.

It's funny how some like to downplay the numbers, I've seen aerial pics also, the crowd size was huge, more than 100,000 by any count, far bigger than the other rally, it should send shivers down the Dem's spines. Also note that one of the speakers was Dr. Alveda King, Martin Luther King's niece.

NBC News estimated the turnout at 300,000, size does matter, and should give a heads up to what might happen in the November elections. IMO from various sources it would actually be around 200,000

Beck -- who derisively told the crowd "I have just gotten word from the media that there are over 1,000 people here today -- LOL he knew what would happen.

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It's funny how some like to downplay the numbers, I've seen aerial pics also, the crowd size was huge, more than 100,000 by any count, far bigger than the other rally, it should send shivers down the Dem's spines. Also note that one of the speakers was Dr. Alveda King, Martin Luther King's niece.

NBC News estimated the turnout at 300,000, size does matter, and should give a heads up to what might happen in the November elections. IMO from various sources it would actually be around 200,000

Beck -- who derisively told the crowd "I have just gotten word from the media that there are over 1,000 people here today -- LOL he knew what would happen.

The fact that Glenn Beck has no reason to want to inflate the numbers aside, size DOES matters. The numbers at both rallies prove that people on the left size of the spectrum have better things to do than waste their time listening at the rambling of a hate-mongerer (talking about Sharpton).

Edited by CANADIEN
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I think it is far-fetched to talk about secularism to described what the Founding Fathers had in mind. That being said, they most likely didn't have the type of hate-mongering fear-mongering rambling of the likes of Glenn Beck in mind either.

The word certainly did not exist, but the concept had since at least John Locke (who had a profound influence on guys like Jefferson and Madison). Jefferson made very clear what had been intended by the First Amendment:

To messers. Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.


The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem.

Th Jefferson

Jan. 1. 1802.

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The word certainly did not exist, but the concept had since at least John Locke (who had a profound influence on guys like Jefferson and Madison). Jefferson made very clear what had been intended by the First Amendment:

To messers. Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.


The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem.

Th Jefferson

Jan. 1. 1802.

Thank you for pointing out to this very important document. It certainly points to the thinking behind the Separation of Church and State. I would still argue, though, that there is a difference between Jefferson's notion and securalism as it often understood and propagated today, which goes far beyond the separation of Church and State and strives to elimiate religious expression or religion based opinions from the public space (France is an example of this).

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affectionately being dubbed the great KKK 'Whitestock' fest... given the absence of them thar colored folk in the estimated crowd of... wait for it... wait for it... 87K big ones!

I believe there were some of "them thar colored folk" (as you pejoratively mention them) present, Waldo.

MLK's neice being one and I'm sure she would appreciate your invective.

Do you just enjoy stirring the pot or do you really enjoy being on the loser side of life?

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Thank you for pointing out to this very important document. It certainly points to the thinking behind the Separation of Church and State. I would still argue, though, that there is a difference between Jefferson's notion and securalism as it often understood and propagated today, which goes far beyond the separation of Church and State and strives to elimiate religious expression or religion based opinions from the public space (France is an example of this).

You would be correct, in my estimation. There shall be no law made "prohibiting the free practice (of one's religion) thereof".

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affectionately being dubbed the great KKK 'Whitestock' fest... given the absence of them thar colored folk in the estimated crowd of... wait for it... wait for it... 87K big ones!

Glenn Beck Rally Attracts Estimated 87,000

An estimated 87,000 people attended a rally organized by talk-radio host and Fox News commentator Glenn Beck Saturday in Washington, according to a crowd estimate commissioned by CBS News.

The company AirPhotosLive.com based the attendance on aerial pictures it took over the rally, which stretched from in front of the Lincoln Memorial along the Reflecting Pool to the Washington Monument. Beck and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin spoke at the rally.

AirPhotosLive.com gave its estimate a margin of error of 9,000, meaning between 78,000 and 96,000 people attended the rally. The photos used to make the estimate were taken at noon Saturday, which is when the company estimated was the rally's high point.

Beck/Palin 2012? (apparently Fox News' Chris Wallace thought it probable enough to pose the likelihood question of a Beck/Palin 2012 ticket) :lol:

I believe there were some of "them thar colored folk" (as you pejoratively mention them) present, Waldo.

MLK's neice being one and I'm sure she would appreciate your invective.

Do you just enjoy stirring the pot or do you really enjoy being on the loser side of life?

pathetic try Pliny... perhaps you need a roadmap... perhaps you could start with a lil' ole research on Alveda King and the weeks lead-up on how Beck used/abused her to promote his "I have a scheme" rally as some presumptive show of racial inclusiveness... an inclusiveness that most certainly was absent amongst the all-whitely mad-tea hatter crowd that rallied to the Beck/Palin-a-palooza.

as for your "white-knight" charge to push back against your trumped up pejorative... The shame of Alveda King

Every famous family has a member or three who do things that leave you in "oh no (s)he didn't" disbelief. Usually it's the Jackson family (Michael, not Jesse). Hello? Rebbie? LaToya? Jermain? But they're not in the cross hairs today. That honor goes to the King family (Rev. Dr. Martin, not Rodney). King’s niece, Alveda King, showed up at Glenn Beck’s “Restoring America” rally to frequently invoke the “I have a dream” speech that her “Uncle Martin” immortalized on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial 47 years earlier to the day.

The week leading up to the big rally, King had been flogging “Restoring America” as extension of her famous relative’s legacy. Look, it was one thing when Beck proclaimed that he was trying to reclaim the Civil Rights movement. But to be aided and abetted by a King relative, an anti-gay and pro-life one at that?

It is Alveda King’s right to do this. And I think she is dead wrong. I wasn’t alive on Aug. 29, 1963. But everything I’ve learned about the man who led the movement that made an appointment with destiny that day in Washington leads me to think that he wouldn’t appreciate a little-known relative claiming to speak for him while lending the (extended) family name and the credibility that accrues with it to a person who has so poisoned American political discourse of late.

The King children have been known to battle with each other and with other people over the monetary value of the words and image of their father. Dr. King’s legacy is precious. Alveda King on Saturday besmirched it.

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It's funny how some like to downplay the numbers, I've seen aerial pics also, the crowd size was huge, more than 100,000 by any count, far bigger than the other rally, it should send shivers down the Dem's spines. Also note that one of the speakers was Dr. Alveda King, Martin Luther King's niece.

NBC News estimated the turnout at 300,000, size does matter, and should give a heads up to what might happen in the November elections. IMO from various sources it would actually be around 200,000

Beck -- who derisively told the crowd "I have just gotten word from the media that there are over 1,000 people here today -- LOL he knew what would happen.

ARE YOUR SERIOUS? Some lady who never meet Dr. King spoke about him? Wow I am so impressed Beck got someone who makes a living going around to conservative get together to talk about someone she never ever even saw speak. So impressed.

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Please prove to all of us here my two dimensional ideological nature

You call people fascists all the time. You just substitute religious wackos with that. His point was about the name calling of each side. Which you participate in quite frequently. It's pretty rich of you to hold yourself above it, when you're the poster child for it. :rolleyes:

Remember the trifecta I dubbed the Jack-off? It's when you call people racist, fascist and Breitbarts all in one single post!

Edited by Shady
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You call people fascists all the time. You just substitute religious wackos with that. His point was about the name calling of each side. Which you participate in quite frequently. It's pretty rich of you to hold yourself above it, when you're the poster child for it. :rolleyes:

Remember the trifecta I dubbed the Jack-off? It's when you call people racist, fascist and Breitbarts all in one single post!

Let's see,'ol Perfesser...

I call NAZI sympathizers Fascists...Do NAZI's fit the bill of Fascist...Hmmm??

Why...Yes they do!!!

So you'll have to point out where I'm incorrect there...

Do I call the Chinese Crypto-Fascists??...They have eschewed the Maoist past for free(er) markets,private property ownership,and increasing nationalism coupled with continued authoritarianism....Does that fit the bill of a prototypical Fascist...Hmm???

Why...Yes it does!!!

Lictor (Kanadischer) has consistently posted about European supremacy and the inferority of other races(pocked face baboon and ape,were his terms,I believe)...Does that qualify as racist and did I(and alot of others) confront it head on???

Why...Yes it is and yes we did!!!

Did you,not only apologize to Lictor(Kanadischer) just last week for Ghosthacked rightfully calling him a white supremacist on the "what's on your mind" board outside?

Why...Yes you did and anyone here who saw that will back me up...

And did you not agree with Lictor(and Andrew Breitbart) when he started the Shirly Sherrod thread and actually say "Godspeed Andrew Breitbart",even though he was found out to be nothing more than a race baiting charlatan...

Why yes you did!!

So...Professor Kitzel...This is'nt about you being able to nail me on being a two dimensional ideologue,because just like the Burn the Koran thread,you don't have the intellectual capacity to do so!

This is about you,and your juvenile and cowardly mental state,being exposed again.This is obvious ,yet again,as you stoop to cryptic penile references...

It's the last feeble shots by a beaten little boy...

So Professor...Could you tell us all...Issue by issue...How I'm a two dimensional ideologue???

Please be specific...

Edited by Jack Weber
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pathetic try Pliny... perhaps you need a roadmap... perhaps you could start with a lil' ole research on Alveda King and the weeks lead-up on how Beck used/abused her to promote his "I have a scheme" rally as some presumptive show of racial inclusiveness... an inclusiveness that most certainly was absent amongst the all-whitely mad-tea hatter crowd that rallied to the Beck/Palin-a-palooza.

as for your "white-knight" charge to push back against your trumped up pejorative... The shame of Alveda King

One will never know what MLK thought on the issues of gay rights and abortion. Althoguh I can hardly imagine him supporting the second. That's why Alveeda King's co-opting of her uncle's legacy rings hollow. And anybody who believes that he would have agreed with the pro-military tone of the rallye needs to take a second look at what he said and what he wrote. If anything, if he was still alive today, he would likely be near the top of the list of people Beck and Co. deem not patriotic enough.

Edited by CANADIEN
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Let's see,'ol Perfesser...

I call NAZI sympathizers Fascists...Do NAZI's fit the bill of Fascist...Hmmm??

Why...Yes they do!!!

So you'll have to point out where I'm incorrect there...

Do I call the Chinese Crypto-Fascists??...They have eschewed the Maoist past for free(er) markets,private property ownership,and increasing nationalism coupled with continued authoritarianism....Does that fit the bill of a prototypical Fascist...Hmm???

Why...Yes it does!!!

Lictor (Kanadischer) has consistently posted about European supremacy and the inferority of other races(pocked face baboon and ape,were his terms,I believe)...Does that qualify as racist and did I(and alot of others) confront it head on???

Why...Yes it is and yes we did!!!

Did you,not only apologize to Lictor(Kanadischer) just last week for Ghosthacked rightfully calling him a white supremacist on the "what's on your mind" board outside?

Why...Yes you did and anyone here who saw that will back me up...

And did you not agree with Lictor(and Andrew Breitbart) when he started the Shirly Sherrod thread and actually say "Godspeed Andrew Breitbart",even though he was found out to be nothing more than a race baiting charlatan...

Why yes you did!!

So...Professor Kitzel...This is'nt about you being able to nail me on being a two dimensional ideologue,because just like the Burn the Koran thread,you don't have the intellectual capacity to do so!

This is about you,and your juvenile and cowardly mental state,being exposed again.This is obvious ,yet again,as you stoop to cryptic penile references...

It's the last feeble shots by a beaten little boy...

So Professor...Could you tell us all...Issue by issue...How I'm a two dimensional ideologue???

Please be specific...

Your whole post proves my point. Only an ideologue would compose such a demented diatribe. Hey Smallc, having second thoughts! :lol:

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