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Toronto language diversity offers glimpse of Canada's future Read

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@Rose Lee, the city’s co-ordinator of diversity management, says one in every two Torontonians speaks a language other than English or French. The city does not see this linguistic challenge as a burden, she says, but rather as an opportunity.

“We see racial minorities as a potential talent pool, and we have to tap into that talent pool,” says Ms. Lee. “We have policies in place to provide the best quality of life for all residents regardless of background and to foster a sense of identity.”

In practical terms, what that means is multiple translations. The city’s Multilingual Services division processed 1,629 translations in 41 languages in 2007. In 2008, the division processed 1,716 translations in 40 languages.

This could offer a glimpse of the future for Canada.

According to projections by Statistics Canada, Canada’s population will become increasingly diverse by 2031, with nearly half of Canadians aged 15 and over either foreign born or with at least one foreign-born parent (up to 46% from 39% in 2006.) About 55% of this foreign-born population would be born in Asia.

Under the range of growth scenarios predicted by the statisticians, between 11.4 million and 14.4 million people could belong to visible minority groups by 20131, more than double the 5.3 million visible minorities in 2006.

The projections also suggest that more than three-quarters of the population will have a mother tongue that is neither French nor English—a further challenge to the country’s official languages policies, which funds those languages at the expense of multilingual needs.

Immigrant children learn one of the country’s two official languages relatively easily as children, says Henry Yu, an associate history professor at the University of British Columbia, but then they’re effectively rendered monolingual by years of English- or French-only schooling and the encouragement to leave their mother tongue behind.

Ms. Rose said the city’s multilingual services are a model for other jurisdictions.

“We have delegations coming every year from different parts of Canada and all over the world,” to see how the city grapples with its multicultural face, she said.

But the path to that laudable goal is not without its challenges.

A “Google Translate” button on the City of Toronto web site allows users to translate city information into 51 languages. This mechanical translation can, however, be imprecise. For example, Google translated the English phrase, “Feel at home,” into French as “N’hesitez pas à la maison” which means, roughly, “Don’t stay home.”

A comments section on the city’s web site includes this complaint: “Toronto being the multicultural city, I am surprised to see that among 51 languages Bengali was one of the languages not provided in the website as an option. I know many immigrants from Bangladesh who come and find themselves isolated in the Toronto website, so adding Bengali language option would be of a great help.”

Another user writes, “Why not in Tamil language? You are providing services for very less population than Tamils but not in Tamil where as more than 300,000 Tamils live in Toronto.”

Toronto has not measured satisfaction with its translation efforts, but Ms. Lee suggested that more recent immigrants may have less need for translation.

“More than half the immigrants arriving in the City of Toronto are foreign-trained professionals,” she said. “They bring with them language skills.”"

wait a minute?!???!:

"The city does not see this linguistic challenge as a burden, she says, but rather as an opportunity." (LOL!)

Does Tonronto remember the two Quebec referendums for sovereignty? you’d think they’d realize that linguistic diversity does not unify a country but leave it to near-do-well liberals!

I have a better solution… insist that immigrants to Canada learn and become proficient in either English or French, depending on where they settle. Whoops, sorry, that’s racist, isn’t it? We can’t possibly demand anything FROM third-world immigrants, can we?

Edited by lictor616
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Racist...want to talk about racism? Let's have a look at the blog you either write or like to read as you advertise the URL in your profile.

World Expansion, World Contraction

The Shakyamuni described the world as going through stages of expansion and contraction.

This is not unlike what was described by our European sages Goethe and Spengler who detailed the exact same phenomena.

Europa expanded with the Crusades and flourished with the limpieza de sangre. Clearly, she metastasized in 1789; a last flicker of light was Metternich, but 1914 sealed the deal.

What came afterwards was not Europa; not Hyperborean - It was American, which is to say purely mechanical, modern and anti-traditional.

Now even this bastard child of Europa is about to go under.

I hate the mall but I went the other day (to avoid the heat with my family) and I saw flora and fauna that I didn't even know existed.

A mudshark with the ass the size of hottentot Venus, towing (I shit you not) five nigglets. The preppy white kids didn't notice this, but little do they know that those beasts are going to grow up on welfare, stealing, killing and spreading AIDS and they will have to foot the multimillion dollar bill.

It is the welfare state that makes the expansion of this exotic wildlife possible.

Right now the bubble is so big I can feel it bursting at the seams, which is good.

It is good, because civilization can endure bad leaders, debt, meaningless wars, but it cannot endure blood-poisoning. Our European blood is our most prized posession.

When the bubble bursts; the quicker the better. Lets rip this goddamn bandaid off as quick as possible.

I pray for the dissolution of this empire and a return to the land, a return to Tradition, and a limpieza de sangre that dwarfs that of Spain.

I know that I have many brothers out there that feel the same way as me, but we must take over the apparatus of the government and not hide out in the woods anymore.

The time for palingenesis is around the corner if we all work to hold the line.

If this stuff isn't neo-nazi racist garbage, then what is it?

Edited by nicky10013
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Racist...want to talk about racism? Let's have a look at the blog you either write or like to read as you advertise the URL in your profile.

If this stuff isn't neo-nazi racist garbage, then what is it?


He's that,as well...

But he's also one part white supremecist plus one part pseudointellectual European elitist....

What a spectacularily ugly and distasteful combination...

And hoisted on his own petard,I might add... :lol:

Spectacular work,Nicky!!! B)

Edited by Jack Weber
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He's that,as well...

But he's also one part white supremecist plus one part pseudointellectual European elitist....

What a spectacularily ugly and distasteful combination...

And hoisted on his own petard,I might add... :lol:

Spectacular work,Nicky!!! B)

At first it's fun to beat lictor on logic, but he never stops and you eventually realize that it's not debate that you're engaging in, it's garbage collection. The arguments are paper thin, the proponent refuses to acknowledge mistakes or progress to the next level And the interest in continuing with picking up trash soon wanes.

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You gotta wonder.

Lictor does not say much about Asians and the like .... If he did I would call him an equal opportunistic racist, but for what we see, he just singles out the blacks. Is this a reasonable conclusion?

Well...That's his cover to say he' not a bigot.He'll say something like he has great admiration for Japan,and its xenophobic,racially pure attitudes.He'll say has has grudging respect for Jews and their adaptability...

But he never says that either of those groups might have surpassed(or equalled) Europeans,by the way,Judaism is a faith,not a race...

In the same breath,he'll claim that Jews were behind Communism,and the NAZI's were correct to do what they did...And even if the NAZI's were barbaric,he tries some morally relativistic tap dance that allows him to think the NAZI's were'nt bad because Stalin killed more people in equally barbaric fashion.

It's clear he has complete and total disdain for anyone of African descent...

At he end of the day,he's still nothing ore than a run of the mill white supremecist...I don't care if he is articulate and erudite on the subject,because it's wasted intelligence...He's no better,or worse,than the average toothless Klansmen who believes the same thing...

It's all just ways of justifying their collective bigotry...

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Multi lingual?

Who cares

As long as they can communicate in one of the official languages - and depending upon where they live it is the one that works best - it is a tempest in a tea pot.

All of this is the fault of that traitorous bastard trudeau - and we have another one wanting to play God in the near future

Instead of encouraging people to become canadians we told them to keep their baggage and create mini ghettos that emulate their old country.


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Multi lingual?

Who cares

As long as they can communicate in one of the official languages - and depending upon where they live it is the one that works best - it is a tempest in a tea pot.

All of this is the fault of that traitorous bastard trudeau - and we have another one wanting to play God in the near future

Instead of encouraging people to become canadians we told them to keep their baggage and create mini ghettos that emulate their old country.


Funny, the "mini ghettos" that create the most crime, in Toronto at least, are the immigrants from Jamaica. I don't know if you knew this, but they actually speak English. As for the rest of the "mini-ghettos" I happen to like the cultural diversity. I can get Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Eastern European, Carribbean, Indian etc. all within a couple of blocks from each other. Not to mention the different types of supermarkets and other businesses. Indeed, they're adding to the community. Just because english isn't their first language doesn't mean they detract from the social order.

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Well...That's his cover to say he' not a bigot.He'll say something like he has great admiration for Japan,and its xenophobic,racially pure attitudes.He'll say has has grudging respect for Jews and their adaptability...

I spent a sorry and dank afternoon reading post after post on this site:


....and while I don't recommend it, it was mildly illuminating.

The hatred for the Jews is palpable; but as you say, many (maybe most) Supremacists do have some respect for them. The Jews are bad, but smart, capable, etc.

Whereas Africans, African-Americans, as well as Arabs, are held in the lowliest of contempt.

What passed for a "moral dilemma" among these guys was in choosing how to tackle the Israeli-Palestine issue: on the one hand, the Jews are evil; but on the other hand, the Arabs are subhuman savages.....

:) These guys are geniuses.

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I spent a sorry and dank afternoon reading post after post on this site:


....and while I don't recommend it, it was mildly illuminating.

The hatred for the Jews is palpable; but as you say, many (maybe most) Supremacists do have some respect for them. The Jews are bad, but smart, capable, etc.

Whereas Africans, African-Americans, as well as Arabs, are held in the lowliest of contempt.

What passed for a "moral dilemma" among these guys was in choosing how to tackle the Israeli-Palestine issue: on the one hand, the Jews are evil; but on the other hand, the Arabs are subhuman savages.....

:) These guys are geniuses.

I quickly glanced at that link... wow that is one messed up forum lol.

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:) Yeah, not especially pleasant.

To be fair, it is not, I don't think, specifically a racist site; while clearly a ton of supremacists inhabit it, a lot of posters are forever arguing with them. To no avail, of course, but....

I dunno, the people arguing with them were not exactly doing so from the perspective you'd find comforting. Mostly they were also racists, just of another sort. That's just from the two threads I glanced at when you posted the link. Anyway it seems like a fairly worthless site. For all its flaws, it makes me appreciate MLW more, we at least tend to have relatively civilized discussions most of the time, rather than simply flinging racial insults back and forth.

Edited by Bonam
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I spent a sorry and dank afternoon reading post after post on this site:


....and while I don't recommend it, it was mildly illuminating.

The hatred for the Jews is palpable; but as you say, many (maybe most) Supremacists do have some respect for them. The Jews are bad, but smart, capable, etc.

Whereas Africans, African-Americans, as well as Arabs, are held in the lowliest of contempt.

What passed for a "moral dilemma" among these guys was in choosing how to tackle the Israeli-Palestine issue: on the one hand, the Jews are evil; but on the other hand, the Arabs are subhuman savages.....

:) These guys are geniuses.

What a cesspool that place is!!!

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Not even going to bother going there - I can quite imagine - however - what makes you think that a lot more canadians do not think like this?

A lot of pissed off people in canuckleland and it seems to me to be growing

All you have to do is walk down any street in a major city to see it and hear it


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Not even going to bother going there - I can quite imagine - however - what makes you think that a lot more canadians do not think like this?

A lot of pissed off people in canuckleland and it seems to me to be growing

Heh, there is a long way between being "pissed off" and being what the people on that forum are.

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Heh, there is a long way between being "pissed off" and being what the people on that forum are.

I think that forum is probably the tip of the iceburg - in fact canuckleland is turning into a place that is not so nice - except in fairy tales and old time memories - you guys did it to yourselves in my opinion


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I think that forum is probably the tip of the iceburg - in fact canuckleland is turning into a place that is not so nice - except in fairy tales and old time memories - you guys did it to yourselves in my opinion


At least you've cryptically admitted that you're one of those who does'nt have the courage to come out and say what you think.The bigots like Lictor are'nt that dangerous becasue they put themselves out there and can be dealt with.

The cowardly pukes who put on the mask and smile cordially at their "different" neighbour,but mutter the same epithets under their breath are the real problem....

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At least you've cryptically admitted that you're one of those who does'nt have the courage to come out and say what you think.The bigots like Lictor are'nt that dangerous becasue they put themselves out there and can be dealt with.

The cowardly pukes who put on the mask and smile cordially at their "different" neighbour,but mutter the same epithets under their breath are the real problem....


Free insults come and get them

What exactly do I think? How would you even come close to imagining or knowing?

Not so sure I am a cowardly puke - I am not even sure why you would believe I am one who would not say what I think - in fact I was pretty sure I did.

I do however think canuckleland is going downhill and I believe it will get worse - if only because I am seeing people become a lot more angry. Do you believe it is just the whites who nod cordially at their new neighbour - or is it colour across the board?

You obviously read me very wrong but that is fine - send more insults my way - I do not even live in Canada right now - left it a couple years ago - just have the usual business and financial connections left behind. In fact I make a lot of money from canuckleheads - pay some serious taxes and take as much out of the country as I can. Following all the rules to the letter - I break none - but I manage to get substantial monies out for investment elsewhere.

You might be surprized at what I really do for a living but that is fine - I have cash, homes and a good family life - far removed from most troubles.

You on the other hand appear to be ready to jump on every imaginary between the line comment - what makes you think I was stating anything other than what I wrote?

Because I can assure you I had no hidden motive in my response - despite your thoughts.


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Free insults come and get them

What exactly do I think? How would you even come close to imagining or knowing?

Not so sure I am a cowardly puke - I am not even sure why you would believe I am one who would not say what I think - in fact I was pretty sure I did.

I do however think canuckleland is going downhill and I believe it will get worse - if only because I am seeing people become a lot more angry. Do you believe it is just the whites who nod cordially at their new neighbour - or is it colour across the board?

You obviously read me very wrong but that is fine - send more insults my way - I do not even live in Canada right now - left it a couple years ago - just have the usual business and financial connections left behind. In fact I make a lot of money from canuckleheads - pay some serious taxes and take as much out of the country as I can. Following all the rules to the letter - I break none - but I manage to get substantial monies out for investment elsewhere.

You might be surprized at what I really do for a living but that is fine - I have cash, homes and a good family life - far removed from most troubles.

You on the other hand appear to be ready to jump on every imaginary between the line comment - what makes you think I was stating anything other than what I wrote?

Because I can assure you I had no hidden motive in my response - despite your thoughts.


Sorry Borg...

I reread some of your posts on the subject and you're not entirely wrong...

Dealing with the likes of Lictor and Shady have me looking for stuff that might not be there...

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I dunno, the people arguing with them were not exactly doing so from the perspective you'd find comforting. Mostly they were also racists, just of another sort. That's just from the two threads I glanced at when you posted the link. Anyway it seems like a fairly worthless site. For all its flaws, it makes me appreciate MLW more, we at least tend to have relatively civilized discussions most of the time, rather than simply flinging racial insults back and forth.

Well, there are a few people purporting to be black and mocking the supremnacists as "crackers", talking about the superiority of the black man, and so on; but, while obviously I can't prove it, I suspect these are merely people going on the offensive, rather than addressing their actual beleifs. Of course, we'll never know for sure...but racists invoke this sort of resposne, whether real or not.

And yes, I agree with you about the comparisons between sites. Sites like that one simply aren't for me, even aside from the racists.

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I think an important distinction needs to be made between personal bilingualism and organizational bilingualism.

Any organization intent on functioning efficiently needs a common language. On that front, though I'd say Bill 101 goes way too far, the idea of making French Quebec's sole official language of government administration I think was a bright idea, an the rest of Canada could learn from that. From that standpoint, it would only make sense for the city of Toronto to adopt English as its official language of government administration.

That being said, obviously while we want to ensure all Torontonians know the local official language, clearly personal bilingualism in many different languages can be beneficial for the city as then international companies and the local international tourism industry can access the skilled workers needed for a wide range of jobs.

Without that distinction, the thread can't even start.

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Well, there are a few people purporting to be black and mocking the supremnacists as "crackers", talking about the superiority of the black man, and so on; but, while obviously I can't prove it, I suspect these are merely people going on the offensive, rather than addressing their actual beleifs. Of course, we'll never know for sure...but racists invoke this sort of resposne, whether real or not.

Heh, why so quick to give the benefit of the doubt to black racists while so quick to assume the worst about white ones? Both are equally despicable, as that forum well demonstrates, in my opinion.

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